Subcommittee C – Cable Systems


All issues related to installation, operation and testing of cable systems.


 Discussion / Working Groups:

C1W –  Ampacity Topics (P835)
Chair: Todd Goyette, Power Engineers,
Secretary: Vacant
Develop a scope for the addendum to IEEE 835 Standard Power Cable Ampacities that will define parameters and parameter ranges. Provide methods to extend adjustments to ratings in the original document for the types of cable installations listed in the Standard.

C2W –  Guide for Bonding High Voltage Cable Sheaths (P575)
Chair: Mike Buckweitz, Consolidated Edison,
Secretary: Thomas Champion, NEETRAC,
Develop a guide to describe the most common sheath-bonding systems and the methods of calculating sheath voltages and currents. 

C3D –  Magnetic Fields of Underground Cables (Inactive)
Chair: Vacant
Vice Chair: Vacant
To provide a forum for the discussion of topics related to power frequency magnetic fields produced by underground cable systems.

C4W –  Remaining Life of Paper Insulated Trans. Cable Systems (Inactive) (P1425)
Chair: Vacant
Secretary: Vacant
Develop a guide for those needing to evaluate the remaining life of impregnated paper insulated transmission cable systems. The guide will provide a complete and concise overview of aging mechanisms with frequent references to the technical literature for those who wish to investigate specific subjects with more detail. The guide will also present and discuss methods to assist in evaluating the extent of cable system aging.

C5W –  Guide to the Use of Gas-in-Fluid Analysis for Electric Power Cable Systems (P1406)
Chair: Dave Purnhagen,
Secretary: Dennis Johnson,
This project covers all aspects of the analysis of gases dissolved in cable fluids as a maintenance and diagnostic tool.

C6D –  Guide for Application of Flame Retardant/Arc Resistant Materials (Inactive)
Chair: Vacant
Vice Chair: Vacant
This project will develop a Guide for the selection and application of fire-retardant and arc-resistant blankets, coatings and tapes for the protection of electrical cable systems. The Guide is the third and final document in a series which provides direction in the testing and application of various systems designed to protect cables during fires and/or during exposure to electric arcs (see IEEE 817-1993 and IEEE 848-1996). The Guide describes the key parameters which should be considered in any such application, describes typical test parameters, and provides examples of the common application of each system.

C7 now F07-  Cable Neutral Corrosion
Moved to Subcommittee F

C8W –  Development of AC Cable Systems 60 kV and Above (P1539) (Inactive)
Chair: Vacant
Secretary: Vacant
Develop guide for testing transmission cable systems with extruded insulation.

C9D –  Report of Cable Failures 69 kV and Above (Inactive)
Chair: Vacant
Vice Chair: Vacant
Report on failures of transmission cable systems.

C10D –  Network Manhole Fires (Inactive)
Chair: Vacant
Vice Chair: Vacant
Define the contents of a guide to aid in the mitigation of damage caused by network fires and manhole explosions. Proceed with obtaining a PAR and developing the guide.

C11W –  Submarine Cables (P1120)
Chair: Harry Orton, OCEI,
Secretary: Marc Dodeman, LS Cable America,
Develop a guide for factors to be considered for installation of submarine cables

C12W –  Guide for Dist. Cable Installation Methods in Duct Systems (P971)
Chair: Jon Erickson, SDG&E,
Secretary: Vacant
The scope of this guide is to provide information relating to distribution cable installation methods in duct systems, so that it may be used by anyone installing such cable as a reference or as a guide or as a general installation specification and, in so far as possible, attempts to point out the methods that are currently the most acceptable while cautioning against unacceptable methods.

C13D –  Installation of Cables Using Trenchless Techniques
Chair: Todd Goyette, Power Engineers,
Vice Chair: Jay Williams, Power Delivery Consultants,
Prepare a guide for the civil and cable considerations required for planning, designing, and installing power cable systems by trenchless technologies, and operating and maintaining those systems. Provide a forum for presentations on current trenchless installations and related topics.

C14W –  Revision of IEEE 82 – Impulse Testing (P82)
Chair: Rachel Mosier, Power Delivery Consultants,
Secretary: Jim Guo, UL,
This Working Group maintains the Standard for performing lightning impulse testing of high voltage cables, IEEE 82 – Standard Test Procedure for Impulse Tests on Insulated Conductors.

C20W –  Soil Thermal Stability (P1254)
Chair: Wael Moutassem, USi,
Secretary: Carson Bates, NEI Electric Power Engineering,
Develop a guide for laboratory measurements to quantify the thermal stability of soils and cable trench backfill materials.

C22D – Superconducting Cables
Chair: Frank Frentzas, ComEd,
Vice Chair: Mike Ross, AMSC,
To provide a forum for discussion and education of HTS Cable technology, applications and experiences. (2) To provide a link between ICC and other international organizations engaged in HTS Cable related guidelines and/or standards

C23W – Guide to the Factors to be Considered in the Planning, Design and Installation of a Transmission OH/UG Terminal (P1793)
Chair: Nathan Rochel, Burns & McDonnell,
Secretary: Carmen Zhang, Oncor,
The document will cover a comprehensive list of issues that should be addressed to design a hybrid overhead/underground transmission circuits.

C24W – Temperature Monitoring and Dynamic Rating of Cable Systems (P1718)
Chair: Mohamed Chaaban, IREQ,
Secretary: Chris Grodzinski, EHV Power ULC,
Prepare a guide describing various methods of monitoring existing and new cable temperature on a real time basis, communication of the measured data, and use of the data to dynamically rate the cable systems.

