Insulated Conductors Committee

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Spring 2007 PES-ICC Meeting


Orlando, Florida - May 6-9, 2007 at the Rosen Center

Rosen Center

An Invitation


Our Spring 2007 meeting is a short 2 months away, May 6 thru May 9 2007.  Please firm up your travel schedules and confirm your room reservations with the hotel.  Details Below.

Our reservation form is posted on our web site.

Submit this form to Thomas Arnold as directed and make checks payable to the ICC. The cut off date for early registration is

Friday April 20.  Please register early, it is a tremendous help to keep your visit to our registration desk as efficient as possible.

Visit our web site frequently for all meeting news and announcements.

Our Opening Session on Monday morning will be busy.  We plan to start at 8 am to properly recognize members with special IEEE recognitions and a guest speaker, Wanda Reder-IEEE PES President Elect, will address our committee.

Shan, Rachel and I look forward to seeing all of you in May.

Jim Fitzgerald


Wanda Reder Biography:Wanda Reder
 Wanda Reder, is the Vice President of the Power Systems Services Division at S&C Electric Company offering engineering, field service, and project management capabilities to utilities, developers and industrial customers. Prior to S&C, Wanda was the Vice President of T&D Asset Management at Exelon where she had responsibility for asset investment strategy, standards, engineering, planning, reliability and work management in Chicago and Philadelphia. Prior to Exelon, Wanda was the Vice President of Energy at Davies Consulting. Additional experience includes starting and leading a company that performed predictive diagnostics on underground cable and numerous leadership positions at Northern States Power including justification and deployment of distribution automation, planning for long-range delivery system needs, and development of conservation and load management initiatives.
Wanda received an Engineering Bachelor of Science degree from South Dakota State University and a Masters in Business Administration from the College of St. Thomas. Wanda has served on the IEEE Power Engineering Society Governing Board since 2002 and now is the IEEE PES President-Elect. Since 2004, she has been researching the maturing power industry workforce to prepare a “road map” for actions to be taken by IEEE Power Engineering Society.

Meeting Agenda A preliminary agenda has been posted here.  Please note that this is agenda is preliminary and will change between now and the meeting.  Please check back for updates to this agenda.  (updated 4/17/07)


Educational Program

More details are being added every day.  Check back frequently for updates.  The Subcommittees will sponsor many Technical Presentations on key topics in their fields of interest. (updated 4/24/07)

Attention Presenters: Guidelines for Presentation Material Published in PES – ICC Minutes

The theme of the Spring 2007 Educational Program will be Cable Ampacity.

More details on the Educational Program can be found here.  (updated 4/23/07)

Registration The registration form has been posted hereSubmit this form to Thomas Arnold as directed and make checks payable to the ICC. The cut off date for early registration is Friday April 20. Please register early, it is a tremendous help to keep your visit to our registration desk as efficient as possible.  (updated 03/26/07)
Mini-Expo The Spring meeting will feature a Mini-Expo for vendors to make table top displays of equipment and services related to the scope of the ICC. You can sign up for a table top display using the meeting Registration form. A list of exhibitors can be found here  (updated 04/24/07)
New Member Orientation  
Hotel Information

(updated 03/14/07)

The meeting will be held at the Rosen CenterThe cutoff for registration is APRIL 5! Please call 1-800-204-7234 for reservations, ask for the ‘IEEE ICC Meeting’.

407-996-9840(Ph); 407-996-2659(fax)

Hospitality Suites If your company plans to have a hospitality suite in conjunction with the Spring 2007 meeting, be sure to see the Guideline page.
Spouse Activities TBD
Tourist Information  

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