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Latest ICC News & Announcements
- December 31, 2009 - 2 New IEEE Fellows from the ICC!
- The 2010 class of IEEE Fellows has been announced, and there are two ICC
members being honored this year! ICC Past Chairman
Rick Hartlein is cited "for
contributions to standards and analytical techniques for underground power cable
systems." Current Discussion Group chair Edward Gulski is cited
application of partial discharges to diagnosis of high voltage components."
Congratulations are due to both of these members for their dedication to the
advancement of our industry. For a listing of all ICC members who are IEEE
click here.
- December 31, 2009 - Fall 2009 Awards and Recognitions
- There were numerous
and recognitions handed out at the Fall 2009 meeting, including the
prestigious Dr. George H. Bahder Memorial Award which was awarded to
Bruce Bernstein!
here to see a list of all the awards, and details on Bruce's very deserved
December 31, 2009 - "All Chairs"
Photo from Fall 2009 Meeting
- While at the Fall 2009 meeting, the hotel photographer took a
group shot of all of the Adcom
and WG/DG Chairs and Vice Chairs. See the great photo they took
November 3, 2009 - WG A11 Guide submitted to RevCom, F10
- Working group A11 (P1142, Draft Guide for the Selection, Testing,
Application and Installation of Cables Having Radial Moisture Barriers and/or
Longitudinal Water Blocking) has had their guide submitted to RevCom, one of the
final steps before publishing. A copy of the guide as submitted to RevCom
has been posted to the download section of the website.
DG F10 (Diagnostic Testing of Cable Joints and Terminations) has posted an
abstract of a second presentation for their fall meeting
November 2, 2009 - WG A17, D17, F05 postings, Discussion Group
F06 cancellation
- Working group A17 (P1781, Guide for the Application of Extruded Conductor
and Insulation Shields for Shielded Power Cables Rated 5 kV to 500 kV AC) has
posted a draft of their guide to the download section of the website.
Working group D17 (P1717, Standard for Testing Circuit Integrity Cables Using a
Hydrocarbon Pool Fire Test Protocol) has posted minutes of their last meeting,
and an agenda for the upcoming meeting to the
working group minutes
page here. They have also posted a draft 4 of P1717 to the download
section of the website.
Discussion group F05 on Damped AC testing of cables has posted a
proposed agenda
here and draft of a potential standard they may write to the download setion
of the website.
The fall meeting of Discussion Group F06D (DC Field Testing of Extruded Cable
Systems) has been cancelled due to a late cancellation by the primary speaker.
It had been scheduled for Monday Afternoon from 2:00 to 3:15 p.m.
October 31, 2009 - Transnational Luncheon
- The Transnational Luncheon Chair (Wim Boone) and Vice Chair (Pierre Argaut)
have arranged for a great group of presentations. A list of what to expect
is posted
October 30, 2009 - Final Agenda Changes
- Due to changes by the hotel, there have been some changes to the "Final
Agenda". If you downloaded it prior to ~4pm US central time on 10/30,
please download again
October 29, 2009 - Discussion Group E10 and Table Top
- Discussion Group E10 on CIGRE/IEC Activities has posted
an agenda for their fall meeting. We also have a large number of table
top display vendors who will be showing off new technologies at the fall
meeting. A list can be found
October 28, 2009 - Subcommittees C Technical Programs
- Subcommittee C has posted a
list of technical presentations
for it's fall meetings.
October 27, 2009 - Subcommittees B & D Technical Programs
- Subcommittees B & D have posted a
list of technical presentations
for their respective fall meetings.
October 23, 2009 - Updated Fall Meeting Schedule
- Acting Vice-Chair/Treasurer
John Smith III has posted a Final draft
of the schedule for the Fall meeting
here. A few
rooms have not yet been assigned by the hotel. Check with registration
when you arrive for those assignments.
October 21, 2009 - DG F10D - Diagnostic Testing of Cable
Joints and Terminations
- Discussion Group F10D will be meeting at the fall meeting, and has
posted an
abstract of one of the presentations that will be made
October 11, 2009 - Subcommittee F - Field Testing and
- Subcommittee F has posted an
updated schedule
for their technical presentations at the fall meeting including times.
