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WG 7-41 - Spring 1994
Work Group 7-41 met on Monday May 23, 1994. The working group discussed the extreme difficulty in gathering sufficient data to make the Transmission Cable Operations Report meaningful. Approximately one third of the utilities who formerly participated in the report have returned data and some of the data returned was questionable. Approximately half of those who did return data indicated no changes. Approximately 45 people requested that Rusty Bascom send them the disk with the Windows program to speed and simplify data submission. Only 7 people returned the disks. The problem of gathering data has continued since the beginning of the project and is growing. Because of the lack of data a valid report cannot be issued. Cable companies have been cooperative with returning data on installations. After discussing the problems, the working group decided to stop pursuit of an operations report and instead to issue a report of transmission cable installations. A suggestion for the new report format will be developed for discussion at the fall meeting.
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