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Latest ICC News & Announcements
- December 23, 2002 - Subcommittee B Minutes on
the Web
- The officers of Subcommittee B
have been as busy as Santa's elves. They've posted their Fall 2002 minutes web.
- December 18, 2002 - Ken Bow and Reza Ghafurian, IEEE
- The IEEE Fellow Committee has named 260 IEEE Senior Members to Fellow Grade effective 1 January 2003.
Included in that list were ICC Chairman, Ken Bow, Dow Chemical and Dr. Abdol
Reza Ghafurian, Consolidated Edison Company. Ken was recognized
for, "contributions to the development of polymer compounds, coated metal
shielding, and laminate sheaths for wire and cable applications". Dr.
Ghafurian, was elected because of his, "leadership in the mitigation of the
environmental impact of fluid-filled transmission cables".
Ken and Reza join an elite group of ICC members who have been recognized with this honor. The web page listing
ICC members who have received this honor has been recently updated, with the citations
added for each recipient. Congratulations gentlemen!
- December 17, 2002 - Reds vs the Padres
- Those attending the Spring ICC meeting in Cincinnati may be interested to note that the
city's National League franchise, the Reds, will be hosting the San Diego Padres the
Saturday April 26th and Sunday the 27th (the ICC meeting starts on the 27th). For more
info visit the Reds website.
- December 13, 2002 - Spring Education Program
Topic Announced
- Educational Program Committee Chairman Steve Szaniszlo has announced that the Spring
2003 program will be "An Overview of PILC Cables". We'll be adding
details shortly.
- December 11, 2002 - Subcommittee D Minutes on
the Web
- The officers of Subcommittee D
have been doing more than Christmas shopping. They've put together their minutes from the
Fall 2002 meeting and posted them on the web.
- December 9, 2002 - Yakov Motlis
- Chairman Bow recently learned that long time ICC member Yakov Motlis has passed away.
Yakov lost his battle with Leukemia on December 2nd. Funeral services were held December
- November 8, 2002 - Fall
2002 Educational Material Posted
- The material from the Educational program at
the St Pete meeting has been posted. Many thanks to ICC Education Program Chairman
Steve Szaniszlo and to each of the presenters for their hard work to make
the program a success. Most files are available in both their native PowerPoint format and
the much smaller PDF format.
- November 5, 2002 - Allen McPhail to Step Down as
Subcommittee A Chairman
- At the AdCom meeting in St Pete, Allen
McPhail announced that he is stepping down as chair of Subcommittee A and handing the
reigns of that group to his Vice Chair, Serge Pelissou of Hydro Quebec.
Thanks for all of the hard work Allen.
- November 4, 2002 - Thanks Steve Graham
- For the past two years, Duke Energy's Steve Graham has worked quietly behind the
scenes to help make presentations at the ICC go smoothly. Steve has coordinated the
computer resources with the host hotels, pre-loaded your presentations and assisted during
many of the sessions. Steve is giving up that position as he assumes duties as Vice Chair
of WG D5. Thanks for all of the hard work Steve!
- October 31, 2002 - Fall 2002 is History
- Just under 400 engineers and scientists attended the Fall 2002 ICC meeting at St
Petersburg Beach's beautiful Don CeSar under very warm Florida skies. Thanks to Ken Bow
and Bill Taylor for their leadership and hard work to make the meeting a success. A
special note of thanks goes to all of the presenters
- October 25, 2002 - John H. Brady
- Subcommittee D Chairman Kent Brown just learned of the death of former ICC member
John H. Brady in September of 2000. John, a Niagara Mohawk employee, had been chair of Discussion group D9 up until the late 90s. He had relinquished his ICC position
after accepting a position in his plant's Operations organization and had started classes
to earn his Reactor Operator's license. John died as the result of a two car wreck in New
York state. John was 49.
