The ICC Website is changing. As this transition is made, our new format
can be found at www.pesicc.org/ICCWP.
Please send any comments or questions to
Latest ICC News & Announcements
- December 30, 2008 -
A4D Definition of Tree-Retardant Crosslinked Polyethylene
- WG A4D completed publishing all the work
that the Discussion Group did over a period of 12 years in an attempt to
define Tree-Retardant Crosslinked Polyethylene. The Discussion Group
started in 1996 and disbanded in December 2008 after the publication of
this work.
A shorter version of the work was published in the September/October
2008 Issue of the Electrical Insulation Magazine. However, due
to the nature of the data that was shared within the Discussion Group,
it could not all be published in public forum such as the Electrical
Insulation Magazine. A more complete version of the work, with tables
of data and charts is published in the two documents that follow here
the Download section of the ICC Website. The first document is a
summary of the work that was done and the second document shows examples
of the calculation method that was used.
- A Review of Possible Methods for Defining Tree
Retardant Crosslinked Polyethylene (TRXLPE) available as an
MS-Word File
- UPCSTAC Randomized AWTT Data Analysis (example
calculations) available as a
PDF File
- December 7, 2008 -
Congratulations to ICC's newest IEEE
Fellow, Glen Bertini!
- IEEE has just announced the 2009 class of
IEEE Fellows, and one of our own, Glen Bertini has been honored this
year! His Fellow citation stated that is was "for applications
to the dielectric performance of underground electrical power cable."
Congratulations to Glen on this honor! For a list of all ICC
members who are also IEEE Fellows,
December 5, 2008 -
Fall 2008 Awards
- Awards Chair Lauri Hiivala has posted a
listing of the numerous Awards presented at the Fall 2008 meeting
here. If you didn't have a chance to congratulate them at the
meeting, check out the list and let them know how much we appreciate
these members!
Also, do you know a IEEE Senior Member who has had an extraordinary
record of accomplishments in any IEEE field of interest (especially
ICC)? Consider nominating them for IEEE Fellow, the institute's
highest member grade. Please visit the Fellows website at
November 22, 2008 -
Rosen Centre
- A Message from Acting Chair Rachel Mosier:
The Spring 2009 meeting will be held at the Rosen Center. The cutoff for
registration is April 14, 2009, but the block will close as soon as
it’s full, so please don’t hold off on making your reservations.
Please call 1-800-204-7234 for reservations and request the group rate
for IEEE. Rosen Centre Hotel 9840 International Drive Orlando, Florida
November 22, 2008 -
Fall Meeting Actions
- There are a number of things that passed at
the fall meeting. AdCom passed an official policy on
WG B18D posted the last version of IEEE 1215-2001 "Application Guide for
Separable Connectors” to the download site to aid in their upcoming
revision of this document.
WG D14D posted the last version of IEEE 422-1986 "Guide for the Design
and Installation of Cable Systems in Power Generating Stations" to the
download site to aid in their upcoming revision of this document.
WG F05D on
Damped AC Voltage Testing has already posted their minutes from the fall
October 30, 2008 -
Fall Meeting Finished. On to
- The Fall Meeting is over, where we had many
great meetings and presentations. We look forward to seeing you
all at the Rosen Centre in Orlando May 17-20, 2009.
- October 23, 2008 -
WG F11D, E10D and Transnational Luncheon
- DG F11D on Partial Discharges from Cable
Accessories has posted an
agenda for their meeting in San Antonio
here. DG E10D on International Organizations has updated their
here. The Transnational Luncheon Agenda has also been posted
under the
presentations page.
- October 20, 2008 -
Standards Liaison and Sub C New Discussion Groups
- The last minute additions to an already
great program keep coming! Standards Chair Shayne Wright has
arranged for ICC's IEEE Liaison Soo Kim to be available for questions in
San Antonio. Come find out the answers to your standards questions
Sunday from 3:30 to 5:00 PM, and Monday and Tuesday from 2:30 to 4:00.
Location will be posted at registration.
