The ICC Website is changing. As this transition is made, our new format
can be found at www.pesicc.org/ICCWP.
Please send any comments or questions to
Latest ICC News & Announcements
- December 13,
2004 - Subcommittee D WG Minutes Posted
- Subcommittee D Officers have posted the minutes from their various WGs from the
Fall 2004 meeting in St. Pete. From the
Sub D page you'll find links to each of the various WG pages.
- November 29,
2004 - myBallot is Coming
- Prepare yourself for a new
way of balloting in 2005. New system is called "myBALLOT". Everyone is
encouraged to obtain an IEEE web account to use "my BALLOT" system. Shan Nandi has posted a
of slides to introduce you to myBallot.
- November 29,
2004 -
Are You on the List?
- Shan Nandi has posted the
of current ICC balloters. If you are not in the list and would like to
participate in ICC balloting please contact your
Standards chair or go to
IEEE Standards website.
- November
7, 2003
Fall 2004 Educational Material Posted
- ICC Education Program Chairman Steve Szaniszlo has
posted the material from the
Educational program at the
St Pete meeting. Thanks to
Steve and to each of the presenters for their hard work to make the
program a success. Files are available in the PDF format.
- November 7,
2004 - IEEE/ICC Standards Status
- Shan Nandi has posted a new update of the
list of ICC
standards projects and a great collection of guides and links for those
involved in the standards writing process. You can always get the latest
update by clicking on the Standards button on the menu frame to the left.
- November 5 -
Shan Nandi Named as Vice Chairman/Treasurer Elect
- Chairman Bill Taylor announced that
Shantanu (Shan) Nandi of Commonwealth Edison has accepted the
position of ICC Vice Chairman/Treasurer Elect. Taylor welcomed
Shan into the leadership of
the ICC and is asking members to support Shan in
this endeavor. Shan has been serving as ICC's
Coordinator for several years. Congratulations Shan.
- November 5, 2004 -
ICC Organizational Changes
At the Fall meeting it was announced that
John Merando of Bechtel
would be assuming the role of
Subcommittee D
Chairman and that Bert Spear of Duke would replace John as the Vice Chair of
the group. Congratulations to John and Bert. Outgoing Subcommittee Chairman
Kent W. Brown of TVA expressed his thanks to Merando and other Sub D
officers for their faithful support over the last few years.
- November 5, 2004 -
Fall 2004 Meeting
The Fall 2004 meeting is history. Approximately 360
engineers and scientists met in warm and sunny St Petersburg Beach, FL. We are interested in your feedback on the
St Pete
meeting. What worked? What didn't? Drop the chairman a note at wltaylor1@ieee.org
- October 27, 2004 -
Updated Fall Meeting Agenda Released
ICC Chairman Bill Taylor has released the an updated
Agenda for
the St Pete meeting. This revision includes room locations for the
various activities.
- October 26, 2004 - WG C17 Posts New Revision of IEEE
WG C17 Vice Chairman Vern Buchholz has posted draft 5 of
IEEE Guide for Field-Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded Power
Cable Systems Rated 5kV and
Above with High Direct Current
Voltage on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu panel to the left).
Please provide comments to Vern at
or to Chairman Bill Larzelere at
hipeaks@adelphia.net If you're coming to the WG
meeting, please print and bring your own copy of the draft.
- October 26, 2004
- New Draft of IEEE P48
- WG B1W Chair Jim Braun has posted
new draft
of IEEE 48, IEEE Standard Test Procedures and Requirements
for Alternating-Current Cable Terminations 2.5 kV Through 765 kV on the
Download site (see the link in the menu panel to the
Send your comments to Jim Braun at
jimbr@connexusenergy.com If you're coming to the WG
meeting, please print and bring your own copy of the document.
- October 26, 2004
- New Draft of IEEE P1637
- WG B10W Chair Bob Fulcomer has
posted a new draft of
IEEE P1637, Guide to Select Terminations for Shielded Power Cable 5-46 kV
on the Download site (see the link in the
menu panel to the left).
Send your comments to Bob Fulcomer at
bfulcomer@plymouthrubber.com If you're coming to the WG
meeting, please print and bring your own copy of the document.
- October 25, 2004
- New Draft of IEEE 400-3
- Subcommittee C Vice Chair Rachel Mosier has posted
a revised draft
11 of IEEE
P400.3, the IEEE Guide for Partial Discharge Testing of Power Cable Systems
in a Field Environment on the Download site (see
the link in the menu panel to the left).