- October 22, 2002 - Last Minute Updates
- Chairman Ken Bow announced today that the Opening Session Speaker will be Reimer
Stubbe, Pirelli, chair of IEC TC 20. Reimer's talk will be entitled, Overview of the
IEC and Activities of Technical Committee 20, Electric Cables. Also,
the Ladies Luncheon will feature two speakers from the Don CeSar Hotel. One speaker will
be from the Flower Shop at the Don and the other from the Fashion Shop.
This is in addition to the program of "sharing" previously planned for the
- October 14, 2002 - Fall 2002 Presentation List Updated
- Your Subcommittee Chairmen have been scrambling to finish the details of
the Fall meeting and have made numerous additions to their list of planned presentations. Be sure to
check the latest and check out all of the details on the Fall 2002 page.
- September 30, 2002 - Fall 2002 Meeting Updates
- Chairman Bow has posted the Final Fall 2002 agenda and several of the
Subcommittee Chairmen have updated their Fall 2002 Presentations. All of this and more is
available on the Fall 2002 Meeting page.
- August 23, 2002 - Fall 2002 Agenda Posted
- Chairman Ken Bow has been busy. He's just released the agenda for the St
Petersburg meeting. Its available on the Fall
2002 page.
- August 20, 2002 - Fall 2002 Educational Program
Details Released
- Educational Program Chairman Steve Szaniszlo has released details of the Fall 2002
session entitled URD
Cable Design, Past, Present and Future. As always, participants will
received a certificate of attendance for 4 professional development hours.
- August 14, 2002 - Vice-Chair Elect Named
- ICC Chairman Ken Bow has announced that Jim Fitzgerald of Okonite has
accepted the position of Vice Chair Elect for the ICC. Chairman Bow
welcomed Jim into the leadership of the ICC and is asking members to support Jim in this
endeavor. We'll be posting a short biographical sketch on the website soon to help you get
to know Jim.
- August 7, 2002 - Draft 7 of IEEE P-1511
- Working Group B12 is revising IEEE P-1511, IEEE Guide for Investigating and
Analyzing Power Cable, Joint, and Termination Failures on Systems Rated 5 kV Through 46 kV.
If you'd like to participate in the development of this Guide, you can download the latest
draft by clicking on the ICC Downloads button in the menu panel to the left. Chairman Roy Jazowski would appreciate your feedback and
- August 5, 2002 - Chairman Bow Invites You to Attend the Fall 2002 Meeting
- Chairman Ken Bow has released a letter
inviting members, guests and spouses to the Fall 2002 meeting at the Don CeSar. For
all of the details, see the Fall 2002 page.
- August 5, 2002 - Revised Fall 2002 Meeting Registration Form Posted
- A revised Registration form has
been posted. Its a MS-Word document which you can fill in and electronically submit.
- August 5, 2002 - Fall 2002 Spouses Activities Announced
- Chairman Bow has announced the Fall
2002 Spouses program.
- July 24, 2002 - Fall 2002 Educational Program Theme Announced
- Educational Program Chairman Steve Szaniszlo has rannounced the theme of the Fall 2002
session entitled URD Cable Design, Past, Present and Future. Details
will be posted shortly. As always, participants will received a certificate of attendance
for 4 professional development hours.
- July 7, 2002 - Fall Meeting Registration Form Posted
- Chairman Ken Bow has posted the registration form for the fall meeting of
the ICC and hotel reservation information for the Don Cesar and the Tradewinds Island
Grand Resort. Please pre-register as it helps us with the planning and it makes
it easier (and cheaper) for you. All of this info (and more) is available on the Fall 2002 Meeting page.
- June 20, 2002 - ICC Voting Membership Form
- Chairman Ken Bow has posted a revised ICC Voting Membership application form.
If you're not a Voting Member, take a few minutes to review the requirements, download the
form and make application.
- June 20, 2002 - Subcommittee C Minutes from the Colorado
Springs Meeting
- Not to be out done, John Cooper has announced the posting of the minutes
from each of the Spring 2002 Subcommittee
C Working Group meetings.