Also, Subcommittee C has two new discussion groups having meetings in
San Antonio. First, there is an Ad Hoc Committee entitled, "High
Pressure Fluid Filled and High Pressure Gas Filled Pipe Type Cable
Systems", which begins on Wednesday at 8:00 to 10:00 am. Second,
David Lindsay is going to reopen C22D "Superconducting Cables", on
Wednesday, from 10:15 am to 12 noon.
- October 17, 2008 -
Final Agenda 2
- A last minute change to the
agenda had to be
made. Please download and check this agenda which has gone to
print. You can download it
- October 15, 2008 -
DG F05 on Damped AC Voltage Testing
- Chair Ed Gulski of DG F05 has posted an
agenda for their meeting in San Antonio. You can download it
- October 14, 2008 -
Correction to Subcommittee Presentation Schedules
- An error in posting to the schedules for
the fall meeting was just noticed today. Anyone who has checked
the presentation
schedules for Subcommittees A or B in the last two weeks, please
check again. Sub B's schedule was mistakenly posted under Sub A.
If has now been corrected, and a preliminary Sub A program has been
- October 14, 2008 -
Final Agenda
- The
Final Agenda has been posted
here. We hope to see you in San Antonio!
- October 13, 2008 -
Pre-Registration Closing Soon!
If you are one of the 230 people who already preregistered
for our Fall ICC meeting, THANKS! If you have not yet preregistered and you plan
to attend, it will help us immensely with planning and also save you some time
during registration if you preregister online. Also, if you want to pay with a
credit card, you MUST preregister online. (Credit cards will not be accepted
on-site.) The registration website will only be available for 4 more days!!
Please preregister by
5:00 P.M. this Friday, October 17th.
- October 11, 2008 -
WG D5W Ballot
Working Group D5W (P1185) has posted the comments from
their recent ballot as well as revisions to their draft standard to the download
site. Chairman John Merando asks all members to review the documents, and
bring a copy to their meeting in San Antonio.
- October 10, 2008 -
Table Top Displays
We have a large group of EIGHT table top display vendors
planning to show the latest technologies at the fall meeting. Their
details are on the
fall presentation page.
Plan to pay them a visit!
- October 9, 2008 -
Subcommittee B, Educational Program and DG E10
Subcommittee B has posted their schedule of presentations for their
fall meeting!
Please check it out at the
fall presentation page
and plan to attend! Also, more details have been posted
on the educational program, which is a tour of Intertek Testing Service's Cable
Flame-Testing Laboratory. A schedule and a picture of a flame test have
been posted to the
fall presentation page.
Remember that you must register to attend this tour or you won't have a seat
on the bus! Finally, Willem Boone has posted an
agenda for Discussion Group
E10 on CIGRE/IEC on their page.
- September 26, 2008 -
Subcommittee D Program
Subcommittee D has posted several presentations for their
fall meeting!
Please check it out at the
fall presentation page
and plan to attend!
- September 25, 2008 -
Subcommittee C and F Programs and WG A17
Subcommittee C has posted several presentations for their
fall meeting, and Subcommittee F has updated their listing and scheudle.
Please check it out at the
fall presentation page.
Working Group A17 has posted an updated draft under the download section of the
- September 22, 2008 -
Registration is Open for Fall Meeting!
ICC On-Line Registration
is open starting today through Friday, October 17! We encourage you to
please Pre-Register, as this helps us in our planning as well as reduces the
amount of time you have to stand in line at On-Site Registration. Remember, you
can use a credit card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa) to pay
online, then just stop by On-Site Registration to pick up your official receipt
and name badges. You can also register online and pay with cash or check. In any
case, please print out a copy of your registration and bring it with you in case
we have any difficulties. (We will not accept credit cards on-site.)
To preregister, visit www.pesicc.org.
September 19, 2008 -
Subcommittee F and WG C24
Subcommittee F on Field Testing and Diagnostics has just
posted a very full and exciting draft slate of presentations for their meeting
in San Antonio! You can find details
Presentations from all the Subcommittee's will be posted as they are available.