Send your comments to Rachel at
r.mosier@pdc-cables.com If you're coming to the WG
meeting, please print and bring your own copy of the document.
- October 20, 2004 - WG B6 Posts IEEE 1299 Documents
WG B6 Chairman John Dupont has posted the latest draft of
IEEE 1299, IEEE Guide for the Connection of Surge Arresters to Protect
Insulated, Shielded Electric Power Cable Systems
on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu panel to the left).
He's also posted new figures and the agenda for the St Pete
meeting. If you're coming to the WG
meeting, please print and bring your own copy of the documents.
- October 19, 2004 - New Draft
of IEEE 1202 Posted
WG D15 Chairman John Merando has posted another draft of
IEEE 1202, IEEE Standard for Flame-Propagation Testing of Wire & Cable
on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu panel to the left). Send
your comments to John at
j.e.merando@ieee.org in order to support the
St Pete meeting. If you're coming to the WG
meeting, please print and bring your own copy of the document.
- October 19, 2004 - New Draft
of IEEE 848 Posted
WG D13 Chairman Ajit Gwal has posted another draft of
IEEE Standard Procedure for the Determination of the Ampacity Derating of
Fire-Protected Cables
on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu panel to the left). Send
your comments to Ajit at
AJITG@DNFSB.GOV in order to support the
St Pete meeting. If you're coming to the WG
meeting, please print and bring your own copy of the document.
- October 13, 2004 -
Fall 2004 Updates
Subcommittee Chairmen continue to build their
technical programs
for the Fall meeting, Chairman Taylor has made minor adjustments to the
meeting agenda and
Educational Chairman Steve Szaniszlo has posted final details for his
afternoon Educational session. Be sure to check the
Fall meeting page often
for all of the latest info.
- October 7, 2004 - New Draft
of IEEE 1185 Posted
WG D5 Chairman John Merando has posted another draft of
IEEE 1185, IEEE Guide for Installation Methods for Generating Station
on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu panel to the left). Send
your comments to John at
j.e.merando@ieee.org in order to support the
St Pete meeting. If you're coming to the WG
meeting, please print and bring your own copy of the document.
- October 7, 2004 - WG C7 Posts New Revision of IEEE 1617
WG C7 Chairman Vern Buchholz has posted draft 4
of the Guide for
Detection, Mitigation and Control Of Concentric Neutral Corrosion in Medium Voltage
Underground Cables on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu panel to the left).
Please provide comments to Chairman Vern Buchholz at
vern.buchholz@ieee.org If you're coming to the WG
meeting, please print and bring your own copy of the draft.
- October 7, 2004 -
Fall 2004 Technical Presentations
The list of
technical presentations
is rapidly coming together for the Fall 2004 meeting in St Pete. Check the
listing frequently as updates are coming in.
- September 21,
2004 - Preliminary Fall Meeting Agenda Released
ICC Chairman Bill Taylor has released the
Preliminary Agenda for
the St Pete meeting. Check back often to get the latest update.
- September 8,
2004 - Fall Meeting
Registration Form Revised
- ICC Chairman Bill Taylor has posted a revised registration
form for the Fall 2004 meeting at the Don Cesar. It corrects the description
of the Spouse activities for November 2nd. You'll want to download the revised
form (and much more) from the
Fall 2004 page.
- September 7,
2004 - Fall 2004
Spouse Activities
Judy Bow has announced activities which will be
available for ICC Spouses.
are on the Fall 2004 page.
- August 25, 2004
- Draft 5 of IEEE 532 Posted
- Chairman Paul Caronia has posted draft 5 of the revision to IEEE 532, Guide
for Selecting and Testing Jackets for Power, Instrumentation and Control Cables on
the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu
panel to the left). If you'd like to participate in the development of this Guide,
contact Paul at caronipj@dow.com
- August 23,
2004 - Fall Meeting
Registration Form Posted
- ICC Chairman Bill Taylor has released the registration
form for the Fall 2004 meeting at the Don Cesar. You'll want to download this
and read his invitation to the meeting on the
Fall 2004 page.
- August 11, 2004
- Fall Hotel Rates Announced
- ICC Chairman Bill Taylor says its time to start
thinking about our Fall meeting at the Don Cesar in
St. Petersburg from October 31 - November 3. Our group rate at the Don is $175
per night for a single or double. Reservations need to be made by September 27
to guarantee a room and the rate and can be made by calling 800-282-1116.
