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Fall 1996 - SC-9 Minutes
Joint SC 8/ SC 9 meeting was held on Wednesday, November 11th
with 18 members and guests.
Working Group 9-29 Submarine Cables:
- Minutes not provided in time for publication.
Project 9-33 Industrial and Commercial Cables:
- UL Proposals and Standards update since last IEEE/ICC Meeting
Date UL # Description of Bulletin
Apr 18 (IAC) 62 Proposed, harmonized edition, bulletin to
industry out shortly
May 2 504 Announce jacketed MI
May 13 1072 Proposal to delete DC factory dielectric
test and to add TPE jackets - ADOPTED
May 15 1277 Proposal to permit butt-splices in
stranded 1569)Conductors in TC and MC
Jul 19 (IAC) 1581 Proposal to delete oxygen & air bombs
and replace with air oven
Jul 29 2225 New Haz Loc Standard covering "MC-HL"
Aug 28 1277 Revised pages covering "open wiring"
Date UL # Description of Bulletin
Oct 4 83 TAPWAC meeting minutes, proposals out should include: - MV-105
using XL - Resistance method for conductor size - Compressed unilay
permitted but marked "compact"because of connectors - SA (200
replaces 125C) SIS reduced walls per 1996 NEC
Working Group 9-1 Shipboard Cables:
- The following status report on shipboard cable activities
were prepared by Mr. Dieter Popoff and presented to the subcommittee
for discussion:
- Technical and procedural problems with the IEEE Std. 45-1993
draft have not been re-solved as of this date. Projected date
for approval is sometime during 1997.
- Canadian Coast Guard has issued a waiver to their previous
requirement that all cable acceptable for installation on Canadian
registered vessels be constructed and meet the recommendations
of IEEE Std. 45-1983 draft. Canada will accept cable that is constructed
and tested to IEEE Std. 45-1983, in addition to those that meet
IEC 92-3, until the new IEEE Std. 45 is published.
- The United States and Canada are the only countries still
requiring compliance to IEC 92-3, rather than IEC 92-350 series,
which has been adopted worldwide and allows standard insulation
- U.L. 1309, Bi-National shipboard cable standard, has been
published, but is not accepted by either the Canadian or U.S.
Coast Guard.
- Nema is discussing the possibility of developing a shipboard
standard that would cover Sections 18, 19 and 20 of IEEE Std.
Dr. Mark Lowell read a letter to Mr. Harry Epstein, Chair IEEE
Standards Review Group. This letter (Appendix 9-A) states the
concerns about changes to IEEE-45 that have been included in the
latest draft. Detailed minutes for each WG are available from
their respective Homepages.
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