The ICC Website is changing. As this transition is made, our new format
can be found at www.pesicc.org/ICCWP.
Please send any comments or questions to
ICC Surveys
From time to time, surveys will be posted by various ICC Subcommittees and
Working Groups in order to evaluate the need for a Guide or Standard or to clarify user
preferences and practices. You can help us out and make your opinion count at the same
If you are an Officer of one of the various Subcommittees or Working Groups and
would like to post a survey, contact Martin von Herrmann via e-mail at
- ICC-0201
- IEEE 1185 questionnaire - Solicits feedback on the experience with the use of
this Guide for the Installation Methods for Generating Station Cables. - EXPIRED
- Fall 2001 meeting questionnaire. - EXPIRED
- ICC-9901
- Chairman Hartlein needs feedback on the proposed location of the Fall 2001
meeting. - EXPIRED
- ICC-9801
- WG 6-7 Survey on the future direction for the P-851 Guide. - EXPIRED
- ICC-9701
- SC-11 Survey on the need for a manhole guide -
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