Guidelines for Presentations and Material Published in PES-ICC Minutes
The ICC relies on presentations by its attendees to be as successful as possible. We welcome every one of our members and guests to make a presentation in any of the Subcommittees, Working Groups, or Discussion Groups. However, to maintain our integrity and the high quality of the presentations, we must enforce certain guidelines.
Information presented during Subcommittee sessions at the Insulated Conductors Committee meetings frequently reflects the state of the art for cable and accessory technology. As such, it is vital that a record of presentations be obtained and published. Submissions for the minutes are required to be an accurate copy of your presentation.
It is the policy of the ICC that all presenters of technical presentations in Subcommittee, Working Group or Discussion Group meetings must sign the ICC consent and release form as a condition of presenting. This ICC consent and release form gives the IEEE and ICC the right to publish the presentation in the minutes of the meeting. The author retains copyright. In the case of presentations co-authored by 2 or more authors, the presenter is required to obtain permission and consent from all of the remaining authors prior to signing the consent and release form. The presenter’s signature affirms that permission and consent from all authors has been granted.
With the advent of the minutes being produced and available via downloading as an electronic file from the ICC website, the Guidelines have changed. All files for inclusion in the ICC meeting minutes are to be supplied electronically. All Presentations must be submitted to the Subcommittee Chair/Vice Chair before the meeting for preloading to allow for a smooth meeting and so as not to delay the production of the total meeting minutes. Exact deadlines for submission of presentations will be set by each Subcommittee Chair/Vice Chair. The presentation computer will NOT be available for preload immediately before each meeting. Therefore, prior submission to the appropriate Chair is a must.
Files should be identified so that the Subcommittee Chairs can easily identify the material and where it is to be inserted in their meeting minutes. (e.g., C.AuthorLastName.BriefTitle.ppt) Due to the software available on the ICC presentation computers, presentations are to be submitted in any Microsoft Office file format, including Word, Excel and PowerPoint. This also includes all Windows Multimedia video and audio file formats. Specific questions on the file formats should be directed to the appropriate Subcommittee Chair/Vice Chair.
All presentations must meet the following guidelines:
- Presentations must be electronic.
- Author and affiliation should be shown on the title or introductory page.
- Additional information that should appear on the title page is Meeting Location, date of meeting, and Subcommittee, Working Group or Discussion Group identification.
- Company Name and/or Logo may be displayed on the title page only.
- Watermarks are not allowed. No blatant advertising is permitted. Mention of company names is permitted only on the title page unless necessary for the technical content of the presentation. (Use beyond the title page must first be cleared with the Subcommittee Chair.) This includes the use of headers or footers.
- Under no circumstances should a presentation include product Marketing names.
- All ICC presentations must be accompanied by an ICC consent and release form signed by all authors, giving IEEE and ICC the right to use the presentation in the minutes of the meeting. The author(s) retains copyright.
- Please submit the material to your Subcommittee Chair/Vice Chair electronically. (Check with the Subcommittee Chair/Vice Chair for the preferred format and transfer technique.)
Subcommittee Chairs/Vice Chairs will review your presentation to ensure guidelines are met before the meeting and before submitting their report to the ICC Minutes Director responsible for producing the ICC Meeting Minutes. Any required changes to ensure the guidelines are met will be discussed with the Author.
Beginning with the Spring 2019 Meeting, a Powerpoint Template was provided to assist presenters. The following templates are available:
- ICC Technical PowerPoint Presentations Template
- ICC Administrative PowerPoint Presentations Template
- Instructions on used of the template are linked as a PDF here
- The linked quiz/presentation was given at the Fall 2010 Meeting, to help make these points, especially those on commercialism, more clear as they relate to preparing presentations. Everyone, presenters especially, are encouraged to review this presentation.
- F.A.Q. – Frequently Asked Questions and their answers about presentations can be found at this link.
- Additional Guidance on Commercialism
Attendance at, or participation in, any IEEE conference constitutes consent to the use and distribution by IEEE of the attendee’s image or voice for informational, publicity, promotional and/or reporting purposes in print or electronic communications media.
Video recording by participants and other attendees during any portion of the conference is not allowed without special prior written permission of IEEE.
Photographs of copyrighted PowerPoint or other slides are for personal use only and are not to be reproduced or distributed. Do not photograph any such images that are labelled as confidential and/or proprietary.