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Fall 2009 Insulated Conductors Committee Awards
ICC Certificates of Appreciation
ICC Certificates of Appreciation were presented to the
Al Mendelsohn for Best Presentation at the Spring 2009 Subcommittee A
Meeting Impulse Strength Retention for Aged TR-XLPE Cables
Glenn Luzzi for Best Presentation at the Spring 2009 Subcommittee B
Meeting Joints and Connectors: Issues, Opportunities, Reliability
Frank Frentzas for Best Presentation at the Spring 2009 Subcommittee C
Meeting Chicago Retrofit Projects........10 Years Later
Gary Toman for Best Presentation at the Spring 2009 Subcommittee D
Meeting Low and Medium Voltage Cable Aging Management for Nuclear Plants
Jody Levine for Best Presentation at the Spring 2009 Subcommittee F
Meeting Partial Discharge Magnitude (Wish you were here)
IEEE/PES Technical Committee Certificates of Appreciation
IEEE/PES Certificates of Appreciation were presented to the
following outgoing Chairmen:
Rick Hartlein for Services Rendered as Vice-Chair, Discussion Group
A14 Power Cable Standards
Jim Braun for Services Rendered as Chair, Working Group B1 Revision of
IEEE 48 Standard Test Procedures and Requirements for High-Voltage Alternating
Current Cable Terminations Rated 2.5 kV through 765 kV
Bill Taylor for Services Rendered as Vice-Chair, Working Group B1
Revision of IEEE 48 Standard Test Procedures and Requirements for High-Voltage
Alternating Current Cable Terminations Rated 2.5 kV through 765 kV
Bill Taylor for Services Rendered as Vice-Chair, Working Group B10
IEEE 1637 Guide to Select Terminations for Shielded Power Cable 5 - 46 kV
Tony Ernst for Services Rendered as Chair, Working Group C1 Ampacity
Matt Mashikian for Services Rendered as Chair, Discussion Group F 04
Guide for Partial Discharge Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems in a Field
Willem Boone for Services Rendered as Vice-Chair, Discussion Group F
04 Guide for Partial Discharge Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems in a
Field Environment
Steve Boggs for Services Rendered as Vice-Chair, Discussion Group F10
Diagnostic Testing for Cable Joints & Terminations
Dr. George H. Bahder Memorial Award
Presented To
Bruce Bernstein
For leadership in guidance of performance of cable aging
and reliability issues, and providing foresight in combining aging methodology
with diagnostic testing to estimate future performance of cable systems.
126th Meeting of
the Insulated Conductors Committee
Doubletree Paradise
Valley Resort, Scottsdale, Arizona
November 8 - 11, 2009
Career Highlights
- Bruce Bernstein was educated at City University of New
York and Iowa State University, where he obtained B. S. and M.S. degrees in
organic chemistry in 1953 and 1955 respectively.
- 1961 -1965: RAI Research Corporation, Senior Chemist -
Guided government-sponsored R&D on radiation- crosslinked polyethylene and
other polymers for military and space applications.
- 1966 -1969: Riegel Product Corp., Senior Chemist,
Central Research Laboratory - Developed thermally upgraded Kraft paper based
cellulosics for transformer insulation.
- 1969 -1972: Radiation Technology Corp., Manager
Radiation and Polymer Chemistry - Lead R&D efforts involving product
development of polymer-impregnated wood and concrete. The former was
commercialized and the latter could be considered a precursor to "Polysil"
- 1972 -1975: Phelps Dodge Wire and Cable Company,
Manager Materials Research Laboratory - Participated in and later guided one
of the first EPRI-sponsored projects on water treeing in cables. In this
activity, his work was the first to apply infra red analytical techniques to
the study of water tree chemical structure (in those days the analytical
equipment was not as sophisticated as it is today). His efforts at that time
also focused on electrical treeing in cables, and another activity was to
provide assistance to manufacturing operations.
- 1976 -1977: Sun Chemical Corporation, Research
Manager, Facile Division - Developed polymer-based foil laminated composites
to be applied as moisture barriers for power and communication cables.
- 1977 - 2001: Electric Power Research Institute, Target
Leader, Technical Advisor, Project Manager -
- Guided sponsored research and development efforts
concerned with cable technology and electrical insulation.
