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1995 ICC DSA Award - Jim Medek
At the Spring 1995 ICC Meeting, Chairman Matt Mashikian presented the Distinguished Service Award to Jim Medek. In presenting the award, Matt summarized Jim's achievements with the following words;
"Jim attended his first ICC meeting in the Spring of 1970 in New Orleans. He has faithfully participated in our activities, ever since. Some of his most noteworthy achievements included;"
- Active participation in various Working Group activities covering items such as transition joints and accessories (Vice-Chair of 1048).
- Valuable contributions to the implementation of the URD and Transmission Cable Report.
- Manager of ICC minutes and ICC Historian
- Several technical presentations, the highlights of which include the following;
- High rise building systems.
- Tests for the effects of water in stranded aluminum conductor cable systems.
- Failure analysis contributions to Working Group 1043.
- Other services to the ICC, including volunteer work as official photographer at the Transnational Technologies Meeting in Birmingham, England, July 1992.
Mashikian closed with the following, "Jim, we are all, here, grateful to you for your past services and wish you good health so you may continue your active participation at the ICC".
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