Insulated Conductors Committee

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1998 ICC DSA Award - Charlie Von Hermann, Jr.

 November 3,1997 

Charlie, frequently called "Von", has had a long and very distinguished engineering career. Most of it with the IEEE Power Engineering Society and its technical committees, the most noteworthy being the Insulated Conductors Committee. 

Charlie was born May 10,1910 in Atlanta, Georgia. In 1933 he received his BSC(ME) degree from the Georgia Institute of Technology. This was followed by a MSC (ME) in 1934 at Columbia University. At Georgia Tech he was inducted into Pi Tau Siqma, a honorary mechanical engineering fraternity, during 1932. 

He is a Life Member of ASME and a Past Chair of its Alabama Section. Since 1935 he has been a registered Professional Engineer in Alabama. In 1974 he was named "Engineer of the Year" by the Engineering Council of Birmingham. This was followed in 1975 by "Engineer of the Year" by the Alabama Society of Professional Engineers. Georgia Tech honored him during 1977 by induction into Tau Beta Pi. 

Charlie has been a member of IEEE since his 1944 AIEE days. He became a Life Senior Member during 1978 and a Life Fellow during 1992. His Fellow citation is as follows.

"For contributions to the development, manufacture, and application of direct current testing and measurement apparatus."

Other IEEE Awards include;

  • 1984 - IEEE Centennial Medal,
  • 1991 - Standards Chairman Plaque - IEEE 400,
  • 1993 - Outstanding Technical Paper, Working Group "Correlation of AC, Switching Surge, and DC Breakdown Test Results for Insulating Blankets and Line Hose", and
  • 1997 - PES Working Group, IEEE 4-1975, "IEEE Standard Test Techniques for High-Voltage Testing".

Additional IEEE activities include; 

Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation Society, 

Power System Instrumentation Measurements Committee,

Transmission and Distribution Committee,

Activities within the Insulated Conductors Committee. 

Chairmanship 1970-81. This included Pipe-type,oil-filled,and extruded dielectric cable systems.

Involvement with this Project since 1967 when it was titled "Field Tests and Fault Location".

In Charlie's many and varied contributions this Award is presented in "Recognition of Distinguished Service to the Committee".

Charlie's failing health makes it appropriate to provide this formal recognition in advance of the normal Spring 1998 presentation. Fred H. Von Herrmann was provided the Award plaque on behalf of "Von".

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