The ICC Website is changing. As this transition is made, our new format
can be found at www.pesicc.org/ICCWP.
Please send any comments or questions to
Latest ICC News & Announcements
- December 24,
2003 - IEEE 635
- WG A15 Chairman Ken Bow has
announced that the revision to IEEE 635, Guide for Selection and Design of
Aluminum Sheaths for Power Cables, has been approved and will soon be released
by IEEE for publication. Ken has posted the final version of the document on
the ICC Download site (see the menu in the frame to the left). Our thanks and
congratulations to all involved.
November 21,
2003 - Subcommittee C WG Minutes Posted
- Subcommittee C Chairman Nagu Srinivas and Vice Chair
Rachel Mosier have posted the minutes from their
various WGs from the Fall 2003 meeting in Dallas.
From the Sub
C page you'll find links to each of the various
WG pages.
November 21, 2003
- Updated Draft of IEEE 400.2 Posted
WG C18 Vice Chairman John
Densley has been hard at work. He's posted another
draft of IEEE 400.2, Guide for Field Testing of Shielded Power
Cable Systems Using Very Low Frequency (VLF) on the ICC Download site
(see the link in the menu panel to the left).
November 17,
2003 - Subcommittee A WG Minutes Posted
- Subcommittee A Chairmen Serge Pellisou and John Smith have posted the
minutes from their various WGs from the Fall 2003
meeting in
Dallas. From the
Sub A page you'll find links to each of the various WG pages.
November 14,
2003 - Subcommittee B WG Minutes Posted
- Subcommittee C Chair Bob Gear has posted the minutes from his various WGs
from the Fall 2003 meeting in
Dallas. From the
Sub B page you'll find links to each of the various WG pages.
November 13, 2003
- New Draft
of IEEE 1202 Posted
WG D15 Chairman John Merando has posted a new draft of
IEEE 1202, Standard for Flame-Propagation Testing of Wire & Cable
on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu panel to the left). Send
your comments to John at
j.e.merando@ieee.org by
February 4th in order to support the
Montreal meeting.
November 12, 2003
- Updated Draft of IEEE 400.2 Posted
WG C18 Vice Chairman John
Densley has posted a new draft of IEEE 400.2, Guide for Field
Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems Using Very Low Frequency (VLF)
on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu panel to the left).
November 12,
2003 - Subcommittee D WG Minutes Posted
- Subcommittee D Officers Kent W. Brown and John
Merando have posted the minutes from their various WGs from the
Fall 2003 meeting in
Dallas. From the
Sub D page you'll find links to each of the various WG pages.
November 10,
2003 - Fall 2003 Pictures
- Joe Dudas and his trusty camera were in Dallas and have
captured some of the
highlights (and
low-lights) of the event. You'll want to check these out. Thanks Joe!
October 21,
2003 - Spring 2004
Educational Program Announced
- Educational Program Committee Chairman Steve Szaniszlo has announced that
the Spring 2004 program will
feature a tour of the
laboratories. We'll be adding details shortly.
Until then, you can follow the hyperlink for an on-line tour.
October 3,
2003 - IEEE/ICC Standards Status
- Shan Nandi has posted a new update of the
list of ICC
standards projects and a great collection of guides and links for those
involved in the standards writing process. You can always get the latest
update by clicking on the Standards button on the menu frame to the left.
September 26,
2003 - Transnational Luncheon Address by Gordon
- At the Fall 2003 meeting in Dallas, Gordon Thursfield
of Nexans North America gave a well received presentation entitled,
State of the Cable
Industry. We've posted the slides for those who
would like to review the material and for those who were unable to attend the
luncheon. A special "Thanks" to Mr. Thursfield for his efforts on our behalf.
September 26,
2003 - IEEE/ICC Standards Status
- Shan Nandi has posted an updated
list of ICC
standards projects and a great collection of guides and links for those
involved in the standards writing process. You can always get the latest
update by clicking on the Standards button on the menu frame to the left.
September 22,
2003 - New ICC Brochure
- Chairman Ken Bow created a brochure for distribution at
the Dallas T&D meeting which provides a quick
overview and introduction to
the ICC. Its a great way to introduce your management and co-workers to
the ICC.
