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Latest ICC News & Announcements
- December 16, 2006 - Spring 2007 Meeting
- It is not to early to start planning for our
Spring 2007 meeting in
Orlando, Florida! Subcommittee D and the Educational Program have both
posted preliminary details of their planned topics. Visit the
Spring 2007 meeting page
to find out more!
- December 16, 2006
- Subcommittee C2
- WG C2 has posted draft standard
P575 (2MB) in Word format to the downloads section of the website.
- December 16, 2006 - Subcommittee D4
- WG D4D has posted an updated compendium of smoke and corrosivity testing
standards in the download section of the website. It can be found
under the downloads button to the left or by clicking
- November 11, 2006 - Fall Awards
- There were several awards given at the fall meeting. See who we
- November 7, 2006 - Fall Presentations
- As a new feature, we have posted the presentations from
the subcommittee meetings from the Fall meeting. They are linked to
the title of each presentation on
the presentation listing and are posted as PDFs.
- November 2, 2006 - On to Orlando!
- A great Fall meeting in St. Pete is now in the books! Now it is on
to the Rosen Center a few miles east in Orlando. Make sure you have
May 6-9, 2007 set aside in your calendar. There are
very few details this early, but check back often as they will be posted
here as soon as they
are available.
- October 24, 2006 -
Subcommittee A Update
- Subcommittee A has posted their final schedule on the
Fall Meeting Page.
- October 18, 2006 - Agenda Update and
Subcommittee Schedules
- The hopefully final agenda has been posted in
Word and
PDF formats. Also,
some additional changes in the Sub A, C and Transnational Luncheon schedules have been provided on the
Fall Meeting Page.
- October 16, 2006 -WG D5W &
Transnational Luncheon
- An agenda has been posted for WG D5W's upcoming
meeting. All members are encouraged to download it from the downloads
section and bring it with them to the meeting. Also, more details on
the program for the Transnational Luncheon have been provided on the
Fall Meeting Page.
- October 11, 2006 -Discussion Group E10
on CIGRE/IEC Activies
- Chairman Willem Boone has posted an
agenda for
discussion group E10 at the upcoming Fall 2006 meeting. You can
download it
- October 10, 2006 -Fall 2006
Subcommittee Meeting Agendas, Transnational Luncheon, Educational
- There have been several additions to the subcommittee meeting agendas.
Subcommittee A has posted their preliminary schedule, Subcommittee B as well
as the Transnational Luncheon committee have posted several presentation
titles and abstracts. Also the Educational program has added an
addtional abstract. Keep checking the
Fall 2006 Meeting page for
more updates.
- October 10, 2006 -Fall 2006
Preliminary Agenda
- Chairman Jim Fitzgerald has posted a
preliminary agenda
for the upcoming meeting. It is subject to change, so please check
back for any updates.
- October 4, 2006 -Fall 2006
Subcommittee Meeting Agendas
- Subcommittee D has just posted their planned presentation schedule for the
fall meeting.
Keep checking the
Fall 2006 Meeting page for
more updates.
- September 26, 2006 -HOTEL UPDATE
- The Tradewinds has extended our reservation cutoff to
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4. Please make you reservations soon! More details on the
Fall 2006 Meeting page.
- September 19, 2006 -Fall 2006 Spouses
- Judy Bow has posted details on the exciting program for the spouses.
Please note that there are some new registration requirements to help with
planning. More details on the
Fall 2006 Meeting page.
- September 18, 2006 -Fall 2006
Subcommittee Meeting Agendas and HOTEL REMINDER
- Two additional abstracts have been posted for Subcommittee D. Also a
reminder that Hotel reservations need to be made by
Wednesday, September 27
to guarantee a room. That's less than ten days away.
- September 15, 2006 -Fall 2006
Subcommittee Meeting Agendas
- Subcommittee C has just posted their planned presentation schedule for the
fall meeting, and Subcommittee D has just posted their first two abstracts.
Keep checking the
Fall 2006 Meeting page for
more updates.
- September 15, 2006
-Subcommittee A Minutes Posted
- Due to an oversight by the webmaster, the Spring 2006 Subcommittee A
minutes have just been posted.
- September 5, 2006 -Fall 2006
- The Fall 2006 Registration form is now available in
MS-Word format.
Please submit to Shantanu Nandi at the address shown on
the form.
- September 4, 2006 -Hotel Details
- The fall meeting will be held at the TradeWinds Island Grand Resort in St.