Also, WG C24 on Temperature
Monitoring and Dynamic Rating of Cable Systems has posted draft number 4 of
their proposed standard in the download site (click to your left).
September 12, 2008 -
Agenda and WG A18/B12
An updated
Agenda has been posted for the Fall 2008 Meeting
here. Also WG A18/B12 on
Failure Analysis has posted a draft of the standard they are working on in the
download section of the website.
- September 10, 2008 -
Fall 2008 Networking Luncheon
It's only 6+ weeks from the Fall 2008 Meeting! If you have looked at the
preliminary agenda, you will notice a new event on Monday, a Networking
Luncheon. The purpose of the lunch is to meet new people and to do more of
what we all love to do so much during the breaks – talk! It will be a buffet
lunch and, hopefully, something really good for dessert! We hope many of
you will attend, and you will find a spot on the registration form to sign up
- September 1, 2008 -
Fall 2008 Meeting Agenda and Announcements
The Fall 2008 meeting is rapidly approaching!
A preliminary agenda has been posted
here! There are numerous
information updates including hotel information (The cut-off is September
24th!) and other relevant information. This can all be found on the
Fall 2008 Meeting Page.
After a successful online pre-registration last meeting, pre-registration for
the meeting should be available online September 22 - October 17 at
- August 2, 2008 -
Subcommittee F on Field
Testing and Diagnostics
One of the major decisions by the Adcom at the Spring 2008 meeting was the
creation of a NEW Subcommittee
F on "Field Testing and Diagnostics." Several existing working and
discussion groups have been moved to this new subcommittee, to provide more
focus on one of the most exciting areas in ICC. Thanks are due to John
Densley and Nigel Hampton who have agreed to be chair and vice chair
respectively. We look forward to their leadership in creating this new
committee. Follow the
links to find out more about this new committee and it's mission.
June 2, 2008 -
Spring 2010 Meeting
The contract has been signed, so it is now official, the Spring 2010 meeting
will be held March 21-24, 2010 in Nashville, Tennessee at the Sheraton Music
City Hotel! You can find out a little bit more about the hotel at their
http://www.sheratonmusiccity.com. Mark your calendars so you can join
us there!
- May 26, 2008 -
Working Group Minutes
Working Group D5W has
posted minutes from their spring meeting. Also, Working
Group D17W has posted several drafts of their proposed IEEE P1717, IEEE
Standard for Testing Circuit Integrity Cables Using a Hydrocarbon Pool Fire Test
Protocol to the downloads section of the website
May 16, 2008 -
ICC Administrative Update
The Officers and Administrative Committee at ICC, along with everyone who knew
him, are incredibly saddened by the sudden passing of our Chair, Shan Nandi. He
had natural leadership ability, and he had great plans for our Committee.
As unexpected as this was, the ICC Operations Manual takes into account the
inability of a Chair to perform his or her duties for any reason. Therefore, per
the ICC Ops Manual and the IEEE Technical Council, Rachel Mosier will assume
Shan Nandi’s responsibilities of ICC Chair for the remainder of his term, i.e.,
through December 31, 2009. Her role will then change from Acting Chair to Chair
for the duration of her term (2010-2011). John Smith will assume Rachel’s duties
as the ICC Vice-Chair for the remainder of Rachel’s vice-chair term. John’s role
will then change from Acting Vice Chair to Vice Chair for the duration of his
vice-chair term (2010-2011), at which time he will become the Chair (2012-2013).
There may be some challenges as we work through this transition. However, we can
overcome any challenge by working together and supporting each other as we
always have. That’s one of the ICC’s greatest strengths and what makes ours such
a successful committee.”
