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Spring 2010 - Presentations
Check this page periodically to learn about the Presentations
scheduled for the Spring meeting.
Please Note: This is a only a listing of the presentations and
Opening Session
- Monday, March 22, 2010, 8:15 - 9:40 AM
Opening Session Slides
Keynote Speaker: We are excited to have Paul Allen, the Vice
President of Engineering from Nashville Electric Service (NES)
who will be speaking at the Opening Session on Monday morning,
talking about NES, electric vehicles, and their 69-kV tunnel
- Biography: Paul H. Allen, P.E.
Paul Allen is responsible for engineering activities relating to
the planning, design, operation, and maintenance of the
Nashville Electric Service (NES) system.
Mr. Allen began working at NES in 1971 as an Engineering Aide
participating in the Co-operative Education program. After
graduation from college in 1974, he joined NES as a Junior
Engineer. He held the positions of Engineer, Engineering
Supervisor, and Customer Engineering Manager prior to being
named Vice President of Engineering in November of 1993.
He holds a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Tennessee
Technological University and a M.S. in Engineering
Administration from the University of Tennessee. He is a
Licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Tennessee. He is
a senior member of the Institute of Electric and Electronic
Engineers, and is chairman of the American Public Power
Association Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3) panel.
IEEE Herman Halperin Electric Transmission and
Distribution Award
The 2010 IEEE Herman Halperin Electric Transmission and
Distribution Award will be presented to Carlos Katz by Enrique
Tejera, who is the IEEE Division VII Director. This is one of
the most prestigious awards that can be given IEEE. Please make
sure that you make it to the opening session to congratulate
Carlos! For some more details on this award, please follow this
Mini-Expo Vendors
- AP Sensing -
AP Sensing will be showing their Linear Power Series which
offers: • Real Time Distributed Temperature Monitoring of High
Voltage Transmission & Distribution Lines • Asset Visualization
• Hot Spot Detection • Dynamic Cable Rating / Real Time Thermal
Rating • Emergency Rating • Reporting & Analysis
Distributed temperature monitoring provides continuous
monitoring of high power cable temperatures, detecting hot
spots, delivering operational status, condition assessment and
power circuit rating data. This helps operators optimize their
transmission facilities and distribution networks, reducing
operating costs and improving asset utilization.
- HIGHVOLT - HIGHVOLT produces high voltage AC, DC and Impulse Test
Systems and specializes in Test Equipment for Power
Transformers, Cables and all Electrical Apparatus with the
highest levels of customer support and engineering excellence.
Table Top presentations will include Cable Test solutions
for Field and Factory High Voltage testing including details on
Mobile High Voltage Resonant Test systems for HV Cables.
- HV Diagnostics
- A world leading provider of state of the art advanced high
voltage electrical testing equipment including High Voltage DC &
VLF, Cable Testing/Diagnostic Systems and Automatic Oil Testers.
ILJIN Electric Co As
one of the biggest EHV power cable manufacturers in South Korea,
ILJIN Electric Co., Ltd.(ILJIN) has been successful especially
in Asian, the Middle Eastern and European market. ILJIN produces
EHV power cables up to 500kV and 3000mm2 and its cables are type
and PQ test certified up to 400kV by independent 3rd party
laboratories such as KEMA, CESI, SGS, KERI and so on. During the
Expo, ILIN will display its product samples and make short
presentation about the company to whomever wants to know about
"IMCORP is the leading
provider of underground power cable reliability enhancement
solutions. The company’s patented partial discharge (PD)
diagnostic technology, proven through testing of thousands of
miles of underground cable, pinpoints the exact location of
cable defects with unsurpassed accuracy. In addition to locating
existing cable and accessory defects, IMCORP’s non-destructive
test methodology provides predictive diagnostic information
concerning future cable performance. IMCORP’s reliability
improvement process is a proactive approach designed to be
integrated into a client’s existing reliability program. The
process is proven to dramatically improve cable reliability at a
significantly lower cost.”
