Insulated Conductors Committee

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Guidelines for Presentation Material Published in PES – ICC Minutes

Information presented during Subcommittee sessions at the Insulated Conductors Committee meetings frequently reflects the state of the art for cable and accessory technology. As such, it is vital that a record of presentations be obtained and published. It is the ICC policy that all submissions are approved for the public domain. Do not include proprietary information in your presentations. It is assumed that the submissions for the minutes are an accurate copy of your presentation and free for public use.

With the advent of the minutes being produced and available on a CD, the Guidelines have changed. All files for inclusion in the ICC meeting minutes are to be supplied electronically. It is important that these electronic files be submitted shortly after the meeting so as not to delay the production of the total meeting minutes. In the event that material is not supplied in time, as instructed by the Subcommittee Chairs, your material may be published in the next meeting minutes.

Files should be identified so that the Subcommittee Chairs can easily identify the material and where it is to be inserted in their meeting minutes. Presentations are to be submitted in any Microsoft Office file format, including Word, Excel and PowerPoint. This also includes all Windows Multimedia video and audio file formats. All subcommittee chairs should have these programs so that they can review your presentation before submitting their report to the secretary responsible for producing the ICC Meeting Minutes. Specific questions on the file formats should be directed to the appropriate chairman

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