- May 6, 2008 -
Funeral Arrangements for
Chairman Shan Nandi
Funeral Arrangements for Shantanu Nandi
Date: Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Time: 11 am - 3 pm
Beidelman-Kunsch Funeral Home
516 South Washington Street
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone: (630) 355-0264
Website: www.beidelmankunschfh.com -
May 5, 2008 -
Passing of
Chairman Shan Nandi
is with great sadness that we must announce that
ICC Chairman Shan Nandi passed away
Sunday May 4th. This comes as an enormous shock. He was such an
active person, and so healthy and young, it’s hard to comprehend. In addition to
his family and to ComEd, this is also a huge loss for ICC. He had so much energy
and so many great ideas. He will be sorely missed. -
April 21, 2008 -
Spring 2008 Awards
There were a large number of awards and recognitions given out at the spring
2008 meeting, including the Dr. George H. Bahder Memorial Award, one of the
highest awards ICC has to offer. This prestigious award was given to
John Densley during the spring meeting.
Read about John, and all the others who we honored at the
Spring 2008 awards page here.
- April 18, 2008 -
Passing of Jim Moran
It is with sadness that we announce the passing of a long
time ICC member and IEEE Fellow Jim Moran
on Sunday, April 13, 2008. His
obituary as printed in the Albany Times Union is posted
- April 18, 2008 -
Working Groups D13W & A17W
Two working groups have made postings to the website.
WG D13W has posted a
presentation and paper presented by Kent Brown at their spring meeting. WG
A17W has posted a starting draft for their project "Guide for the Application of
Extruded Conductor and Insulation Shields for Shielded Power Cables Rated 5 kV
to 500 kV AC" to the downloads section of the website.
- April 7, 2008 -
New Vice-Chairman/Treasurer - Elect
We are pleased to congratulate and welcome
John T. Smith lll, our new
Vice-Chairman/Treasurer - Elect. John was elected to this position by the
AdCom during the Spring '08 meeting. Follow the
link to a short biography of John.
- March 28, 2008 -
Vendor Sponsored Activities
The guidelines for
vendor sponsored activities during ICC meetings have been updated are are
now posted on the website
Please check out these rules that will help our ICC meetings be as effective as
- March 27, 2008 -
Working Group D4D
Working Group D4D on Smoke Toxicity and Corrosive Products of Cable Combustion
has posted an updated compendium of smoke and corrosivity testing standards to
the downloads portion of the website.
- March 12, 2008 -
Spring 2008 Meeting
Wrapping Up, on to
A very successful and well attended spring 2008 meeting is now wrapping up.
Thank you to every one who came and participated. We look forward to
seeing you in San Antonio!
- March 6, 2008 -
Last Minute Updates
A last minute update has been made to the
agenda reflecting some of
the late room changes. Also there has been a few more changes to the
specifically for the
Transnational luncheon. Also, Tyco is a last minute addition to the
- February 29, 2008 -
Standards Update
Standards Chair Shayne Wright has posted an update to the project status listing
for the ICC. It is available in both
MS Word and
MS Excel formats.
Also, for those of you frequent website checkers, the
presentations have been updated again today.
- February 28, 2008 -
Final Agenda, Subcommittee
An all but final agenda has
been posted. Meeting times should all be final. There may be a few
room changes still to come. Also, there have been several updates to
presentations as well as the
February 19, 2008 -
Subcommittees B has posted
abstracts of several
presentations for the Spring meeting, and Subcommittee C has added one more.
- February 14, 2008 -
Presentations, Educational Program, Mini-Expo
Subcommittees C & D have posted
abstracts of several
presentations for the Spring meeting. Also, initial information on the
Educational Program has been posted. There are six exciting vendors for
Mini-Expo/Table Top Display. Also, the
for Table Top Displays have been updated and clarified. If you are
exhibiting or thinking about exhibiting, please check them out.
- February 14, 2008 -
Working Group D5
Working Group D5 has posted draft 7 of P1185 on the
downloads portion of the website.
- February 7, 2008 -
An updated, hopefully
final draft of the
agenda has been posted.
Room names will be added closer to the meeting date after they are provided by
the hotel.
- February 4, 2008 -
Subcommittee A
Subcommittee A has posted
abstracts of
several exciting presentations for their session at the Spring meeting.
Check them out
here to see what is in store at their session.
