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Insulated Conductors Committee - Fall 2001 T&D Show
Download a printer-friendly,
condensed version of the ICC activities, the Meeting-at-a-Glance (updated 10/26/2001)
Check this page periodically to learn about the Presentations scheduled for
the Fall meeting.
Please Note: This is a only a listing of the presentations and
- Special Announcements
- WG A2D - Participants and Interested
Parties of Working Group A2D, Characteristics of Semiconductive Shields for Power
As past participants / attendees to the Working Group A2D efforts,
Harry Orton and Cindy Flenniken (Chair and Co-Chair) would like to invite you to attend a
discussion session. This session is to be held from 10:30 - 12:00 noon on Wednesday
October 31st at the fall 2001 ICC Meeting in Atlanta (in the Georgia World Congress Center
- Rm. 266). The purpose of this discussion meeting is to brainstorm the future direction /
charter of this group. In order to stimulate discussion, a short presentation on Shields
for Filled Elastomeric Insulations will be provided. Other topics / areas of interest were
listed by our members at the last Subcommittee A meeting in Detroit April 2001. However,
many of these topics are either already covered by other groups or are outside the scope
outlined for A2D. Our question is "where do we take A2D to provide the optimum
benefit to our members?" Historically there have been presentations on specific
shield technologies (often related to different suppliers' products), but less focus on
fundamentals of semiconductive shields. Do we want to focus more on these shield
performance fundamentals or have we successfully completed the mandate of A2D
(Characteristics of Semiconductive Shields for Power Cables)? If we have completed our
mandate, we should move to close this working group and select a topic currently relevant
and of interest to our industry. Please join us at this discussion group meeting to tailor
the future direction of Subcommittee A2D to meet the changing needs and interests of our
Harry Orton, Chair A2D; Orton Engineering
Cindy Flenniken, Co-Chair A2D; General Cable Corporation
- WG C10D - Sunil Pancholi will not be able
to hold the session of the Sub C10D discussion group on Network Manhole Fires
previously scheduled for Thursday at 10:30 a.m..
- Panel Sessions - Tuesday, 9:00 am
- 5:00 pm
- 9:00-12:00 noon - Companion Devices Using the Separable Connector Interface
Chair: Thomas Champion thomas.champion@neetrac.gatech.edu
Abstract: A number of companion devices are available that connect to the underground
distribution system using the interfaces defined in IEEE Standards 386. However, IEEE 386
does not cover the function or operation of these devices beyond the interface. Panelists
will discuss a number of these unusual or exotic devices, their function and
how they can be used on a distribution system. Examples of such devices include
encapsulated interrupter switches, arresters, fuses, etc.
- Panelist: Roy Jazowski, Hubbell Power Systems Topic: The
Application and Test Requirements of MOV Elbow Arresters Used to Protect URD Systems
- Panelist: Ken Banas, Thomas & Betts, Elastimold Division Topic: Cable
Accessory Products and Circuit Protective Devices for Underground Distribution Systems
- Panelist: John Makal, Cooper Power Systems Topic: Protection and
Operation of the Underground System Using Separable Connector Technology
- Panelist: John Markham, G&W Electric Company Topic: Companion
Devices for Protection, Switching, Transition and Joining of Circuits Using the Separable
Connector Interface
9:00-12:00 noon - Latest Advancements in URD Technologies
Chair: Art Westrom westrom@mindspring.com
Abstract: To include solid insulation (oil free) submersible distribution transformers,
cable fault detection using a single point monitor and also advanced FCI devices,
economical distribution automation communications through the national cellular network
- Panelist: Andre Dupont, CITEQ & A.C. Westrom,
Westrom Technologies Topic: Total URD Has Become a Reality with the Submersible Solid
Insulation Transformer
- Panelist: Gene Baker, Florida Power, J.P. Steiner & Dan
Rockwell, RMS Inc. Topic: Validated Performance of the Fault Distance Monitor
for URD Cable Circuits
- Panelist: Dave Donovan, Fisher Pierce Topic: Economical
Distribution Automation Utilizing the Nation's Cellular Network Systems
- Panelist: M.S. Mashikian, Imcorp Topic: Preventative Diagnostic
Testing of Underground Cables
- Panelist: Fran Angerer & Bob Ducan, Power Delivery Products Topic: Utilization
of Faulted Circuit Indicator Products
9:00-12:00 noon - Field Experience with the New ANSI/ICEA Standard
Chair: William Taylor wltaylor1@mmm.com
Abstract: Cable manufacturers, utilities, and accessory manufacturers will address their
experiences with the new standard. What works well, what areas to address to avoid
problems, etc., when installing cable to the new ICEA standard will be discussed by the
- Panelist: Lauri Hiivala, Nexans Topic: New ICEA Standard for Power
- Panelist: Ed Walcott, BICC General Topic: A Manufacturers
- Panelist: Richie Harp, TXU Electric & Gas Topic: How the New
ANSI/ICEA Cable Standards Will Affect Utility Cable and Accessories
- Panelist: John Spence, BG&E Topic: Impact on BGE's Cable
Accessories Resulting from the new ANSI/ICEA Cable Standards
- Panelist: Michael Malia, Thomas & Betts, Elastimold Division Topic:
Effects of the New Cable Standard Dimensions on Slip-On Size Selection
- Panelist: Bill Taylor, 3M Topic: Design of Splices and Terminations
and Effects of New Cable Standard on Sizing Accessories
- Panelist: AJ "Jim" Braun, Northern States Power, Topic: Impact
of ANSI/ICEA Standard to Utility Splice Selection.
2:00-5:00 p.m. - New Cable Accessory Equipment
Chair: Robert Gear gear@aol.com
Abstract: Panel discussion on advances new cable accessory products introduced since since
the 1999 Transmission and Distribution Conference.