- June 19, 2002 - Subcommittee B Minutes from the Colorado
Springs Meeting
- Bob Gear has announced the posting of the minutes from each of the Spring
2002 Subcommittee B Working
Group meetings.
- June 7, 2002 - Pictures from the Colorado Springs Meeting
- Joe Dudas and his trusty camera have come through again. We have pictures from the Spring 2002 meeting. Maybe you can attach one to your expense report.
- June 6, 2002 - Subcommittee D Minutes Posted
- Thanks to the hard work from each of the Subcommittee D Working Group
Chairmen, their minutes from the Colorado Springs meeting have been posted on the web.
- May 30, 2002 - ICC Standards Activities
- Shan Nandi has compiled a list of current ICC standards
activities and an excellent guide to IEEE standards development resources on the web.
Every Chair and Vice Chair should bookmark this one.
- May 29, 2002 - Spring 2002 ICC Awards
- At the Colorado Springs meeting, ICC Awards Chairman Lauri Hiivala
announced the recipients of the IEEE/PES Certificate of Appreciation (Mike Walker) and the IEEE Power
Engineering Society/Insulated Conductors Committee 2002 Distinguished Service Award
(Rick Hartlein).
- May 24, 2002 - 2003 T&D Conference and Expo
- As noted below in the May 7th news, the ICC will be meeting with the
T&D Conference and Expo in the Fall of 2003. They have just activated the website for
that meeting at http://www.ieeet-d.org/
Visit the site and sign-up for T&D news.
- May 23, 2002 - Spring
2002 Educational Material Posted
- After pulling out his few remaining hairs (computers are great things.... sometimes),
your webmaster has finally posted the material from the Educational program at the
Colorado Springs meeting. Many thanks to ICC Education Program Chairman Steve
Szaniszlo and to each of the presenters for their hard work to make the
program a success. Files are available in their native PowerPoint format and as much
smaller files in the PDF format.
- May 13, 2002 - D5 Survey Continues
- As previously announced, WG D5 Chairman John Merando is just beginning
the process of revising IEEE 1185-1994, Guide for Installation Methods for Generating
Station Cable, and would like some user
feedback. He's created an on-line survey. Its quick
and fast. Give it a try.
- May 7, 2002 - ICC to Meet Jointly with the T&D Conference Fall 2003
- Chairman Ken Bow announced during the Opening Session in Colorado Springs that the ICC
will again meet in conjunction with the T&D Conference in the Fall of 2003
in Dallas, TX (note the Fall 2002 meeting will be ICC only and held at
the Don CeSar in St Petersburg, FL). The Officers conducted a survey following the Fall 2001 joint
meeting with the T&D show and subsequently met with IEEE to address your concerns.
Adjustments are being made to the meeting format to reduce the conflicts between the
exhibition and the technical meetings. Follow the hyperlink above to see details on the
post-meeting survey.
- May 6, 2002 - The Colorado Springs Meeting is History
- Many thanks to the officers, host utility, presenters and attendees who worked hard to
make the Spring 2002 meeting a good one.
- April 26, 2002 - Final Updates to the Spring Meeting
- Take one last look at the Spring
Meeting page. The list of presentations and the meeting agenda have both been updated.
- April 22, 2002 - Discount Travel
- For many years, the ICC has negotiated discount travel agreements with Avis and Delta.
If you stil haven't made those reservations, be sure to use the discount travel codes posted on
the Spring 2002 meeting page
- April 22, 2002 - More Spring 2002 Info Posted
- The list of presentations
for Subcommittee C has been added to the ICC website.
- April 20, 2002 - D5 Survey Continues
- As previously announced, WG D5 Chairman John Merando is just beginning
the process of revising IEEE 1185-1994, Guide for Installation Methods
for Generating Station Cable, and would like some user
feedback. He's created an on-line survey. Its quick
and fast. Give it a try.
