The ICC Website is changing. As this transition is made, our new format
can be found at www.pesicc.org/ICCWP.
Please send any comments or questions to
New to the ICC?
New ICC Attendee,
Whether this is your first time to attend,
or if you've been away for a little while, welcome!
The ICC is
the IEEE Power & Energy Society's Insulated Conductors Committee. We're a
gathering of utilities, manufacturers, consultants, and academia, all with the
desire to improve insulated conductors, their installation, and their long-term
Here are some important points to note about the
Registration Desk will be open Sunday from 12:30 to 4:00. Please stop by
and pick up your name badge and receipt. Registration will also be open
Monday and Tuesday morning if you miss the Sunday hours.
I hope
you will please attend the Orientation on Sunday afternoon at 4:00. It will
explain in more detail how we're set up. I promise it will be interesting
and informative.
Plus, I will be handing out swag!
Finally, please plan to attend the reception on Sunday evening. It's a
relaxing gathering with hors d’hoeuvres and conversation. The reception
starts at 5:00. The reception will be bustling, but if you get a chance,
please stop by and introduce yourself.
The meeting agenda as well as information about Subcommittee technical presentations
will be posted on the meeting page, which can be found
here. (Starting from
scratch, go to http://www.pesicc.org,
click on "ICC Home", then click on the meeting in the left-hand marquee.)
We invite you to get involved! We welcome all participation.
The more active everyone is, the better the meeting. It's all about
collaboration and sharing ideas.
Once again, welcome! Have a safe
trip, and we’ll see you at the meeting!
And if you have any
questions in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact me: Thomas
Champion, Immediate Past Chair,
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