Subcommittee A – Cable Construction and Design


The subcommittee considers all issues related to materials, construction, design and manufacturing of insulated cables

Mission Statement:

The Cable Construction and Design Subcommittee provides an informational forum for discussions on aging and performance characteristics of various cable constructions, chemical, physical and electrical tests of cable dielectrics, and performance of cables in service.


Discussion / Working Groups:

A01D – Characteristics of Insulating Materials (Inactive)
Chair: Vacant
Vice Chair: Vacant
This Working Group is focused on insulating materials employed in cable systems. The objective is to provide a forum for the exchange of information on materials employed or present in cables or accessories.

A02D – Characteristics of Semi-conductive Shields (Inactive)
Chair:  Cindy Flenniken, Lyondell Chemicals,
Vice Chair: Harry Orton, OCEI,

To bring together input from industry, university and cable users on the effects of semiconductive contamination on the performance of underground cable insulation systems. Recommendations will be made by this task group to either modify existing industrial standards or to produce new standards to improve the quality of semiconductive shields where it has been determined necessary.

A03D – Performance of Extruded Dielectrics (Inactive)
Chair: John Densley, ArboLec Solutions,
Vice Chair: Vacant
To provide a forum for discussion and for the exchange of information on the performance of dielectrics used in extruded power cable systems.

A04D – Definition of Tree Retardant Crosslinked Polyethylene (Inactive)
Chair: Serge Pelissou, Hydro Quebec
Vice Chair: Richie Harp, TXU
The A4D Discussion Group is examining issues related to the performance of cables insulated with what is generally called tree retardant crosslinked polyethylene (TRXLPE). The term TRXLPE is often used in the electric utility industry but currently there is no uniformly accepted definition. This group is working to consolidate and document the activities that have been conducted since 1997 to define TRXLPE based on performance data.

A05W – Properties of Identifiable Jackets (P1235)
Chair: Jim Guo, UL,
Secretary: Lakshman Raut, Prysmian,
To prepare a guide on recommendations for red stripe and raised ridge identification markings on insulating and semiconducting jacketed underground cables.

A06D – Accelerated Electrical Aging
Chair: Paul Caronia, Dow,
Vice Chair: Rajesh Narayanan, Cable Technology Laboratories,
To develop accelerated electrical aging tests and procedures for the determination of the long term life performance characteristics and capabilities of solid polymeric and fluid filled cables under multi-stress, in-service conditions.

A07W – Guide for Selecting and Testing Jackets for Underground Cables (P532)
Chair: Paul Caronia, Dow Chemical,
Secretary: Michael Wright, Prysmian,
Revise IEEE 532, Guide for Selecting and Testing Jackets for Underground Cables based on the IEEE protocol to review and revise guides on a 5 years basis.

A08W – Tests for Compatibility of Cable Pulling Lubricants with Wire & Cable (P1210)
Chair: Michael Wright, Prysmian,
Secretary: Kai Zhou, UL, LLC,
This group is being reactivated in order to consider revision or reaffirmation of IEEE 1210-1996, Tests for Compatibility of Cable Pulling Lubricants with Wire & Cable, in accordance with the five year maintenance cycle.

A09D – Guide for Moisture Measurement in SF6 (Inactive)
Chair: Vacant
Vice Chair: Vacant

A10D – Conductors
Chair: Cory Liu, DNV, Lui-cory.liu@dnv.vom
Vice Chair: Vacant

To provide a forum for the discussion of topics regarding conductors.

A11W – Guide for the Selection, Testing, Application and Installation of Cables Having Radial Moisture Barriers and/or Longitudinal  Water Blocking (P1142)
Chair: Ken Bow, Kable Consult LLC,
Secretary: Mick Bayer, STV Energy Services,
The mission of this working group is to continually stay abreast of technology and materials developments that enhance cable performance and life by preventing damage or deterioration from the effects of moisture and chemicals. As technology of this type develops, the Working Group will strive to keep IEEE Guide 1142 updated.

A12D – Cable Designs Impervious to Moisture (Inactive)
Chair: Jack P. Steiner, ComEd
Vice Chair: Mike L. Walker, Center Point Energy,
To develop a Guide for the Design, Testing, and Applicaition of Moisture-Impervious, Solid Dielectric, 5-35kV Power Cable Using Metal Plastic Laminates.

A13W – IEEE Guide for Accelerated Aging Tests for Medium-Voltage (5 kV – 35 kV) Extruded Electric Power Cables Using Water-Filled Tanks (IEEE 1407) (Inactive)
Chair: Detlef Wald, Eifelkabel,
Secretary: Lakshman Raut, Prysmian,
To revise IEEE Std 1407-1998: Guide for Accelerated Aging Tests for Medium-Voltage Extruded Electric Power Cables Using Water-Filled Tanks.

A14D – Power Cable Standards
Chair: Ashley Eanes, Duke Energy,
Vice Chair: Tim West, LS Cable & System USA,
To provide a forum for keeping members informed of planned and recently completed additions and revisions to power cable standards, as well as advising how to contribute to and influence their development.

A15W – Guide for Selection and Design of Aluminum Sheaths for Power Cables (Inactive) (P635)
Chair: Detlef Wald, Eifelkabel,
Secretary: Lakshman Raut, Prysmian,

A16D – Characteristics of EPR Cables
Chair: Yang Cao, University of Connecticut,
Vice Chair: Steven Graham, Duke Energy – Nuclear Gen,
To provide a forum for exchange of information on the characteristics of Ethylene-Propylene Rubber Insulated cables.

A17W – Guide for the Application of Extruded Conductor and Insulation Shields for Shielded Power Cables Rated 5 kV to 500 kV AC (Inactive) (P1781)
Chair: Tim Person, Dow Chemical Co.,
Secretary: Serge Pelissou, Hydro Quebec (IREQ)
To provide guidance to users of extruded dielectric distribution and transmission power cables on the selection of extruded conductor and insulation shield materials for their intended application.

A18W – Guide for Investigating and Analyzing Shielded Power Cable Failure on Systems Rated 5kV through 46kV (P1511.1)
Chair: Kraig Bader, City of Loveland,
Secretary: Brian Ayres, TE Connectivity,
To develop a general overview and suggested working procedures to investigate and analyze cable failures on systems rated 5 kV through 46 kV  

A19D – Covered Conductors Rated 5kV through 46 kV: Weatherproof Conductors, Tree Wire and Spacer Cable Systems
Chair: Lisseth Villareal, PG&E,
Vice Chair: Kim Nuckles, Southwire,
To provide a forum for reviewing issues related to the Discussion Group Scope. If the Group determines that there is a need for a standard or guide on Covered Conductors, a new mission will be established and the Discussion Group will be converted to a Working Group.

A20D – Low Voltage Cable Systems Rated up to 600V
Chair: Paul Brigandi, Dow Chemical Co,
Vice Chair: Pierre-Marc Leblanc, Southwire,

A21D – Sustainability of Power Cable Materials
Chair:  Yingli Wen, ConEd,
Vice Chair: Sarah Gladdings, LyondellBasell,

To provide a forum for the discussion of topics related to low voltage conductors.  The conductors are typically unshielded and operated at 2kV or less with most being operated at 600V or less.

W = Working Group (Prepares a document such as a standard, guide or paper)
D = Discussion Group (Provides a forum for discussion on a focused topic.)
Working groups have the PAR # in parenthesis.