The ICC Website is changing. As this transition is made, our new format
can be found at www.pesicc.org/ICCWP.
Please send any comments or questions to
1997 Fall ICC Meeting - St. Petersburg Beach, FL
St. Petersburg Beach, FL, November 2-5 at the Don CeSar Hotel
- An Invitation From The Chairman - Chairman Mashikian extends and invitation to you to join us in St. Pete.
- Meeting Agenda - The ICC meeting format has been changed. We think you'll find
the new format a positive step. As you plan you trip be sure to check out the
Program Overview. To see the schedule for your specific
Working Group, see the Detailed Agenda.
- 50th Anniversary Celebration - The 50th Anniversary of ICC, will be celebrated
at the Fall 1997 meeting. Activities include:
- Sunday Reception - A light reception on Sunday night with posters that describe
the history of the ICC, new technology, a list of past chairmen, and possibly available
photographs of previous meeting activities.
- Plenary Session - The open forum and business meeting will be replaced with
several speakers, including Dr. Lowell Catlett (a noted
futurist from the University of New Mexico) and the president of IEEE-PES (Robert A.
Dent), and representatives of CIGRE Study Committees 15 and 21. Check the detailed schedule to see all of the activities.
- Celebration Dinner - On Tuesday evening we'll have a poolside champagne
reception, followed by a six course gourmet dinner, a video reprise of meeting highlights,
entertainment, and dancing.
- Celebration Sponsors - The Tuesday evening Celebration is sponsored
by many of the leading companies in the wire and cable business. If your company would
like to become a sponsor of the Celebration be sure to
visit the Sponsorship page.
- Didactic - The Wednesday afternoon Didactic will feature a panel
session on Utility Practices for Field Testing of Medium and
High Voltage Cables. It is sponsored by Subcommittee 12. A buffet luncheon will be
included for all who have registered to attend.
- Registration - Pre-register and save
the hassle of standing in line when you could be at the beach.
- Registration Volunteers - The ICC is looking for volunteers to help with on-site registration at St. Pete. We
need help for Sunday afternoon and Monday and Tuesday mornings. Even if you only have an
hour or two to spare, you can be of great assistance.
- Hotel Information - As in previous years, the ICC meeting will be held at the Don
CeSar. For the moment, visit the "Don" on-line.
- Spouse Activities - Marguerite Mashikian has arranged a number of activities for your spouse.
- New Member Orientation Session - The New Member Orientation Session
will be held Sunday at 4:30 pm. Note, this is a change from what was
previously posted here.
Discount Travel Rates for ICC Attendees
- Tourist Information - Staying an extra day? Bringing the family? Be sure to check
out the St.
Petersburg Beach, FL Web site for information regarding area attractions.
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