- Panelist: Mike Jackson, Elastimold Topic: New Concepts in Three
Phase Multi-Way Solid Dielectric Switchgear
- Panelist: Don Johnsen, ComEd Topic: Precast Concrete Technology Use
to Accelerate Pipe Cable Construction
- Panelist: Milian Uzelac, G&W Electric Topic: Transmission Cable
Termination using Composite Insulator
- Panelists: Robert Gear & Joseph DiCostanzo, USi Topic: Development
of a 230kV Termination for High Pressure Gas Pipe Cable
2:00-5:00 p.m. - Conflict Between ASTM F855 Grounding Requirements and IEEE 386
Separable Connectors
Chair: Thomas Champion thomas.champion@neetrac.gatech.edu
Abstract: Issues have arisen about the possible application of the requirements in ASTM
Standard F855 to the temporary protective grounds used on underground distribution
systems. Many of the grounding devices used on URD systems comply with the requirements in
IEEE Standard 386 for separable connectors. There appear to be some conflicts between the
requirements in these two standards. The issue is further clouded by the requirements in
OSHA regulations for protective grounds, which reference the ASTM F855 standard. Panelists
will discuss the various sides of this issue and possible ways of resolving the
- Panelist: Roy Jazowski, Hubbell Power Systems Topic: Conflict
Between IEEE 386 and ASTM F855, The Connector Manufacturer's Perspective - Separable
Connectors Used as Grounding Devices
- Panelist: Frank Stepniak, Thomas & Betts, Elastimold Division
Topic: Conflict Between IEEE 386 and ASTM F855, the IEEE 386 Perspective - Grounding
Device Rating for 200A and 600A Separable Connectors
- Panelist: Ewell Robeson, Carolina P&L Company Topic: Grounding
for the Protection of Employees, IEEE 386/ANSI C119.2 versus OSHA 1910.269/ASTM F855
- Panelist: Dave Wallis, US Department of Labor, OSHA Topic: Conflict
Between IEEE 386 and ASTM F855 - The Perspective from the Regulatory Side, Differences
Between IEEE 386 Elbow Use for Grounding Applications And ASTM F855 Grounding Equipment
- Panelist: Clayton King, Hubbell Power Systems Topic: Conflict
Between IEEE 386 and ASTM F855 The ASTM F855 Perspective
- Panelist: Dennis Pratt, Southern Company Topic: Conflict between
IEEE 386 and ASTM F855 The Perspective of a Large Investor Owned Utility
- Educational Program, -
Tuesday, 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
- Basic Electrical Characteristics Part II
Carl C. Landinger, Hendrix Wire & Cable
Abstract: Power cables are utilized by the application of voltage and current on the
cable. The presence of voltage and current is accompanied by electrostatic and magnetic
fields. These both act upon, and are acted upon by, cable, materials, geometry and
adjacent facilities. This course gives a brief overview of the electrical characteristics
of single conductor power cables and a discussion of the impact of adjacent cables and
facilities. The student is made aware of several important characteristics in order to
take them into account when considering specific cable applications.
- Fundamentals of Electrical Insulation Materials
Bruce S. Bernstein, Consultant
Abstract: This is the second in a series of presentations on "Fundamentals of
Electrical Insulation Materials". The previous seminar (spring, 2000) reviewed
the basics of polyolefins. This presentation will cover two topics: (1) Compare the basic
properties of paper/oil insulation with that of polyolefins; the natural polymer
(cellulose) and synthetic polymers (based on ethylene) are significantly different in
manufacture, processing and in cable aging behavior, as well as response to diagnostic
tests. (2) Fundamental electrical properties of Polyethylene including response to low and
high voltage stress.
- Opening Session,
Wednesday 8:00 am - 9:00 am
- Welcome - Mike Walker, ICC Chairman
- Awards - Lauri Hiivala
- ICC Orientation - Rick Hartlein, Immediate Past ICC Chairman
- Invitation to 2003 T&D Show in Dallas, Texas - TXU Executive (to be named later)
- Special Guest Speaker - Dr. Teddy Puttgen - IEEE Vice-President of
- Subcommittee A - Cable
Construction and Design, Thursday 8:30 am - 11:50 am
- 8:30 - 8:45 - Subcommittee Business
- 8:45 - 10:15 Panel Session: "Non-Partial Discharge
Diagnostic Testing: Utility Field Experience".
Abstract: There has been much recent interest, activity and development work in the area
of partial discharge diagnostic testing of power cables and accessories. Continuous
advancements promise to locate discrete defects and increased success is being realized.
At the same time, there have been significant improvements in development of non-partial
discharge cable condition assessment tools, but awareness does not seem to be as high
among users. This panel session will describe the main non-PD tests that can be applied to
determine global cable insulation condition, and the recent experience of
power utilities who have applied them in the field. Introduction: Overview of
Diagnostic Testing of MV Power Cables
John Densley, Arborlec Solutions
Abstract: Distribution cable systems represent a large capital investment for electrical
utilities. Electrical utilities are presently being faced with decisions to maintain,
repair, refurbish, or replace their cable systems. To assess the condition of a cable
system requires an understanding the aging mechanisms and also the development of
diagnostic tests. According to a 1994 report of CIGRE WG 21:04, the purpose of a
diagnostic test is to evaluate and locate degradation phenomena that will cause
cable or accessory failure. Diagnostic tests usually measure or monitor one or more
properties of the insulation system that are related to aging and/or failure. Some tests
measure localized degradation, for example, partial discharges at contaminants, voids or
protrusions, while others measure an overall property, for example tan delta (loss,
dissipation or power factor). These topics will be discussed in the presentation.
Panelist Presentations:
- Cable Testing Experience at PPL Utilities
John Hinkle, PPL Utilities
Abstract: PPL has approximately 9 million feet (1060 km) of aging, directly buried, bare
concentric neutral 15KV cable, in service. Cable failures have been increasing and up
until recently, the fix was to replace all cable sections in a system where multiple
failures have occurred. In 1999, PPL developed a cable testing and repair initiative where
we test the cable sections in troublesome systems using time domain reflectometry tests to
assess the condition of the bare concentric neutral, and apply both partial discharge and
power factor tests to determine insulation condition. Test results determine whether a
cable is suitable for continued service, whether it can be silicone injected to extend its
life, or whether it needs to be replaced. Thus, the initiative is improving system
reliability at a much lower cost compared to replacement of all cables.
- Correlation Between Leakage Current and Breakdown Voltage of Service Aged 15 kV XLPE
Distribution Cables
William McDermid, Manitoba Hydro
Abstract: The measurement of leakage current using direct-voltages at or below the peak of
the service voltage can be a useful indicator of the condition of service aged XLPE
distribution cables. In 1995 leakage current was measured on a number of lengths of
unjacketed 15 kV cable installed in duct. Following the salvage of the cable, breakdown
tests were made using 60 Hz voltage. The breakdowns occurred at large vented water trees.
On unfaulted lengths of the cable, leakage current in the order of 20 nA was attributed to
individual large vented water trees. In 1999 leakage current was measured on a number of
unjacketed 15 kV direct buried cables. Subsequently, breakdown tests were made on equal
amounts of cable using 0.1 Hz sine wave voltage and 0.1 Hz cos-rectangular voltage.
Weibull distributions of the breakdown voltages indicate that for this cable similar
values of * were obtained using the two wave shapes when the voltages were expressed in
peak terms. Some correlation was observed between leakage current and the magnitude of the
breakdown voltage.
- Field Experience with a Condition Based Maintenance Program of a 20 kV XLPE
Distribution System Utilizing the IRC-Analysis
Dr. Ing. Peter Birkner, LECH Elektrizitaetswerke AG (Subsidiary of
RWE), Augsburg, Germany
Abstract: Asset management strategies are among the most important tools to address the
economical, reliability and operational requirements of extensive distribution networks,
in the environment of increasing deregulation. The key objectives are full
utilization/exploitation of available network reserves, investment for expansion and
maintenance, including cable replacement. The paper will focus on the methodology and the
results of a condition based preventive maintenance concept as part of the overall asset
management strategy.
