Subcommittee D – Generating Station and Industrial Cable
Subcommittee D is tasked with cable systems for power, control, signal, data, communication, and Fiber optic applications for use in generating stations, substations, industrial facilities, shipboards, military installations, submarines, mining, and transit/locomotive cars. These cables are direct buried, pulled in duct banks, conduits, ducts or wire ways, or installed in trays, air handling plenums, cabinets, enclosures and other non-T&D applications of insulated conductors. Testing and installation guidance for these applications is also within the scope of this group. The group develops standards and guidelines and provides opportunity for technical discussion. Specifically excluded are T&D cables for use on land applications.
- Chair – Phil Laudicina, Marmon Industrial Energy & Infrastructure Group,
- Vice Chair – Tim Fallesen, TVA,
Discussion / Working Groups:
D1D – Shipboard Cables
Chair: Rudy Bright, Nexans AmerCable,
Vice Chair: Altin Dabulla, Marmon Industrial Energy & Infrastructure,
Provides the means for updating ICC members on the developments and recent activities with national and international standards involving marine shipboard cables. Reporting format includes updates on U.S. Navy cables. Changes in acceptance criteria for shipboard cables by national and international regulatory bodies are also reported.
D2D – Industrial and Commercial Cables (Inactive)
Chair: Vacant
Vice Chair: Vacant
Provides a forum for updating ICC members on recent activities involving UL wire and cable standards. Proposed and adopted revisions are discussed. Recent changes and proposed changes to the NEC are also discussed.
D3W – Guide for Selecting and Specifying Cables for Petrochemical Plants (IEEE 1242)[Joint with IAS/PCIC] (P1242)
Chair: Phil Laudicina, Marmon Industrial Energy & Infrastructure Group,
Secretary: Alex Marciano, Marmon Industrial Energy & Infrastructure, alexandre.marciano@marmoniei.
The purpose of this guide is to provide the user with cable designs, applications, and test procedures that are common to the petroleum, chemical, or similar type of industry. It is intended as an informational tool for the new as well as the more seasoned engineer. In this capacity, it contains an extensive single-point reference and cross-reference list of standards as they apply to the wire and cable industry, including U.S. and Canadian standards. It provides application guidelines for the type of installations found in petroleum and chemical plants as they relate to electrical, mechanical, physical, thermal, and environmental properties of the cable. The use of this guide should help to eliminate premature cable failure due to improper specification, selection, and application of cable in petroleum and chemical plants. A revised guide was issued in 2016 and the working group is currently inactive.
D4D – Smoke, Toxicity and Corrosive Products of Cable Combustion (Inactive)
Chair: Vacant
Vice Chair: Vacant
Define test methods to measure smoke and toxic and corrosive products from the combustion of wire and cable constructions and materials. These methods will be generally relevant to wire and cable applications. The end user must decide the significance of each parameter measured.
D5W – Station Cable Installation Criteria (IEEE1185) (P1185)
Chair: John E. Merando, Retired,
Secretary: Gayland Bloethe, Sargent & Lundy, LLC,
This working group maintains IEEE recommended practice 1185 related to methods to improve cable installation practices in generating stations are provided. The purpose of this recommended practice is to provide guidance on how to prevent installation damage which is the single greatest cause of wire and cable failures. Cable failures can lead to power outages and equipment downtime, resulting in an inconvenience at best, loss production or worse a safety issue. This document provides information for engineers, technicians, and crafts people to avoid potential wire or cable damage during installation, testing, and modification of cable systems at generating stations and industrial facilities. This document supplements IEEE Std 422-1986 and IEEE Std 690-1984, which provide specific cable installation limits. The working group is currently working a revised document through the balloting process.
D6W – Fiber Optic Cables (IEEE 1428) (P1428)
Chair: Larry Cunningham, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
Secretary: Keith Bagwell, Marmon Industrial Energy & Infrastructure,
This working group maintains IEEE Guide 1428 related to installation methods for fiber-optic cables used in power generating stations and industrial facilities. This guide is intended for fiber optic cables designed for use in power generating stations and industrial facilities, in both the outside plant environment and indoor applications–the latter with adequate consideration for requirements of the National Electrical Code (NEC). This document is intended to provide guidance for the selection, application, and installation of fiber-optic cable in power generating plants and industrial facilities. The selection and application of fiber-optic cable in these facilities differ in many respects from conventional telecommunications and local area network (LAN) installations. Those issues, which require special consideration, are identified and discussed. Fiber optic sensing applications are included in this Guide. The working group is currently revising the guide.
