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SC 11 - Spring 1997
The ICC is trying to provide increased value to its members. With that goal in mind Mr. Bogden asked those present for issues that SC11 should address. Four issues emerged from the discussion.
- Determine the longevity of conduit systems. Most of the issues that the ICC has addressed to date relate to the longevity of cable. How long can a conduit system be expected to last?
- How can the economic life of a conduit system be extended?
- There is no standard or guide for marking the exterior of conduit systems containing power cable. Utility members related several instances of attempts to connect water, gas and other services in power cable conduit.
- There is a need for a design guide for grounding of underground structures, such as manholes.
The new ICC website includes a questionnaire concerning a design guide for layout of cables in manholes that Greg Mastoras is developing. The questionnaire asks the viewer if there is a need for such a document and if the viewer wants to contribute to the document.
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