- April 20, 2002 - More Spring 2002 Info Posted
- Subcommittees A, B and D have updated their list of presentations to be made at
the Spring 2002 meeting. Also, Bill Taylor has announced that one new vendor has been
added to the ICC Mini-Expo.
- April 10, 2002 - Draft 5 of P1539 Posted
- WG C-8 has posted draft 5 of the IEEE Guide for Testing Transmission Cable Systems
with Extruded Insulation Part 1, 69 kV through 150 kV on the ICC Download
site. Just click the Download button in the menu frame to
your left. Please provide comments to WG Chairman, Torben Aabo at t.aabo@ieee.org
- April 10, 2002 - ANSI Meetings, May 1-3
- ANSI ASC C119 Committee will be having their meeting at the end of the ICC
meeting and ICC members have an open invitation to attend any of their sessions. If you
are interested in attending, please contact to Vince Baclawski at vin-baclawski@nema.org by April 15 so he can make
room arrangements. See the Special
Activities section of the Spring 2002 page for the times and dates of their meetings.
- April 10, 2002 - Updates
- Info on the Spring 2002 meeting is coming in faster than your
webmaster can post it. Be sure to check the Spring 2002 page to see all of the
latest info.
- March 29, 2002 - New Survey on the ICC Web
- WG D5 Chairman John Merando is just beginning the process of revising
IEEE 1185-1994, Guide for Installation Methods for Generating Station
Cable, and would like some user feedback. He's created an on-line survey. Its quick and fast. Give it a try.
- March 29, 2002 - First Two Mini-Expo Vendors Named
- Vice Chairman Bill Taylor just released the names of the first two
vendors who have committed to displays at the ICC Spring 2002 Mini-Expo. There
will be more to come.
- March 29, 2002 - Spring 2002 Keynote Speaker Announced
- Chairman Ken Bow announced today that the Keynote Speaker at the Spring
meeting will be Phillip Tollefson,
Executive Director of our host, Colorado
Springs Utilities.
- March 27, 2002 - Spring 2002 Agenda Updated
- Chairman Ken Bow has just released an updated agenda for the Spring 2002
meeting. Its available on the Spring
2002 page. The changes relieve some conflicts in Subcommittee D by moving a couple of
sessions to Wednesday morning and add a Monday afternoon meeting for WG A8, Revision/Reaffirmation
of IEEE 1210 Standard for Determining Compatibility of Cable-Pulling Lubricants with Wire
and Cable. Keep checking back for updates.
- March 27, 2002 - ICC Ski Trip
- Several brave souls are thinking about hitting the slopes while in
Colorado. Are you interested? If so, drop a note to Shan Nandi and pack your insurance card.
- March 27, 2002 - Colorado Springs Tourist Link
- Thinking of arriving early or staying an extra day or two? Be sure to
follow the new link on the Spring
2002 page to the Colorado Springs Convention and Visitors Bureau.
- March 22, 2002 - Bob Lyle, 1921-2002
- John Smith of General Cable has informed us that former ICC member, Bob Lyle, passed
away on January 14, 2002. Bob was a pioneer in the area of life estimation of HMWPE and
XLPE-insulated cables in the area Accelerated Cable Life Testing (ACLT). We've posted a
copy of his obituary notice as it appeared
in the Marshall, TX News Messenger.
- March 22, 2002 - Discount Travel Info for the Colorado Springs Meeting
- Chairman Bow has posted information on discount travel arrangements with Avis and Delta.
See the Spring 2002 page for
- March 22, 2002 - Updated Spring Meeting
Registration Forms Posted
- Revised registration forms for the Spring 2002 meeting have been posted on the Spring 2002 page.
- March 22, 2002 - Hotel Reservations for Spring 2002
- Chairman Ken Bow has issued a last minute reminder to
Spring 2002 attendees to make their reservations soon at the Adams Antlers in Colorado
Springs. You'll need to make your reservations by March 27th
in order to get the discount ICC rate. For more info see the Spring 2002 page. The rate is $129.00
single and double. Please identify the group as the ICC. Accommodations requested beyond
the cut-off date will be offered based on availability and at the prevailing rate.