September 15, 2003
Fall 2003 Educational Material Posted
- ICC Education Program Chairman Steve Szaniszlo has
posted the material from the
Educational program at the
Dallas meeting. Thanks to
Steve and to each of the presenters for their hard work to make the
program a success. Files are available in their native PowerPoint format and
as much smaller files in the PDF format.
September 15,
2003 -
Fall 2003 Meeting
The Fall 2003 meeting is history. Approximately 300
engineers and scientists met in Dallas in conjunction with the IEEE T&D
Conference and Exhibition. We are interested in your feedback on the Dallas
meeting. What worked? What didn't? Drop the chairman a note at
September 2, 2003 -
Final Fall 2003 Agenda
ICC Chairman Ken Bow has posted the
final Fall 2003 Agenda.
Bow noted that the major changes included the addition of a working group
meeting for B9W and cancellation of the WG C1D meeting.
August 21, 2003 -
Special T&D Session on the Blackout of 2003
ICC Chairman Ken Bow announced today that plans are
underway for a special session at the T&D to discuss the recent blackout in
the Northeast and Canada. Be sure to check the T&D website for details.
August 21, 2003 -
Special Announcement for B7D Members
WG B7D (suggested revisions to IEEE Separable
Connectors Standard 386). A discussion group will
meet Thursday, September 11, 2003, 2:00 pm - 3:15
pm, State Room 1, Adam’s Mark Hotel.
There will be two topics of discussion at this meeting. The ANSI
Standard C119.1-2002 will be reviewed and Carl Wentzel will start a
discussion on high altitude switching. Please
review the recent C119.1-2002 before the meeting if possible and be prepared
to share your comments during the meeting. The comments from the B7D Group
will be forwarded to the ANSI C119.1 committee for their review. Please
bring any notes, comments, or presentations you might have on high altitude
switching to this meeting for discussion. There was an IEEE Transactions on
Power Delivery paper written in 1990 titled Air Density Influence on the
Strength of External Insulation Under Positive Impulses: Experimental
Investigation Up to an Altitude of 3000 m a.s.l. This paper might help
in understanding the effect of switching in high altitudes. The IEEE
Transactions Paper is in Volume 5, No. 2, April 1990. Try to get a copy of
this paper and review it before the meeting. If anyone would be interested
in presenting on high altitude switching at a future meeting, please call
Carl Wentzel at (512) 984-5012. The B16 Working Group not meet since there
is nothing to review for 386 until the standard is balloted.
August 18, 2003 - New Draft
of IEEE 1202 Posted
WG D15 Chairman John Merando has posted a new draft of
IEEE 1202, Standard for Flame-Propagation Testing of Wire & Cable
on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu panel to the left). Send
your comments to John at
j.e.merando@ieee.org by
August 29th in
order to support the Dallas meeting.
August 15,
2003 - Dallas Area Rapid Transit
- For those ICC members not staying in the Adam's Mark, the shuttle service
run as part of the T and D meeting will stop at 6:30 pm on Wednesday. You can
always use the DART train and buses that will run near many of the downtown
hotels. Visit the DART website for detailed maps and
routes. The Hotel Lawrence is across the street from the DART train at
Union Station.
August 15,
2003 - IEEE/ICC Standards Status
- Shan Nandi has posted an updated list of ICC standards
projects and a great collection of guides and links for those involved in the
standards writing process. You can always get the latest update by clicking on
the Standards button on the menu frame to the left.
August 7, 2003 -
Oops, Go Ahead and Use that Cell Phone
- A news item dated August 4th on the ICC web warned
users about a new Texas cell phone law which was to go into effect September
1st. Several ICC members from Texas have informed us that the Bill was killed
in the state legislature. "Hands free devices" are therefore still not
required by Texas law.
July 31, 2003 - All-Chairs Meeting
to be Held in Dallas
- Chairman Ken Bow has announced that there WILL be
an All Chairs meeting from
7 to 8 on Thursday morning at the Dallas meeting.
The All-Chairs meeting is open to Chair and Vice Chairs
from all ICC Working Groups and Discussion Groups.