The Mears Group Specializing in Horizontal Directional
Drilling Services: One of the largest horizontal directional
drilling contractors in the world with a fleet of 28 small, mid-size &
large drilling rigs with up to 1,100,000 lbs. of pullback that can
install pipe up to 60 inches in diameter and up to 8,000 feet in length.
For more information on our services, please call: U.S. (800) 632-7727,
Canada (780) 955-7155 or visit
- OMICRON is an
international company serving the electrical power industry with
innovative testing and diagnostic solutions. With customers in
more than 130 countries, OMICRON products provide users with the
highest level of confidence in the condition assessment of
primary and secondary equipment on their systems. Products
include: Test Instruments for Protective Relays, CT's, Power
Transformers, & all Substation Apparatus. Specialized tests
include Sweep Frequency Response Analysis (SFRA), Dielectric
Frequency Response (DFR) & Partial Discharge (PD). Visit
- Techimp (TECHnological IMProvements) S.p.A is a
company dealing with innovative diagnostic technologies applied
to electrical engineering, with a strong commitment to
innovation and research. Techimp offers a complete products and
services portfolio able to provide the best knowledge-based
diagnostic solutions for electrical assets, covering the full
range of on-line and off-line applications from quality control
testing, to condition based maintenance and permanent remote
monitoring. Techimp Systems has now overcome new technological
frontiers by developing the ultimate Instruments & Global
Monitoring Systems for the diagnostic of electrical equipment
focused on a multi-task approach. The core of the approach is
based on an innovative technology for Partial Discharge
detection and analysis, now extended to other quantities, such
as dissolved gas in oil, vibrations, temperature (hot spots),
power quality, tan-delta, environmental conditions, using a
unique monitoring system.
UtilX Corp
"UtilX® Corporation, the global leader in
life-extension technologies, provides proprietary CableCURE®
cable rejuvenation, along with CableWISE® system-wide
condition assessment, including cable testing, and has restored
more than 80 million feet of unreliable power cable.
W.A. Chester, L.L.C.
is the industry-leading electrical contractor for the
installation, maintenance and repair of underground high voltage
pipe-type and solid dielectric cable transmission and
distribution systems. Founded in the 1930’s, our clients include
electric utility companies and independent power producers in
the United States and Canada and we are one of three specialty
contractors performing this type of work on a national basis. In
addition to underground systems, W.A. Chester, L.L.C. has
expanded its services to include installation, maintenance and
repair of overhead electric distribution cable systems. For more
information, please visit our website at
Subcommittee A - Cable Construction and Design
- Monday, March 22, 2010, 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
10:00AM - 10:15AM - Subcommittee Business/Announcements
10:15 - 10:40 “Modern Pipe Type Cable System - New High Voltage
XLPE Cable in Pipes and Associated Accessories including Transition
Joints“ Matthias Kirchner, Nexans High Voltage Extruded Cable
Systems, NEXANS
Abstract: A modern XLPE -insulated cables up to 150 kV is now available
to replace old paper insulated pipe type cables. The design of the cable
(reduced insulation thickness) and the accessories (compact design) was
new delevoped and qualified so that the system fits into the existing
steel pipes. We will report about our four year expierence with
commercial retrofitting of complete 110 kV external gas pressure cable
systems. The next step was to develop a new transtion joint to enable
the replacement of only sections of the old paper insulated cable. The
new design of this transition joint and the qualification tests will be
10:40 - 11:05 “Breakdown of MV Cable Jackets under Impulse
Conditions”, Caryn Riley, Ray Hill, Nigel Hampton NEETRAC
Abstract: It has been suggested that URD cable circuits can experience
abnormally high voltages between the neutral and the ground resulting
from power system switching, faults, and lightning. The concern is that
if these voltages are sufficiently high then they may cause puncture of
the jacket. If the puncture is large enough then this may admit water
and the water might accelerate the growth of water trees and / or cause
corrosion of the neutral.