- August 9, 2004
- New Draft of IEEE 400-3
- Subcommittee C Vice Chair Rachel Mosier has posted draft
11 of IEEE
P400.3, the IEEE Guide for Partial Discharge Testing of Power Cable Systems
in a Field Environment on the Download site the link in the menu panel to the left).
Send your comments to Rachel at
- July 22,
2004 -
Fall 2004
Educational Program Details Released
- Educational Program Committee Chairman Steve Szaniszlo has released initial details of the
Statistical Analysis
of UD Cable Failures
educational program for Fall 2004.
- July 21, 2004
- ICC Seeks New Webmaster
- Attention members! The ICC is looking for a new
Webmaster. Its a great way to be an active contributor to the organization and
to make new contacts. If you're interested, drop a note to
Kent W. Brown.
- July 21, 2004
- Subcommittee C WG Minutes Posted
- Subcommittee C Chairman Nagu Srinivas and Vice Chair
Rachel Mosier have posted the minutes from their
various WGs from the Spring 2004 meeting in
From the Sub
C page you'll find links to each of the various
WG pages.
- June 24,
2004 - Subcommittee B WG Minutes Posted
- Subcommittee B Chair Bob Gear has posted the minutes from his various WGs
from the Spring 2004
meeting in Montreal. From the
Sub B page you'll find links to each of the various WG pages.
- June 24,
2004 - Subcommittee A WG Minutes Posted
- Subcommittee A Chairmen Serge Pellisou and John Smith have posted the
minutes from their various WGs from the Spring 2004
meeting in Montreal. From the
Sub A page you'll find links to each of the various WG pages.
- June 24,
2004 - Subcommittee D WG Minutes Posted
- Subcommittee D Officers have posted the minutes from their various WGs from the
Spring 2004 meeting in
Montreal. From the
Sub D page you'll find links to each of the various WG pages.
Chairman Kent Brown adds a special thanks to his Vice Chair John Merando who
covered for him in his absence and did a great job with the minutes.
- June 23,
2004 - IEEE/ICC Standards Status
- Shan Nandi has posted a new update of the
list of ICC
standards projects and a great collection of guides and links for those
involved in the standards writing process. You can always get the latest
update by clicking on the Standards button on the menu frame to the left.
- June 16, 2004
- IREQ Tour Photos
Serge Pellisou and Steve Szaniszlo have posted
photos from the ICC
Educational tour of the IREQ laboratory facilities during the Spring
2004 meeting.
- June 8, 2004
- ICC Honored as Top Committee
Today at the PES Technical Council meeting, the ICC was officially awarded
the PES committee of the year award for 2002/2003. It was for leadership and
technical accomplishments. The chair, vice chair, and past chair all receive
plaques and all of the remaining subcommittee chairs and vice chairs receive
certificates. The awards will be presented at the fall ICC meeting in St.
Pete at the opening session on Nov. 1. Thanks to everyone in the ICC who
worked on standards, working groups, guides, etc. that made this happen. It
is a great honor for the entire ICC and we should all be proud.
- May 17, 2004
- Draft 7 of IEEE 404 Posted
WG B2 chairman Greg Luzzi has posted
draft 7 of IEEE 404, IEEE Standard for Cable
Joints for Use With Extruded Dielectric Cable Rated 5,000-138,000 V and
Cable Joints for Use With Laminated Dielectric Cable Rated 2,500-500,000 V.
Its available on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu panel to the left).
Contact WG Chairman Glenn Luzzi at
g.luzzi@ieee.org with your comments.
- May 12, 2004
- Draft 4 of IEEE 400.2 Posted
WG C18 Vice Chairman John
Densley has incorporated comments from the
balloting process based on the Montreal meeting and has posted draft
4 of IEEE 400.2, Guide for Field Testing of Shielded Power
Cable Systems Using Very Low Frequency (VLF) as it
will be submitted for the recirculation ballot on the ICC Download site
(see the link in the menu panel to the left).
- May 11,
2004 -
Fall 2004
Educational Program Topic Announced
- Educational Program Committee Chairman Steve Szaniszlo has announced that the topic of the Fall 2004 Educational program will
be: Statistical Analysis of UD Cable Failures
- May 10, 2004 -
Spring 2004 Meeting
The Spring 2004 meeting is history. Approximately 300
engineers and scientists met in historic Montreal. We are interested in your feedback on the
meeting. What worked? What didn't? Drop the chairman a note at wltaylor1@ieee.org
- April 29, 2004
- Updated Draft of IEEE 400.2 Posted
WG C18 Vice Chairman John
Densley has been hard at work. He's posted another
draft of IEEE 400.2, Guide for Field Testing of Shielded Power
Cable Systems Using Very Low Frequency (VLF) on the ICC Download site
(see the link in the menu panel to the left). If you're coming to the WG
meeting, please print and bring your own copy of the draft.
