The ICC Website is changing. As this transition is made, our new format
can be found at www.pesicc.org/ICCWP.
Please send any comments or questions to
Latest ICC News & Announcements
- November 6, 2007 -
2006 IEEE Distinguished Service Award
- Congratulations to Matt Mashikian who was presented with the ICC's Distinguished Service Award at the Fall Meeting!
- November 5, 2007 -
Spring 2008 Meeting Date Change
- Due to conflicts with other industry meetings, the dates of the Spring 2008
meeting have been moved by one week. The new dates are March 9-12, 2008.
It will still be at the Tradewinds Hotel in St. Petersburg, FL.
- October 31, 2007 - Agenda and Table Top Displays
- There are a number of updates to the
schedule of presentations for the fall
meeting and
table top
- October 26, 2007 - Agenda,
Transnational Luncheon, and Table Top Displays
- There are several new announcements. Vice-Chairman/Treasurer Elect,
Rachel Mosier has posted the latest, and hopefully final version of the
Agenda here.
Transnational Luncheon Chairman Harry Orton has posted
abstracts for a number of exciting presentations for that luncheon
(remember to register for the luncheon ahead of time!). And finally,
Sensa, a Schlumberger Company, has joined our list of
table top
display vendors.
- October 22, 2007 - Discussion
Group C2
- Mike Buckweitz, Chairman of C2, is seeking input and comments from all ICC
members on their recently posted documents. If you can help them,
please download them from the "Downloads" section of the website, linked to
the left.
- October 19, 2007 - Mini-Expo, WG
B6W, Subcommittee C Technical Program
- The Mears Group and IMCorp have joined our slate of vendors for the
at the Fall 2007 meeting.
Working Group B6W on
Application of Surge Arresters to Underground Cable Systems has posted their
latest draft to the downloads section of the website. Finally,
Subcommittee C has posted their
schedule of presentations for the fall
- October 12, 2007 - C29 now a
Working Group, Sub D Fall 2007, and C2D Documents
- Congratulations to former Discussion Group
C29! They
have received PAR P1727 Guideline For Working Procedures On Underground
Transmission Circuits With Induced Voltage, and are now a Working Group.
Also, Sub D has posted some
presentations for the fall meeting. Finally,
C2D has posted a
draft to the download section of the website.
- October 9, 2007 -
Top Displays
- We have two
table top
displays lined up from Kinetrics, and Utilix. Keep checking back
for more vendors!
- October 8, 2007 - WG
B10 and DG E10
- Working groups B1
(Revision of IEEE 48 - Cable Termination Standard) and
B10 (Guide to Select
Terminations for Shielded Power Cables Rated 5-46 kV) have both just
posted drafts for their members on the download portion of the website.
Also, Discussion Group
E10 CIGRE/IEC International Activities has just posted their agenda for
the upcoming meeting
- October 2, 2007 - Doubletree
- The Fall Meeting is proving EXTREMELY popular! As of today, all the
rooms available under the contract have been booked, plus all the additional
rooms the Doubletree would add. The Doubletree has provided a list of
alternative hotels here.
Please note that these hotels are under no obligation to offer rooms at the
group rate.
- September 30, 2007 -
Preliminary Schedule
- The
preliminary schedule for the
Fall meeting has been
posted here. This
is still an early version, and subject to change, so please check back
- September 28, 2007 -
Subcommittee A Technical Program
- The technical programs for the various subcommittees are quickly coming
together. Subcommittee A (Cable Construction
and Design) has just posted a
list of
speakers and topics for their meeting. More details on the various
technical programs will be posted here as soon as they are available.
And remember to register soon!
- September 27, 2007 -
Registration for Fall 2007
Meeting Posted
- The registration
form for the Fall 2007
meeting has just been posted to the website
here. It is
also linked from the Fall 2007
meeting page. Remember that as shown on the form, registration
forms now go to Membership Secretary
Thomas Arnold. Remember
to register by October 24 for advanced rates and a quick and easy check-in
at the meeting.
- September 27, 2007 -
Educational Program on "Nuclear Power Plants Cable Systems"
- The subject for this fall's educational program has been finalized, and
is: Nuclear Power Plants Cable Systems. Several exciting
speakers are planned for this topic whose importance is seeing a resurgence.