- Moderated Discussions: Questions and Ansewers with Audience and Panelists
- 10:15 - 10:30 Break
- 10:30 - 10:50 - Improved XLPE Insulation for High Voltage Cable
P.J. Caronia, J.M. Cogen, DOW
Abstract: For high voltage transmission cables, crosslinked polyethylene is the material
of choice because of its excellent electrical insulating properties, superb mechanical
properties, absence of environmental concerns and low cost. Material suppliers, equipment
suppliers and cable manufactures are continuously searching for methods to advance the
manufacturing of high voltage crosslinked polyethylene cables. A new crosslinkable
polyethylene insulation material has been developed that provides significant advantages
for the cable manufacturing operation and cable quality while maintaining the excellent
dielectric properties expected for XLPE..
- 10:50 - 11:10 - Seam Welded Aluminum Water Barrier
Pierre Argaut, Sagem
Abstract: In order to provide a radial sealing barrier, a longitudinally welded aluminum
foil bonded to a polyethylene outersheath is offered as an alternate solution to the
traditional lead sheath technique. Two technologies have been developed for the French
network: the first combines a layer of aluminum or copper wires placed under a foil of the
order of 500 µm thick; the second uses a thicker non-corrugated foil sized to dissipate
the short circuit current. Both technologies have passed the tests of the screen-sheath
complex according to French standard C 33-253 [2] and CIGRE recommendations published in
Electra No. 141 of April 1992 by CIGRE Working Group 21-14. For both solutions , it is
confirmed that the corrugation, that limits heat dissipation and introduces difficulties
for laying, is not necessary and that allowable curvatures are identical to allowable
curvatures for cables with a lead sheath.
- 11:10 - 11:30 400 kV AC Qualification Tests for EDF's INCA Project
Pierre Miarbeau, Daniel Paulin, Nexans France
Abstract: A description will be given of the ongoing qualification and cyclic ageing test
program for the 400 kV XLPE cables to be used for EDF's INCA project. The cable has a 200
sq mm conductor and a welded aluminum tape water barrier. The test program includes a
pre-qualification test loop containing 2 outdoor terminations with composite 'porcelains',
two GIS terminations and two premoulded joints.
- 11:30 - 11:50 DC Solid Dielectric Cable Design for HV and EHV Land
Applications - Discussion Paper
Daniel Paulin, Nexans France
Abstract: There is a growing need for HVDC land cables, both for the shore sections of
major DC submarine interconnections and for new applications of HVDC Light and HVDC Plus
systems, using voltage source converters. The presenter will discuss recent developments
in the advancement of DC cable construction and design, up to the 500 kVDC level.
- Meeting Adjourn
- Subcommittee B - Accessories,
Thursday 2:15 pm - 5:30 pm
- 2:15 - 2:30 - Subcommittee Business
- 2:30 - 5:30 - Panel Session - Diagnostic Testing of Accessories
Chair: Harry Orton and Willem Boone
Opening/Keynote Address: Harry Orton, OCEI
Abstract: Partial discharge testing of in-site power cable accessories is an emerging
technology. Many diagnostic systems are being developed, both off-line and on-line, that
are providing much data. These data need interpretation and understanding as the
technology emerges. This panel session will address some of the commercially available
diagnostic methods and cover the field experiences with these diagnostics. Both PILC and
polymeric insulated cables are included in the discussion.
Panelist Presentations:
- PD in Cable Accessories
Nezarahmed, DTE Energy
Abstract: Cable accessories are more borne to PD induced failures than cables. In cable
accessories, PD is often generated from cavities within the dielectric, from the
propagation of electrical tress, tracking along side interfaces and from floating metal
parts. The magnitude of PD produced in cable accessories varies significantly depending on
the type of defect producing such PD. For example, a few pC is produce by a cavity within
the dielectric while a tracking problem is often produces PD as high as thousands
pCs. To assess the risk associated with the PD in cable accessories, the detection
system should be capable of identifying the type of defect producing the detected PD. The
risk assessment should further be tuned using the load condition during testing and also
the operating history of the cable system.
Cable accessories consist of components either made at the site or factory pre-made and
assembled at the site. The thermal expansion of these components both radically and
longitudinally are different from the cable components. In the case of cable splice, the
heat generated in the splice from the carrying current (load) is more than what is
generated in the cable. Most of the insulation defects associated with the cable
accessories were found to be temperature dependent. In general, the scale of defect is
more pronounced as the cable load increased. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to test
cable accessories at normal operating load.
- PD Test Data Obtained at 50/60HZ on PILC and Extruded Cable Accessories
Matt Mashikian, IMCORP
Abstract: The presentation covers PD tests performed at 50/60Hz in the field, followed by
physical observation or additional tests performed in a laboratory. The report covers both
PILC and extruded cable accessories. The PILC cables were tested during 2001 on behalf of
one single client. Correlation between PD test data obtained in the field and physical
examinations or subsequent service performance will be discussed. The PD tests on extruded
cable accessories cover research performed on behalf of EPRI. Field data are correlated
with physical examinations and additional tests performed in a laboratory. Although the
presentation will focus mainly on distribution cable accessories, some PD test information
performed on transmission cables will be provided as well.
- PD Field Testing of Accessories, An Effective Diagnostic Tool!
Willem Boone, KEMA
Abstract: Accessories are risky elements in cable systems. Because of major differences
between cable and related accessories in the way of production/installation ,the way of
testing after installation and thermal mechanical behaviour during operation, the
accessories are less reliable and quite often cause of failure.
Therefore a sensitive technique has to be made available to indicate and to locate risk of
failure of accessories in service. PD field testing appears to be the only available
technique that satisfies such requirements, because by measuring and locating PD
activities, suspect accessories can be exchanged before a failure occurs. By doing so
outages can be avoided and maintenance costs can be reduced.
A point of serious attention is the interpretation of the measured information and the
conversion into practical recommendations. So called "data base stored knowledge
rules" are needed to offer a solid basis to the right decisions about desirable
condition based maintenance activities: to exchange suspect accessories not too early but
certainly not too late.
During this presentation after an introduction about the technical detection method (VLF
PDD) and the special position of accessories in the cable system, attention will be
focussed on the knowledge rules and a few examples will be given about their successful
application. Finally something will be said about the future developments of PD field
testing as diagnostic tool for accessories.
- Effectiveness of High Voltage Field Testing
Craig Goodwin, HV Diagnostics
Abstract: A case study showing the effectiveness of high voltage field testing using a
Very Low Frequency (VLF) partial discharge (PD) diagnostic technique. In August 2000 a VLF
PD measurement system detected weak splices in a newly installed 30kV XLPE distribution
cable. Following a cable failure that occurred after six month of operation, a BAUR VLF
Programmable HV test system was used to measure the PD activity in the field. After these
field PD measurements were performed, laboratory tests were undertaken on a number of
these splices, the results of which will be presented. Also included in the presentation
are the results of a recent laboratory study comparing PD activity in splices under both
power frequency and at 0.1 Hz VLF conditions.
