Insulated Conductors Committee

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PES-ICC Spring 1996 Business Meeting

April 16, 1996

2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Call to Order

The Spring 1996 Business Meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Dr. Mashikian, at 2:00 p.m. He welcomed all members and guests who are listed below. He then called for approval of the minutes of the Fall, 1995 meeting minutes. Mr. Balaska moved that the minutes be approved and the motion was seconded by Mr. Voltz. The minutes were approved with the following correction:

Correction to Fall, 1995 Meeting Minutes

Under awards on page xi, Mr. Kent Nobile should be changed to Mr. Kent Brown. The officers apologized to Mr. Brown for the typographical error.

Introduction of Officers

Starting with the Spring, 1996 meeting, the new officers of ICC are:

Meeting Statistics

Mr. Hartlein announced the meeting attendance as follows:

Advance Registration	IEEE Member	165

			Non Member	51

On Site Registration	IEEE Member	66

			Non Member	36

Complimentary				5

Total					323

These numbers are typical for a spring meeting.

1996 Summer Power Meeting/Transmission and Distribution Show

Mr. Voltz announced there will be one ICC session at the 1996 Summer Power Meeting in Denver, CO, July 28 - August 1, 1996. The session will contain five papers and will be chaired by Mr. Darrell Sabatka.

Dr. Mashikian announced that there will be at least one ICC paper session and several ICC panel sessions at the 1996 Transmission and Distribution Show, which will be held in Los Angles, CA, September 15-22.

New Procedures for Transactions Papers

Dr. Mashikian reminded everyone that there will soon be new procedures for publishing transactions papers. After the Summer '97 meeting, paper submitters will have to make a special request to present their paper. The schedule for paper reviews will now be less rigorous since there is no deadline for paper presentations. Papers can be reviewed as conference papers or transactions, as requested by the person submitting the paper. Dr. Mashikian suggested that the group look for creative ways to present papers at ICC meetings. He will schedule a time to meet with the officers to discuss this issue in more detail.

Dr. Bartnikas asked if papers could be presented at ICC meetings. Dr. Mashikian responded that ICC will be the primary venue for presenting transactions papers related to insulated conductors.

1997 Summer Power Meeting in Berlin

Dr. Mashikian announced that ICC is planning to sponsor three panel sessions at the 1997 Summer Power Meeting in Berlin. They are:

Orientation Program

Dr. Mashikian reported there were 18 guests who attended the Sunday orientation program, which was conducted by Roland Watkins. The purpose of the program is to acquaint new ICC attendees with information on how the IEEE and ICC function. It is also designed to help new attendees navigate the maze of task group and subcommittee meetings that take place during a typical ICC meeting. The attendees responded favorably to the program, which will be held on Sunday afternoon before each ICC meeting. Dr. Mashikian encouraged all Subcommittee Chairmen to attend so they can answer questions about activities in their subcommittee.

SPA System Update

After the orientation program, Mr. Luigi Napoli from IEEE headquarters described the new Standards Process Automation (SPA) System. This system is designed to provide a communications and information hub for standards and development use, computerize the standards development process, provide for electronic data interchange and provide electronic mail and provide a variety of other electronic media services related to IEEE. The outline of Mr. Napoli's presentation is included in the Appendices Section, Page 54.

New Product Exhibits

Mr. Watkins mentioned there were 10 participants in the New Product Exhibit. They included:

  1. Pirelli
  2. Powertech Labs
  3. Raychem
  4. Tamaqua
  5. Brugg
  6. Wisconsin Electric Power Company
  7. Kearney
  8. AT Plastics
  9. G & W Electric Company
  10. ICC Historian (complimentary)

The exhibits replaced the old Table Top Display, which was designed for new, innovative products. The New Product Exhibits are intended as a mini-exhibit for all commercial products related to ICC activities. Guidelines for New Product Exhibits have been established by the ICC.

New Procedures for Standards Development

Dr. Mashikian reminded everyone that IEEE is changing the way standards are developed and balloted. The new procedures are still being developed. The status of these changes are covered in the Subcommittee 2 activities write-up, "Open Standards Preparation and Balloting" on Page 2-3. (Subcommittee Report Section starts on page 23.)

ICC Survey

Dr. Mashikian announced that results from the survey conducted at the Fall, 1995 meeting in St. Petersburg were compiled. The survey was conducted to gain feedback on what is good about ICC and what changes could be made to make ICC better. The survey results are included in the Appendices Section, Page 92-A - 92-H. Many responses were positive and many dei-nonstrated a need to make changes. The officers will work to analyze the results and make appropriate changes in an effort to maximize the benefits to its members and guests.

ICC Minutes on CD ROM

Given the ever increasing use of electronic media, Dr. Mashikian asked the met attendees if they would like to have the ICC minutes published on CD ROM. The response was an overwhelming "yes". To that end, the Secretary will investigate steps required to have the minutes published on CD ROM.

50 Anniversary of ICC

Mr. Hiivala described some of the activities planned for the 50th Anniversary of ICC, which will be celebrated at the Fall 1997 meeting at the Don CeSar in St. Petersburg, FL. Possible activities include:

Note: Subcommittee and Task Group business activities will remain unchanged.

Future Meetings

Dr. Mashikian announced the dates and locations for future ICC meetings.


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