The ICC Website is changing. As this transition is made, our new format
can be found at www.pesicc.org/ICCWP.
Please send any comments or questions to
ICC Publications
New Minutes on USB
ICC Minutes -
Minutes of recent meetings are available on USB Drive and can be obtained through
Thomas Arnold,
thomasarnold@pesicc.org $50 per USB. Shipping and
handling is extra..
Starting with the Spring
2002 meeting, downloadable electronic minutes are
included with the meeting registration
Older Minutes
For those interested in obtaining older copies of ICC meeting minutes, a
historical minutes USB Drive is available for $100 per drive.
Contact Thomas Arnold,
for more info.
Other Publications
- On-Line ICC Minutes
- Excerpts from the minutes of ICC Technical Subcommittees and Working Groups are being
made available on the ICC Website. These are located on the Homepages of the respective
Subcommittees and Working Groups.
- ICC General
Business Session - A brief summary of the Business Session from some of the recent ICC
- ICC Open Forum - Open
Forum meetings consist of technical presentations of general interest to all members.
Presently, our Website only includes an overview of those presentations.
ICC Educational
Programs - Presentations from educational sessions held during each ICC
- Technical Papers - Abstracts of papers
sponsored by the ICC which are printed in the IEEE Power Engineering Review.
- Presenters at ICC meetings should refer to the
Guideline for preparing a
summary of their presentations for inclusion in the Minutes.
Documents - Download the latest drafts of ICC prepared Guides, Standards and White
Papers. These drafts are posted for the use of members of the IEEE Insulated
Conductors Committee. Unless otherwise noted, the documents are copyrighted by IEEE. ICC
members are invited to download the drafts, review them and provide comments back to the
responsible Working Group Chairman. To access the ICC Download Page, you will need a
Name and Password. These are announced at ICC meetings and may also be
obtained from your Subcommittee or Working Group Chairman. If your WG or SC would like to
post a document, contact Martin von Herrmann at
Documents can be posted in any of several formats, MS-Word, HTML, Adobe Acrobat
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