July 31, 2003 - Clarification on
Exhibitor Registration for the ICC
- A new plan has been devised for exhibitor registration for ICC. The issue
is we need to collect the $35.00 fee from all exhibitors attending ICC to
cover administrative costs as well as the cost of the minutes. We also need to
keep our attendance roster current and exhibitor names can not be supplied by
the T and D registration committee. The plan is as follows -
e-mail Chairman Ken Bow
if you have an exhibitor's badge and plan to attend the meeting.
He will e-mail you a form to pre-register for ICC.
If you want to register during the T and D meeting, then you may do so at the
ICC both which will be in the T and D registration area of the Dallas
Convention Center. Thomas Arnold our membership secretary, or one of his
volunteers at the booth will take care of your registration.
We apologize for this
policy change, but the exhibitor badge is something we did not deal with at
the Atlanta Conference. We feel we need to allow exhibitors and conference
attendees the opportunity to attend ICC even though the registration process
follows two different paths.
July 31, 2003 - Directions to T and D / ICC Reception
- The T&D will kickoff with a reception at
Eddie Deen's
on Sunday evening from 6-9 pm. Eddie Deen's is near the convention
center and NOT within walking distance of the Adam's
Mark. There will be bus transportation provided to and from the Adam's Mark
and all other hotels. There is parking at Eddie Deen's
but there may be tents in the parking lot to accommodate overflow at the
ranch. We recommend you use the shuttle bus to attend the reception.
July 29, 2003 - Revised Fall Agenda Posted
- Ken Bow and Bill Taylor have just released an update to
Fall 2003
which includes minor changes to the Thursday afternoon and
Friday afternoon WG schedules.
July 25, 2003 - More About T&D Fees
- Chairman Ken Bow has posted a
clarification on
registration at the T&D show which impacts Exhibitors and IEEE Life
Members and Retired ICC Members. It is a MUST READ for those
July 25, 2003 - T&D Hotel Reservations (Update)
- If you want to stay at the Adams Mark, you'll need to
call the IEEE/PES Housing Service at (800) 243-1197
and book thru them. Reservations at the
Adam's Mark can still be made this way at the T and
D rate of $169 (single) or $179 (double). There is an additional 15% hotel tax
which is not included in these rates.
July 23, 2003 -
Final Fall 2003 Educational
Program Posted
- ICC Education Program Chairman Steve Szaniszlo has
updated the posting for the
Fall 2003 Educational
Program on High Voltage Cables,
adding presentations and details on the presenters.
July 23, 2003
- Updated Draft of IEEE 400.2
WG C18 Chairman Hans Gnerlich has posted
a new draft of IEEE
400.2, Guide for Field Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems Using Very
Low Frequency (VLF) on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu
panel to the left). This draft incorporates comments on
draft 9 (which was posted on June 27th) as received from WG members and
other interested parties.
July 22, 2003
- First Draft Real Time Monitoring
WG C-24 is preparing a guide for Real Time
Rating with Distributed Temperature Monitoring. Chris Grodzinski has
compiled first-cut input from several members and posted it on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu
panel to the left). Send your comments to Chris at
chrisg@ehvpower.com by August 25th in
order to support the Dallas meeting.
July 15, 2003 -
Chairman Clarifies T&D Fees
- Chairman Ken Bow has posted an important update
to the Invitation Letter for the Fall 2003 ICC Meeting in Dallas.
Please note the following: The T and D registration fee must be paid by
all ICC attendees to register for both the ICC meeting and the T and D
conference and Exposition. The registration fee to T and D covers all the
costs of the ICC meeting including coffee breaks, transnational lunch and
education lunch. These events will be free to attendees of the ICC meeting.
The registration fee also covers our administration expenses with the hotel.
The meeting minutes are a separate issue. Therefore, there is a separate
$35.00 charge for the minutes. This is not the ICC registration fee.
Please see the full letter on the
Fall 2003 page for more
July 15, 2003 - Fall 2003 Educational
Program Details Released
- ICC Education Program Chairman Steve Szaniszlo has
released details of the presentations
for the
Fall 2003 Educational
Program on High Voltage Cables. Once again thanks to Steve for assembling the program and
to our many presenters.