D7W – Evaluation of Installed Cable Systems (P1186)
Chair: Stephanie Watson, NIST
Secretary: Drew Mantey, EPRI
The working group is developing a recommended practice document IEEE P1186, to provide guidance for the application of test methods to evaluate cable systems installed in nuclear facilities. This recommended practice covers low voltage (600 volts or less) and medium voltage (601 to 15,000 volts) cable systems, both shielded and non-shielded cable types. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance when applying test methods to detect and quantify degradation, manufacturing defects, and installation issues of cable systems. It is not intended to encompass all possible test methods, nor is it intended to exclude test methods which are not discussed. The working group is currently in the writing phase of the document development.
D8W – Cable Penetration Fire Stop Qualification Test (IEEE 634) (P634)
Chair: Gabe Taylor, NRC
Secretary: Tim Fallesen, TVA,
The Working Group maintains standard IEEE 634, which provides a method for establishing a type test for qualifying the performance of penetration fire stops when mounted in fire resistive wall and floor assemblies. The purpose of this standard is to establish type tests to assure that cable-penetration fire stops meet the required fire rating. The data developed from the use of this standard can assist in determining the suitability of a fire stop for use where fire resistance is required. The working group has revised the standard and starting the ballot process.
D9D – Ampacity Derating Factors for Installed Cable Configurations (Inactive)
Chair: Vacant
Vice Chair: Vacant
Develop and/or compile ampacity derating factors to assist designers in the proper sizing of cables through the use of appropriate derating factors.
D10W – Class 1E Cables for Nuclear Plants (IEEE 383) [Joint with NPEC/SC2](Inactive)
Chair: Robert L. Konnik, Champlain Cable,
Secretary: Darrel Murdock, Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
This Working Group maintains the standard which provides general requirements, direction and methods for qualifying Class 1E electric cables and field splices for service in nuclear power generating stations. Categories of cables covered are those used for power, control, and instrumentation services, including signal and communication cables. Field cables, wires and splices are within the scope of this Group. The working group is currently inactive but plans to start the next revision in the 2019/2020 timeframe.
D11W – Guide on Shielding Practice for Low Voltage Cables (P1143) (Inactive)
Chair: Ken Bow, Kable Consult LLC,
Secretary: Mick Bayer, STV Energy Services,
This working group maintains standard, IEEE 1143, which provides guidance for the shielding of low voltage cables. The main purpose of this guide is to show how shielding can minimize the effects of electrostatic and electromagnetic interference. A secondary purpose is to provide recommendations on shielding practice for various applications including suggestions on terminating and grounding methods. The working group is presently reviewing the standard for potential revision.
D12D – Plant Life Extension
Chair: Vacant
Vice Chair: Eric Rasmussen
This discussion group is currently working on a white paper to consolidate and communicate the state of knowledge related to cable life in nuclear facility environments to support nuclear plant licensee renewal and subsequent license renewal.
D13W – Ampacity derating of Fire Protected Cable (P848)
Chair: Robert L. Konnik, Champlain Cable,
Secretary: Steven Graham, Duke Energy,
This working group maintains the standard, IEEE 848, which provides direction for establishing ampacity deratings for cables installed in fire protective barriers and coatings. It is presently reviewing the standard for potential revision.
D14W – Guide for the Design of Cable Systems (P422) [Joint with PGC] (Inactive)
Chair: Tim Fallesen, TVA,
Secretary: Jeff Schroeder, Marmon Industrial Energy & Infrastructure,
This working group plans to revise the withdrawn IEEE-422 which provides guidance for the design and installation of cable systems in power generating stations.
D15W – Vertical Tray Flame Test Protocol (IEEE 1202) (P1202)
Chair: Carlie Crawford, Marmon I&T,
Secretary: Anthony Tassone, UL Solutions,
The working group is responsible for maintaining IEEE Standard 1202. This standard provides protocols for exposing cables or splices/connectors to a theoretical 20 kW (70 000 Btu/h) flaming ignition source for a 20-min test duration. The test determines the flame propagation tendency and optionally, smoke generation, of power, signal, fiber, and spliced cables. The purpose of this standard is to establish test protocols and performance criteria to determine the flame propagation tendency and optionally, smoke generation, of power, signal, fiber, and spliced/connectorized cables. The working group is currently revising the standard to include splices and connections and to add an optional smoke measurement.
D17W – Standard for Testing Circuit Integrity Cables Using the Hydrocarbon Pool Fire Test Protocol (IEEE 1717) (P1717)
Chair: Robert Schmidt, Marmon Industrial Energy & Infrastructure,
Secretary: Mick Bayer, STV Energy Services,
The working group is responsible for maintaining IEEE Standard 1717. This standard provides cables and cable systems requirements and methods for performing circuit integrity tests on energized low voltage power, control, and instrumentation cables, cable glands and splices at temperatures and heat fluxes simulating a hydrocarbon pool fire. The purpose of the document is to provide circuit integrity test methodology and performance requirements for cable systems, cable glands and splices, which may be subjected to a hydrocarbon pool fire. This protocol may be useful when selecting cables for applications where circuit integrity is critical to plant shutdown under hydrocarbon fire conditions. It can also be a useful tool in the development of technology to design cables that are intended to maintain circuit integrity during such a fire. The working group is currently revising the standard.