C25W – Soil Thermal Resistivity Measurements (P442)
Chair: Nimesh Patel, Geotherm
Secretary: Sudhakar Cherukupalli, BC Hydro
The purpose of this guide is to provide sufficient information to enable the user to select useful commercial test equipment, or to manufacture equipment which is not readily available on the market, and to make meaningful resistivity measurements with this equipment. Measurements may be made in the field or in the laboratory on soil samples or both. If the native soil is to be tamped back into the trench at the same density at which it was removed, it may be desirable to make in-situ resistivity measurements along the route of the cable. If the native soil is to be placed in the trench at a density different than undisturbed soil in the same vicinity, laboratory measurements are required on soil samples recompacted to the desired density. In order to draw meaningful comparisons on selected foreign backfill materials, thermal resistivity measurements should be made in the laboratory on soils which are compacted so as to provide maximum dry densities.

C26D – Medium Voltage Underground Cable Reliability
Chair: Michael Wallace, Progress Energy,
Vice Chair: Vacant
The Scope of this discussion Group is to get the companies that provide cable testing to provide reliable and quantitative reporting results that will give its customers the largest benefit for the expense invested.

C27 – Installing & Operating Power Cables in Pipelines / ROW 

C28D – Hot Spot Mitigation
Chair: John Nierenberg, Tacoma Power,
Vice Chair: Allen MacPhail, Cabletricity Connections Ltd.,
To provide a forum for keeping members informed on causes of power cable hot spots and methods to eliminate, control, moderate and mitigate.

C29W – Guideline For Working Procedures On Underground Transmission Circuits With Induced Voltage (P1727)
Chair: Bob Uddin, Commonwealth Associates,
Secretary: Jade Wong, Con Endison
To consider work procedures for the effects of induced voltages on high voltage transmission underground cable systems.

C30W – Extending the Life of Power Cable Operations in the Field (P1879)
Chair: Jeff Joy, Power Engineers, Inc,
Secretary: Don Kleyweg, HBK Engineering, LLC,
To review issues from the Utilities’ point of view that relates to system preparation, installation, and monitoring of cable systems that were rejuvenated through fluid filled injection technology.

C31D – High Pressure Fluid Filled (HPFF) and High Pressure Gas Filled (HPGF) Pipe Type Cable Systems
Chair: Shiloh Fraijo, Oncor,
Vice Chair: Adam Smith, Power Engineers, Inc.,
To develop a design guide and to capture knowledge of fluid-filled and gas-filled cables.

C32D – Support of Transmission Cables Within Manholes
Chair: Allen MacPhail, Cabletricity Connections Ltd,
Vice Chair: Steve Eckroad, EPRI,
To provide a forum for discussion of the factors to be considered when designing engineered constraining systems for single core transmission cables and joints in manholes.

C33D – Renewable Energies
Chair: Darin Lawton, Burns & McDonnell,
Vice Chair: Shane Moulton, Dominion Energy,
Renewable Energies Committee is being started to discuss ICC related items on cable and support systems for standards in many areas of energy renewable processes that have no limits at this time. Wind generation, solar generation, water generation, and areas that are considered an ecology and environmentally effective generation for a “renewable source” of energy as it relates to the cable and supporting standards that the ICC members are working towards.

C34W – Mitigating Manhole Explosions (P2417)
Chair: Stu Hanebuth, Safety Management Group,
Secretary: Wes Spencer, Power Engineers,
Discuss progress made to help solve problems resulting from manhole explosions

C35D – Sheath Bonding
Chair: Mohamed Chaaban, IREQ,
Vice Chair: Chris Grodzinski, EHV Power ULC,
To present a methodology to calculate the induced current and voltage in the sheath of complex power cable
installations and the non-uniformity of current distribution in the conductors of multi-cable per phase circuits. To
address the EMF calculation in the vicinity of these installations. To help the user developing necessary equations
for a specific installation.

C36W – Real Time & Dynamic Current Rating
Chair: Chris Grodzinski, EHV Power ULC,
Secretary: Wael Moutassem, USi, 

To give utilities and other providers with a number of concepts to consider when designing, building or specifying an installation, and when maintaining and operating an underground cable real-time dynamic rating system. The proposed guide will review the parameters that impact cable system dynamic ratings

C37D – Submarine Cables
Chair: Harry Orton, OCEI,
Vice Chair: Luis Alvarez, Sumitomo Electric,
Discussion Group on Submarine Cables
Discussion Group C37D was formed at the Fall 2016 Meeting, after change in IEEE policy required C11 to be a “Working Group” to maintain P1120.

C38D – HVDC Cable Systems
Chair: Robert (Bob) Hobson, Burns &  McDonnell,
Vice Chair: Reema Pothireddi,Southwire,
HVDC discussion group –  presentation and discussions related to High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) power transmission cable systems including cables, accessories, installation, reliability, applications and operation.  Additional discussion related to generation of a PAR to create a guide for HVDC cable system test methods and requirements.

C39D – Seismic Performance Assessment of Transmission Cables
Chair: Sudhakar Cherukupalli, BC Hydro
Vice Chair: Harry Orton, OCEI,

C40D – Replacement of Pipe Type Cables with XLPE Cables while Retaining the Steel Pipe
Chair: Kate Thompson, G&W Electric,
Vice Chair: Tina Carson, Oncor,
Discussion Group on Pipe Type Cable Retrofits

xW = Working Group (Prepares a document such as a standard, guide or paper). Working groups have the PAR # in parenthesis.
D = Discussion Group (Provides a forum for discussion on a focused topic.)