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Fall 2016 Insulated Conductors Committee Awards
ICC Certificates of Appreciation
ICC Certificates of Appreciation were presented to the
- R. Nigel Hampton For Best Presentation at the Spring
2016 Subcommittee A Meeting Experiences of Combined HV & EHV Cable
Qualifications to IEC, AEIC and the Challenges of Adding IEEE 48 or 404
- Andrew R. Morris For Best Presentation at the Spring
2016 Discussion Group A20 Meeting Failure and Fire on 208V Secondary
- Donald N. Kleyweg, Jr. For Best Presentation at the
Spring 2016 Subcommittee C Meeting High Voltage Underground Cable System
Infrastructure in Dense Urban Environments
- Greg McElyea For Best Presentation at the Spring 2016
Subcommittee D Meeting Fiber Optic Sensing and Condition Monitoring in
Nuclear Plants
- Douglas S. DePriest For Best Presentation at the
Spring 2016 Subcommittee D Meeting Fiber Optic Sensing and Condition
Monitoring in Nuclear Plants
- Sverre Hvidsten For Best Presentation at the Spring
2016 Subcommittee F Meeting Preliminary On-site Classification of MV
Cables by Using a Simple DC Insulation
IEEE/PES Technical Committee
Certificates of Appreciation
Certificates of Appreciation were presented to the following:
- Henk Geene For Services Rendered as Chair,
Subcommittee C Cable Systems Spring 2011 – Fall 2016
- Ed Gulski For Services Rendered as Chair, Working
Group F05 IEEE 400.4-2015 Guide for Field Testing of Shielded Power
Cable Systems Rated 5 kV and Above with Damped Alternating Current (DAC)
- Ralph Patterson For Services Rendered as Vice-Chair,
Working Group F05 IEEE 400.4-2015 Guide for Field Testing of Shielded Power
Cable Systems Rated 5 kV and Above with Damped Alternating Current (DAC)
- Rachel Mosier For contributions in advancing
accessibility, efficiency and productive interaction among members and
guests involved with working groups, discussion groups, technical activities
and social events through the development and promotion of the Guidebook
2016 IEEE-SA Standards Medallion
The Standards Medallion is awarded for major
contributions to the development of standards. Examples include but are not
limited to the following:
Leadership in standardization of new technologies
Assuring achievement of standards development goals
Identifying opportunities to better serve the needs
of standards users
Other contributions viewed as deserving of such
Tim Wall has been selected as a recipient of the IEEE-SA
Standards Medallion “for extraordinary leadership as chair of Working Group B16W
in completing the 2016 revision for IEEE Standard 386 Separable Insulated
Connector Systems for Power Distribution Systems Rated 2.5 kV through 35 kV.”
Sudhakar Cherukupalli has been selected as a recipient
of the IEEE-SA Standards Medallion “for significant contribution towards
development of standards pertaining to Real-time Ratings for Transmission Cable
Circuits, DGA Interpretation for Condition Assessment of High Voltage Oil-Filled
Cables and towards the Education Committee of the IEEE Dielectrics and
Electrical Insulation Society (DEIS).”
These awards were presented to
them at a dinner ceremony held in Somerset, New Jersey on December 4, 2016.
2016 CIGRE Fellow Award
The CIGRE Fellow award is attributed for active participation in the activities
of the technical work of the study committees and for providing a lead technical
role in the study committees (maximum five awards every two years). This year
Willem Boone has been recognized for his contribution to CIGRE
in the field of Insulated Cables, as Convener, Special Reporter and Tutorial
lecturer for Study Committee B1.
2016 CIGRE Honorary Member
Also in Session years, the
Honorary Member awards are granted to a maximum of ten members who have proven
participation in CIGRE technical activities in a leadership role of CIGRE, and
for members whose service of CIGRE has been judged exceptional. This year
Pierre Argaut has been recognized for his contribution to CIGRE
as Chairman of Study Committee B1 “Insulated Cables” (2010 – 2016).
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