October 2, 2009 - Educational Program and DG C11 Submarine
- Abstracts
have been posted for what looks to be a very interesting education program
on "Global Developments in Underground Transmission Cables". Also, discussion group C11 chair
Neal Parker has
posted an agenda for their upcoming meeting and is seeking comments from
discussion group members.
September 14, 2009 - Updated Fall Meeting Schedule
- Acting Vice-Chair/Treasurer
John Smith III has posted a 3rd draft
of the schedule for the Fall meeting
here. Please keep
checking back for changes before the meeting.
September 14, 2009 - Book your Hotel Room Online!
- The Doubletree Paradise Valley Resort offering online reservations at the
group rate, in addition to call in reservations.
To Book online at the group rate, click here!
September 11, 2009 - IEEE 48-2009 Approved!
- Congratulations to Working Group B1 on the successful approval of IEEE
48-2009! Working group members can download the "approved" version from
the downloads section.
September 8, 2009 - Fall Meeting Invitation
- Acting Chair Rachel Mosier has
issued an invitation to the fall
meeting! This includes hotel information, and registration details.
Please register early, and join us in Scottsdale!
September 7, 2009 - Fall Meeting Preliminary Schedule
- Acting Vice-Chair/Treasurer
John Smith III has posted a 2nd draft
of the schedule for the Fall meeting
here. Please keep
checking back for changes before the meeting. A preliminary schedule has
also been posted for the technical presentations for Subcommittee F
September 7, 2009 - IEEE Standards Update
- Standards Chair John Merando has posted a status update for all ICC
standards. Please check the status of your PAR
July 15, 2009 - 2010 IEEE Herman Halperin Electric
Transmission and Distribution Award
- From a letter recently received:
"Recognizing exceptional achievements in our profession, by both individuals and
organizations, is an important part of the mission of the IEEE. Each year the
IEEE Awards Board recommends a select group of recipients to receive the IEEE's
most prestigious honors. It is my pleasure to inform you that the IEEE Board of
Directors has named
Carlos Katz
the recipient of the 2010 IEEE Herman Halperin Electric Transmission and
Distribution Award with the following citation: "For developing and
understanding of factors that influence life of XLPE and EPR-insulated cable
Help us extend congratulations to Carlos on this prestigious IEEE award!
July 15, 2009 - Working Groups F01 and A14D
- Working Groups F01
(Guide for Field Testing and Evaluation of Shielded Cables P400) and
A14 (Power Cable
Standards) have posted draft standards to the download section of the website,
and are seeking comments from working group members and other interested
parties. F01 has a deadline of September 4, and A14 has a deadline of
August 19. More details are available on the download page.
June 8, 2009 - Awards and more Awards
- Awards Chair Lauri Hiivala was certainly busy at the spring meeting handing
out awards! If you missed them, see who all was honored for their work at
this past meeting
May 20, 2009 - Good bye Orlando, Hello Scottsdale!
- A productive Spring
meeting in Orlando is now over, and the ICC is headed to Scottsdale, AZ!
Please start planning to join us November 8-11 at the
Doubletree Paradise Valley Resort
for the Fall Meeting.
May 11, 2009 - WG F01, IEEE 400 Guide for Field Testing
- The writing group of WG F01, IEEE 400 has posted a new draft of the proposed
revision to IEEE 400 to the download section of the website. This draft
includes the newly re-written Section 5 for the first time. Working group
members are encouraged to download and print a copy for discussion at the
meeting next week.
May 7, 2009 - Final Agenda, and WG D3 and WG D5 Postings
- The Final Agenda has been posted to the website
Any late changes will be posted in the registration area at the hotel.
Also, DG D3 has posted IEEE 1242-1999 under the download section for discussion
at their meeting. WG D5 has posted a Draft 9 and Comments from their
latest ballot to the download section for discussion at their meeting.
May 6, 2009 - Transnational Luncheon
- The Transnational Luncheon has posted
agenda for the Spring meeting. Come have lunch with us and learn about
cable related projects around the world. Remember that registration is
required for this lunch.