Petersburg Beach. Information on our group rate has been posted on the
Fall 2006 meeting page by clicking
- September 4, 2006 -Educational Program Abstracts
- The first two abstracts on the Fall 2006 educational program on the Impact of Hurricanes on Electric Grid
Infrastucture, System Recovery, Restoration and Preparedness
have been posted. Go to the Fall 2006 meeting page or click
- August 24, 2006 -Spring 2006 Pictures
- Many thanks go out to Joe Dudas for providing us all
with pictures of the spring meeting in Reno, which are now posted on our
website. Go to the Spring 2006 meeting page or click
- August 21, 2006 -Fall 2006 Education
- The theme for this fall's educational program has been announced:
Impact of
Hurricanes on Electric Grid Infrastucture System Recovery, Restoration and
Preparedness. As this meeting draws near, start checking
back frequently for more updates on what to expect.
- June 25, 2006 -Subcommittee B & D Minutes
- The Minutes from the Spring 2006 meeting have been posted for Subcommittees
B & D and their Working and Discussion Groups.
- June 4, 2006 -Subcommittee C Minutes
- The Minutes from the Spring 2006 meeting have been posted for Subcommittee
C and it's Working and Discussion Groups.
- April 20, 2006 -Working Group A-7
Draft 9 Posted
- Working group A-7 Guide for Selecting and Testing Jackets for
Underground Cables has posted draft 9 of their guide revision to the download
section of the website.
- April 20, 2006 -Discussion Group C-23
Draft Posted
- Discussion group C-23 Guide to the Factors to be Considered in the
Planning, Design, and Installation of a Transmission Overhead/Underground
Terminal has posted a first draft of their proposed guide to the download
section of the website.
- April 10, 2006 -New Search Feature
- Perhaps you've noticed the new button on the menu panel to your left:
Search 47F-99S. Its a new search tool that is your gateway into the wealth
of data in the ICC presentations stretching from the Fall of 1947 to the
Spring of 1999. Many of you will recall the Minutes Manager database which
enabled you to search on title, author, affiliation, location, keywords,
date and location. We've taken that data and exported to a set of web pages
linked it to an IEEE search engine. Give it a try. If you need a copy of a
presentation but don't have that volume, follow the link How to Buy Copies
of ICC Minutes at the bottom of the search results page.
- March 15, 2006 -Spring
2006 in the books, on to St. Pete!
- A great Spring 2006 meeting in Reno, NV is now in the
books! Thanks to all who came and helped to make it the best attended
meeting since Spring 1997! We hope to see even more this fall at the
Tradewinds in St. Petersburg. Also, please note the
updated locations and dates for
our 2007 meetings.
- March 12, 2006 -
- There are several last minute additions to the meeting information on the
website. A last minute change to the
agenda the addition of the Sub A agenda, and some more information on
our mini-expo vendors have been posted. Also information for
committees D15 and B6 have been posted to the download site.
- March 6, 2006 - ICC Chairman Jim
- ICC Chairman Jim Fitzgerald has posted the
agenda for the Spring 2006 meeting. We hope to see you in Reno
next week!
- March 3, 2006 - Working Group B1
Chairman Jim Braun
- Working Group B1 Chairman B1 has posted a new version of the proposed
revisions to IEEE 48 to the download site.
- March 1, 2006 - Working Groups C24 and
- Working Groups B10 and C24 have posted updated drafts to their respective
projects to the download page. If you are on these committees check
them out before the next meeting.
- March 1, 2006 - Reno Hilton shipping
- The Hilton has advised that all freight should go to the following address
and a fee will be charged. Name of Guest ICC Spring 2006 C/O Executive
Business Center 2500 East 2nd Street Reno, NV 89595 775-789-2478.
Please take note if you plan to ship anything to the hotel.
- March 1, 2006 - Spring Meeting 2006 Educational Program, Subcommittees B and
- The schedule for the Spring educational program has been announced and
posted on the Spring meeting page. Also, Subcommittees B and D have
posted new and additional technical presentations that will be given.
- February 13, 2006 - Spring Meeting 2006
- Several ICC members are planning to run in a 10 km (6.2 mi) fun run on
Sunday morning, March 12. The "St. Patrick's day" theme race is in Sparks,
NV, which is just a few miles from the ICC host hotel. There is also a 3.2
km (2 mi) run and a 3.2 km (2 mi) walk. If you or your spouse / guest would
like to join them, find out more and register for the run(s) or walk using
the link below.
- February 9, 2006 - Jim Fitzgerald, ICC
- Chairman Jim Fitzgerald has posted a new revision of the agenda for the Spring 2006 meeting in
(132kB) and
(36kB). We look forward to seeing you in Reno!