June 27, 2003
- New Draft of IEEE 400.2
WG C18 Chairman Hans Gnerlich has posted draft
9 of IEEE
400.2, Guide for Field Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems Using Very
Low Frequency (VLF) on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu
panel to the left). Send comments
to Hans at
June 27, 2003
- Subcommittee A WG Minutes
- Subcommittee A Chairmen Serge Pellisou and John Smith have posted the minutes from
their various WGs from the Spring 2003 meeting in
Cincinnati. From the Sub
A page you'll find links to each of the various WG pages.
June 19, 2003
- Its Here!! - The Fall ICC Schedule
- Ken Bow and Bill Taylor have just released the
Fall 2003 schedule
where you can see which Working Groups will meet and when. For all the latest,
check out the
Fall meeting page for an
overview of other activities and don't forget to make that hotel reservation.
June 19, 2003
- Fall Technical Program
- Subcommittee A Officers Pellisou and Smith have
released the details of a strong program for the Dallas meeting. Check the
Fall Presentation
page for details.
June 10, 2003
- Spring 2003 Photos
- Thanks to Joe Dudas, we have some
great photos from the
Spring 2003 meeting in Cincinnati. Joe captured shots at the reception,
during awards presentations and at the Mini-Expo booths.
June 4, 2003
- Coming Soon - The Fall ICC Schedule
- The Officers of the ICC have been working to nail down
the Fall 2003 schedule. It will be posted shortly. Check out the
Fall meeting page for an
overview of our activities and don't forget to make that hotel reservation.
May 29, 2003
- Subcommittee B WG Minutes
- Subcommittee B Chair Bob Gear has posted the minutes from
his various WGs from the Spring 2003 meeting in
Cincinnati. From the Sub
B page you'll find links to each of the various WG pages.
May 28, 2003
- Subcommittee D WG Minutes
- Subcommittee D Officers Kent W. Brown and John Merando
have posted the minutes from their various WGs from the Spring 2003 meeting in
Cincinnati. From the Sub
D page you'll find links to each of the various WG pages.
May 27, 2003
- IEEE/ICC Standards Status
- Shan Nandi has posted an updated list of ICC standards
projects and a great collection of guides and links for those involved in the
standards writing process. You can always get the latest update by clicking on
the Standards button on the menu frame to the left.
May 27, 2003
- Subcommittee C WG Minutes
- Subcommittee C Chairman John Cooper has posted the
minutes from his various WGs from the Spring 2003 meeting in Cincinnati. From
the Sub C page you'll
find links to each of the various WG pages.
May 14, 2003
- IEEE Guidance on Patents Posted
- At the Spring 2003 ICC meeting, Chairman Ken Bow shared
IEEE guidance for dealing with patent issues in Standards and Guides. The
slides which he shared (including the two which are to be used by WG
Chairmen at each meeting) have been linked from the
ICC Organization page.
May 12, 2003
- Updated P971 Posted
- WG C12 Chairman Don Johnsen has posted an updated
version of the P971 document, Guide for Distribution Cable Installation Methods in Duct Systems,
and a revised project Scope and Purpose on the ICC Download site (see the link
in the menu on the left). Interested parties are invited to review the
documents and send your comments to Johnsen
May 2, 2003
- Spring 2003 Educational Slides Posted
- The Spring 2003 ICC meeting featured an Educational
Program on PILC cable. Thanks to our many presenters for an interesting
afternoon. The slides from that meeting have been posted in both their native
PowerPoint and in PDF format on the
ICC Educational
May 1, 2003
- Spring 2003 Meeting is History
- The Spring 2003 ICC meeting is "in the books". Meeting
at the historic Hilton Netherlands, 260 engineers and scientists shared the
latest in wire and cable technology. Thanks to all who made the meeting a
April 23, 2003
- Last Minute Postings for the Spring Meeting
- The last minute push is on. As you pack your bags for
Cincinnati, take one last look at the list of
Technical Presentations
list. There have been updates in almost every Subcommittee and Harry Orton
has posted the list of speakers for his ever popular Transnational Luncheon.