May 5, 2009 - DG F10, Presentations for Spring 2009
- Discussion Group F10, Diagnostic Testing of Cable Joints and Terminations
has posted
abstracts for a couple interesting presentations that will be made at their
meeting. Also, there have been several updates to
presentation schedules.
May 1, 2009 - Presentations for Spring 2009
- All subcommittees have now posted
abstracts for the upcoming Spring 2009 meeting. Please take a
look and see
what exciting things will be talked about in Orlando!
April 28, 2009 -
Subcommittee C
Presentations and Table Top Displays
- Subcommittee C, Cable Systems, has posted
abstracts of
their presentations for the upcoming meeting. Also, there are a number
of vendors for our Mini Expo at the Spring Meetings. Details have been
posted here.
April 27, 2009 - Spring Meeting Agenda Draft 4
- The 4th draft of the
agenda for the Spring meeting
This is getting pretty close to the final draft, pending room assignments from
the hotel. But please keep checking back here and at registration in
Orlando for any late breaking changes.
Also, E10D chair Willem
Boone has posted an
agenda for their meeting.
April 23, 2009 - A11W Draft 2J
- Chair Joe Snow of WG
A11W (P1142) Guide for the Selection, Testing, Application and
Installation of Cables Having Radial Moisture Barriers and/or Longitudinal Water
Blocking has posted draft 2J of their revision of IEEE 1142. This
draft has been submitted to IEEE for final editing and approval by NESCOM for
publishing. It is available under the download section of the website.
April 14, 2009 - Sub F Spring Meeting Presentations
- Subcommittee F has posted their
agenda and
list of presentations for the Spring meeting.
April 10, 2009 - Spring Meeting Agenda Draft 3
- Acting Vice Chair/Treasurer John Smith has posted an 3rd draft of the
agenda for the Spring meeting
Note that while this is a 3rd draft, and getting closer, exact details are likely to
change several more times before the meeting. Please continue making your plans to
join us!
April 2, 2009 - D11 Posts Draft one for P1143 & Sub B
Technical Program
- Vice Chair Mick Bayer of WG D11 has posted draft 1 of their project to
revise 1143-1994 Guide on Shielding Practice for Low Voltage Cables to the
download section of the website.
Also, Subcommittee B has posted a preliminary outline of their
program for the spring meeting.
March 27, 2009 - Passing of Ray Saccany
- Ray Saccany, longtime member of ICC, passed away yesterday (March 26). Ray
has been attending ICC for about 27 years. His presence will certainly be
missed. The funeral is 10:30 on Monday, March 30 at St. Raphael's Church in Bay
Village, OH.
March 25, 2009 -
WG B01 - IEEE 48
- Chair Jim Braun of WG B05, IEEE 48, has posted to the download section the
most current revision of their guide for review by the
working group members. Comments from WG Members
are requested so the document can be re-balloted to resolve negatives in early
March 18, 2009 -
WG B05 - IEEE 1300, The Guide
for Cable Connections into GIS
- Chair Milan Uzelac of WG B05, IEEE 1300, The Guide for Cable Connections
into GIS has posted a first draft of their revised guide for review by the
working group members to the download section. Comments from WG Members
are requested before the spring 2009 meeting.
March 17, 2009 -
George H. Bahder Memorial Award, Educational Program &
Standards Update
- Awards Chair Lauri Hiivala has posted an update on the 2008 Award, including
the results of the research performed with the grant by a student at Georgia
Tech. Please visit the
Award page for more details.
Educational Program Chair Sudhakar Cherukupalli has posted details on the
Program for the Spring 2009 meeting which will be an Overview of the
Cable Diagnostic Focused Initiative (CDFI).
Standards Chair John Merando has posted a
listing of IEEE
Standards & PARs that will require action before October 19, 2009 to avoid
being administratively withdrawn. -
March 16, 2009 -
WG C11D - Submarine Cable
- Chairman Neal Parker has posted an agenda for WG
C11D's Spring 2009
meeting here, and
is soliciting comments or additional presentations.
March 16, 2009 - Spring 2009 Registration Fees
- Registration for the Spring 2009 meeting will go online shortly.In the
meantime, this form
provides the fee schedule for your use.
