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Fall 1998 - Presentations
Check this page periodically to learn about Special Presentations scheduled
for SC meetings.
- Cable Construction and Design
Working Group 5-25 Sponsored
- Joe Dudas and John Rodgers, "Technical
Specification Trends for 50 Largest Rural Electrical Companies"
- Steven Boggs, Univ. of Connecticut, "High Field Effects in
Solid Dielectrics"
- Steve Szanizlo, Union Carbide, "Relationship Between Water
Treeing and Breakdown Strength of Medium-Voltage Cables"
- Mark Walton, BICC, "Update on EPRI Test Program - Laboratory
Aging vs. Field Aging"
- Bob Keefe, BICC, "MV Cable Evaluation of New Technology
- Bruce Bernstein, EPRI, "Distribution Cable Research Digest"
- Hans Schaedlich, Alcatel Kabel Germany, "Comparative Wet
Ageing Test of Medium Voltage XLPE Cable"
- Jan-Ove Bostrom, Borealis AB, "Experience in Use of Model
Cables for Evaluation of XLPE Insulation Compounds"
- Serge Pelissou, IREQ, "Characterization of Field Aged XLPE
Cables Exposed at Various Thermal Conditions"
- Paul Lorigan, AT Plastics, "New Process and Design
Considerations for the Manufacturing and Quality Control of the Insulation Compound for MV
WG 5-25 Special Presentation
- Al Gilbert and Frank Precopio, Retired, GE, "Invention of XLPE"
Working Group 5-29 Sponsored Presentations
- C. G. Reid, Union Carbide, "Low Strip Force Insulation Shields
for Solid Dielectric MV Cables"
Abstract: A new insulation shield
compound has been developed, which exhibits strip force of less than 10 pounds per half
inch on XLPE and TRXLPE insulated MV cables, and is very uniform as a function of
temperature. As a consequence of cleanliness improvements, the peeled interface with
XLPE/TRXLPE is very clean and essentially free of conductive debris larger than 25
microns. Strip force retention after AEIC dry cyclic aging of MV cables meets ICEA
- J. V. Accorsi, Cabot, "Historical Review of Conventional
Furnace Black Quality Improvements"
Abstract: What is meant by the
term "Conventional Furnace Black"? Although morphological parameters have
remained constant, product quality (physical and chemical purity) has improved
significantly over the years to better serve the industry. In comparing cable life data it
is important to keep in mind the "vintage" of the carbon black used in the
conductor shield.
Samples of a widely used conventional furnace black from 1971 to 1997 were tested for a
number of properties related to product quality. Results will be compared against
acetylene black and extra-clean furnace black.
- W. Haverkamp, Raychem, "Material Extension for Stress Control
Applications in Cable Accessories"
Working Group 12-35 Sponsored Presentations
- Jean-Pierre Crine, Consultant, "A Review of the Influence of
Frequency on Accelerated Aging of PE and XLPE Cables"
Working Group 5-30 Sponsored Presentations
- Glen Bertini, Utilx, "New Developments in Rejuvenation of
Power Cables"
- Eric Marsden, Nova Borealis, "Scorch Retardant XLPE-2"
- Jan-Ove Bostrom, Nova Borealis, "Cleanliness Control in HV and
EHV Cables"
- David Reece, Southwire, "Overview of 600V URD Cable Problems"
- L. H. Gross, Union Carbide, "Improved Scorch Resistant
- Bob Mather, Waterguard Cable Products, "Strand Filling
- Steven Boggs, University of Connecticut, "Fundamental Basis of
Water Treeing in EPR and XLPE"
Working Group 5-31 Sponsored Presentations
- Eric Marsden, Nova Borealis "Definition of Water Tree
Retardant Insulation: Do All 'Longer Life Cables' Have Water Tree Retardant Insulations?"