- January 28, 2008 -
Guidelines and Preload Procedure
- A few changes are being made to the presentation preload
procedure that all presenters need to take note of. Beginning with the Spring
meeting, all presentations must be submitted to the Subcommittee Chair/Vice
Chair, who will preload the presentation onto the ICC computer. We will no
longer have preload sessions each morning, so prior contact with the
Subcommittee Chair must be made in order to coordinate download of your
presentation. Note that the ICC computer will NOT be available in the
moments immediately before each meeting, and that all presentations MUST be
preloaded onto the ICC computer, with no exceptions. Presentations may NOT be
run from a flash drive. Subcommittee Chairs will be in contact with you to
coordinate their deadline for submission. The memo to Subcommittee
Chairs/Vice Chairs concerning this change can be found
Several updates have been also been made to the
guidelines, to bring them up to date with this new procedure and clarify
several points. If you are making a presentation, please take a moment to
refresh your memory of
the guidelines.
- January 24, 2008 -
Credit Card Users
- Please note the following announcement from ICC Chairman Shan Nandi: "The
ICC provides the mechanism to register for the Spring and Fall meetings on-line
using credit/debit cards. Please note that once registered, you must contact the
ICC Secretary for any requested changes or refunds. Refunds are only approved
if requested prior to the first day of the meeting. Any approved refunds
will be issued by ICC check only."
- January 23, 2008 -
ICC Member
Michael Bayer
- ICC Member Michael Bayer was recently featured in the December edition of
"The Institute's" Part Time Passions section. Read all about it
- January 23, 2008 -
Spring 2008 Agenda Update and E10D Agenda
- The first update to the preliminary agenda
has already been posted. Please keep checking back to see the
latest changes. Also, Discussion Group E10 on CIGRE/IEC
International Activities has posted an
agenda for
their meeting this spring.
- January 22, 2008 -
Spring 2008Registration and Agenda
- The Spring 2008 meeting
gets closer every day! A week ago, members should have received an e-mail
from the ICC Officers with details on our new online registration system at
www.pesicc.org. This is available for
members and visitors/new members alike, and more details are available on the Spring 2008 meeting
page or www.pesicc.org. Also, Vice
Chairman Rachel Mosier has posted the
preliminary agenda for
the spring meeting. Please remember, this is a
preliminary agenda for
planning purposes. The exact schedule of specific group meetings will
change before the meeting.
- January 10, 2008 -
Spring 2008Hotel Details
- The Spring 2008 meeting
is rapidly approaching. Make your plans now to say with us at the Tradewinds Island Grand Resort.
Our negotiated rate is $189.00 for a Standard Hotel Room. All rooms will
have a window to the outside. The resort fee is included in the rate and
includes self-parking, use of fitness center and tennis courts, participation in
water aerobics classes, daily newspaper, wireless internet access, local and
toll-free calls, use of a beach cabana, water tricycle, and paddleboat, domestic
faxes, and business center use. Attendees staying at other hotels will be
charged $15/day for parking. The cutoff date is January 30, 2008! Our
room block is from Friday, March 7 – Friday, March 14. Call
1-800-808-9833 (USA & Canada) or 1-727-367-6461 from elsewhere, and mention
“Insulated Conductors 2008 Spring Meeting” to the Group Reservations
Please plan to stay at the TradeWinds so that we meet our room commitments
and don't have to pay a penalty.
- January 10, 2008 -
Happy New Year!
- Happy New Year to the ICC! With the end of the last
meeting, we brought in a new Chairman of the ICC,
Shan Nandi!
Congratulations to Shan on his new role, and we look forward to his leadership
going forward. Apologies are due from the webmaster for the long delay
between the last page update. There are many today.
- 1. Working Group D5W (P1185) has posted a new draft under the Downloads
Section of the Website.
- 2. Awards Chair Lauri Hiivala has posted a
listing of the numerous awards given out at the fall meeting
- 3.
Working Group D14 is beginning to revise IEEE 422 and has posted both
minutes from their
Fall meeting and the old IEEE 422 under the download section of the
- Working
Group D3 is beginning to revise IEEE 1242 and has posted the old IEEE
1242 under the download section of the website.
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