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Fall 2010 - Presentations
Check this page periodically to learn about the Presentations
scheduled for the Spring meeting.
Please Note: This is a only a listing of the presentations and
Opening Session
Minutes of Opening Session
Mini-Expo Vendors
Subcommittee A - Cable Construction and Design
- Monday, October 18, 2010, 2:00 PM - 5:30 PM
- 2:00PM – 2:15 PM -
Subcommittee Business/Announcements
- 2:15 – 2:50 PM - “Fluid-filled Underground Transmission Cable
Condition Assessment” Harry Orton - Orton Consulting Engineers
International, Vancouver, Canada, Lisa Ogawa, PhD - BC Hydro, Vancouver,
Canada, (Formerly with Powertech), David Arnold - EPCOR, Edmonton,
Alberta Canada
Abstract: Many underground power cable users are faced with aging
fluid-filled transmission cables that have exceeded their design life of
30-40 years. Major and possibly costly decisions have to be made whether
to replace or to continue to use the existing cable system. This paper
presents a condition assessment strategy focused on fluid-filled cables
that involves a combination of visual observations through on-site
inspections, laboratory diagnostics, on-site diagnostics, operation
reports and data trending.
- 2:50 – 3:15 PM - “500 Hz Accelerated Aging Test Distinguishes 15
kV Power Cable Performance” – Michael Lauxman – General Cable, Mark
Walton – General Cable.
Abstract: In North America, power frequency (60Hz) accelerated wet-aged
testing is used to qualify medium voltage power cables, per ICEA
standards (S-94-649-2004 and S-97-682-2007). Higher frequency (500Hz)
accelerated wet-aging test protocols (CENELEC HD605) and BS-7802-1999)
are accepted qualification test protocols for medium voltage power
cables in Europe, Australia, Asia, and the Far East. This higher
frequency qualification test protocol reduces the required maximum aging
time from 360days to 3000hours (125days). This presentation provides the
details of one such 500Hz qualification test protocol, and the AC
breakdown strength and water treeing results for power cables insulated
with three (3) commercially-available tree retardant crosslinked
polyethylene (TRXLPE) insulations sold in North America and the rest of
the world.
- 3:15 – 3:25 PM - Break
- 3:25 - 3:50 PM - “600 V Rated Secondary Cable Survey” Yingli
Wen - Consolidated Edison of New York, Bruce Bernstein – Consultant,
Bill Thue - Consultant
Abstract: In 2009, a survey was conducted among the ICC members to
determine the level of interest to form an ICC discussion/AD HOC group
on 600 V rated secondary cables. An invitation was sent to approximately
900 members, of whom 97 participated representing a 10% response rate.
The survey had 10 questions covering areas such as major factors
affecting secondary cable reliability, performance records, secondary
cable types, topics for discussions, etc. A majority of the respondents
reported that the performance and reliability of secondary cable are a
concern and they are in favor of forming a discussion/AD HOC group in
ICC. The results of this survey will be presented in detail.
- 3:50- 4:15 PM - "Condition Assessment of Service Aged Belted PILC
cables", Vitaliy Yaroslavskiy – Cable Technology Laboratories, Inc.
Abstract: Results of laboratory evaluation of service aged PILC Cables,
produced by different manufacturers in the period between 1937 and 1998,
are summarized. The study indicates that, unless cable insulation
suffered from moisture intrusion, most of the cable characteristics
still meet modern requirements for new cables. The only exception was
dissipation factor at elevated temperatures, which suggested that cable
ampacity is reduced with cable aging.
- 4:15- 4:40 PM - “Effect of Ethylene Content on Bowtie Trees and
Wet Electrical Performance in Filled EPR Insulation Materials”,
Amalendu Sarkar, Mark Easter, Ed Walcott, William Temple and John T.