See you in River City.
April 21, 2003
- New Draft of IEEE 400-2
- In preparation for the Spring meeting,
WG C18 Chairman John Densley has posted draft
8 of IEEE
400-2, Guide for Field Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems Using Very
Low Frequency (VLF) on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu
panel to the left). Send comments
to j.densley@ieee.org
April 16, 2003 -
Mark Walton and Haridoss Sarma to Lead A6D Starting Fall
- Subcommittee A Chair, Serge Pellisou, announced today that
beginning with the Fall 2003 meeting Mark Walton will assume the position of Chair of A6D replacing John Smith III
who has accepted
the position of Vice Chair of the Cable Construction and Design Subcommittee
(Subcommittee A). At the same time Haridoss Sarma will assume the duties of Vice Chair,
replacing Serge who moved up to the Chair position of Subcommittee A..
Congratulations to Mark and Haridoss.
April 16, 2003 - Spring 2003 Keynote Speaker Change
- ICC Chairman Ken Bow has announced that John
Procario of Cinergy will be our speaker for the
Opening Session of the Spring 03 meeting
in lieu of James Turner as previously announced. He is presently Vice
President and Chief Operating Officer of the Regulated Businesses Business
Unit and is responsible for the operations and customer service activities
related to the Cinergy gas and electric transmission and distribution systems.
April 10, 2003
- New Draft of Annex B of IEEE 386
Posted (updated 4/16/2003)
- In preparation for the Spring meeting,
WG B16W Chairman Frank Stepniak
has posted a revision to Annex B to IEEE 386, Standard for Separable
on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu panel
to the left).
Please provide comments to Chairman Frank Stepniak at
April 8, 2003
- New Drafts of IEEE 400-1 and 400-3
- In preparation for the Spring meeting, WG C17 Chairman Bill Larzelere has posted draft 1 of
IEEE 400-1,
Guide for Field-Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded Power Cable
Systems Rated 5kV and Above with High Direct Current Voltage on the ICC
Download site (see the link in the menu panel to the left). Please provide
comments to at Bill at
hipeaks@adelphia.net Not to be outdone, Matt Mashikian, Chairman of WG C-19 has posted draft
5 of IEEE
P400.3, the IEEE Guide for Partial Discharge Testing of Power Cable Systems
in a Field Environment on the Download site. Send your comments to Dr. Mashikian at MASHIKIAN@aol.com
WG B16W has posted a revision to Annex B to IEEE
386, Standard for Separable Connectors
on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu panel
to the left).
Please provide comments to Chairman Frank Stepniak at
March 31, 2003 -
Spring 2003 Transnational Luncheon
- Harry Orton, organizer of the Transnational Luncheon
meetings at ICC, has released the following announcement: "Our next
meeting will be held in Cincinnati, OH on Tuesday April 29, 2003 at 12.30 pm.
Willem and I hope to see you there. Once again we are looking for 5 minute
presentations on non-North American cable projects. If you or your company
would like to make a presentation, please advise via
e-mail to
heorton@attglobal.net or to Willem Boone at
Please bring along overhead transparencies for your presentation as a
PowerPoint projector will NOT be available at the luncheon due to the
time restriction".
March 25, 2003 -
A14D Posts Draft for Comments
- A14D officers Dan Ward and Ram Ramachandran have
posted the latest draft of ICEA Standard S-108-720, Extruded Insulation
Power Cable Rated Above 46 Through 230 kV.
This draft will be the subject of A14 discussions during the Spring 2003
meeting to be held Tuesday afternoon, April 29th. The draft is available on
the ICC Download site. Just click on the menu pick to your left. Dan and Ram
need your comments before the meeting.
March 25, 2003 - Spring 2003 Reminder and Minutes Update
- Chairman Ken Bow has noted that hotel
registration appears to be coming along nicely so far. Please make your hotel
registration by Friday March 28. Be sure to tell the hotel you are from the
ICC. You have until April 18 to get your ICC registration form into Bill
Taylor. His correct mailing address is: Bill Taylor 3M Austin Center 605
Oaklands Dr. Round Rock, TX 78681. The program for
this meeting is starting to come together. See the Spring 2003
meeting page for additional details. This promises to be a very
important meeting as many projects are moving
towards completion. It is a don't miss meeting so please make every attempt to
participate and contribute to our mission. Finally, the
minutes on CD were mailed in two shipments on March 17 and March 21. The
remainder will be mailed on March 25. They were not sent out in alphabetical
order. You should have them by the end of March.