- Laboratory Evaluation of Cables and Accessories Showing Partial Discharge
Carlos Katz, Cable Technology Laboratories, Inc.
Abstract: Some of the cables and accessories found to exhibit partial discharge when
tested in the field, have found their way to the laboratory, where the area suspected to
contain the partial discharge has been subjected to one or more tests to confirm their
presence and pin-point their location. For this purpose a hand held detector was used.
Once the presence of partial discharge was confirmed, other tests such as high voltage
breakdown and/or dissection at the location of the partial discharge was conducted.
Results of these evaluations will be presented.
- Diagnostic of Overheating Underground Distribution Cable Joints
Danial Fournier, IREQ-Institut de Recherché dHydro-Quebec
Abstract: A great deal of power failures occur at cable joints in Hydro-Quebec underground
conduit. Many failures are due to degradation of the electrical connector inside cable
joint. Hdyro-Quebec started an infrared thermography program for underground cable joints.
A computer program has been developed to diagnose detective cable joints by detecting
signs of electric connections degradation before their failure.
- Subcommittee C - Cable Systems
- 2:00 pm - Announcements and General Business
- 2:05 pm - Mystic 345 kV XLPE Cable Installation
Edward Davis, Washington Group International
Abstract The presentation will discuss the construction of the first 345kV solid
dielectric underground, transmission line in the United States. The presentation covers
various steps of the transmission line installation, from concept to completion, and
includes descriptions of obstacles and how they were overcome to make the installation a
success. The focus is on dominating engineering and construction issues addressed for the
first time in this country while no standards exist for 345kV class underground
transmission line of the solid dielectric type cable construction.
- 2:25 pm - Second Generation GIL Installed in Geneva
Dr. Herman Koch, Siemens AG
Abstract: The first GIL of the second generation is now installed at the Geneva airport in
Switzerland. Close to the airport of Geneva an existing overhead line needs to be replaced
by an underground transmission system. A typical GIL application. The GIL was chosen
instead of solid insulated cable because of its main advantages of very low
electromagnetic field, no need for reactive power compensation and low resistive losses.
Also one reason in favour of the GIL has been that the operation from the point of view of
the net operation was, that no changes of the control and protection systems were
necessary. The rated voltage is 300 kV and the maximum rated current is 2500 A. The
system length of the tunnel laid GIL is half a kilometre connected at each side directly
to the overhead line by bushings. The tunnel dimensions are 2.6 m wide and 2.4 m high.
Over the total length the tunnel is bended to meet the on site directional requirements
for underground water pipes and fundaments of airport buildings. The minimum allowable
bending radius of 400 m for the GIL was sufficient to meet the requirements.
The laying procedure of the GIL is similar to those of oil or gas pipe lines, where a
high productivity measured in pipe kilometres per day or week is the scale of
measurements. This way of laying has also been used at this Geneva project. The
preassembly of GIL sections, the automated orbital welding, ultrasonic testing of the
orbital weld and the pull in method into the tunnel have all been set in line with an
clock time optimised to the site conditions.
This presentation will present information about the site prepearation, the preassembly
of the GIL segments, the welding and laying process, the on site testing and finally the
energising of the GIL. Additionally general information will be given about the use of
GIL, its technical data and typical applications. Further information is given about
the second project of GIL in Thailand for 550 kV system with 4000 A rated current.
- 2:45 pm - 115kV Underground Cable Loop in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Earle C. (Rusty) Bascom, III, Power Delivery Consultants
Abstract: The Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority is planning to install a 115kV
underground cable loop around the San Juan metropolitan area to provide more reliable
power, particularly during extreme weather conditions, including hurricanes. The work is
being co-funded by the Federal Emergency Management Authority as a proactive approach to
avoid the long restoration times faced when overhead transmission lines are damaged during
storms. The project is on a fast track for the first phase to begin construction next
year. The presentation will describe details of the project, design criteria and various
aspects of the cable system to be installed.
- 3:05 pm - Break
- 3: 20 pm - Testing of Transmission Cables in Germany
Dr. Gerhard Weissmueller and Mr. Lutz Zuehlke, Stadtwerke Karlsruhe,
Abstract: The presentation will be divided into 3 parts: (a) Typical structure of the
German110kV transmission cables and substations, and statistics covering these systems;
(b) Need for testing 110kV cable systems and benefits of non-destructive PD diagnostic
tests; (c) Brief review of existing acceptance and maintenance tests and results obtained
in specific cases with PD testing.
- 3:40 pm - Water Content in High Voltage Cable Paper - Laboratory Evaluation and
Field Determination
Lance R. Lewand, Dobble Engineering Co., Carl Manger,
Consultant to Dobble Engineering Co., Noel Monardes, FTI Consulting
Abstract: This paper discusses the laboratory evaluation of determining the water content
in Kraft paper insulated high voltage cables by bubble inception under increasing
temperatures, comparison to bubble development in transformers, and use of a field
technique to determine paper water content.
- 4:10 pm - PD Diagnostics of Distribution Power Cables Using Oscillating Voltage
Waves as an Alternative for Continuous AC Energizing
Dr Edward Gulski, University of Delft
Abstract: For improvement the supply reliability of distribution power cables the
detection, location and identification of partial discharges (PD) at an early stage are of
great importance. As a result, maintenance work can be planned which prevents unexpected
outages and decreases hence the operation costs of the cable network. From a physical
point of view PD diagnosis tests of power cables should be performed under electrical
stresses most similar to service condition. That means, on-site PD measurements would give
the most realistic results, if distribution power cables were excited by continuous 50 /
60 Hz AC test voltages. In order to decrease the capacitive power demand for energizing
the cable and hence to reduce the weight and costs of the test equipment, specific voltage
shapes have been introduced and employed since 1985. The most common applied excitation
voltages can be classified as follows:
- Continuous AC voltages of very low frequency (VLF)
- Transient switching impulse voltages (SI)
- Damped oscillating voltage waves (OVW)
For an utility interested in applying PD diagnostics for condition assessment of its
distribution power cable networks the PD measuring data transferability between 50(60) Hz
continuous energizing and the alternative excitation voltages is required. In particular
two aspects are important:
- the PD inception processes under applied alternative test voltage should be comparable
to the power frequency stress;
- the PD measurement should be performed in conformity to the IEC 60270 recommendations.
In this contribution for two different, OVW based PD analyzers important system
characteristics are evaluated e.g. PD inception conditions, detectable PD magnitudes,
procedures for detection, location and identification of PD sites in cable sections as
well as in accessories.