- April 29,
2004 - IEEE/ICC Standards Status
- Shan Nandi has posted a new update of the
list of ICC
standards projects and a great collection of guides and links for those
involved in the standards writing process. You can always get the latest
update by clicking on the Standards button on the menu frame to the left.
- April 27, 2004 - CIGRE Study Committee B1
ICC Chairman Bill Taylor is encouraging ICC members to
take a look at a
brief white
paper regarding
CIGRE (International Council
on Large Electric Systems) Study Committee B1. Many of the
Study Committee B1 (High
Voltage Cables) goals are shared by ICC Subcommittees and Working
Groups. SC B1 has recently seen the need to look beyond Europe's borders and
involve the international community in the resolution of tomorrow's
technical issues. We've added a new button to our menu at left "ICC/CIGRE".
As our organizations begin to work together, look here for the latest
- April 27, 2004 - WG B17 Documents Posted
WG B17 Chairman Dave Donovan has posted the
following material on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu panel to the left)
in preparation for their meeting. The latest drafts of IEEE P1610, IEEE
Draft Guide for the Application of Faulted Circuit Indicators for 200 / 600
A, Three-phase Underground Distribution and P495, IEEE Guide for
Testing Faulted Circuit Indicators along with an updated WG roster. Please provide comments to Chairman Dave Donavan
at Dave.Donovan@Joslynhv.com If you're coming to the WG
meeting, please print and bring your own copy of the drafts.
- April 27, 2004 -
Greg Mastoras 1929-2004
Many ICC members will be saddened to learn of the passing
of Greg Mastoras on April
22nd. A mentor to many of us and a friend to all, Greg's presence will be
sorely missed in technical meetings and equally missed during the fellowship
- April 26, 2004 - New Draft
of IEEE 1428 Posted
WG D6 Chairman John White has posted draft 14 of
IEEE P1428, Draft Guide for Installation Methods for Fiber Optic Cables
in Electric Power Generating Stations and in Industrial Facilities, along with comments as received on draft 13 on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu panel to the left). Send
your comments to John at
j.l.white@ieee.org in order to support the
Montreal meeting. If you're coming to the WG
meeting, please print and bring your own copy of the document.
- April 26,
2004 - Updated Spring 2004 Agenda Posted
ICC Chairman Bill Taylor has released a revised
Agenda for the Montreal
meeting. This version incorporates the meeting room numbers at the
Palais des congrès de Montréal (Convention Center).
- April 23,
2004 - Meeting Advisory Update
ICC Chairman Bill Taylor notes that all ICC room
reservations have now been transferred to the Hyatt. He strongly advises
that you call the Hyatt at 1-800-361-8234 to confirm your room. For more
info on this situation, please see the Special Meeting Advisory on the
Spring 2004 page.
- April 22, 2004 -
WG B2 Agenda
WG B2 Chairman Glenn Luzzi has issued an
invitation to his WG meeting on
Revision of IEEE 404 Standard for
Cable Joints for Use with Extruded Dielectric Cable Rated 5000-138,000 Volts
and Cable Joints for Use with Laminated Dielectric Cable Rated 2500-500,000
Volts. The agenda for the
meeting is posted in the
Activities section of the Presentations page.
- April 22, 2004 - New Draft
of IEEE 1202 Posted
WG D15 Chairman John Merando has been hard at work and
has incorporated pre-meeting comments into a new draft of
IEEE 1202, Standard for Flame-Propagation Testing of Wire & Cable
on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu panel to the left). Send
your comments to John at
j.e.merando@ieee.org in order to support the
Montreal meeting. If you're coming to the WG
meeting, please print and bring your own copy of the document.
- April 21, 2004 - Hyatt Rooms Still Available
The Montreal Hyatt reports that they have been able to
accommodate all ICC attendees who were previously registered at the Marriott
and that there are still rooms available. See the
Spring 2004 page for
contact info.