March 14, 2003 - Spring 2003 Keynote Speaker
- James L. Turner of Cinergy will be our speaker for the
Opening Session of the Spring 03 meeting. He is
responsible for all operations related to transmission and distribution.
March 14, 2003 - Spring 2003 Reminder
- Chairman Ken Bow has observed that there is
still confusion on the correct address to mail your
meeting registration because of our error on an early
mailing. The correct address for Bill Taylor is 605 Oaklands Dr.,
Round Rock, TX 78681 The deadline for the hotel registration is March
28, 2003. It is typical for the hotels to have a one month cutoff date before
the meeting so please make your reservation this week. The phone number for
the Hilton in Cincinnati is +513-421-9100. The Fax # is 513-621-4560. Please
mention that you are with the ICC so that we get credit for your reservation. For all of this and
more, see the Spring 2003
meeting page.
March 10, 2003 -
Ed Eich, ICC Founder Father
- ICC Chair, Ken Bow, just learned that Ed Eich, one of
the founding fathers of the ICC in 1947 passed away July 13, 2002.
March 6, 2003 -
John Smith III, Named as New SC Vice Chair
- ICC Chair, Ken Bow, and Subcommittee A Chair, Serge
Pellisou, announced today that John Smith III of General Cable has accepted
the position of Vice Chair of the Cable Construction and Design Subcommittee
(Subcommittee A). John was affirmed by unanimous vote of the ICC AdCom
members. Congratulations go out to John.
February 28, 2003 -
CIGRE Call for Papers
- The Cigre 2004 General Session will be held 29 August-3 September 2004 in
Paris, France. The Technical Committee of the U.S. National Committee of Cigre
(USNC Cigre) invites U.S. authors to prepare and submit papers for the
session. As in the past, the USNC Cigre has a quota of 10 papers for this
meeting. See the
Call for Papers for more
February 28, 2003
- New Draft of IEEE 400-2 Posted
- WG C18 has posted draft 7 of IEEE 400-2, Guide for
Field Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems Using Very Low Frequency (VLF)
on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu panel to the left).
John would like your comments by March 21st. Send them to
February 24, 2003 - Spring 2003
Documents Posted
- Chairman Ken Bow has posted numerous documents relating
to the Spring 2003 meeting: his invitation letter, the meeting agenda, spouse
activity details, hotel info and the registration form. For all of this and
more, see the Spring 2003
meeting page.
February 14, 2003 - Spring 2003 Mini-Expo
- Chairman Ken Bow has posted information on the Spring 2003
Mini-Expo. This is a great place to promote your latest product or services.
See the
information sheet for details.
February 6, 2003 - New
AdHoc Group of to Meet in Cincinnati
- John Cooper, Chairman of the Cable Systems Subcommittee (C) has announced the formation
of an Adhoc Discussion Group on Cable Failure and Replacement Strategies. The
adhoc discussion group will have its kickoff at the ICC 2003 Spring meeting. Tim
Stankiewicz, Progress Energy, will act as chairman of the group. See the Spring Meeting Presentations
page for more details.
January 27, 2003 - Pictures from the St Pete Meeting
- Joe Dudas and his trusty camera have come through again. We have pictures from the Fall
2002 meeting. There are so many, we've broken them up into three pages: Awards, Reception 1 and Reception 2. Thanks
January 22, 2003 - Final Fall 2002 Educational
Presentation Posted
- ICC Education Program Chairman Steve Szaniszlo has posted the last of the presentations
from the Fall 2002 Educational
program here on the ICC web. Once again thanks to Steve for assembling the program and
to our many presenters.
January 13, 2003 -
Subcommittee A and C Minutes on the Web
- The officers of Subcommittees A
and C have posted their Fall 2002
minutes web.
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