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Fall 2000 - Spouse's Tours
Welcome ladies to the 108th meeting of the ICC. We have two outstanding
tours available for you with the details listed below. Do not forget that a complimentary
breakfast is also provided each morning beginning on Monday. We hope to see you at The Don
CeSar in October.
- Monday, October 30
$35.00 per person alcoholic beverages purchased on an individual basis
It is not true that the men are going to the dogs, however, the spouses are going to the
dog races. Participants will board the bus at the South Entrance of the hotel beginning at
10:45 AM and the bus will leave promptly at 11:00 AM. Participants will receive a behind
the scenes tour of the facility to include seeing the dogs weighed in for their race. You
will then enjoy a private lunch in the totally enclosed VIP room. Your own Pari-Mutual
Clerk and Bartender are assigned to the room so you can relax, have lunch, and view the
races through large picture windows. Lunch will include a cup of soup de jour, a trifecta
salad (a combination of chicken, tuna & seafood salads in a tortilla shell),coffee or
Tea, and Key Lime pie. The bus will depart around 3:30 arriving back at the hotel by 4:00
Tuesday, October 31
$45.00 per person - alcoholic beverages purchased on an individual basis
The bus will depart the hotel promptly at 9:00 AM. The first stop will be at the Tarpon
Springs Cultural Center built in 1915. You will view their current exhibit and a film on
Tarpon Springs. Next you will tour St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral. You will see the
famous weeping icon of St. Nicholas and hear the story of the miracles surrounding it.
There will then be time for shopping on main street followed by lunch at the Oxford Tea
House. After lunch you will be treated to a drive by tour of Victorian Homes along Spring
Bayou and the sponge docks. Next you will receive a seminar on how to shop for a sponge
followed by some free time to shop on the sponge docks. You will reboard the bus at 3:00,
returning to the hotel by 4:00 PM.
Hope to see you soon.
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