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Fall 2015 Insulated Conductors Committee Awards
ICC Certificates of Appreciation
ICC Certificates of Appreciation were presented to the
- Timothy Person for Best Presentation at the Spring 2015
Subcommittee A Meeting Recent Developments in Crosslinkable Polyethylene
(XLPE) Technologies for Power Applications
Evangeline Cometa
for Best Presentation at the Spring 2015 Discussion Group A20
Meeting CSA Low Voltage Testing Protocol
Vern Buchholz
for Best Presentation at the Spring 2015 Subcommittee B Meeting
Current Cycle Test on Mechanical Connectors with Copper and Aluminum Alloy
Doug Taft for Best Presentation at the
Spring 2015 Subcommittee C Meeting Carlsbad Desalination Project 12kV
Underground Design Presentation
Gary Clark for Best
Presentation at the Spring 2015 Subcommittee C Meeting Carlsbad
Desalination Project 12kV Underground Design Presentation
Joe Groeger for Best Presentation at the Spring 2015 Subcommittee D
Meeting Formulation and Long-Term Performance of Low Voltage Cable
IEEE/PES Technical Committee
Certificates of Appreciation
Certificates of Appreciation were presented to the following:
- Cindy Flenniken for Services Rendered as Chair, Working
Group A20 Low Voltage Cable Systems Rated < 600 V
- Bruce Bernstein for Services Rendered as Chair, Working
Group C30 Extending the Life of Extruded Power Cables in the Field
- Robert Konnik for Services Rendered as Chair, Working
Group D10 IEEE 383-2015 Standard for Qualifying Electric Cables and
Splices for Nuclear Facilities
- Ajit Gwal for Services Rendered as Vice-Chair, Working
Group D10 IEEE 383-2015 Standard for Qualifying Electric Cables and
Splices for Nuclear Facilities
2016 IEEE Herman Halperin Electric
Transmission and Distribution Award
Recognizing exceptional achievements in our profession,
by both individuals and organizations, is an important part of the mission of
the IEEE. Each year the IEEE Awards Board recommends a select group of
recipients to receive the IEEE's most prestigious honors. The IEEE Board of
Directors has named George Anders as the recipient of the 2016
IEEE Herman Halperin Electric Transmission and Distribution Award with the
following citation:
For contributions to advances in
computational methods for the thermal rating of electric power cables.
This award is sponsored by the Robert and Ruth Halperin
Foundation, in memory of the late Herman and Edna Halperin, and the IEEE Power &
Energy Society. It will be presented at the 2016 IEEE Power & Energy Society
General Meeting.
December 1, 2015
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