Subcommittee F – Field Testing and Diagnostics


  • Chair – Joshua Perkel, EPRI,
  • Vice Chair – Boguslaw Bochenski


The subcommittee considers all issues related to field testing and diagnostics of cables and cable systems.  

Mission Statement:

 The Field Testing and Diagnostics Subcommittee’s mission is to continually advance the understanding of field testing and diagnostics through discussion, and to provide a forum for preparation, and maintenance of standards on field testing and diagnostics of new and service-aged cables and cable systems.

Discussion / Working Groups:

F01W – Guide for Field Testing and Evaluation of Shielded Cables, IEEE 400 (P400)
Chair – Nigel Hampton, EPRI,
Secretary – Lisseth Villareal, PG&E,
This guide lists the various field test methods that are currently available or under development. The guide covers shielded, insulated power cable systems rated 5 kV and above. The guide describes the tests and gives advantages and disadvantages, suggested applications, and typical results. Complete guides covering some of the test methods listed are available in the form of IEEE 400 “point” documents

F02W – Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded Power Cable Systems Rated 5 kV and Above with High Direct Current Voltage, IEEE 400.1 (P400.1)
Chair – Bill Larzelere, Evergreen High Voltage,
Secretary – Johannes Rickmann, Phenix Technologies
Revision of guide on DC Field Testing of laminated Power Cable Systems.

F03W – Guide for Field Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems Using Very Low Frequency (VLF) (P400.2)
Chair – Nigel Hampton, EPRI,
Secretary – Andrew Morris, ComEd,
This guide is intended to provide troubleshooting and testing personnel with information to test shielded medium voltage cable systems using very low frequency techniques.
This guide describes very low frequency (VLF) withstand and diagnostic tests and the measurements that are performed in the field on service-aged shielded medium voltage cables with extruded and laminated dielectric insulation. VLF test methods utilize ac signals at frequencies less than 1 Hz. The most commonly used, commerically available, VLF test frequency is 0.1 Hz. Whenever possible, cable systems are treated in a similar manner to individual cables. Tables are included of the recommended test voltage levels for installation, acceptance and maintenance tests.

F04W – Guide for Partial Discharge Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems in a Field Environment. (P400.3)
Chair – Jody Levine, Hydro One Networks,
Secretary – Joshua Perkel, EPRI,
To develop the standard for partial discharge testing of shielded power cable systems in a field environment.

F05W – Damped AC Voltage Testing (P400.4)
Chair – Jim Guo, UL,
Vice Chair – Jean Carlos Hernandez-Mejia, NEETRAC,
Collect and evaluate experimental data and information required for the preparation of a Guide for Field Testing of Shielded Power Cables Using Damped AC Voltages.
Provide procedures and parameters for testing and diagnosis of shielded power cables using damped AC voltages.

F06W – DC Field Testing of Extruded Cable Systems (P400.5)
Chair – Bill Larzelere, Evergreen High Voltage,
Secretary – Dominique Bolliger, HV Technologies,
To discuss DC testing of extruded dielectric cables in the field. This will include, but is not limited to low voltage diagnostic methods and results for new and aged cable systems

F07W – IEEE Guide for Detection, Mitigation, and Control of Concentric Neutral Corrosion in Medium-Voltage Underground Cables (P1617)
Chair – Martin von Herrmann, The VON Corporation,
Secretary – Nadim Giotis, ONCOR,
To provide a forum for discussions related to cable neutral corrosion and collect relevant data in order to issue a guide covering control of neutral corrosion.

F10D –  Diagnostic Testing for Cable Joints & Terminations (Inactive)
Chair – Vacant
Vice Chair – Jeff Joy, Generen Consulting,
To investigate present and developing proactive diagnostic techniques for the evaluation of power cable joints and terminations on newly installed and in-service transmission and distribution cable systems. This task group will focus on field data and results rather than diagnostic methodologies.

F11W – Resonant Testing
Chair – Mark Fenger, Kinectrics Inc.,
Secretary – Randy Denmon, Southwire Company,

This guide covers the basics and the practice of quality acceptance and diagnostic maintenance tests of shielded insulated power cable systems rated 5 kV and above in the field. It provides instructions for the test setups, the required test voltage levels, the test procedures for simple and PD monitored withstand as well as for the test data evaluation.

F12W – Guide for Fault Locating on Shielded Power Cables (P1234)
Chair – Rachel Mosier, Power Delivery Consultants,
Secretary – Martin von Herrmann, The VON Corporation,
The introduction of cables with extruded dielectric insulation and of modern splicing technology has imposed new standards and restrictions on cable fault locating. The arbitrary use of high voltages and energies during AC, DC and surge testing of service-aged power cable systems with extruded dielectric insulation frequently overstresses insulation defects which become faults after cables are returned to service. The Working Group will develop a guide to provide troubleshooting and testing personnel with information to quickly identify a faulted cable section or locate a cable fault with minimum risk to further damaging serviceable cables, terminations, and equipment.
The Working Group will develop and maintain a guide for cable fault locating on shielded power cable systems. It is intended to emphasize those fault locating techniques which maintain cable integrity, reduce customer outage time, consider equipment sensitivity and which do not compromise on personnel and equipment safety. This guide applies to all insulated, shielded power cable systems.

F13D – Infrared Detection Systems
Chair: Nadim Giotis, ONCOR,
Vice Chair: Gaye Ohnesian, GoPower Inc,

F13D is a discussion group on the use of infrared imaging to assess the condition of low voltage and medium voltage insulated cables.  It plans to expand to high voltage cables as the technology and number of users grows.

F14D – Real Time Monitoring of Cable Systems
Chair: Peter Tirinzoni, Power Delivery Consultants, Inc.,
Vice Chair: Joshua Perkel, EPRI,

This discussion group provides a venue for discussing the technologies, approaches, and experiences related to the implementation of real-time condition monitoring of cable systems in the field.  The technologies of interest are broad ranging and include any field-deployable monitoring technique that may be used to assess the condition of power cable systems (cables and accessories) rated 600V and higher operated under either ac or dc voltages.

W = Working Group (Prepares/Maintains a document such as a standard, guide or paper)
D = Discussion Group (Provides a forum for discussion on a focused topic.)
Working groups have the PAR # in parenthesis.