This presentation details an experimental program that aims to determine
impulse characteristics of cable jackets. The cables selected were 1/0
175mil WTRXLPE with 50mil LLDPE compounded ins jacket. The study
determined breakdown levels and examined the evidence of time dependence
for the impulse failures.
- 11:05 – 11:15AM - Break
11:15 - 11:40 “Development and Type Test of a 500kv XLPE Cable
System”, Kwang-Soo Kim, Jong-Soo Kim, Chang-Sung Go, Si-Ho Son, Han-Soo
Jo LS Cable Ltd., Republic of Korea
Abstract: This paper deals with the development of 500kV XLPE cable
system for EHV lines and refer to the results of the type tests. As the
growing of popularity in worldwide market of EHV XLPE cable system in a
wide range of voltage class recently, we have developed XLPE cable of
insulation thickness 30mm, pre-molded joint, outdoor termination and GIS
termination up to 500kV voltage class with research on electrical and
mechanical properties of material. The availability of pre-molded
accessories, that reduce the workmanship and that are subjected to
routine test in the factory, have strongly reduced the risk of failures
of the accessories. In order to verify the design and reliability of the
system, the type test was performed according to IEC 62067. This paper
describes the design and development test of 500kV XLPE cable and
accessories and reviews the result of the type test.
11:40- 12:05 “XLPE Material Selection Characteristics to Consider
for HV and EHV Cables”, Paul Caronia, Jeffrey Cogen, Tim Person, The
Dow Chemical Company
Abstract: The usage of crosslinked polyethylene insulation for high
voltage and extra high voltage cables is growing globally. In North
America, ICEA and AEIC cable specifications now provide for using
crosslinked polyethylene insulated cables up to 345 kV. Polyethylene's
advantages of high dielectric strength along with its inherent
characteristics of toughness, resistance to chemicals and moisture, and
flexibility at low temperatures make it an excellent material for this
application. We will review some common and less common criteria to be
considered when selecting crosslinked polyethylene insulation materials
for HV and EHV cables.
12:05 -12:30 “Improving Surface Smoothness of Semiconductive
Shields”, Laurent Gervat, Sébastien QUINEBECHE, Arkema, France
Oliver Hissmann, OCS, Germany
Abstract: Using the new OCS Nip Detection System dedicated to
semiconductive shields, we have analysed the surface smoothness of
several semiconductive compositions for medium / high voltage conductor
shields. It was observed that the addition of a particular ethylene
acrylate copolymer decreases the size and the number of protrusions by
two folds. This technique appeared more efficient than using a lubricant
or other types of copolymers.
Subcommittee B - Accessories
- Monday, March 22, 2010, 2:00 - 5:30 PM
2:00-2:15 – Introduction/Announcements, Harry Yaworski, Tyco
Electronics - chair
2:15-3:00 - “Highlights of Termination Selection Guide, P-1637”,
Bill Taylor, 3M Austin Center.
Abstract: Presentation will provide an overview of the recently
completed Termination Selection Guide and highlight some of the
specifics in the guide. We will also look at some of the negative
comments and discuss what should be added to the guide during the next
Bill Taylor graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in 1975
with a BSEE degree. He spent 14 years as a plant electrical engineer for
several petrochemical plants on the Houston ship channel. He went to
work for 3M in 1989 as a product development engineer in the cable
accessories area, and continues in that capacity at the present time. He
is a member of IEEE/IAS and PCIC, IEEE/PES and active in the ICC. He was
vice chairman of the ICC in 2002 & 2003 and chairman in 2004 and 2005.
He has written and presented numerous papers for IEEE and other
3:00-3:45 - “IEEE 404: Past, Present and Future”, Glenn Luzzi,
Richards Manufacturing Company
Abstract: This presentation will cover the important changes in IEEE 404
as it keeps pace with new cable advances, new joint technologies and
joint enhancements.
