The ICC Website is changing. As this transition is made, our new format
can be found at www.pesicc.org/ICCWP.
Please send any comments or questions to
IEEE E-Mail Alias
IEEE offers an Alias service for ICC members who are engaged in the work of the
ICC (writing standards and guides, arranging meetings, reviewing papers etc). There are
three advantages to having such an alias:
- You will be listed in the IEEE E-mail Directory so that other people can find
- You have only one place to send future changes in your e-mail address.
- These aliases are usually much easier to remember and simpler to use than the
real address.
The ICC Officers encourage its members to take advantage of this service to help
improve the efficiency our our organization. Please remember these simple rules when using
your alias:
- Your IEEE alias should NOT be used for subscriptions to mailing-lists from
outside entities. Such traffic only impedes the performance of IEEE's E-mail system.
- Your E-Mail editor should NOT be configured to send E-Mail as if it originated at
ieee.org. Your headers should show your normal address. To apply for your IEEE alias visit
follow the menu directions to the template and fill it in. It only takes about five
minutes. If you are an ICC Subcommittee Chairmen or Working Group Chair or Vice-Chair
let the Webmaster know and he'll add an e-mail link on
your Group's web page.
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