- 4:40 pm - Frequency Range and Test EquipmentParameters for HVAC On-Site Testing of
Extruded Cables
Dr Wolfgang Hauschild, Highvolt Pruftechnik
Abstract: The principle that a high voltage test should represent stresses in service is
valid for on-site tests of cable systems, too. Therefore the extension of the frequency
range representing power frequency from 45 ... 65 Hz (IEEE Std. 4-1995, IEC 60 060-1:
1989) to 20 ... 300 Hz for on-site HV cable testing (Draft IEC 62 067) is investigated
from the viewpoints of the PD characteristics and withstand voltages as well as from the
test voltage generation. The proposed range 20 ... 300 Hz causes only acceptable
deviations from the 50/60 Hz withstand voltage of extruded insulation and is well suited
for frequency-tuned test systems. The larger frequency range of AC test voltages should
not only included in the standards for high-voltage, but also for medium-voltage cable
- 5:00 pm - The First 230kv XLPE Cable Transmission Line In Los Angeles
Shinya Asai, Sumitomo Electric USA, Mohammad Khajavi, Vincent
Curci, and Hassen Motallebi, Los Angeles Department of Water and
Abstract: The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) and Sumitomo Electric
introduces are constructing the first 230kV XLPE underground cable system to Los Angeles.
The cables will run for 5 miles between a terminal tower in Hollywood Hills and an LADWP
receiving station in West Hollywood and mark the first time such a high voltage XLPE cable
system will be employed in Los Angeles. The cables incorporate optic fibers to monitor
cable temperature and pre-fabricated joints with epoxy insulators and rubber stress relief
cones are applied. The advantage of this type of joint is to avoid cable movement in a
steep duct or in an earthquake. Installation is scheduled for completion in April, 2002.
- Subcommittee D - Station, Control
and Utilization Cables, Wednesday 9:15 - Noon
- 9:15 - 9:35 - Subcommittee Business
- 9:35 - 9:55 - Changes in the 2002 National Electrical Code
Jim Daly, General Cable
Abstract: The 2002 National Electrical Code (Code) will be published in September
2001. This presentation will summarize the more significant changes that effect the entire
Code as well as individual changes specifically related to wire and cable. The 2002 Code
will utilize SI units as the primary units with inch-pound units secondary and the
rationale used in the conversion will be discussed. Chapter 3, Wiring Methods and
Materials, has been completely revised with all new Article numbers and consistent
section numbering within each Article.
- 9:55 - 10:15 - Penetration Firestop Testing
Scott Groesbeck, Duke Engineering
Abstract: The IEEE 634 standard provides direction for establishing a type test
for qualifying the fire endurance performance of penetration fire stops mounted in fire
resistive walls and floors. This standard is being revised to update overall test
methodology and to maintain consistency with other industry standards for testing fire
stops. This presentation will overview proposed changes to the IEEE 634 standard and will
detail such aspects as test assembly construction, furnace environment, test method and
acceptance criteria. Additionally, this presentation will point out challenges facing the
fire stop industry in light of proposed changes to the IEEE 634 standard, as well as,
potential challenges resulting from an increased use of fiber optic cables.
- 10:15 - 10:35 - Industrial Cables - A Standards Update
Austin Wetherell, UL
Abstract: This presentation will provide an update on recent revisions, both adopted and
proposed, to the UL Standards covering Industrial, Commercial, and Special Purpose cables.
- 10:35 - 10:55 - Qualification of Fiber Optic Cables for Nuclear
Power Plants - An Update
Jan Pirrong, CableLAN Products, Inc. and Jim Gleason,
GLS Inc.
Abstract: The presentation will address the application of IEEE 383-1974 to fiber
optic cables, including radiation exposure, life expectance, flame testing and quality
assurance provisions. Test results will be shown for specific exposure to radiation and
flame tests.
- 10:55 - 11:15 - Fire Testing: UL 910 and 1685
Steven A. Galan, UL
Abstract: A global perspective of work which is currently underway concerning fire testing
of cables will be presented.
- 11:15 - 11:35 - WG D13 Report - Reaffirmation of IEEE 848-1996, IEEE Standard
Procedure for the Determination of the Ampacity Derating of Fire Protected Cables
Ajit Gwal, Chairman D13, Nuclear Defense Safety Board
Abstract: IEEE 848 is up for reaffirmation. The WG Chairman will present an overview of
the Standard which is a detailed test procedure for determining the ampacity or derating
factor in the following cable installation configurations: block-out or sleeve type cable
penetration fire stops; conduits covered with a protective material; tray covered with a
protective material; cable directly covered or coated with a fire-retardant material; and
free-air drops enclosed with a protective material. The presentation will also address
lessons learned by its use to date.
- Open Session, Friday November 2nd -
Subcommittee A
NOTE: 8:30-9:15 Session format is to allow each presenter 5 minutes to highlight their
poster. 9:45-12:00 are poster visits.
- Self-Repairing Secondary Underground Residential Distribution Cable Part I
Design and Testing
Cinquemani, Maunder, Kuchta, Runyon, Bareggi & Caimi
Paper 01TD181
Abstract: In the past, costs associated with repairing secondary URD cables, while not
acceptable, were not viewed as a serious enough problem to warrant attention. In an effort
to reduce operating costs and to provide customers with uninterrupted service, electrical
utilities are taking a fresh look at secondary failures. The main mechanism of failure has
been corrosion of the aluminum conductor once the electrical insulation has been breached.
For this reason, new designs have been developed to prevent conductor corrosion by
limiting the conductor exposure to the environment. "Self-Repairing" cable has
been designed with a viscous but flowable elastomer situated within the cable to
effectively seal the site should damage occur and continue to provide reliable service.
Extensive laboratory and field testing has shown leakage currents greatly decrease or even
fall to zero after the insulation breach. Voltage breakdown testing on cable which has
self-repaired, demonstrate fully appropriate retention of dielectric strength.
- Self-Repairing Secondary Underground Residential Distribution Cable Part II
History, Applications & Demonstrations
Lindler, Cope, Caporale, Cinquemani & Cherry
Paper 01TD182
Abstract: Improved secondary cable was conceived in the mid 1960's in an effort to
minimize mechanical damage and subsequent electrical failures that were a result of cable
insulation being damaged by cuts, scrapes or other means. The development of ruggedized
cables enhanced reliability by providing superior mechanical abuse resistance without
compromising the electrical properties of the XLPE insulation. While this design has
received wide acceptance with noticeable cable life improvement, failures are still
occurring at a relatively high rate within a large number of utility systems. A new
generation of secondary cable, designated, self-repairing cables, offers utilities new
options for secondary applications to improve overall reliability in a cost-effective
manner. Utility field trials are now in successful demonstration. Handling and
installation are to be identical to conventional cables and further testing has confirmed
full compatibility of components.
