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PES-ICC Spring - 1996 Awards
The Spring, 1996 Awards Recognition Luncheon was held on April 16th from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. The formal program was opened by Dr. Matt Mashikian, the ICC Chairman. Dr. Mashikian gave a special recognition to those visitors who had traveled from overseas to attend the meeting. He asked those in attendance to stand and be recognized. Next, he asked all the first time attendees to stand and be recognized.
Dr. Mashikian then turned the meeting over to Mr. Voltz, the ICC Vice Chairman. Mr. Voltz then presented the following awards:
Distinguished Service Award
- Robert B. Gear, Jr.: Plaque - In recognition Of Distinguished Service To The Insulated Conductors Committee.
IEEE Standards Board Award
- Joseph H. Snow: Plaque - Chairman, Outstanding Working Group, ICC Project 6-23, IEEE Standard 1142, "Guide For The Design, Testing & Application Of Moisture-Impervious Solid Dielectric, 5-35 kV Power Cable Using Metal-Plastic Laminates".
Certificates of Appreciation
- Thomas P. Arnold: Certificate - Working Group Recognition Award, Member ICC 6-23, IEEE Standard 1142-95.
- Kenneth E. Bow: Certificate - Member ICC 6-23, IEEE Standard 1142-95.
- Carlos Katz: Certificate - Member ICC 6-23, IEEE Standard 1142-95.
- Michael L. Walker: Certificate - Member ICC 6-23, IEEE Standard 1142-95.
- Lauri J. Hiivala: Certificate Of Appreciation - Chairman, Insulated Conductors Committee.
- Fred Kimsey: Certificate - Recognition Of Exemplary Service - Chairmanship of Subcommittee 2 - Standards & Publications - Insulated Conductors Committee.
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