The ICC Website is changing. As this transition is made, our new format
can be found at www.pesicc.org/ICCWP.
Please send any comments or questions to
Fall 1998- IEEE/ICC Meeting
St. Petersburg Beach, FL, October 25-28 at the
CeSar Hotel
- An invitation from the Chairman - An information packed letter
from Rick Hartlein to help you plan your trip. This letter includes detail info
regarding the new subcommittee structure, don't miss it.
- Meeting Agenda - The Fall 1998 meeting will have a new format. The following
preliminary schedules will be updated as we approach the meeting date:
- Special Presentations - Many ICC WGs and SCs have Special Presentations of on a key topic in
their field of interest. We'll be adding announcements of new topics as the meeting
- New WG - A new WG will meet for the first time in St Pete. The topic
will be the Matching of Overhead Lines with Underground Cables.
Roland Watkins will serve as Chairman.
- Registration
- Pre-register and save the hassle
of standing in line when you could be at the beach.
- Educational Program/Didactic:
- New Member Orientation Session - Past Chairman, Matt Mashikian, will conduct an Orientation Session for New
Members and Guests. Plan to attend. You'll learn about the organization, meet people and
come up to speed faster.
- Spouse Activities - Marjorie Hartlein has announced activities for spouses for both Monday and Tuesday.
Bring your sunscreen on Monday and steal his credit card on Tuesday and plan to have fun.
- Discount Travel
- Airline: Delta is the official meeting airline. To take advantage of their
special rates, call 1-800-241-6760 or your travel agent. Refer to File No. DMN119897A.
- Car Rental: Avis is the official car rental company. To take advantage of
their special rates, call 1-800-331-1600 and refer to Discount No. A606098.
- Hotel Information - As in previous years, the ICC meeting will be held at the Don
CeSar. Please make your hotel reservation as soon as possible by
mailing in the reservation card or by calling 1-800-282-1116. The cutoff date for room
reservations is September 23, 1998. The ICC is committed to a minimum
occupancy in order to avoid a charge for meeting rooms. So please use the official hotel
for your accommodations to help us meet this requirement. Also, be sure to visit the "Don" on-line.
- Tourist Information - Local information provided by the city of St. Petersburg Beach, FL
(their website has recently received a complete makeover and contains a lot of new
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