Smith, III - General Cable Corporation
Abstract: The insulations for extruded medium voltage power cables
currently used worldwide are based on two broad categories of polymeric
materials: crosslinkable elastomers, consisting of Ethylene Propylene
Rubber (EPR), and crosslinkable low density polyethylene, consisting of
Crosslinked Polyethylene (XLPE) or Tree Retardant Crosslinked
Polyethylene (TRXLPE). These two broad categories have over 40 years of
proven field performance. A considerable amount of research has been
done on water treeing in unfilled semi-crystalline and amorphous
elastomers. Very little research has been done on filled elastomeric
systems, as water trees are more difficult to detect. One paper reports
a link between ethylene content and crystallinity in an unfilled EPR
base resin and other ethylene base resins. In reality, unfilled EPR
resin is not a commercially viable insulation material for high
demanding medium voltage applications. In filled EPR resin-based
insulation materials, surface-treated clays are chemically bonded to the
polymer chains. This changes the whole interpretation of degree of
crystallinity (related to ethylene content) with respect to bowtie tree
formation and long-term wet electrical performance. This presentation
will report data that shows bowtie tree counts in carefully formulated
higher ethylene content filled EPR insulation materials can be less than
those for lower ethylene content and more amorphous EPR insulation
materials in long-term wet electrical tests. This paper examines the
influence of the ethylene content of base resins in suitably reinforced
(with treated clay) filled EPR insulation materials with respect to its
level of dispersion, formation of bowtie trees and ac voltage breakdown
strength after accelerated wet-aged testing. However, the long-term wet
ac breakdown strength testing via a step-rise high voltage time test (HVTT)
after an accelerated water treeing test (AWTT) are found to be
comparable in higher ethylene content (semi-crystalline) and lower
ethylene content (more amorphous) filled EPR insulation materials.
- 4:40 -5:05 PM -
“Modeling Underground Cable Faults Utilizing Weibull and Crow-AMSAA” – Yancy Gill, PhD – Salt River Project
Abstract: This presentation will discuss the differences between the
Weibull and Crow-AMSAA analysis techniques and how they can best be used
to model underground cable faults.
- 5:05 - 5:30 PM -
The Impact of Transmission Cable Construction
and Design on Commissioning Test Options and Results –
Steve Campbell – General Cable, Ben Lanz - ImCorp
Abstract: Recent commissioning test experience on 230kV solid dielectric
cable systems will highlight the impact that cable system construction
and design have on cable test options and results. To achieve test
results, which are comparable with factory partial discharge (PD) tests,
a thorough understanding of how the cable system design will impact the
test measurements and meaningful calibration is necessary. Experience
indicates that simple design modifications early in the design process
can greatly simplify the commissioning test process. Test results will
be presented which will demonstrate what is achievable on a well
designed cable system using an effective PD commissioning test
Subcommittee B - Accessories
- Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
- 8:00-8:15 AM – Introduction/Announcements, Harry Yaworski, Tyco
Electronics – chair
- 8:15-8:55 AM - “IEEE 404 and 386 Usual Service Conditions", Mike
Smalley, We Energies.
Abstract: The IEEE ICC joint, termination, and separable connector
standards have evolved quite a bit over the years. These standards
continue to evolve and get better with each revision. The cable
accessories are assumed to work satisfactorily when applied in the
“usual service conditions” as defined in each standard. Some of the
“usual service conditions” require no test at all in the standards. The
slow evolution from laminar insulated lead sheathed cables to extruded
concentric neutral jacketed cables may have caused some inconsistencies
to appear in these standards that we as ICC members and guests should be
able to address.