D18W – Guide for the Selection and Installation of Fire-Rated, Circuit Integrity Cables for Safety, Critical, and Emergency Shutdown Systems in Petroleum and Chemical Industries (IEEE 1810)(P1810)
Chair: Gil Shoshani, Marmon Industrial Energy & Infrastructure,
Secretary: Mick Bayer, STV Energy Services,
The working group maintains IEEE 1810, a guide for installation of fire-rated cables in petrochemical applications.
D19W – Standard for Testing Fire Resistive Cables For Use in Nuclear Facilities (P1844) (Inactive)
Chair: Gabe Taylor, U.S. Nuclear Reglatory Commission,
Secretary: Jeff Schroeder, Marmon Industrial Energy & Infrastructure,
The working group is responsible for maintaining IEEE Standard 1844. This standard provides a method for subjecting energized cable to a standard fire exposure to obtain a time rating. Types of cable include power, control, instrumentation and communication cables. Acceptance criteria are based on the cable maintaining functionality throughout the prescribed test. The purpose of this standard is to establish criteria to determine the circuit integrity performance of fire resistive cables. The standard was first issued in 2015 and the working group is inactive until the next revision cycle.
D20W – Guide for Specifying and Selecting Cables for Nuclear Facilities (P2776)
Chair: Eric Rasmussen
Secretary:Tim Fallesen, TVA,
This guide is for specifying and selecting electrical power, control, instrumentation, and special-purpose cable, as typically used in nuclear facilities. The purpose of this guide is to provide the user with cable designs and applications that are common in the nuclear industry. It is intended as a tool for the new as well as the more seasoned engineer. In this capacity, it contains single-point references and a cross-reference list of standards as they apply to the wire and cable industry. It provides application guidelines for the various cable types as they relate to electrical, mechanical, physical, and thermal properties and with consideration for their environments. The use of this guide should help to eliminate premature cable failure due to improper specification and selection. The working group is currently developing the guide.
D21W – Standard Test Procedures for Determining Circuit Integrity Performance of Fire Resistive Cable in Tunnels and Safety Critical Transit Applications (P2412)
Chair: James Conrad, Marmon I&T,
Secretary: Gabe Taylor, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
This standard provides methods for performing circuit integrity fire tests on cable systems used in passenger rail and road tunnels. The purpose of the document is to provide circuit integrity test methodology and performance requirements for cables systems which may be subjected to a tunnel fire. It can also be a useful tool in the development of technology to design cables that maintain circuit integrity during such a fire. The working group has developed a draft standard and starting the ballot process.
D22W – IEEE Guide for the Selection and Installation of Electrical Cables and Cable Systems in Hazardous (Classified) Locations on Oil & Gas Land Drilling Rigs (P2740)
Chair: Mick Bayer, STV Energy Services,
Secretary: Vacant
This guide covers the appropriate selection, performance requirements and procedures for electrical cable systems installed in Hazardous (Classified) Locations on oil & gas Land Drilling Rigs. This guide will address gaps in cable system selection, performance and installation of cables and cable systems for Hazardous (Classified) locations on Oil & Gas Land Drilling Rigs not adequately addressed in present standards, recommended practices, and guides. The key drivers are flexibility, allowance for innovation, and expanded use of cables and systems utilized in other industries. The working group has developed a draft guide and starting the ballot process.
D23W – Guide for the Selection and Application of Cables Used in Transit (P2789)
Chair: Gil Shoshani, Marmon Industrial Energy & Infrastructure,
Secretary: Mick Bayer, STV Energy Services,
This guide provides information for the selection and application of cables installed in USA and Canada transit infrastructure excluding cables that are used on transit vehicles, railroad cars and locomotives. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for the selection and application of cables that are used in USA and Canada transit infrastructure. This guide explains the cable construction, common applications and applicable industry standards. In this capacity, it contains references and a cross-reference list of standards as they apply to the wire and cable industry. It provides application guidelines for the various cable types as they relate to chemical, electrical, mechanical, optical, physical, and thermal properties and with consideration for their environments. The working group is currently developing the guide.
D24D – Guide For DC Fast Charging Cables for Electrical Vehicles (EV)(P3556)
Chair – Phil Laudicina, Marmon Industrial Energy & Infrastructure Group,
Secretary – Mohamad Baferani, UL Solutions,
The group is developing a guide or standard for the construction and performance of cables used for fast charging of industrial electric vehicles. The document will address the technologies used for thermal management of the cables during charging such as liquid cooling and forced air cooling with considerations being given to the connectors used for charging EVs. Cable, connector and assembly physical compatibility between uncooled, liquid and forced air cooled designs will be an important consideration to aid charger company maintenance and uptime needs.