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Fall 2011 Insulated Conductors Committee Awards
ICC Certificates of Appreciation
ICC Certificates of Appreciation were presented to the
- Jacques Cote for Best Presentation at the Spring 2011
Subcommittee A Meeting Verification of Low-Voltage Underground Cable
Insulation Integrity by Air Injection
- Dominique Bolliger for Best Presentation at the Spring
2011 Subcommittee B Meeting The Chemistry of Interfacial Tracking
- Joe Zimnoch for Best Presentation at the Spring 2011
Subcommittee C Meeting Pipe Type Cables in the USA - an Historical
- Kent W. Brown for Best Presentation at the Spring 2011
Subcommittee D Meeting Earthquake, Tsunami and Accident at Fukushima
Daiichi Nuclear Plant
- Chris Fletcher for Best Presentation at the Spring 2011
Subcommittee F Meeting Utility Experience with VLF Withstand and
Dielectric Loss Tests in Cincinnati
- Josh Perkel for Best Presentation at the Spring 2011
Subcommittee F Meeting Sensitivity of the Hot Oil Moisture Assessment
for PILC Cables to Field Test Conditions
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