- February
9, 2006 - Subcommittee C & WG A7W
- Subcommittee C has posted
abstracts of
several presentations to be made at the
spring meeting, and WG
A7W has posted a draft 8 of their revision of IEEE 532 to the download site.
- February 7, 2006 - Jim Fitzgerald, ICC
- Chairman Jim Fitzgerald has posted a preliminary
schedule for the Spring 2006 meeting in
(129kB) and
(36kB). We look forward to seeing you in Reno!
- February 2, 2006 - WG E1D, CIGRE
- The ICC Committee and CIGRE will exchange
communications and status of mutual interest at the Reno meeting. Mr
Reinhard Schroth, Chairman of CIGRE SC B1, will give a keynote address
regarding CIGRE at the Tuesday March 14 Transnational Lunch. In addition, a
new ICC Discussion Group, E1D, has been formed for this technical
coordinating effort and plan to meet at each of the ICC meetings beginning
in Reno. Mr Schroth will also speak to this new discussion group and will
participate in our Educational program. Visit the CIGRE web site at,
http://www.cigre.org/gb/activities/SCWG.asp, to familiarize yourself
with CIGRE’s committee B1 agenda.
- January
23, 2006 - WG B2W and DG A17D
- New documents have been added to the download site.
WG B2W has posted draft 11 of IEEE 404-2000 D11 , and DG A17D has posted the
December 2005 revision of their work towards a Guide for Selection of
Semiconductive Shields.
- January
2006 - Subcommittees A, D and Educational Program
- Minutes from the Fall 2005 meeting for Subcommittees A
& D have been posted. Also, details on an exciting educational program
for the Spring 2006 meeting on Integration of a new HV cable system in the
Network, Technical and Environmental
Issues, have been added to the meeting page.
- January
2006 - Jim Fitzgerald, ICC
- It’s time to plan for our Spring 2006 meeting . The meeting site is the
Reno Nevada Hilton from Sunday March 12 to Wednesday March 15. The
hotel reservation cutoff date is Thursday February 9!
The registration forms have been posted also. Visit the
Spring 2006 meeting page
for more information.
- January 10,
2006 - Subcommittee B
- The Fall 2005 minutes from Subcommitte B, its working
and discussion groups have been posted.
Click Here
- January 9,
2006 - Jim Fitzgerald, ICC
- Learn a little more about the new ICC Chairman,
Jim Fitzgerald by
clicking on his name.
- January 9,
2006 - Spring 2006 in Reno
- It is time to start planning you trip to Reno this
spring! Links to tourist information have been added to the Spring
meeting page. There is lots of stuff to do during your visit so come
early and stay late!
- January 9,
2006 - ICC Webmaster
- The ICC Website now has a new webmaster, Martin von
Herrmann. Please send anything you would like to have put up on our
website to him at mvh@voncorp.com.
Also please extend deep thanks to Kent Brown for his many years of
service to the ICC as webmaster. Without his hard work over the last
nine years we would not have this extensive resource that is now available
to the committee.
- January 4,
2006 - Jim Fitzgerald, ICC
- Along with saying thanks to
Bill Taylor, we also get to
welcome Jim Fitzgerald to his new role as ICC Chairman. Jim worked alongside
of Bill during the last two years and is ready to lead us through 2006 and
2007. At Bill's side will be Shan
Nandi in the ICC Vice Chairman position. Shan has been the
ICC Standards
Coordinator for several years. Filling that valuable spot will be Shayne
Wright. Jim, Shan, Shayne and the other officers of the ICC will need your
support. If you'd like to get involved in the activities of ICC, see these
guys or any of the other ICC officers.
- January 4,
2006 - Thanks Bill
- December 31st marked the end of Bill Taylor's tenure as
the ICC Chairman. Bill and his team had to meet some serious challenges
(remember the Montreal hotel strike and the scramble to reschedule and
relocate following Hurricane Katrina?). Thanks Bill for all of the hard work!!
Be sure to express your thanks to Bill for all that he has done. Of course,
Bill doesn't exactly get to rest now. The Immediate Past Chairman is a vital
part of the management of ICC as he serves in a consultant role to the new
officers and leads orientation meetings for new attendees.
- January 4,
2006 - Just Over Two Months
Until the Reno Meeting
- The Spring 2006 is fast approaching. Now is the time to
work on that action item you agreed to in a weak moment. We'll be releasing
details of the meeting at an ever increasing pace over the next few weeks. Be sure to
note the new link to the 2006 meeting page at the top of the menu at left and check back often.
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