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IEEE Fellow - Jim Daly
James M. Daly (S53-M57-SM79) was elected an IEEE Fellow in 1994 "for contributions to the application of electrical wire and cable, and leadership in electrotechnical standards development."
Jim was born in Boston, MA, in 1935. He received a BSEE in 1957 and an MS in Engineering Management in 1965, both from Northeastern University, Boston, MA.
He has been Director of Marketing for BICC Cables Corporation and its predecessor, Cablec Corporation, since 1988 and was previously employed in various marketing, sales, and engineering positions by The Okonite Company, Simplex Wire & Cable Co., Northrop Corporation, and Sperry Gyroscope Co.
Jim was awarded the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) Kite and Key Award in 1996 "in recognition of his outstanding service to the association and the industry" and the ANSI Meritorious Service Award in 1995 "in recognition of his significant contributions to voluntary standardization and outstanding service to the ANSI Federation."
He received the IEEE Standards Medallion in 1995 "for contributions to the development of standards in the field of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems", the 1992 Achievement Award from the Industrial & Commercial Power Systems Department (I&CPSD) and the 1990 Meritorious Engineering Award from the Pulp & Paper Industry Committee in addition to several Prize Paper Awards.
IEEE Activities
Jim has been an active IEEE contributor to standards development and besides the following positions has served as an officer on numerous subcommittees and working groups.
- IEEE Standards Board, Vice Chair (1990), Member (1987 - 1991)
- IEEE Standards Review Committee (1988 - 1992)
- IAS Industrial & Commercial Power Systems Department (I&CPSD), Chair (1997 - 1998), Vice Chair-Technical (1995 - 1996), Vice Chair-Papers (1993 - 1994); Secretary (1991 - 1992)
- I&CPSD Power Systems Engineering Committee, Chair (1989 - 1990), Vice Chair (1987 - 1988), Secretary (1980 - 1986), Subcommittees (1975 - present)
- IEEE Std 1202, Standard for Flame, Smoke, Heat Release and Corrosivity Testing of Wire & Cables for Use in Cable Tray in Industrial & Commercial Occupancies, Working Group Chair (1988 - present)
- IEEE Std 141, IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants ("IEEE Red Book"), Chapter Chair - Cable Systems (1984 - present)
- IEEE Std 241, IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Power Systems in Commercial Buildings ("IEEE Gray Book"), Chapter Chair - Wiring Systems (1985 - present)
- SCC18, National Fire Protection Association Standards, Member (1989 - present), Subcommittee on Fire Hazard Assessment & Toxicity, Secretary (1988 - 1996)
- SCC28, Non-Ionizing Radiation Committee & Subcommittee 3, Safety Levels With Respect to Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) (0-3kHz), Member (1992 - present)
- Petroleum & Chemical Industry Committee, Executive Subcommittee (1997 - present), Member (1989 - present), Subcommittees (1972 - present); Codes & Regulations Working Group, Chair (1986 - 1996), Member (1982 - present)
- Pulp & Paper Industry Committee, Member (1979 - present), Subcommittees (1973 - present)
- PES Insulated Conductors Committee, Voting Member (1981- present), Member (1979 - present)
Other Industry Activities
He has also been active in other organizations -
- NEMA Codes & Standards Committee, Chair (1992 - 1994), Vice Chair (1995 - present), Member (1986 - present)
- Code Making Panel 7 of NFPA National Electrical Code, Member (1987 - present)
- ANSI Electrical & Electronics Standards Board, Vice Chair (1997-present), Member (1989 - present)
- Jim played a leading role in the formation of CANENA (Consejo de Armonizacion de Normalizacion Electrotecnica de Norte America) (Council for Harmonization of Electrotechnical Standardization of North America) a trinational Council created to foster harmonization of electrotechnical product standards, conformity assessment testing and electrical installation codes between the United States, Canada and Mexico. He served as the first President (1994-1995) and is currently a member of the Executive Council.
- UL Technical Advisory Panel on Power Wires & Cables, Member (1978 - present)
- Technical Association of the Pulp & Paper Industry (TAPPI) - Electrical Engineering Committee, Member (1975 - present)
- National Fire Protection Association (1973 - present)
- New York City Electrical Code Panel 7 (1990)
Technical Papers
Jim has authored and presented more than 40 papers at technical and industry conferences and has had 17 papers published, eight in the IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.
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