Michael J. Smalley received a B.S. degree in Electrical
Engineering Technology from the Milwaukee School of Engineering in 1991
and a M.S. degree in Engineering (Electrical) from the University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 2000. He has been employed at We Energies in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin since 1991. He is currently a Senior Engineer in
the electric distribution standards and materials group where he has
responsibility for underground medium voltage cable and accessories. He
has previously held engineering positions in the nuclear power
department and the transmission engineering group. He is a member of
the IEEE and is a Senior Member of the IEEE Insulated Conductors
Committee. He is presently the Chair of the AEIC Cable Engineering
Committee and is a registered Professional Engineer in the state of
- 8:55-9:35 AM “Testing of Interface Lubricants to Annex A, IEEE
386-2006”, Thomas Champion, NEETRAC—A Center of Georgia Tech
Abstract: The 2006 revision of IEEE 386 on separable connectors added
requirements for the evaluation of lubricants used on the mating
interface to prevent sticking. The requirements were placed in the
annex rather than the body of the standard to allow experience to be
gained using these procedures and to allow identification of problems
and improvements that could be made in the test method. This
presentation provides data on use of the accelerated aging test coupled
with the operating force test for evaluating four silicone greases,
including problems encountered using the test method.
Tom Champion received his BSEE from the Georgia Institute of
Technology in 1977. He worked with Georgia Power Company for 25 years
in various departments before joining NEETRAC, A Center of the Georgia
Institute of Technology, as a Research Engineer in 1996. Tom has been
extensively involved in forensics and issues associated with both
underground and overhead distribution and transmission systems, doing
work on the partial vacuum induced flashover problem with separable
connectors, with dissimilar metals corrosion issues, and with switching
and fault close operations. Tom has served as Chairman of ICC working
groups on Revision of IEEE 386 and Failure Analysis, served as Chair and
Vice-chair of Subcommittee B on Cable Accessories, and is currently ICC
Vice-chair Treasure Elect
- 9:35-10:15 AM “Cable Bend Testing”, Thomas Campbell, Con Edison.
Abstract: Under certain conditions, MV cable joints installed in network
manholes require movement, putting mechanical stresses on the joint and
leading to bending of the cable up to the minimum bend radius. It is
important that joints maintain their moisture seals and electrical
performance when moved or bent under these conditions. As IEEE 404 does
not address this situation, a cable bend and a separate cable movement
test were devised. The bend test includes heat cycling and bending of
the cable and joints around a mandrel having a radius equal to the
minimum bend radius. PD and AC hipot tests are applied at the end of
the test as well as AC step breakdown to confirm the electrical
Thomas Campbell is a Senior Engineer for Consolidated Edison
Company of New York. Prior to joining Con Edison he held multiple roles
with Cablec/BICC/General Cable with responsibility for low, medium and
high voltage cables, both laminar and solid dielectric insulated. He
holds a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute and an MBA from Iona College.
- 10:15- 10:30 AM - Break
- 10:30-11:10 AM “How Smart Grid Applications Will Change Cable and
Accessories Standards”, Abe Shocket, Tyco Electronics
Abstract: Smart Grid covers a wide array of applications, from PMUs to
HANs. This presentation will focus on how applications such as EV
charging, storage and integration of renewables will change the load
profiles for distribution networks. New load types as well as load
profiles may necessitate the need for new qualification test methodology
in order to properly conduct accelerated aging tests. Abe Shocket
is the Director of Energy Management Solutions for Tyco Electronics,
Energy Division, responsible for Engineering, Product Management and
Sales of products and technologies related to electric power
measurement, quality and conservation, and is located in the US
headquarters for Energy Products in Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina, USA.
Abe holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon
University, and is a member of the IEEE.
- 11:10-11:50 AM “The effect of water on service breakdown of
oil-filled high voltage XLPE cable terminations”, Sverre Hvidsten,
SINTEF, Frank Mauseth and Geir Birkenes, NTNU
Abstract: Breakdowns of high voltage cable accessories can be due to
possible explosions causing a high risk for personnel. Moreover, in
Norway the grid owners now have to pay a penalty for interruptions in
power supply which is proportional to the energy not delivered.