- Covered Cable Comparative Testing: HDPE & XLPE Evaluation
Nishimura, Cicarelli, Coelho, Trager & Soares
Paper 01TD261
Abstract: Hendrix Cabos e Acessorios Ltda and CEMIG, in Brazil, have signed a
technical cooperation document in order to perform tests on medium voltage covered cable
used in Spacer Cable System. Hendrix Cabos e Acessorios Ltda is a joint-venture company
between Hendrix Wire & Cable, USA (the pioneer in spacer cable system in the world)
and Procable Energia e Telecomunicaçġes Ltda (a Brazilian Co. of power and
telecommunication cable system). CEMIG, which is the largest Brazilian Power Utility, has
recently changed its distribution line construction standard used in urban areas, from
overhead bare construction to Spacer Cable construction, due to the latter's reliability
and, more importantly, attractive cost-benefit relationship. In order to evaluate the
medium voltage covered conductors used in Spacer Cable Systems, a testing program was
performed on samples of covered cable with high-density polyethylene -HDPE and crosslinked
polyethylene -XLPE. The tests were performed at CEMIG (Brazil) and Hendrix W&C (USA)
laboratories. The Program goals were: (1) to determine the performance of different
insulation compounds; (2) to compare test procedures and results between American and
Brazilian standards, applicable to covered conductors; (3) to suggest improvement in
covered cable standards to be discussed in technical events. This paper describes test
requirements, results and performance comments.
- Reduced Insulation Thickness for Extruded Medium Voltage Power Cable Systems
Cable Performance and First Network Applications
Meurer & Stürmer
Paper 01TD057
Abstract: Since the introduction of medium-voltage cables with extruded insulation,
essential improvements in materials, design and technology have taken place resulting in a
remarkable increase of the electrical and aging performance. In spite of this
technological progress, the specified insulation thickness has never been modified. The
currently high safety margins and the increasing cost pressure lead to a study of whether
a reduction of the insulation thickness would be possible today.This report presents the
results of an investigation on cables with a 4 mm thickness of XLPE or EPR insulation in
different designs (France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland) which were tested as 12/20 (24) kV
cables.The use of such cables will require adapted accessories. Therefore system tests
with slip-on and coldshrink joints and terminations were additionally performed.Finally a
proposal for new dimensions of extruded medium-voltage cables is made and the first
realisations in utility networks in Belgium and France are presented.
- Breakdown Strength of TRXLPE Insulated Cables after Extended Aging Under Moderate
Test Conditions
Sarma, Cometa, Walton & Smith
Paper 01TD052
Abstract: Accelerated aging of 15 kV cables under moderate test conditions were carried
out for extended periods of time. Two test conditions were used to age two TRXLPE
insulated cables: (1) aging in water-filled conduits as described in AEIC CS5-94 for a
test duration of 600 days, (2) aging in water-filled tanks as per IEEE P 1407. It has been
shown by these controlled comparative tests that the breakdown strength of TRXLPE1 is very
stable over extended periods of aging under both conditions. Test cable failures were
recorded during aging of TRXLPE2 insulated Cables per IEEE P1407, although the actual
value of the breakdown strength and its percentage retention over the unaged reference for
some aging time intervals were greater than those for TRXLPE1 cables. This demonstrates
that the value of ac breakdown strength at a given point in any aging scheme is not
necessarily a true predictor of the performance of TRXLPE insulations. The mechanism of
electrical breakdown at elevated stress under ramp tests can be vastly different from the
breakdown at constant aging stress.
- Open Session, Friday November 2nd -
Subcommittee B
NOTE: 8:30-9:15 Session format is to allow each presenter 5 minutes to highlight their
poster. 9:45-12:00 are poster visits.
- Combined Use of Intelligent Partial Discharge Analysis in Evaluating High Voltage
Dielectric Condition
Bish, Howson, Howlett, Fawcett & Hilder
Paper 01TD099
Abstract: This composition describes the results of synthesized high voltage
impulse tests, conducted on surrogate dielectric samples. The tests conducted under
laboratory conditions, were performed using contoured electrodes submersed under technical
grade insulating oil. An escalating level of artificial degradation within surrogate
samples was assessed, this correlated against magnitude and frequency of events. Withstand
of partial discharge activity up to a point of insulation breakdown was observed using a
conventional elliptical display partial discharge detector. Measurements of pd activity
were simultaneously captured by virtual scope relaying data array captures to a desktop
computer. The captured data arrays were duly processed by an artificial neural network
program, the net result of which indicated harmony between human-guided opinion and the
software aptitude. This paper describes work currently being undertaken for the
identification and diagnosis of faults in high voltage dielectrics in furthering
development of AI techniques.
- Evolution of Insulation Piercing Connector Technology
Paper 01TD107
Abstract: When the first insulated conductors appeared in the 1950's, the
insulation layer was rubber (neoprene) and the conductor was copper. The connectors were
not reinsulated and mechanical bolted connectors were the most common items. Soon
utilities discovered that conductors with insulation were safe for linemen and customers,
however the insulation material was not resistant enough to climatic conditions (neoprene
deteriorated) and failures appeared due to the poor quality of the insulation. In the
1960's, EdF (Electricite de France), changed to PVC insulation and aluminum conductors.
Although the insulation problems seemed to be solved, connector failures appeared due to
the aluminum oxide layer formed from exposure to the air and the knife stripping process.
This operation damaged the strands and started the wire necking process and was amplified
by the vibration of the conductor. During this time, crimped connectors were used with
heat shrinkable cable accessories but it became apparent that PVC was not resistant to the
temperature variations and cracked due to the tensile load on the neutral messenger. In
order to eliminate the inconveniences above, EdF , in association with Aluminum Pechiney
connector manufacturers, investigated three main issues: 1) Find a more resistant
insulation layer 2) Improve contact reliability 3) Connect customers under voltage and in
safe conditions.
- Silicone Gel Technology For Power Cable Accessories
Yaworski & Bukovnik
Paper 01TD051
Abstract: Silicone gel based products are now becoming accepted as a primary
method of jointing power cables. This paper discusses a new silicone gel that is
specifically tested and formulated for the rigors of power cable application. This paper
also reviews some of the wide range of applications for the technology and the designs
that lead to reliable, easily installed, accessories for power cables worldwide.
- Evolution of Stress Control Systems in Medium Voltage Cable Accessories
Strobl, Haverkamp, Malin & Fitzgerald
Paper 01TD059
Abstract: Underground cable accessories used in medium voltage cable systems need a highly
reliable stress control system in order to maintain and control the insulation level which
is designed for estimated life times longer than 30 years of service. The term
"electrical stress control" refers to the cable termination function of reducing
the electrical stress in the area of insulation shield cutback to levels that preclude
electrical breakdown in the cable insulation. This paper will describe the evolution of
stress control systems and their benefits, based on different materials and concepts. The
main focus on this paper will be on the unique Metal-Oxide-Matrix stress control system,
which has never been attempted before.
- Cold-Shrinkable Joints for Higher Voltages
Cold shrinkable joints are now becoming well established in MV applications up to 36 kV.
The Nexans concept with the support tube and gliding foil allows for faster installation.
No force or tools are required. Once installed, the joint is hardly bigger than the
cable.Using the same concepts, recently a new family of cold shrinkable joints has been
developed for applications on 36 -42 kV and 52 -72.5 kV cables. The joint body is a
silicone rubber pre-molded body, pre-tested and pre-expanded on its support tube. As outer
protection and screen connection several options are foreseen. The joints for 36 kV have
been qualified per CENELEC HD 629 SI. For 72.5 kV applications, type tests per IEC 60840
have been carried out.