Glenn Luzzi graduated from Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New
Jersey in 1972 with a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree. He
began his 38-year career in power engineering with The Okonite Company
as a Research Engineer in the High Voltage Laboratory. He joined
Elastimold in 1978 as a joint and separable connector Product Design
Engineer. In 1993, as Director of Engineering, he headed up the design
and development teams responsible for joints, separable connectors,
submersible current-limiting fuses and vacuum switchgear. He joined the
Richards Manufacturing Company in 1999 as Manager of H.V. Products. In
his career he has authored or co-authored 22 U.S. patents. He is a
member of IEEE and the Insulated Conductors Committee and serves as
Chairman of the working group B2W.
3:45-4:30 - “Exploration of IEC 60502-4 & IEC 60840 as Compared
to IEEE 404-2006”, Wolfgang B. Haverkamp, WBH Engineering
Abstract: The intention of this presentation is to explore the IEC
standards for testing and qualification of cable accessories supplied
and installed on extruded and laminated power cable. Test methods and
procedures will be brought into context with the current IEEE 404 and 48
standards. Since the differences are in general significantly small a
possible platform could be created harmonizing and/or adapting the
standard requirements within IEEE and IEC on insulated conductors for
power applications.
Wolfgang Haverkamp graduated in 1966 from the University of Essen
Duisburg, Germany with a degree as Diplom Ingenieur (M. Sc. EE-PE). His
employment experience includes Siemens A.G. (R&D), Kaiser Aluminum and
Chemical Corporation (project management). In 1980 he joined Raychem
Gmbh, Energy Products Division in Ottobrunn, Germany. His areas of
responsibility have included managing development projects on cable
accessories, their application and product management for HV Cable
Accessories. In 1998 he became the R&D Manager at Tyco Energy Division,
responsible for product innovation and introduction of HV application up
to 170kV. Special fields of interest include power-electronic and
control units development, cable technology, dielectrics and material
research, processing, and HV testing. He is a working group member of
IEEE/PES/ICC and member of the German electrical authority VDE and
member of CIGRE. Since 2006 he is retired and in charge of an
engineering office, running seminars and giving lectures. He has
published various technical papers about cable accessories and their
technologies within the global ICC/IEEE and IEC community.
4:30 - 5:00 PM - “The Subcommittee B Winter Olympic Games”
Tom Champion, NEETRAC and Harry Yaworski, Tyco Electronics.
Abstract: Questions and answers about standards and trivia under the
jurisdiction of Subcommittee B.
Subcommittee C - Cable Systems
- Tuesday, March 23, 2010, 2:00 - 5:30 PM
- 2:00 - 2:10 PM Subcommittee C Opening Remarks and Announcements
2:10 - 2:45 PM : HV and EHV Cable Systems for Abu Dhabi, by
Pierre Argaut, Silec Cable (France)
Abstract: The presentation will give an overview of the Technical issues
regarding the integration of new High Voltage (HV) and Extra High
Voltage (EHV) cable systems in the Network of Abu Dhabi in the voltage
ranges from 145 kV to 420 kV. The presentation
will cover Design, Testing, Installation, After Laying tests, Operation
and Monitoring, and focus on operator's needs regarding thermal rating
of the systems.
2:45 - 3:15 PM : Importance of Soil Thermal Characteristic
for Cable Rating, by Deepak Parmar, Geotherm, Inc.
Abstract : All the heat generated by an underground power cable must be
dissipated through the soil in which it is buried. This is quantified by
the soil thermal resistivity (or thermal rho, (C-cm/W), which can vary
from 30 to 500 C-cm/W. Electrical Engineers understands the performance
of the cable quite well, but to most, the soil behavior is a mystery,
usually handled by using a thermal backfill with a supposedly "safe"
thermal rho. The ability of the surrounding soil to transfer the heat
determines whether an operating cable remains cool or overheats.