- Accessories
- Mohamed Chaaban,
Hydro-Quebec, New Developments in
Submersible System Components for Underground Residential Distribution
ABB and Hydro-Quebec have developed a solid insulation distribution transformer
(SIDT) in ratings up to 500 KVA, 14.4 KV, 125 KV-BIL. It is suited for buried vault and
vault-less construction. The insulation is moisture impervious. The non-metallic
construction is free from corrosion. The elimination of oil results in a non-explosive
failure mode and environmentally friendly construction materials.
The insulated conductor with termination components mounted in the typical URD pad
mounted transformer are proposed for installation in a shallow sub-surface elbow switching
and secondary service and fusing compartment. This then would form the basis for a total
underground construction for URD.
- Kojiro Tsuji, Senior Managing Director of the Japan Power Cable
Accessories Association, Internationalization of Power Cable Standards in Japan
- Frank Stepniak, Elastimold and Bill Taylor, 3M, Implications
of New Cable Diameter Tables in the ICEA Standards on Premolded Cable Accessories vs the
"Old" AEIC Cable Diameters.
- Dave Donovan, Fisher Pierce Division,
Advancements in Fault
Detection and Reporting on Overhead and Underground Distribuition Circuits
- Philip E. Cox, Memphis Gas, Light and Water,
Effective Application
of Faulted Circuit Indicators (FCI) on the Memphis Gas, Light and Water Electric
Distribution System
- Kraig Bader and Lyn Kimsey, Colorado Springs Utilities,
Further PD
Testing Results on Distribution Cables and Accessories
- Wander Reder, Tony Witkowski and Mathew Wendell,
Ultra Power, 60 Hz
Partial Discharge Testing: Results from 800 Miles of Cable
- Cable Systems
- "The Current State Of Superconducting Cables" by representatives from
Pirelli Cable, Southwire, and Detroit Edison.
- Harry Orton et. al., International Activities (SC 13).
- Donald W. Von Dollen, EPRI,
Current State Of Superconducting Cables
- John S. Rector, Black and Veatch,
Submarine Cable Operating History
- Jorge Valdes, Florida Power and Light,
Use of Radar Equipment to
Determine the Condition of Cable Concentric Neutrals
- Joseph H. Groeger, Altran,
Review & Analysis Of Underground
- Sonny Namkung, Commonwealth Edison,
Repairs to Com Ed HPFF Cable
- Lauri Hiivala et. al., Alcatel, PILC Cable Replacements at
B.C.Hydro, Preliminary designs, initial field trials, revised designs, laboratory
pulling trial and recent field experience.
- Rick Hartlein, NEETRAC, Evaluation of Alternatives to PILC Cable.
Tests to evaluate cables intended as alternatives to PILC cables and selected test
- Michael S. Foty and William A. Thue,
Status of Current Standards
& Guides.
- A "getting organized" meeting will also be held.
- Special Cable Systems
- Hans R. Studen, Cabconsult, WG 12-36,
Smoke Toxicity and Corrosive
Products in Cable Construction
- George R. Pitman, Jr., Northeast Utilities, WG 12-32,
- Ajit Hiranandani, Detroit Edison, WG 14-7, "Effect of
Harmonics of Non-Linear Loads on Cable Ampacity."
- Transnational Luncheon
- Willem Boone, KEMA, An
Update on the European Scene.
- Alain Pinet, EDF, Jicable 99.
- Henk Geene, Nokia Cables, New Trends in Accessory Development.
- Bill Torok, Fujikura America,
Manufacturing of Very Long Lengths of
HV Cable without Factory Joints.
- Daniel Paulin, Alcatel,
400 kV XLPE - Chaira Pumping Station,
- Rowland Watkins, BICC, 230 kV Direct Buried Installation,
Barcelona, Spain.
- Andeas Meier, Brugg Cables, Installation of 230kV XLPE Cables at
Morrow Point Power Station, Colorado, USA.
- Andeas Meier, Brugg Cables, First 400 kV Prefabricated Joint
Installed in Switzerland.
- Rune Rimereit, Alcatel, Leyte Chebu - 230 kV LPOF Submarine Cable
Repair Operation.
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