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Spring 2014 Insulated Conductors Committee Awards
ICC Certificates of Appreciation
ICC Certificates of Appreciation were presented to the
- Vitaliy Yaroslavskiy for Best Presentation at the Fall
2013 Subcommittee A Meeting - 105°C Qualification - Gambling with XLPE
- Mike Smalley for Best Presentation at the Fall 2013
Subcommittee B Meeting - Connector Standard for Insulated Cable Joints -
A Utility Perspective
- Forest Rong for Best Presentation at the Fall 2013
Subcommittee C Meeting - The CX-3 115 kV Project in Oakland, CA: Seismic
Duct Bank Design and Construction
- Ian Grant for Best Presentation at the Fall 2013
Subcommittee C Meeting - The CX-3 115 kV Project in Oakland, CA: Seismic
Duct Bank Design and Construction
- Kent Brown for Best Presentation at the Fall 2013
Subcommittee D Meeting - A Decade of VLF Testing in Nuclear Power: What
Have We Learned?
- Richie Harp for Organization of the Fall 2013
Educational Program - Technical Presentations and Tour of Electrical
Distribution System at AT&T (Dallas Cowboys) Stadium
IEEE/PES Technical Committee
Certificates of Appreciation
Certificates of Appreciation were presented to the following:
- John T. Smith, III for Services Rendered as Chair,
Insulated Conductors Committee Spring 2012 - Fall 2013
- Al Kong for Services Rendered as Chair,
Subcommittee A Cable Construction and Design Spring 2010 - Fall 2013
- Frank Frentzas for Services Rendered as Vice-Chair,
Subcommittee C Cable Systems Spring 2011 - Fall 2013
- Robert Konnik for Services Rendered as Chair,
Subcommittee D Generating Station and Industrial Cables Spring 2011 - Fall
- Willem Boone for Services Rendered as Chair,
Subcommittee G Transnational Activities Spring 2008 - Fall 2013
- Willem Boone for Services Rendered as Chair,
Advisory Committee Spring 2009 - Fall 2013
- Mark Fenger for Services Rendered as Recording
Secretary Spring 2007 - Fall 2013
- Al Mendelsohn for Services Rendered as Chair,
Educational Programs Spring 2011 - Fall 2013
- Mike Walker for Services Rendered as Chair, Working
Group B8 Standards for Copper and Aluminum Insulated Cable Connectors
- Glenn Luzzi for Services Rendered as Vice-Chair,
Working Group B8 Standards for Copper and Aluminum Insulated Cable
- Frank Frentzas for Services Rendered as Chair,
Discussion Group C31 High Pressure Fluid Filled (HPFF) and High Pressure Gas
Filled (HPGF) Pipe Type Cable Systems
2014 IEEE PES Technical Committee
Working Group Recognition Award
Each Technical Committee is entitled and encouraged to
recognize the chair and members of one outstanding working group per committee
per year. The recognition can be for the development of a published
standard/guide, a published technical report or other technical document.
Name of Working Group: C29 Guideline for Working
Procedures on Underground Transmission Circuits with Induced Voltage (IEEE
1727-2013, IEEE Guide for Working Procedures on Underground Transmission
Circuits with Induced Voltage)
Chair of Working Group: Albert Kong
Vice Chair:
Pierre Argaut
Technical Editor: Nijam Robert Uddin
Members of
Working Group: Mahmood Akhtar, Víctor Antoniello, David Bogden, John Cooper,
Dennis DeCosta, David Dubois, Marcia Eblen, Frank Frentzas, Henk Geene, Todd
Goyette, Jim Hunt, Dennis Johnson, Jeff Joy, Kishan Kasondra, Matthias Kirchner,
Don Koonce, Arthur Kroese, Frederic Lesur, Jose Lopez, Allen MacPhail, Ted
Nishioka, Mohammad Pasha, Rick Piteo Forest Rong, Darrell Sabatka, Ray Saccany
(Deceased), Mark Smith, Hon Suen, Austin Tingley, Jade Wong, Tiebin Zhao, Joe
IEEE/PES Fellows Class of 2014
The Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers
(IEEE) highest grade of Fellow recognizes excellence for notable achievements in
power engineering and industrial applications.
The Fellow grade is conferred upon people of outstanding and
extraordinary qualifications and experience in the various fields of the IEEE
for their important individual contributions to one or more technical fields.
In accordance with IEEE bylaws, the total number of Fellows selected in
any one year does not exceed one-tenth of one percent of the total membership of
over 431,191 people. The selection to Fellow requires the endorsement of five
Fellows, a Technical Committee, and the Board of Fellows of an IEEE Society as
well as the IEEE Board of Directors.
Kent Brown was one of 293
IEEE Senior Members, one of 24 PES members and the only Insulated Conductors
Committee member recognized for leadership in standards development for
design, testing, and utilization of electrical equipment for the nuclear power
2014 IEEE Herman
Halperin Electric Transmission and Distribution Award
Presented by Dr.
Peter Staecker, IEEE Past President to
Willem (Wim) W.
"for successful international leadership and guidance in understanding critical
factors affecting power cable life and in improving diagnostic test procedures"
April 25, 2014
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