The standards making process is the backbone of the ICC. There are many active working and discussion groups in the ICC concerned with a wide range of topics including power cable standards, submarine cables, fiber optics, cleaning solvents for electric cables, ampacity tables, soil thermal stability, testing and diagnostics, magnetic fields and many more. The new realities in the electric industry have elevated standards to a position of great importance. It can be shown that standardization leads to cost reduction and higher quality products. In addition, today’s standards are taking on a global importance by breaking down international barriers to trade. A good example is the North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA. Because of standards and the harmonization of standards cable now moves both ways across our borders.

Subcommittee A – Cable Construction and Design – Covers issues related to materials, construction, design and manufacturing of insulated cables.

Subcommittee B – Accessories – Covers issues related to testing, construction and design of cable terminations and joints.

Subcommittee C – Cable Systems – All issues related to installation and operation of cable systems

Subcommittee D – Generating Station and Industrial Cables – Covers issues related to testing, assembly and operation and construction of cable systems not normally employed on transmission and distribution systems. This includes station cables, control cables, fiber optic cables, etc.

Subcommittee E – Administrative – Covers all issues related to the effective, efficient operation of the ICC and for the development and presentation of special ICC related activities.

Subcommittee F – Field Testing and Diagnostics – Considers all issues related to testing and diagnostics of cables and cable systems.

Subcommittee G – Transnational – The mission of the Transnational Subcommittee is to involve the international scientific community in the Insulated Conductors Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society and to enhance the exchange of technical information between countries.