The ICC Website is changing. As this transition is made, our new format
can be found at www.pesicc.org/ICCWP.
Please send any comments or questions to
PES-ICC - Expense Reimbursement Guidelines
- Scope - These rules are for the purpose of providing funds for any
member of Insulated Conductors Committee whose expenditures on behalf of ICC are a
hardship on the individual or his affiliation.
- Expenses - Reimbursed Expenses that are reimbursable include
secretarial, postage, travel, lodging, meals and other expenses that the Officers of ICC
deem appropriate.
- Approval
- Approval must be obtained prior to committing for the expenditure.
- The requests for expense reimbursement must be submitted to the Secretary of ICC in
writing on behalf of the member incurring the expense by a Subcommittee Chairman or an
Officer of ICC.
- The request must include a statement of the proposed expenditures and the reason the ICC
should bear the expense.
- The approvals required consist of the Chairman of ICC and one other Officer.
- Approved expenses will be paid upon receipt of an invoice stating the actual expenses.
- Advances on expenses may be obtained directly from the Secretary of ICC after final
- Petty cash expenses less that $25 may be handled directly on verbal approval of the
Secretary. Receipts, however, are required.
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