March 12, 2009 - WG A18/B12 Draft, F05 Agenda
- Joint Working Group
A18/B12 has posted an updated draft of their Cable Failure Analysis Guide to
the download section of the website. Also
discussion group F05 has
posted an
agenda for their meeting this Spring.
March 10, 2009 - Preliminary Spring 2009 Agenda
- Acting Vice Chair/Treasurer John Smith has posted an initial
preliminary agenda for the Spring meeting
Note that this is a very preliminary agenda, and exact details are likely to
change several times before the meeting. Please start making your plans to
join us!
February 17, 2009 -
George H. Bahder Memorial Award
- Awards Chair Lauri Hiivala has posted an update on the 2002 Award, including
the results of the research performed with the grant. Please visit the
Award page for more details.
February 17, 2009 -
Liaison Report on Documents our for comment
- IEC-ICC Liaison Ken Bow has posted an
from the USTAG concerning a number of IEC TC20 documents that are out for
comments. Please
follow the
link to find out about what IEC TC20 is working on, and contact Ken to help
make ICC's voice heard.
February 17, 2009 -
Liaison Report on IEC 60228
- The IEC Technical Committee 20, WG 19, Conductors, is working on a project
to include the AWG sizes, along with metric sizes, in the IEC 60228 Standard
for Conductors. Stage 1 of the project is complete, and that is to produce a
Technical Report, IEC/TR 62602 , "Conductors of Insulated Cables-Data for AWG
and kcmil sizes." This report defines the range of AWG/kcmil sizes that are to
be considered in the harmonization process. This document is now in the voting
process, and the members of the US TAG must provide their input by March 09,
2009. The members of the ICC are encouraged to provide their input to
Ken Bow, IEC-ICC liaison. (Email: k.bow@ieee.org,
Phone:989-695-4659). The topic was discussed at the Fall 2008 E10D
meeting, and a copy of the
presentation presented on this topic is attached to the IEC-CIGRE portion of
the ICC website. Please review the presentation for the range of conductor sizes
currently included and provide Ken with any additional sizes that should be
included for completeness. Again, the deadline for input on this standard is
March 09, 2009.
February 17, 2009 - WG B10 - Guide to Select Terminations
for Shielded Power Cables Rated 5-46 KV Revised Draft for Reballoting
- Bill Taylor and Tom Champion have posted a revised draft for P1637 to the
download site. WG D10 members are requested to review the draft and send
Bill & Tom any comments as soon as possible. They plan to submit this for
re-ballot before the next meeting.
February 11, 2009 - WG F01
Guide for Field Testing
and Evaluation of the Insulation of Shielded Power Cable Systems Rated 5KV and
- The writing group for WG F01 has posted a draft for their revision of IEEE
400 to the download section, and is requesting comments from working group
members. Details are in the download section of the website.
February 4, 2009 - Leadership Changes from Fall Meeting
- There were several leadership changes and new appointments made by AdCom at
the fall meeting. We have a new Standards & Publications Chair, John
Merando. Thank you to Shayne Wright who did an excellent job in this
John has served as Chair of Subcommittee D for many years, and is stepping down
from that post. Vice Chair Bert Spear is stepping into his shoes as the
new Chair of Sub D, and the new Vice Chair of Sub D is Robert Konnik.
Also, the AdCom confirmed the new Vice Chair/Treasurer Elect,
Thomas Champion.
Congratulations to Thomas on taking on this responsibility to lead the ICC in
the near future.
February 3, 2009 - WG D14 received PAR
- A PAR (P422) has been approved for WG D14. They will begin work on
"P422 Guide for the Design of Cable and Raceway Systems in Electric Generating
Stations." Their new PAR is valid until December 2012.
February 2, 2009 - DG B19 Posting to Download Section
- DG B19D has posted a summary of their discussions to date as a draft in IEEE
guide format under the downloads section of the website. Please provide comments
to Chair David Crotty or Vice
Chair Mike Smalley.
January 5, 2009 - WGA11, P1142
- WG A11W, P1142 Draft Guide for the
Selection, Testing, Application and Installation of Cables Having Radial
Moisture Barriers and/or Longitudinal Water Blocking has posted
draft I (eye, not one) to the download section of the website.
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