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PES-ICC Spring 1997 - Business Meeting

Welcome/Call to Order

The Spring, 1997 Business Meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Dr. Mashikian, at 2:00 p.m. on April 22nd. He welcomed all members and guests. He then asked for the first time attendees to stand. He also asked for the overseas attendees to stand. He then called for approval of the minutes of the Fall, 1996 meeting minutes. Mr. Hiivala moved that the minutes be approved and the motion was seconded by Mr. Balaska. The minutes were approved with no changes.

Thanks to Arizona Public Service

Dr. Mashikian recognized the loyal assistance of personnel from Florida Power Corporation who have handled registration at the St. Pete meetings for many years. These individuals are:

New Vice Chairman Elect/New Assistant Secretary Positions

Dr. Mashikian announced that the ICC would reduce its executive officers from three to two. The new officer positions include:

In addition, three new positions were created:

This new arrangement reduces the total active commitment period of an ICC officer from 6 years to 4 years. Also, to reduce the administrative load on the officers, the Assistant Secretary positions were created. Individuals in these positions are paid for the services they perform.

The Assistant Secretary/Publications is responsible for preparing the minutes of the officers meeting, the adcom meeting and the overall ICC meeting minutes. The Assistant Secretary/Membership is responsible for maintaining the membership data base and all activities related to meeting registration.

Dr. Mashikian pointed out that it is becoming increasingly difficult for indivuals to serve as an officer of ICC because of the long commitment and the amount of time required to handle the wide variety of administrative functions. These changes were made to reduce the burden of being an ICC officer which should increase the pool of candidates available to serve as an officer.

Dr. Mashikian empahsized that the assistant secretaries are paid out of the meeting registration fee for the contract services they provide. They are not paid as employees. He then asked the Business Meeting attendees if there were any comments or questions about this arrangement. There were none.

Meeting Registration Assistance

Dr. Mashikian announced that registration assistance is needed for future ICC Meetings. This is particularly true for meetings at the Don CeSar because the usual assistance from Florida Power Corp. is no longer available since they moved their headquarters from Tampa to Orlando, FL. Anyone interested in assisting with this activity at ICC meetings should contact the ICC Chairman or Vice Chairman.

Future ICC Meetings

Dr. Mashikian announced the following dates and locations for future ICC meetings.

Meeting Date Hotel Location
Fall '97* November 2-5 Don CeSar Hotel St. Pete, FL
Spring '98 April 5-8 Royal York Hotel Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Fall '98 October 25-28 Don CeSar Hotel St. Pete, FL
Spring '99 May 23-26 Westin Hotel Charlotte, NC
Fall '99 Oct 31-Nov 3 Don CeSar Hotel St. Pete, FL

*50th Anniversary Celebration

General Business

Eulogy for John Jurcisin and Dan Nichols Unfortunately, the ICC lost two of its memvbers over the past year. A eulogy for Mr. John Jurcisin was read by Mr. Hartlein and a eulogy for Mr. Dan Nichols was read by Mr. Lincoln Koga. The eulogies are shown on pages 28 and 29 of the printed minutes.

Meeting Statistics

Mr. Hartlein announced the meeting attendance as follows:

Advance Registration IEEE Member


Non Member


On Site Registration IEEE Member


Non Member






These numbers are slightly low for a spring meeting.

New Product Exhibit Participants

Mr. Hartlein indicated that Baur Test Equipment, Inc. was the only participant in the New Product Exhibit for this meeitng. Since this turnout was so low, the officers and subcommittee chairmen will reexamine the usefulness of this activity.

ICC Minutes Update

Mr. Hartlein briefly reviewed the new format of ICC minutes. He encouraged all members to make the best use of the minutes. They contain a wide variety of information and include many different forms and applications.

On to 100 Committee

In an effort to assure that the ICC is making adequate changes to keep up with today’s changing business environment, Mr. Hartlein announced the development of the "On to 100" Committee. This committe, made up of ICC members will review all ICC activities and make recommendations on changes which could be made to improve the ICC. A writeup of the ICC activities is included on pages 30 - 31 of the printed minutes.

ICC Panel Sessions at IEEE PES Summer Power Meeting in Berlin

Mr. Hartlein noted that the ICC is sponsoring five panel sessions at the PES meeting in Berlin. This is a significant accomplishment for the ICC to have that many panel sessions at a PES meeting held in Europe. This indicates that the Committee can have an impact, internationally. [Note: A brief review of the Panel Sessions has subsequently been posted by Vice-Chairman Rick Hartlein].

Procedures for Transactions Papers

Mr. Hartlein briefly mentioned that the procedures for publishing transactions papers has changed. Authors who submit their papers for publication in the Power Delivery Transactions are no longer required to present their papers. However, they may request that their papers be presented in poster sessions at PES Winter and Summer Power meetings or as a tradtional presentation at Committee meetings, such as the ICC.

Speaker/Meeting Evaluation Forms

Mr. Hartlein indicated that the officers have created a meeting evaluation survey for use as a tool to improve the quality of ICC meetings and presentations. The survey will be available for all attendees to evaluate each and every meeting they attend. Once they fill out the survey form, it should be given to the meeting leader (usuallly the Working Group or Subcommittee Chairman).

The group leader can use the feedback provided in the form to improve the quality of his meeting or the presentations which are made at his meeting. The ICC officers do not see these forms. They are simply a means of providing the kind of feedback which the meeting leader can use to assure that he is doing a good job. These forms are available at ICC meetings. They are also provided in the Forms Section of the ICC minutes.

Commercialism at ICC Meetings

Mr. Hiivali, past ICC Chairman, reminded everyone that the ICC is primarily a technical forum, not a commercial forum. He provided a brief overview of the IEEE PES and ICC policies regarding commercialism. This presentation is included in the Forms and Guidelines of the ICC minutes.

Mr. Hiivala encouraged everyone to review the IEEE and ICC rules related to commercialism. Earlier during the Monday Morning Coordination meeting with ICC Subcommittee and Working Group Chairmen, he passed our rolls of masking tape to be used to cover up company names on all but the first overhead of all presentations. Subcommittee and Working Group Chairmen were asked to enforce these rules at future ICC meetings.

50 Anniversary of the ICC

Mr. Hiivala described some of the activities planned for the 50th Anniversary of ICC, which will be celebrated at the Fall 1997 meeting at the Don CeSar in St. Petersburg, FL.

New ICC WEB Page

Mr. Kent Brown made a presentation on the new WEB page which he developed for the ICC. The new internet site contains a wide variety of information on the ICC including new announcements, meeting agendas and Working Group Minutes. All ICC Subcommittee and Working Group Chairmen were encouraged to post their meeting agendas and minutes on the new ICC WEB Page. The information should be provided to Kent who will update the WEB page regularly as information is provided to him.

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