- April 21, 2004 - New Draft
of IEEE 1185 Posted
WG D5 Chairman John Merando has posted another draft of
IEEE 1185, IEEE Guide for Installation Methods for Generating Station
on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu panel to the left). Send
your comments to John at
j.e.merando@ieee.org in order to support the
Montreal meeting. If you're coming to the WG
meeting, please print and bring your own copy of the document.
- April 20,
2004 - Special Meeting Advisory
ICC Chairman Bill Taylor has released a Special
Meeting Advisory regarding the meeting site. IT
Spring 2004 page.
- April 19,
2004 - Updated Spring 2004 Agenda Posted
ICC Chairman Bill Taylor has released a revised
Agenda for the Montreal
- April 19, 2004 - WG C7 Posts New Revision of IEEE 1617
WG C7 Chairman Vern Buchholz has posted draft 3
of the Guide for
Detection, Mitigation and Control Of Concentric Neutral Corrosion in Medium Voltage
Underground Cables on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu panel to the left).
Please provide comments to Chairman Vern Buchholz at
vern.buchholz@ieee.org If you're coming to the WG
meeting, please print and bring your own copy of the draft.
- April 14, 2004 - WG B11D Meeting Agenda
WG B11D Chairman Wolfgang Haverkamp
has posted an invitation
to his Discussion Group meeting and an agenda of its planned activities
- April 14, 2004 - WG B8 Posts New Revision of Connector
WG B8 Chairman Wolfgang Haverkamp
has posted an invitation
to his Discussion Group meeting and an agenda of its planned activities.
Wolfgang notes that the document PAR is has been requested and in process
the provisional number is P 1659. The latest draft
of the Standard for Connectors used in MV Underground Cable Joints
and Terminations Rated 5 – 35 kV on the ICC Download site (see the link
in the menu panel to the left).
- April 14, 2004 - WG C17 Posts New Revision of IEEE
WG C17 Vice Chairman Vern Buchholz has posted draft 4 of
IEEE Guide for Field-Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded Power
Cable Systems Rated 5kV and
Above with High Direct Current
Voltage on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu panel to the left).
Please provide comments to Vern at
or to Chairman Bill Larzelere at
hipeaks@adelphia.net If you're coming to the WG
meeting, please print and bring your own copy of the draft.
- April 12, 2004 - WG B6 Posts IEEE 1299 Documents
WG B6 Chairman John Dupont has posted the latest draft of
IEEE 1299, IEEE Guide for the Connection of Surge Arresters to Protect
Insulated, Shielded Electric Power Cable Systems
on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu panel to the left).
He's also posted recent ballot comments and the agenda for the Montreal
meeting. If you're coming to the WG
meeting, please print and bring your own copy of the documents.
- April 1, 2004 - New Draft
of IEEE 1202 Posted
WG D15 Chairman John Merando has posted a new draft of
IEEE 1202, Standard for Flame-Propagation Testing of Wire & Cable
on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu panel to the left). Send
your comments to John at
j.e.merando@ieee.org in order to support the
Montreal meeting. If you're coming to the WG
meeting, please print and bring your own copy of the document.
- March 31,
2004 - Spring 2004
Educational Program Details Announced
- Educational Program Committee Chairman Steve Szaniszlo has announced
details of the Spring 2004 program
which will
feature a tour of the
- March 24,
2004 - Spring 2004 Preliminary Agenda Released
ICC Chairman Bill Taylor has released the
Preliminary Agenda for
the Montreal meeting. Check back often to get the latest update.
- March 23,
2004 - Spring 2004 Presentation List Grows
Spring 2004 Technical Program is starting to come together. That listing
will be updated many times between now and the first of May, so check back
- March 8,
2004 - Montreal
Airport to Hotel Shuttle
The Hyatt reports
that a shuttle (called the Aerobus) runs from the airport to the downtown
hotels every thirty minutes. The cost is $12 Canadian.
- March 8,
2004 - Fall 2003
ICC Assistant Secretary Jim Medek reports that the last
of the CDs for the Fall 2003 meeting were mailed February 28th.
- March 1,
2004 - Spring 2004
Hotel Rates THIS
ICC Chairman Bill Taylor notes that in order to get the
ICC rate for the Marriott Montreal Chateau Champlain Hotel you must
register by March 31. The rate goes up from the ICC rate of $215 (about
$162 US) Canadian to $299 Canadian after March 31. So please register early
and save some money and help the ICC by staying at our conference hotel, so
we don't have to pay a penalty by not making our room night commitment to
the hotel.