Typically, failures are experienced in terminations consisting of
prefabricated stress-cones installed on the cable within oil-filled
porcelain or composite housings. From the laboratory investigations of
units failed in service several possible causes for failures have been
identified. The most common is water ingress into the insulating oil due
to bad o-rings placed around the top bolt, or through poor tightening at
the air vent screw positioned at the top plate. Water content
measurements of oils taken from installations in service, show that also
liquid water can be present in the terminations. Full-scale examinations
show that water droplets introduced at the top of an oil-filled cable
termination are sinking in the oil and accumulates at the high field
area close to the cable cone or at the surface of the housing. Droplets
do also coalesce or repulse dependent on their intermediate distance.
The partial discharges induced by the water are very intermittent and
very low (or absent) for a long time even at very high water content.
This indicates that alternative methods should be used to reveal the
presence of water in oil filled cable terminations.
Sverre Hvidsten received his M.Sc at the University of Trondheim,
and the Ph D in electrical engineering from the same university in 1999.
Currently he is with SINTEF in Norway. His main field of interest is
polymer ageing and diagnostics. He also works in the field of high
pressure properties of polymers in electrical equipment for oil
Subcommittee C - Cable Systems
- Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
- 8:00 -8:10 AM - Chairman’s Opening Remarks and Announcements
- 8:10 – 8:40 AM -
New Technique for Fault Location in Underground
Medium Voltage Cable, by Lionel Reynaud, Instit de recherché
As with many major utilities around the world, fault location has
traditionally been performed using a high-voltage surge generator
(thumper) together with a time-domain reflectometer (TDR) for
pre-location and a magnetic detector for precise location. The new fault
location technique developed at IREQ (Institut de recherché d’Hydro-Quebec)
provides an efficient pre-location even for very long lines or when
branches are present. The new technique entails the following three
steps: Computer Simulation of breakdown at regular intervals along the
line, In-situ measurement of a real breakdown signal on the line using a
surge generator, Comparison of the results of various simulations with
the in-situ measurement so as to identify the simulation that most
closely matches the measurement (the”best match”).
- 8:40 – 9:10 AM -
Thermal Grouts for HDD Installations, by
Deepak Parmar, Geotherm, Inc.
Over the past two decades, installation of high voltage power cables in
HDD or Guided Boring has become quite common. One major component in
these installations is the use of ‘thermal grout’ in order to maintain
high ampacity and to provide mechanical protection to the system.
Excluding the ‘chemical grout’ the two most commonly used grouts on HDD
projects are either cement based (hardening type) and bentonite based
(non-hardening type). Each HDD installation is different and must be
treated as a special case and thus, the grouts must be formulated to
meet project specific, thermal, mechanical, flow (pumpability) and other
requirements. The presentation will describe the HDD system components,
grout mix designs (formulation), thermal/mechanical properties and some
case studies.
- 9:10 – 9:40 AM -
Leak Detection Using PFT Tracer Technology, by
Marcie Glass, Wasson-ECE Instrumentation
Detecting leaks in high voltage cables can be a costly and lengthy
process, often requiring the excavation and freezing of large sections
of cables. Increasingly, volatile prefluoronated tracer (PFT) compounds
are being used as tagging agents to facilitate leak detection. Wasson-ECE
Instrumentation has developed a mobile PFT analyzer for real time
analysis of feeder oil leaks in underground oil filled cables. A dual
trapping system in combination an Agilent Technologies Gas Chromatograph
provides an ambient air sample every 100 seconds. The Tracer Analyzer
can detect the background ambient concentration of various PFTs,
including perfluoromethylcyclohexane (PMCH) and
perfluorodimethylcyclohexane (PDMCH) isomers, which are accepted to
exist globally from 0.6 to 10 fL/L. The analyzer mounted in a mobile lab
and samples are taken by driving the system above underground feeders.
Sampling is fully automated by Wasson-ECE’s control software and is
interfaced with an electronic global positioning system (GPS). When the
system detects an increase in the PFT level, signifying a possible cable
rupture, an instrument alarm is sound and the leak point is marked on a
map. This technology has been able to detect leaks in a matter of hours.