More details are available on the
Fall 2007 Meeting Page.
- September 22, 2007 -
Congratulations Harry Orton!
- A special congratulations is due to
Harry Orton. Our most recent
ICC DSA Award recipient, has just recently been announced as the recipient
of the EIC's
2007 EIC Hall of Fame Award.
- September 13, 2007 -
Fall 2007 Meeting
- A reminder to everyone that our meeting is only 7 weeks away! Please
remember to make hotel reservations. Details on the
Fall meeting page here.
- September 13, 2007 -
Changes afoot at the PES
- Chairman Jim Fitzgerald
recently had a conversation with Pat Ryan the PES Executive Director.
Pat shared some interesting and exciting initiatives being undertaken by the
governing board of the PES, including a change to the society's name.
Jim has provided us a summary of the PES initiative for all ICC members
- August 14, 2007 -
A Welcome to Scottsdale from Chairman Jim Fitzgerald
- Chairman Jim Fitzgerald
has posted a
welcome to everyone to our fall meeting in Scottsdale, and reminds
everyone to start making their plans and checking the website frequently as
it is only 12 weeks away! You can read the entire welcome
here. Details on the hotel are in the letter, and on the
Fall meeting page here.
We look forward to seeing you there November 4 through November 7.!
- August 8, 2007 -
Future Meetings
- Due to an oversight, next years meeting dates and locations had not been
previously posted on the website. That has now been corrected and you
can find those dates here.
- August 3, 2007 -
Pictures from the Spring Meeting
- Pictures from the Spring Meeting have been posted on the website
- August 3, 2007 -
Pictures from the Spring Meeting
- Pictures from the Spring Meeting have been posted on the website
- August 3, 2007 -
2005 ICC Distinguished Service Award Recipient
Harry Orton
- Learn a little bit more about our latest ICC DSA Award recipient
Harry Orton here.
- May 10, 2007 -
On to Scottsdale!
- The Spring 2007 Meeting of the ICC is now history. We had a very
large crowd, with records set for several attendance categories. We
hope everyone will start making plans to come this fall in Scottsdale!
- May 4, 2007 -
Subcommittee A
- Please note there was a mistake in the posting of the Sub A schedule.
Subcommittee business will only last from 10:15-10:20, not 10:40 as
previously posted. The first presentation will begin promptly at
10:20, so make sure not to miss it!
- May 2, 2007 - Patent Slides for WG
- IEEE updated the patent slides that are required to be shown at all
working group meetings as of yesterday, May 1st. WG Chairmen, please
make sure you have the latest version by downloading either the
or pdf
- May 1, 2007 - Spring 2007 FINAL
- The Final
agenda for our Spring 2007 meeting has been posted to the website
- April 26, 2007 - WG B1D, Revision of
- WG B1D Chairman Jim Braun has posted a draft for discussion during their
upcoming meeting to the download section of the website. Please print
a copy for yourself to bring to the meeting.
- April 25, 2007 - Joint Panel
Session, Subcommittees A and B on Cable Failure Analysis
- Subcommittees A & B will be hosting a special
panel session on Cable Failure Analysis, Tuesday May 8, from 2:00 - 5:30
PM. Details on this session have been
- April 25, 2007 - Transnational
Luncheon and Subcommittee B Program
- Three additional presentations have been announced for the
Transnational Luncheon. Also the program for Subcommittee A has
been posted.
- April 24, 2007 - Table Top Displays
and Subcommittee A Program
- We are going to have a great table top display are this meeting. We have
yet another table top display vendor, Kinectrics, bring us up to 9 vendors!.
Also, Subcommittee A has posted their program on the
- April 23, 2007 - Educational Session
and Table Top Displays
- A schedule including times for the presentations has been posted for the
educational program on Cable Ampacity for this upcoming meeting. Also,
we have another table top display vendor, Houston Wire & Cable Company.