- March 1,
2004 - Spring 2004 Table Top Displays
ICC Chairman Bill Taylor notes that the option to
register for table top displays was inadvertently left off of early versions
of the registration form. Registration for a table top display has been
added to the revised form (available in
MS-Word and
PDF). Fill it out and
submit your registration today.
- February 26, 2004
- Draft 4 of IEEE 532 Posted
- Chairman Paul Caronia has posted draft 4 of the revision to IEEE 532, Guide
for Selecting and Testing Jackets for Power, Instrumentation and Control Cables on
the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu
panel to the left). If you'd like to participate in the development of this Guide,
contact Paul at caronipj@dow.com
- February 18,
2004 - Marriott Chateau Champlain
Like many Marriott Hotels, the Chateau Champlain offers
free high speed internet. However, not all rooms have been wired yet
(wouldn't you know it would be a cable issue). Until the project finishes,
it first come, first served. If you need such access, request it when you
check in.
- February 18,
2004 - Spring 2004
Spouse Tours
Judy Bow has announced two tours which will be
available for ICC Spouses.
are on the Spring 2004 page.
- February 18,
2004 - Fall 2003 CDs
ICC Assistant Secretary, Jim Medek, reports that in
order to include all of the features
used by Fall 2003 presenters, it has been necessary to use the Adobe 6.0 reader. The
version 6.0 reader is being added to the Fall 2003
CD to allow everyone to utilize these features.
Those minutes are in production and will be mailed
- February 17,
2004 - Meet the
Spring 2004 Host Utility
The Spring 2004 meeting in Montreal will be hosted by
Hydro Quebec.
HQ serves over 2.8 million customers, maintains over
106,000 km of distribution lines (9% underground). They have a mixed
generation portfolio of over 32,500 MW. It consists of 50 hydroelectric
plants and 5 thermal stations along with a large portion of the 5,400 MW
Churchill Falls Hydro Station in Labrador. ICC members are encouraged to
follow the link above to learn more about our host.
- February 6,
2004 - Spring 2004
Hotel Rates Announced THIS
ICC Chairman Bill Taylor announced that the Officers have
negotiated a special rate at the Marriott. Be sure to make your reservations
early and indicate that you are with the ICC. See the
Hotel Information
section on the Spring 2004 page for more details.
- February 2,
2004 - Spring 2004 Invitation from the Chairman
ICC Chairman Bill Taylor has released an invitation to
the Spring 2004 meeting in
Montreal and the meeting registration form. Bill writes, "A
great way to start the year is by planning to attend the next ICC meeting in
Montreal Sunday May 2 through Wednesday May 5, 2004. The meeting will be at
Marriott Montreal Chateau Champlain Hotel. Montreal is a great place to
visit, so please plan on attending. Please plan on staying at the meeting
hotel, as we have guaranteed them a number of room nights. If we don't meet
that number, then we will be faced with a large penalty. This will be a
great meeting. The educational program will feature a tour of the
test labs. A bus will leave from the hotel and drive us to the labs and
then back on Wednesday afternoon. You won't want to miss this tour, as it
will be very interesting and informative. Please fill out the
attached registration form (in
PDF format or in
MS-Word format) and register early. Registering early makes for
much shorter, quicker lines at the conference. Looking forward to seeing
everyone in Montreal. Thanks and best regards, Bill."
- January 28, 2004 - IEEE
Fellows Announced for 2004
The IEEE recently released the names of those elected to
the the grade of Fellow. ICC was well represented. John S. Engelhardt,
Underground Systems, Inc. was recognized, For leadership in the
development of transmission class cable systems. Daniel Ward, Dominion
Virginia Power, was honored, For contributions to electric power
distribution systems. Finally, Jay Williams, Power Delivery Consultants,
was elected based on his, Contributions to underground transmission
system design and utilization. Join the ICC officers in congratulating
each of these gentlemen on their selection.
- January 21, 2004 - First
Draft of Proposed Revision to IEEE 1185 Posted
WG D5 Chairman John
Merando has posted
a new draft of IEEE
1185, IEEE Guide for Installation Methods for
Generating Station Cables on the ICC Download site (see the link in the menu
panel to the left).
- January 20, 2004 -
Travel to Montreal for US Citizens
- Subcommittee A Chairman Serge Pellisou reports that he
recently contacted Canada Customs [1-800-959-2036 or 514-633-7700] about the
procedure to follow when crossing the border between the US and Canada. For US
citizens the procedure is very simple. You need either a birth certificate or
a passport.
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