The increase in leak detection efficiency can translate not only to cost
savings, but also a smaller environmental impact from dielectric fluid
- 9:40 -10:10 AM -
XLPE Jackets for Medium Voltage Concentric
Neutral Power Cables, by Bill Temple, General Cable
Crosslinked Polyethylene (XLPE) as a medium voltage cable jacket coupled
with reduced copper neutrals provides better efficiency over the life of
the cable through cooler operation, lower line loss and greater
resistance to deformation.
Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE) has been the jacket material of
choice for the North American Utility and Wind Power markets because of
its good physical properties and relative low cost. As research goes
into new materials, thermoset crosslinked polyethylene delivers designs
that offer benefits that can’t be provided by thermoplastic materials.
Physical properties of XLPE jackets will be shown in comparison with
typical values from standard LLDPE materials. Thermomechanical
performance of three single conductors, trefoil in conduit, will be
reviewed for both thermoset and thermoplastic jacket materials.
ICEA P-45-482 recognizes higher maximum temperatures for thermoset
jackets during fault conditions, which allows for larger fault current
capabilities for a given metallic shield area. This idea can lead to
lower initial cable costs and decreased line losses, or increased fault
current capability.
The principles discussed during the presentation will be directly
applied to a case study considering a typical medium voltage wind farm
construction and an equivalent construction with a crosslinked
polyethylene jacket.
- 10:10 – 10:30 AM - Break.
- 10:30 – 11:10 AM -
Medium Voltage Underground Cable System
Reliability, By Dr. Richard E. Brown, Quanta-Technology.
Many utilities have aging underground cable systems that are failing at
an increasing rate. Unfortunately, aggressive underground replacement
programs are often difficult to justify since it is difficult to know
whether any specific cable section will fail in the near future. This
presentation demonstrates how a large US utility justified an aggressive
cable replacement program in its current rate case. This involved the
development of cable failure rate models and system reliability models
that can track expected reliability over a twenty year period for
various replacement scenarios. The economics of cable replacement were
then compared to other methods of achieving reliability improvement.
- 11:10 – 11:50 AM -
Qualification of Conductor and Screen
Connection for High Voltage Cables, by Pierre Mirebeau,
Nexans Energy
This presentation will point out the different stresses that are applied
to the connection and the test frame that is able to validate the
corrections versus the stresses. The cable system inside the power
transmission network will be considered, and examples of tests will be
- 11:50 – 12:00 PM - Vice Chair’s Closing Remarks.
Subcommittee D - Generating
Station Cables - Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 2:00 PM to 5:30 PM.
- 2:00 - 2:15 PM - Subcommittee D Business/Announcements
- 2:15 - 2:45 PM - Low Smoke Zero Halogen Cables by Eric Wall, Anixter
Low smoke, zero halogen compounds and cables claim improved fire
performance and personnel safety. This paper will discuss the history of
LSZH, present typical uses and compare LSZH with other compounds.
Special attention will be paid to the relative toxicity of LSZH cables
and the affect this has on application decisions. New possibilities for
use will be investigated and arguments for and against LSZH in these
environments will be made.
- 2:45 - 3:30 PM -
Performance Monitoring of Electric Cables at Nuclear Power Plants
by Matthew McConnell, USNRC
This presentation will provide a brief overview of the U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) recent efforts associated with electric
cables at nuclear power plants. The structures, systems, and components
(SSCs) operating in nuclear power plants will routinely be exposed to a
variety of environmental and operational stressors that can produce
aging and degradation mechanisms. Over time, the aging and degradation
mechanisms caused by exposure to these stressors can result in
degradation of the SSCs.