- March 22, 2002 - Spring 2002 Agenda Posted
- Chairman Ken Bow has been busy. He's just released the agenda for the
Spring 2002 meeting. Its available on the Spring 2002 page.
- March 22, 2002 - Spouses Tour, Luncheon and
Breakfast Info Updated
- Chairman Bow has posted updated details on the Spouses activities
for the Spring meeting. Read his
announcement for details and signup info.
- March 5, 2002 - Hotel Reservations for Spring 2002
- ICC Chairman Ken Bow has issued a reminder to Spring 2002 attendees to
make their reservations soon at the Adams Antlers in Colorado Springs.
You'll need to make your reservations by March 27th in order
to get the discount ICC rate. For more info see the Spring 2002 page. The rate is $129.00
single and double. Please identify the group as the ICC. Accommodations requested beyond
the cut-off date will be offered based on availability and at the prevailing rate.
- March 1, 2002 - Spring Meeting Registration Forms
- ICC Chairman Ken Bow has posted registration forms for the Spring 2002 meeting. They are
available on the Spring 2002 page. Please
note, that there is a new procedure to register for the Spring 02 Meeting. The
registration fee now includes the minutes. Thus, everyone who registers will receive a CD
copy of the minutes. If you want an extra copy of the minutes, or you are a corresponding
member, you can purchase a CD copy of the minutes by checking the "Spring 02 Minutes
on CD" and paying $50.00. The Fall 01 Minutes were issued as a paper copy. This was
the last time that the ICC minutes will be in paper form. All future minutes will be on
CD. If you want a copy of the Fall 01 Minutes, please mark "Fall 01 Minutes on
CD" on the registration form. These are also $50.00. As has been our practice,
all past minutes are available from JMed & Associates, Ltd., E-mail: j.d.medek@ieee.org, Phone: (847) 934-1154.
- February 22, 2002 - Art Westrom, 1924-2002
- Many of you are already aware that long time ICC member, Art Westrom,
passed away January 29th. Tom Champion has provided a copy of the obituary as it appeared in the
Atlanta newspaper.
- February 22, 2002 - Check Your Mailbox
- ICC Secretary Jim Medek has been hard at work! The Fall 2001 Minutes have
been mailed. Thanks Jim!!
- February 22, 2002 - Map to the Adams Mark Hotel Posted
- Your Webmaster has posted a map of Colorado Springs, CO showing the
Adams Mark Hotel, site of this year's Spring ICC meeting. Be sure to check the meeting page frequently as details are
- February 15, 2002 - Spouses Tour and Luncheon for the
Spring Meeting Announced
- ICC Chairman Ken Bow announced that a luncheon and a tour of
Colorado Springs will anchor the Spouses activities for the Spring meeting. Read his announcement for details and
signup info.
- February 15, 2002 - Subcommittee C Minutes Posted
- Subcommittee C Chairman John Cooper has posted that group's minutes from the Fall 2001
meeting in Atlanta. These and individual Subcommittee D Working Group minutes may be
accessed via the Sub C page.
- February 15, 2002 - Spring 2002 Educational Program
Details Announced
- Educational Program Chairman Steve Szaniszlo has released details of the
Spring 2002 session entitled Accelerated Cable
Testing and Its Correlation to Field Testing. The panel presentations
will cover various accelerated cable aging tests used in North America and Europe. Each
aging test will be described, typical data will be presented and where possible,
correlation to field aging will be discussed. Plan to attend this session if you are
interested in accelerated cable aging and participants will received a certificate of
attendance for 4 professional development hours.
