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SC-7 - Spring 1997
Fred Koch, Chairman, Power Services and Equipment, and Torben Aabo, Vice-Chairman,
Power Cable Consultants, Inc., reported that the Cable Supply Systems Committee met on
Wednesday April 23, 1997 with 93 members and guests in attendance. There were four special
presentations. A summary of each is included in Appendix 7 of the printed minutes.
- Don Johnsen of Commonwealth Edison presented information on the failure
and repair of a 138 kV HPFF cable.
- Stan Heyer of PECO Energy Company presented some information on a case
where a pipe type cable was damaged by water impingement. The stream actually penetrated
the pipe and injected a significant quantity of water into the cable system.
- Larry Tang of Consolidated Edison made presentation on the failure of a
138 kV XLPE cable joint.
- Jay Williams of Power Delivery Consultants presented and update on
Distributed Fiber Optic Temperature Monitoring Results on a 69 kV XLPE Cable in Duct.
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