Electric cables are important nuclear power plant components that are
used to supply electric power to safety-related systems and to
interconnect the systems with their instruments and controls. The
polymer materials used for the insulation and jacket materials for
electric cables, cable splices, and terminations are susceptible to
aging and degradation mechanisms caused by exposure to many of the
stressors encountered in nuclear power plant service.
The speaker will describe actions the NRC has taken to address electric
cable issues at nuclear power plants (i.e., electric cables that have
been found submerged in water) and provide the status of regulatory
guidance documents that relate to condition monitoring of electric
- 3:30 - 3:45 PM - Break
- 3:45 – 4:15 PM -
Update to In Service Performance of EPR Cables
Installed In The MLGW Electrical Distribution System by Robert
Fleming, Kerite
Provides brief background relating to the decision to install EPR
insulated cables rather than HMWPE and XLPE cables, 25 year performance
history of EPR cables, and field aging studies performed at MLGW.
- 4:15 – 4:50 PM -
Standard Development Update for IEEE 1717 Fire
Rated Cables Furnace Test by Gil Shoshani, Rockbestos-Surprenant
The purpose of the presentation is to educate Insulated Conductor
Committee attendee’s about recent standard developments in regards to
fire rated cables, the new IEEE test method and cable selection for the
Petrochemical industry. The presentation will summarize the reasons for
developing the new IEEE P1717, “Standard for Testing Circuit Integrity
Cables Using a Hydrocarbon Pool Fire Test Protocol” that is under
development at IEEE Insulated Conductor Committee. The focus of the
standard is to harmonize and optimize all cable fire test standards with
the goal of developing an industry-wide accepted test method for Fire
Rated Cables. The presentation will also cover the recent updates in API
14 FZ “Recommended Practice for Design, Installation, and Maintenance of
Electrical Systems for Fixed and Floating Offshore Petroleum Facilities
for Unclassified and Class I, Zone 0, Zone 1 and Zone 2 Locations” and
the fire protection requirements in living quarters and areas that are
subjected to a Hydrocarbon Fuel Fire. In addition, API 2218
“Fireproofing Practices in Petroleum and Petrochemical Processing
Plants” and other related standards will be reviewed for updates
including fire rated cable selection and fire test considerations.
- 4:50 - 5:30 PM -
Nuclear Plant Cable Aging Management Program Implementation
Guidance by Gary Toman, EPRI
In 2010, EPRI issued two cable aging management program implementation
guides for medium and low voltage cable. These guides were developed
through multiple reviews by utility, manufacturer, and consulting
personnel. The presentation will describe their content and expected
use. The guides describe the scope of the aging management program and
focus on cables subjected to adverse environmental and service
conditions. Assessment and test methods are described along with
acceptance and action criteria. While these guides were being developed,
the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission performed multiple inspections
checking for submergence of medium and low voltage cable and issued
NUREG/CR 7000 and Draft Regulator Guide DG-1240. The relationship of
these activities to the EPRI implementation guides will be described.
Subcommittee F - Field Testing and Diagnostics - Monday,
October 18, 2010, 10:00 AM to12:30 PM.
10:00 - 10:10 - Subcommittee & Working Group Business
10:10 - 10:35 -
Application of Damped AC Voltages for Testing Power
Cables by Ed Gulski, Onsite HV Solutions AG, Switzerland, Piotr
Cichecki, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Frank de Vries,
Alliander, The Netherlands
Routine HV tests are the most fundamental of all electric tests on cable
insulation. Since the test voltage is higher than the rated voltage it
is considered as an over-voltage test. It has been introduced many years
ago (to find serious insulation defects) because the over-voltage test
was the only available electrical test. A breakdown of the insulation
may occur on the insulation weak-spot and it can be sometimes
accompanied by pre-breakdown phenomena (in-homogeneity with local high
E-field). Regarding electrical over-stress a balance is important
between detecting serious defects and avoiding insulation damage.
Conform the international recommendations e.g. IEC 60840, IEC 62067, IEC
60141, IEC 60060-3, IEC60502 the on-site testing of new-installed,
repaired or service age power cables can be done in different ways.