- Responsible for technical (and financial)
management of projects focusing on insulation for cables and electrical
equipment. Under his guidance, the following was performed:
- Over the years several projects covered
studies on water treeing of high molecular weight polyethylene (HMWPE),
crosslinked polyethylene (XLPE), EPR and tree retardant XLPE, and
differences were defined. Factors influencing water tree growth were
- After initial studies on water tree growth in
the laboratory, studies included comparing field aged cables with
laboratory aged cables; it was learned that accelerated aging
conditions were significant, and could yield different results from
aging. This contributed to adding tests in controlled temperature
tanks to use of pipe tests.
- The influence of dc testing on ac extruded
dielectric cables was clarified, as it was demonstrated that aged
XLPE cables respond differently than new cables (due to space charge
effects); up until that time, new and aged cables were not
distinguished in their response to dc. This was further expanded to
include the influence of surges. It was shown that dc application
could be harmful in causing potentially harmful latent effects. This
led to the industry looking into alternates for dc tests.
- Diagnostic testing was studied; first
destructive tests (such as DSC, FTIR, and spectroscopy) were
exhaustively evaluated and their relevance determined. Later
non-destructive tests (VLF, LFDF) were studied.
- Under his guidance the first attempts to
combine aging studies with diagnostic test were performed.
- The subject of thermal overload of extruded
cables was an issue at the time the nominee joined EPRI. Under his
guidance, the time/temperature influence of thermal overload
conditions for XLPE and EPR cables was clarified. The influence of
overloading on jackets and shields was clarified. This information
was employed by AEIC in modifying industry cable specifications.
- Studies on joints and terminations were
performed with, e.g., the time involved and complexity in preparing
joints in confined environments were clarified. This aids the
utilities in clarifying individual issues.
- Under his guidance, numerous workshops were
held (early-mid 1990s) to publicize the results of EPRI-sponsored
projects and to transfer the technology to users.
- Aging of PILC cables was studied to estimate
degradation of the lead sheath.
- Several projects focused on advancing the
state-of-the art of cable technology; jackets that trap ions were
prepared (and installed at several utilities), polymers to serve as
moisture barriers to substitute for lead.
- Results of work the nominee initiated and
guided were presented at international meetings.
- 2001 to Present: Principal, Bruce S. Bernstein
Consulting, LLC, Provides consulting services in the areas of cable
technology and electrical insulation: consulting guidance to utilities,
suppliers and testing organizations, as well as providing services to
attorneys regarding legal issues.
- 1992 - IEEE Fellow "for pioneering research leading to
understanding of aging phenomena of extruded dielectric high voltage power
- 2000 - EPRI Chauncey Award "for participation in
assisting Commonwealth Edison after 1999 power failure".
- 1989 - EPRI Distribution Task Force Award "to nominee
by the Underground Subcommittee of the EPRI Distribution Task Force for
efforts in the cable arena".
- 1990 - EPRI "First Use" Award "for applying results of
DC Hi Pot studies testing to practical use".
- Undated - EPRI "Appreciation Award" "for his
invaluable contribution to the development of EPRI's Distribution Cable
Research Digest".
- 1988 - CIGRE Technical Paper Award "Sensitive
Analytical Methods for Early Diagnosis of Aging in Solid Dielectric
Insulation under Voltage Stress".
Professional Activities
- Initiated and served as Chairman of ICC Discussion
Group "Diagnostics to Estimate Future Performance of Extruded Dielectrics",
which became "Characteristics of Insulating Materials".
- Presently serving as Vice-Chair of C30D "Extending the
Life of Power Cable Operating in the Field".
- Numerous presentations to ICC over past years on cable
aging results, diagnostics, thermal overload, etc.
- Served on IEEE/DEIS AdCom 1979-1985, 1988-1993 and
- DEIS Nominations Committee 2008
- CEIDP Board Member 1986-1989
- ISEI Treasurer 1986
- CIGRE: United States Representative to Insulation
Materials Working Group (old) Study Committee15-06, 1989-1996
- CIGRE: Convenor of "Advanced Materials" WG, SC 15,
- CIGRE: Organizer of Colloquium "Advanced Materials",
August 1997, Bedford, Mass, sponsored by SC-15, "Materials for
- Faculty member of University of Wisconsin-sponsored
Course "Understanding Power Cable Characteristics and Applications", 1988 to
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