- Compact 170 kV Transition Joint
Ridder & Chatterjee
A very compact high-pressure oil-filled to XLPE cable transition joint has been developed
for networks with rated voltages of 123 kV to 170 kV. It is composed of prefabricated and
factory tested elements, contains a minimum amount of oil on the paper cable side, and
uses a novel, fluid-free termination system for the extruded cable. It withstands high oil
pressures, and is being qualified per IEC 60840. Being compact in size and easy to install
and operate, this transition joint is ideally suited for network extensions, repairs and
section-wise replacement of HV paper cables in confined manholes.
- Open Session, Friday November 2nd -
Subcommittee C
NOTE: 8:30-9:15 Session format is to allow each presenter 5 minutes to highlight their
poster. 9:45-12:00 are poster visits.
- Partial Discharge Severtiy Assessment in Cable System
Ahmed & Srinivas
Paper 01TD038
Abstract: The severity of partial discharge (PD) condition depends on the characteristics
of the PD-producing defects, the insulating material in which PD occurs, the environment
in which the cable system operates and the quality of insulation coordination applied to
the cable system. Commercially available PD testing methods often provide only the
magnitude of the PD pulses. The magnitude of the PD can not be used by itself to estimate
the life expectancy of the cable and its accessories. Additional information is needed to
determine the type of defect that produces such discharge. Several approaches that can aid
in the PD severity assessments are presented in this paper. Advantages and disadvantages
associated with each approach are also presented here.
- On-Line Partial Discharge Diagnostic System in Power Cable System
Ahmed & Srinivas
Paper 01TD039
Abstract: An on-line partial discharge diagnostic system is presented in this paper. The
system is capable of detecting a PD event in a power cable system as low as 1 pC. Coupling
to the system is made through special sensors that utilize inductive and capacitive
coupling. These sensors have a detection bandwidth of 100 kHz to up to 300 MHz. The
on-line PD system indicates location of the insulation anomaly both longitudinally and
radially in a cable. Furthermore, the system is applicable to both laminar (PILC) and
Extruded (PE, XLPE, EPR) cables.
- Experience Gained with On-Line Partial Discharge Testing in Power Cable System
Ahmed & Srinivas
Paper 01TD040
Abstract: Over the last five years, DTE Engineering Technologies (DTEET), a subsidiary of
DTE Energy has been involved in conducting on-line PD testing on cable system operating at
voltages from 5 to 138 kV. On-line PD testing was performed on 7,500 km of both extruded
and laminar cables. This paper presents the experience gained from these tests.
- On-Line Versus Off-Line Partial Discharge Testing in Power Cables
Ahmed & Srinivas
Paper 01TD041
Abstract: Two approaches are available to detect partial discharge (PD) from cables namely
on-line and off-line detection system. The on-line system is based on detecting PD at the
system operating voltage while elevated voltages are used to initiate PD in the off-line
approach. This paper presents the fundamentals of Partial discharge measurements. It also
discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.
- HTS Cable System Demonstration at Detroit Edison
Kelley, Wakefield, Nassi & Jipping
Paper 01TD184
In response to the combined effects of growing energy demand and the impact of
de-regulation of the electrical energy industry, pro-active utilities are ensuring
flexibility and robustness of their networks, upgrading, where necessary, installed
capacity in both in transmission and distribution. In this regard, high-temperature
superconducting (HTS) cable systems offer advantages where space, thermal capability and
environmental conditions constrain capacity.Prototype HTS cable systems have been
installed in laboratories and tested successfully around the world, proving the technical
feasibility of the HTS cable system. Commercial cable systems, however, must not only be
feasible, but meet practical requirements as well. To facilitate the transition of HTS
cable technology from the laboratory to the field, Pirelli Cables and Systems, EPRI,
Detroit Edison, a DTE Energy Company, ASC, and the US DOE have undertaken a program which
will result in the world's first HTS power cable to deliver electricity in a utility
network.This program will demonstrate a retrofit upgrade application of the Warm
Dielectric HTS cable design in the Detroit Edison utility network, and involve the design,
engineering, installation, test and routine operation of a 24-k V, 100 MY A, 3-phase cable
system. The original circuit, comprised of three parallel circuits of conventional cables,
will be replaced by a single circuit of HTS cables which will provide the same power
capacity. Each HTS cable will carry 2400ARMS, a level triples the ampacity of original
cables powering this circuit.This paper addresses the issues relating to the field
application of HTS cables in the context of the demonstration program. Customer perception
will playa crucial role in the adoption of HTS cable systems by the utility industry. As
the prospect for implementation of HTS cable systems has become more immediate, an updated
perspective provided by the utility industry team members is included.
- Condition Assessment of Distribution PILC Cables
Buchholz, Colwell, Crine, Rao, Cherukapalli & Bernstein
Paper 01TD229
The condition assessment of PILC cables is a crucial factor for many utilities and this
paper is devoted to the evaluation of some new diagnostic techniques enabling users to
effectively manage their PILC cable assets. We used electrical, metallurgical and chemical
techniques to measure the electrical, chemical, dielectric and metallurgical properties of
paper-impregnated insulation. The non-destructive electrical tests performed on three
full-length field-aged PILC cables were: the isothermal relaxation current (IRC), the
LIpATEST leakage current test and the return voltage method (RVM). Chemical tests were
performed on small samples of paper tapes and oil taken from the same samples. They were:
dielectric analysis, Fourier transform infra red (FTIR) spectroscopy and moisture content
analysis. The electrical techniques ranked the cables consistently, that is one cable aged
23 years seemed to be more severely aged than the older (34 years) and younger (4 years)
cables. This could possibly be explained by the acids detected in the oil of the 23 year
old cable using FTIR spectroscopy. Although more data on more cables would be needed it
already appears that the tested techniques could assess the condition of the insulation of
PILC cables. Water ingress is often associated with cracks in the lead sheaths due to
fatigue and creep failure. Metallurgical tests were performed on the lead sheaths of four
PILC cables and they revealed that artificial cracks of different depths introduced on the
surface of the lead sheaths were easily detected by the visual and fluorescent dye
penetrant inspections. An eddy current inspection technique was successful in detecting
the artificial surface flaws on the lead sheaths. The hardness of the older lead sheath,
as measured by the Brinell test, tends to be lower than that of the lead sheath of the
younger vintage cables.
- New Method to Locate the Oil-Leakage Point of an Oil-Filled Paper-Insulated Cables
Locating the oil-leakage point in operating oil-filled cable may be a confused problem,
especially for the cable lines buried under the roads of the cities. This paper introduces
a principle of locating the oil-leakage point in oil-filled cable through calculating the
amount of the leakage oil, and sum up an integrate method from the process of locating the
oil-leakage point in one operating cable.