- February 11, 2002 - Fall 2001 Minutes on CD
- ICC Recording Secretary recently announced that arrangements have been made to make a CD
of the Fall 2001 Minutes available! The cost of this CD is $50.00 plus ($10.00 shipping
for international orders only) This CD will not
be available at the meeting. To place an order visit the ICC Publications page.
- February 11, 2002 - Subcommittee A and D Minutes Posted
- Subcommittee A and B Chairmen MacPhail and Gear have posted their minutes from the Fall
2001 meeting in Atlanta. Individual Working Group minutes may be accessed via the Sub A and Sub B pages.
- January 18, 2002 - Draft 1 of IEEE 532 Posted
- Chairman Paul Caronia has posted draft 1 of the revision to IEEE 532, Guide
for Selecting and Testing Jackets for Power, Instrumentation and Control Cables on
the ICC Download site. If you'd like to participate in the development of this Guide,
contact Paul at caronipj@dow.com
- January 15, 2002 - Spring 2002 Mini-Expo
- Chairman Ken Bow has posted information on the Spring 2002
Mini-Expo. This is a great place to promote your latest product or services.
See the information sheet for details.
- January 14, 2002 - Spring 2005 Meeting Fixed
- Chairman Ken Bow announced today that the dates and location of the
Spring 2005 meeting have been set (April 17-20). The ICC will return to the Don CeSar in
St. Petersburg, FL that year, but it will be in the Spring. This opens up the option of
meeting jointly with that year's IEEE T&D Show (fall). While that option is still
being evaluated, your feedback following the Atlanta show indicated a desire to continue
our yearly visit to the Don, even if it meant switching to the Spring. To see other
meeting dates and locations, check out the ICC
Meetings page.
- January 11, 2002 - CSU to Host Spring 2002 Meeting
- Our host for the Spring Meeting will be Colorado Springs
Utilities. CSU is a community-owned utility which provides electric, natural gas,
water and wastewater services to more than 551,000 customers in the Colorado Springs area.
The ICC invites to to visit their homepage at http://www.csu.org/ and learn more about CSU.
- January 7, 2002 - ICC Administration Changes
- With the coming of 2002, Ken
Bow assumed the reigns of the ICC. Many thanks to Past-Chairman Mike Walker for all of his
hard work. Along with the changes at the top, Bill Taylor moved up to fill the
Vice-Chairman slot.
Website - What's New 2002
- July - Posted Registration and Hotel infor for the Fall 2002 meeting.
- June - Posted Minutes from the various Subcommittees and pictures from the Spring
2002 Meeting
- May - Posted the slides from the Colorado Springs Educational Program.
- April - Added numerous details for the Spring 2002 meeting
- March - Added numerous details for the Spring 2002 meeting. Added an on-line survey from WG D5 Chairman John Merando
regarding revision to IEEE 1185-1994, Guide for Installation Methods for
Generating Station Cable. Announced the passing of former ICC
member, Bob Lyle, on January 14, 2002.
- February - Posted the minutes from Sub A, Sub B and Sub C Fall 2001 meetings. pages.
Posted details of the Spring 2002 Educational Program entitled Accelerated Cable
Testing and Its Correlation to Field Testing. Announced the passing of
long time ICC member, Art Westrom, on
January 29th. Added numerous details for the Spring 2002 meeting.
- January - Posted draft 1 of the revision to
IEEE 532, Guide for Selecting and Testing Jackets for Power, Instrumentation
and Control Cables on the ICC Download site. Posted an information sheet on the Spring
2002 Mini-Expo. Announced the dates and location of the Spring 2005 meeting
have been set (April 17-20). The ICC will return to the Don CeSar in St. Petersburg, FL
that year, but it will be in the Spring. For more details see the ICC Meetings page. Announced that the host for the Spring Meeting will be Colorado Springs Utilities, http://www.csu.org/ Announced
changes in the top in the ICC: Ken
Bow assumed the reigns of the ICC, replacing Past-Chairman Mike Walker. Bill Taylor moved up to fill the
Vice-Chairman slot.
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