In this contribution basic considerations and field experiences of
voltage testing using sinusoidal damped AC voltages (20Hz-300Hz) will be
discussed. In addition following the discussions on Cigre and IEEE forum
about the use of partial discharges, the effects of using PD will be
pointed out.
10:35 - 11:00 -
Monitored VLF Withstand Tests Using Partial
Discharge Approaches At HV & EHV Voltages, by Bruce Olson & Dave
Boyer, HV Inc.
VLF tests are widely used for the assessment of MV (Medium Voltage)
cable systems. Utilities worldwide are increasingly interested in
extending VLF technology to system voltages up to 220kV. This
presentation will focus on the development of a 200 kV peak mobile VLF
generator and the integration of Tan Delta and Partial Discharge
measurement equipment. The Case studies will cover approximately 140 km
of cable tested over an 18 month period.
11:00 - 11:15 - Break
11:15 - 11:40 - Utility Experience With VLF Withstand And Dielectric
Loss Tests In Cincinnati by Chris Fletcher, Duke Energy
In 2005 Duke Energy began to investigate the potential benefits of cable
diagnostic testing through participation in the Cable Diagnostic Focused
Initiative (CDFI). Field testing in 2006 to the present, as part of the
CDFI and by Duke personnel, has provided further evidence that cable
system diagnostics could help the Company to improve service reliability
and to maximize the value of cable system replacement budgets. The
testing involved in these programs included Dielectric Loss, Monitored
Withstand, Partial Discharge and Simple Withstand approaches.
Many positive results from these trials led Duke Energy to implement a
medium voltage underground cable system diagnostic program in 2008. The
program presently involves the use of Time Domain Reflectometry,
Dissipation Factor (Tan Delta) Measurement, and Very Low Frequency
Withstand. This program continues to demonstrate the value of cable
system diagnostics by prioritizing cable replacements, identifying cable
segments that do not need to be replaced, and identifying cable and
cable accessories that were about to fail while in service.
The cable system diagnostic programs are underway in three different
regions. This presentation will discuss some of the experience that the
Duke Energy has gained with its cable system diagnostic program. The
talk will also identify some of the benefits that have been received.
11:40 - 12:05 -
The use of pulse shape in PD testing of cable systems
at VLF Diagnostics by Luigi Testa, G. C. Montanari, A. Mendelsohn
TechImp, Italy; University of Bologna, Italy & Power Delivery Solutions,
High-pot VLF testing of power cable systems is a widely used technique
for the condition assessment of Medium Voltage networks, recently
applied also to High Voltage systems. Combining Partial Discharge (PD)
measurement with VLF test provides a powerful diagnostic tool able to
spot the presence of local defects which may not break down the
insulation during the high-pot test. On the other hand, PD testing at
VLF requires advanced noise rejection techniques to be employed. In
fact, while PD under VLF voltage have much smaller repetition rate
(pulses per second) than at power frequency, electromagnetic noise and
external disturbances are present as well.
This presentation focuses on the application of Ultra Wide Band (UWB)
approach to PD measurement at VLF, showing that on-line pulse selection
based on PD pulse characteristics (in time and frequency domains) allows
separation of signals coming from different sources to be performed, in
order to focus only on PD activity coming from the cable system under
test.Further information relevant to the type of defect, such as the PD
source location and identification, can be extracted from PD measurement
using this approach.
12:05 - 12:30
Field Testing of HV Extruded Cable Systems – The
Experience with Frequency - Tuned Resonant Systems by Wolfgang
Hauschild, Peter Coors & John Herron, HIGHVOLT Prueftechnik & Reinhausen
Manufacturing Inc.