- Strategic Reliability Analysis
Paper 01TD201
Power utilities are faced with over 600,000 kilometers of pre-1980 vintage
solid-dielectric underground cables. Most of these cables do not meet the reliability
standards required of a 21st century economy and would cost $30 billion dollars to
replace. A cost effective tool referred to as "SRA" (Strategic Reliability
Analysis) is described which allows the mining of the utility's own data to definitively
answer the critical strategic questions: (1) What are the required capital expenditures
and where do those expenditures need to be targeted to drive reliability to an acceptable
value? (2) What are the costs associated with reliability enhancement options per unit of
reliability? (3) How do these values compare to my peers? SRA demonstrates the trade-offs
between cost and reliability and provides a tactical plan to prioritize the circuits where
problems are most likely to occur and where the impact of the expenditure is maximized
based on a rigorous economic model.
- Transnational Luncheon,
Thursday November 1st
- Introduction, Harry Orton, Co-Chair, OCEI, Canada
- International Calendar of Events, Willem Boone, Co-Chair,
KEMA, The Netherlands
- An Update on HVDC-light Solid Dielectric Extruded Cables and Materials, Fredrik
Ruter, ABB Power Technology Products, Sweden and Nigel Hampton,
Borealis AB, Sweden
- German 110 kV Transmission Cables and Substations, G. Weissmueller and
L. Zuehlke, Stadtwerke Karlsruhe, Germany
- A Case Study of Silicone Life Extension Technology at E. ON, Germany, Carsten
Werner, Germany
- 220 kV XLPE Cable Projects in South East Asia, Ken Barber,
Olex Cables, Australia
- Underground Installations in Historic Downtowns of Mexican Cities, Candelario
Saldivar, Conductores Monterrey, Mexico
- On-site PD Diagnostics of a 400 kV Polymeric Cable Joint at Bonduz, Switzerland
using the Directional Coupler Approach, Alain Bollinger, HV
Technologies, Switzerland
- Load Evaluation of an Aged Paper Insulated Cable System in the Netherlands
Henk Geene, Pirelli Cables and Systems N.V., The Netherlands
Abstract: In 1996 a thermal breakdown occurred in one circuit of a 26 years old double
circuit 150 kV external gas pressure cable system in the Netherlands. An intensive
investigation program, containing power loss factor measurement on site at different
conductor temperatures, revealed that changes in dielectric properties of the impregnated
paper led to thermal instability of the system. Originally the circuit was designed to
transport 130 MVA. Based on the investigation program a maximum load between 70 and 90 MVA
was advised to prevent overload of the remaining circuit.
- 400 kV XLPE AC Qualification for the EDF INCA Project, Cam Dowlat,
Educational Program Presenters - Biographical Sketches
Carl C. Landinger, PE, Dir. Of Technology,
Hendrix Wire & Cable Received his BSEE degree from Marquette University, Milwaukee,
WI. Prior to joining Hendrix in 1990 he held various technical positions at Wisconsin
Electric Power Co., applications engineer for Anaconda Wire & Cable, chief engineer
for Wis. Electric Cooperative Assoc., manager of insulated conductor engineering for ALCOA
Conductor Prod. Co. and was manager of technology for Conductor Products Inc. He has
taught numerous short courses at Texas A&M, Univ. of Wis., Iowa State and Univ. of W.
Virginia. He has presented numerous technical papers at national and regional technical
Bruce S. Bernstein is a Consultant to electric
utilities, suppliers, product development and testing Organizations and industrial
consulting and non-profit consortia, in areas that include power cables, electrical
insulation materials, aging phenomena, diagnostic testing, reliability analysis and
technology involving use of polymer materials for transmission, distribution and
generation applications. He formed Bruce S. Bernstein Consulting LLC in January 2001. He
was formerly Technical Leader, Underground Distribution Infrastructure Target in the
Science and Technology Division of the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). He joined
EPRI in 1977 and served previously in both staff and line positions for the Electrical
Systems Division, Power Delivery Group. He also managed R&D projects for Underground
Transmission, Overhead Transmission and Substations Programs, the Strategic Development
Group and Office of Exploratory Research.. As Target leader, he had responsibility for
technical, financial and revenue enhancement, as well as communication of R&D results.
As a Polymer Scientist/Engineer, for EPRI, his technical responsibilities focused on
application of polymer technology to meet Utility interests, a prime effort being in the
electrical insulation area; he guided projects on extruded distribution and transmission
cables, ranging from cable materials cleanliness, extrusion and processing technology,
development and application of emerging diagnostics to estimate future cable performance
of both polyolefinic and paper insulated cables. His technical efforts encompassed studies
to understand water treeing and aging phenomena to improve cable reliability, ascertaining
reliability of diagnostic test methods, aging of paper-insulated cables, development of
modified paper systems for insulation applications, aging of rotating machinery
insulation, as well as gas substitutes for sulfur hexafluoride for cable and substation
applications. In addition to guiding studies of "phenomena", he focused on new
product development: polymers for improved cable jacket materials, application of polymer
composites to meet utility interests (poles, transformers), development of fabricated
membranes for controlled release of fungicides to facilitate life extension of wood poles,
application of state-of-the-art polymers as replacement for conventional elastomers
employed in linemans gloves and sleeves, and use of engineering thermoplastics for
insulation applications. For the Strategic Development group, he guided efforts on charge
storage in polymers for capacitor and battery applications, novel coating methods to
resist corrosion, advanced novel diagnostics, self-orienting polymers and application of
liquid crystal polymers for utility applications. He also guided an internal Polymer
Technology Coordination Committee for EPRIs Office of Exploratory Reserach. He managed
Target and project budgets and has given many speeches at Industry technical Conferences,
Utility Events as well as at EPRI-Utility Council meetings.
Prior to joining EPRI, he was Materials Section Manager for Phelps Dodge Cable and Wire
Company. Earlier, he worked on development of improved transformer insulation, and
adhesives and coating technology at Riegel Paper Company. He guided Government-sponsored
research on radiation effects on polymers at RAI Research Corp (now part of Pall
Corporation). He has patents on controlled release of anti-bacterial chemicals from vinyl
polymers used for hospital bed sheeting, and application of radiation-crosslinked
polyethylene for toys. He has three patents from EPRI work; improved
paper/polypropylene/paper insulation for transmission cables, application of liquid
crystal polymers as moisture barriers in medium voltage cables, and modified polymers to
serve as ion traps in cable jackets.
He is a Fellow of IEEE (1992), member of IEEE Dielectric and Electrical Insulation Society
(former member of ADCOM), Power Engineering Society and Insulated Conductors Committee of
IEEE, American Chemical Society, former board member of CEIDP. From 1989 to 1996, he
served as United States Representative to CIGRE Study Committee 15 ( Materials for
Electrotechnology), and recently (2000) completed a term as Convenor of the CIGRE Working
Group 15-09 on Advanced Materials. He attended City University of New York
(BS), Iowa State University (MS) and attended Polytechnic University of New York and
Stevens Institute of Technology. He is a faculty member of the University of Wisconsin's
Power Cable Engineering Clinic held each October. He has over fifty publications and
patents, and three book chapters.
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