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Fall 1997 - Didactic
The Didactics session will be held on Wednesday November 5, 1997 at 12:45
P.M. and will run through 5:00 P.M. It is an educational program. The
title of the session is
Utility Practices of Field Testing of Medium and High Voltage Cables.
A panel of seven utility representatives from all regions of U.S.A.
will participate in this session, which will be chaired by Nagu N.
Srinivas, Chairman of ICC Subcommittee 12.
The following individuals will share their current practices, as well as the
new test methods that are being tried at their respective utilities.
- Alabama Power------------------------Bruce Shattuck
- Florida Power & Light-----------------Jorge Valdes
- Detroit Edison ---------------------------David Bogden
- Peco Energy------------------------------Stanley Heyer
- Georgia Power----------------------------Dennis Pratt
- Northern States Power----------------Jacquelyn Brochman
- Houston Light & Power----------------Shayne Wright
A discussion presentation will also be made by John Densley of Ontario Hydro .
Biographical Sketches of Panel Members
David Bogden is a Principal Engineer in the Lines Engineering Group at Detroit Edison. He is responsible for
construction and purchasing specifications of cable systems, cable installation structures and methods, and project
engineer of high voltage cable systems. He has been the project engineer for several 120-kV XLPE and HPGF
pipe-type cable systems. He is Vice-Chairman of the Cable Engineering Section of AEIC, and Chairman of the
Structures Subcommittee of the Insulated Conductors Committee of IEEE. He received a BSEE from Wayne State
University in 1966 and joined the Detroit Edison Company in 1966.
Stanley V. Heyer received a B.S.E.E. degree from Drexel Institute of
Technology in 1969 and a M.S.E.E. degree from Drexel University in 1973.
Since 1969 he has been employed by the Philadelphia Electric Co. and PECO
Energy Co. Throughout his career he has been involved in various aspects
of underground cable from testing of distribution cable to transmission
line design. Presently, he is responsible for underground cables and
accessories from 5kV through 230 kV. He is a Registered Professional
Engineer in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania , a member and past chairman
of the AEIC Cable Engineering Section, a member of Eta Kappa Nu, CIGRE, and
the IEEE Insulated Conductors Committee. He has been an active participant
in ICC since 1974 and served as the Chairman of Subcommittee No 5 from
1978 to 1984 and Subcommittee No 7 from 1984 to 1992.
Jacquelyn Brochman has been with Northern States Power in Minneapolis for
12 years. Jackie spent several years as an intern at NSP's Riverside
coal-fired generating plant. After receiving her B.S. degree in
Electrical engineering from the University of Minnesota's Institute of
Technology, she held several positions as an engineer, gaining valuable
experience in the areas of electrical distribution planning, engineering
and operations. For the past four years, she has been responsible for all
aspects of underground construction and material standards, as well as
representing Northern States Power at ICC and AEIC. This past March,
Jackie accepted her current position as manager of Energy Plus Services,
which focuses on marketing non-traditional utility products and services.
John Densley was born in Swansea, Wales in 1943. He received the B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering
from Queen Mary College, University of London in 1964 and 1967 respectively. In 1968 he joined the Power
Engineering Section of the National Research Council of Canada. In 1991 he joined the Ontario Hydro Research
Laboratories, now Ontario Hydro Technologies, where he is actively engaged in research into diagnostics and
condition monitoring of high voltage equipment.
Dr. Densley is a Fellow of the IEEE, active in PES Insulated Conductors Committee, the Dielectrics and Electrical
Insulation Society, a member of the Canadian Electrical Association Distribution Research and Development
Committee and is a Registered Professional Engineer in the province of Ontario.
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