Insulated Conductors Committee

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PES-ICC General Business Meeting - Spring 1992

The following officers presided at the Business Meeting:

C. A. White, Chairman
South Carolina Electric & Gas Company

L. J. Hiivala, Vice-Chairman
Alcatel Canada Wire, Inc

M. S. Mashikian, Secretary
University of Connecticut
Electrical Insulation Research Center

The meeting was called to order by Chairman, C.A. White at 1:45 pm on April 28, 1992. On a motion from the floor, duly seconded, the minutes of the 1991 Fall meeting were approved. White thanked the local organizer Harry Orton and his associates from PowerTech for their assistance in making this meeting a success.

Matthew Mashikian provided the following statistics:

Mashikian also and announced the following appointments:

Past Chairman R. Watkins informed the attendees of the progress made in the organization of the first special Transnational Technologies Meeting in Birmingham, England.

Past Chairman T. Balaska delivered a eulogy in memory of Bynum Smith, who passed away April 1, 1992. The text of the eulogy is reproduced in Appendix I-K of the printed minutes.

The Business Meeting was adjourned.

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