Abstract: Field testing of extruded HV cable systems is performed after
laying to demonstrate the sufficient quality of the assembling work as
well as after years of operation to assess the condition of the cable by
a diagnostic tests. In both cases a combination of withstand testing and
partial discharge measurement is recommended and delivers reliable test
Following the general principle of HV testing, that the test voltage
shall represent a typical stress in service, an AC test voltage of a
wider frequency range of 20 to 300 Hz has been selected for field tests
more than 10 years ago (e.g. IEC Standard 62067). Such AC test voltages
are very efficiently generated by frequency-tuned resonant test systems
(ACRF systems) based on static frequency converters. Meanwhile more than
100 mobile ACRF test systems are operating worldwide.
The contribution describes the experience with such ACRF test systems,
such as the parallel and series connections of test systems, testable
length of cable systems, really applied frequencies (much narrower than
20 to 300 Hz), PD noise level, transportability, etc. Although outside
the main area of this talk some brief comments can also be made on the
application of ACRF test systems for HV factory testing of super-long
submarine cables.
Transnational Luncheon
- Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 12:15 PM to 2:00 PM, Ticket Required.
Opening by Wim Boone
2. Change of Vice Chair
Calendar of international events, Wim Boone
A future grid of extruded DC cables, Johan Karlstrand, ABB Sweden
Installing a long distance HTS cable circuit in the Netherlands, Jacco Smit, Alliander, NL
Modern tools for HV and MV on-site cable testing, Henning Oetjen, HDW
A 1000MW 500kV HVDC Very deep water submarine cable interconnection,
Marco Marelli, Prysmian, Italy
Type test 500kV XLPE cable system, Jy Woo,Taihan Electric USA
Accessory Workmanship, Henk Geene, NL
News form Jicable, Ray Awad, Hydro Quebec
- Educational Program
- Design Principles for Cable Accessories (Separable Connectors, Joints and
Terminations) - Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
Cable and Accessory Design
by Matt Spalding, TYCO Electronics
This presentation will discuss the key design parameters of solid
dielectric cables and their accessories. It will also cover the typical
operating stresses and address the considerations for designing reliable
accessories. The importance characteristic requirements for accessories
will be presented. The presentation will also review the applicable test
standards available for evaluating performance and highlight the
existing industry standards’ possible shortcomings.
Failure Analyses of Cable Accessories
by Dean Williams,
This presentation will outline the overall process for an effective
analysis by describing the information gathering of the appropriate
history, typical methods used, and describe the importance of collation
of findings. It will also include a number of practical examples of
cable system accessory analyses and demonstrate how feedback can improve
installation, design and procurement. It will also address in detail the
critical steps to be considered by a utility when implementing a
cable/accessory forensic analysis program.
Paper-Insulated Lead Covered Distribution Cable and Accessories
Designs by Bill Taylor, 3M Corporation
This presentation will provide the background of Paper-insulated Lead
covered cable (PILC), including where and why splices are used. The
presentation shall include things to consider when designing a joint for
a transition, such as electrical stress, mechanical and thermal issues,
etc. It will discuss what manufacturers/product developers consider in
their design to achieve a long life product, taking into account low and
high loads, etc. The presentation will also cover the importance of test
standards and their applicability and the nature of additional testing
that is normally considered to develop a reliable and long-life product.
Cable System Evaluation – An Asset Manager’s perspective (or Dilemna!)
by Dexter Tarampi, BC Hydro
BCH has distribution cables and accessories that are approaching
end-of-life. Just like any other utility faced with limited resources
and budget constraints, in 2004, BC Hydro developed a repair/ replace
strategy based on an integrated approach to determine the condition of
their cable assets. This presentation will cover the challenges
encountered to successfully implement such a program. It will discuss
some of the strategies examined and the nature of tests that were
applied to assess these assets. Some of the types of problems with
cables and cable accessories shall also be presented.
NEW! 0.4 CEUs will be offered for
this session. You must register in order to receive CEUs. (Please
note, in order to receive these credits towards a Florida PE License,
you MUST provide Thomas Arnold with your FL PE License number prior to the
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