- April 18, 2007 - Agenda, Opening
Session and Table Top Displays
- A more up to date, but still preliminary (and subject to lots of change)
has been posted. Also, some details about our opening session
guest speaker IEEE PES President-Elect
Wanda Reder
has been posted to the meeting page. And finally, we have yet another vendor for our
expo, Sensa a Schlumberger company. Finally, REMEMBER TO GET
- April 17, 2007 - Transnational
Luncheon, E10D, D5W and Table Top Displays
- Lots of things are happening to get ready for the
spring meeting! The
program for the transnational luncheon is starting to take shape.
Discussion Group E10D CIGRE/IEC International Activities has posted an
Working Group D5W has posted a draft of P1185 Recommended Practices for
Cable Installation at Generating Stations to the downloads section of the
website. And finally, we have yet another vendor for our
expo, The Homac Companies.
- April 13, 2007 - More Table Top Displays
- Our table top display is growing! Two additional vendors have signed
up. Stop by and see what is going on with CYME International T&D and
- April 5, 2007 - Table Top Displays
- We are excited to have three table top display vendors for our Spring 2007
meeting. Stop by and see what is going on with The Kerite Company, G&W
Electric Co., and Tyco Electronics Corporation.
- April 2, 2007 - WG A17D, Guide for
Selection of Semiconductive Shields
- Chairman Tim Person has posted an outline for
discussion at their spring meeting. It is available under the
downloads section of the website. (Click downloads to the left)
- March 30, 2007 - Spring 2007 Agenda
- A preliminary
for the Spring 2007 meeting has been posted
Please note that this is agenda is preliminary and will change between now
and the meeting. Please check back for updates to this agenda.
- March 27, 2007 - Spring 2007
- Membership Secretary Thomas Arnold would like to remind everyone that he
will be sending an acknowledgement to everyone who pre-registers. If
you send in your registration form and do not receive a confirmation, please
contact Thomas (thomasarnold@ieee.org)
and make sure he received your form and payment .
- March 26, 2007 - Spring 2007
Registration Form
- If you have had any trouble printing the
form, try downloading an updated version
- March 14, 2007 - Spring 2007 is
coming SOON!
- The Spring 2007 meeting is coming SOON! There are less than eight
weeks to go! Chairman Jim Fitzgerald has posted the
form. Remember that registration forms now go to ICC Membership
Secretary Thomas Arnold as noted on the form. There is even less time
to reserve your hotel room at the Rosen Center. The cut off for our
group rate of $166/night is April 5. Details on making
reservations, an invitation from Chairman Jim Fitzgerald and other
information is available on the
meeting page.
- March 14, 2007 - Subcommittee Updates
- Several committee and working group chairs have submitted updates to the
website. Subcommittee C has announced that Ted Nishioka of Arizona
Public Service has agreed to take over as subcommittee vice chair now that
Rachel Mosier has become ICC Vice-Chairman/Treasurer Elect.
Subcommittee D has posted updates to their
list for the spring meeting. Working Group B8W has posted draft
4.1 of P1659 to the download site. WG A7W has
posted draft 9 v5 of P532 to the download site.
- February 5, 2007 - Passing of
- Larry Kelly passed away on Friday February 2 after a long battle with
cancer. Larry was an active member of the ICC committee for the last 40
years. His commitment and professionalism to our industry has been
extraordinary and we will all miss his friendship. Our thoughts are with
Rosemarie and their family. Click
link for published obituary.
- January 30, 2007 - 2007 IEEE Fellows
- Congratulations to the ICC's two newest IEEE Fellows. Nagu
Srinivas is cited for contributions to assessment of vulnerability of
aged extruded dielectric power cables by direct current testing and
Roland Watkins is cited for leadership in development of category system
for globally classifying performance of data cable
- January 30, 2007 -A11W - IEEE Guide
- Chairman Joe Snow has posted the latests drafts for working group A11W to
the download site.
- January 30, 2007 -Fall 2006 Pictures
- Many thanks go out to Joe Dudas for providing us all
with pictures of the fall meeting at the Tradewinds, which are now posted on
our website. Go to the Fall 2006 meeting page or click
- January 24, 2007 - Fall 2006 Minutes
- Minutes from the Fall 2006 Minutes have been posted for All Subcommittees and their associated working and discussion groups.
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