Improving the external thermal environment and accurately defining the
soil and backfill thermal rho commonly results in a 10% to 15% increase
in cable ampacity, with 30% improvements noted in some cases. The
presentation will cover the parameters that control the thermal
resistivity and thermal stability of soil and corrective thermal
backfills. Case studies with slides of route thermal surveys of
underground and submarine power cables as well as wind-farm projects
will be presented.
- 3:15 - 3:30 PM Break
3:30 - 4:00 PM : Sinatra 230kV Transmission Projects - NV Energy,
by Dennis McAninch, NV Energy
Abstract: In the Spring of 2009, NV Energy completed the Sinatra 230kV
Transmission Project consisting of approximately 2.4 miles of double
circuit 230kV line with overhead and underground sections providing a
loop connection to the new Sinatra Substation. Of the 2.4 miles of new
line, approximately one mile of the line is underground in two (2)
parallel duct bank systems. The underground section of the line crosses
under Interstate -15 in two 42-inch casings pipes then using a
combination of public and private easements along Dean Martin Drive,
Tropicana Avenue and Valley View Blvd to a pair of riser structures at
Valley View and Naples Drive. Along the route the duct banks cross under
an 84-inch water line which feeds a major portion of the Las Vegas
4:00 - 4:30 PM : Field Performance of Medium Voltage Polyethylene
Cable in a Conduit System, by Jon Erickson, San Diego Gas &
Abstract: This presentation will discuss the field performance of medium
voltage unjacketed high molecular weight and crosslinked polyethylene
cable installed in a conduit system at San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E).
It will also discuss the performance of medium voltage jacketed
crosslinked and tree retardant crosslinked polyethylene cable installed
in a conduit system at SDG&E. Unjacketed polyethylene cable began to be
installed at SDG&E in the mid 1960's and failure data has been collected
for this cable from the point that it started to fail until today.
Jacketed cable began to be installed around 1980 and failure data has
also been collected for this cable and will be presented. Data on poor
performing vintages and seasonal failures will be discussed. Cable
failures rates will be presented as well as cable failure projections.
4:30 - 5:00 PM : Energizing the Gjoa Oil and Gas Platform with a
Dynamic Power Cable, by Marc Jeroense, ABB Sweden
Abstract: The oil and gas industry is constantly reviewing and judging
the possibilities of new investments to explore new or upgrade existing
oil and gas fields. An example of the exploration of a new oil and gas
field is Gjoa, which is located approximately 100 km northwest of
Bergen, Norway. The water depth in the area is 380 m, and a dynamic HV
cable rising from the seabed to the floating production facility was
needed. A floating platform needs a considerably different cable concept
than a static platform. The dynamic cable has to withstand the
substantial mechanical stresses due to weather conditions and depth.
Required fatigue properties are essential. Due to the high voltage of
the power transmission, a radial water barrier was needed. No such cable
has been developed or been commercially available earlier. A dynamic
High Voltage XLPE cable was developed and qualified by ABB and Statoil.
The cable has double armouring and a welded copper sheath as a radial
water barrier and screen for the cable. Lead is normally used for this
purpose but due to the extensive dynamic mechanical loading of the cable
lead can not be used in this application. Without the required fatigue
properties of the screen it will lose its function both as a water
barrier protecting the XLPE insulation and as an electrical conducting
sheath. It is the first time welded copper is used as a screen in a high
voltage submarine cable. The dynamic part of the cable is about 1.5 km
long whereas the remaining static part measures 99.5 km. This section is
designed for a water depth of about 550 m. The two parts were spliced in
a transition joint. The cable is designed for Um = 123 kV. A fibre optic
cable with 48 fibre elements was integrated in the cable. The fibre
optic cable is used for main communication from the platform to shore,
temperature monitoring close to the platform as well as regulation of
the electrical system onshore. Required safety systems and functions
located onshore are connected to the platform via dedicated fibres in
the cable. This highly innovative project has resulted in a major step
in diminishing environmental loading. This was done by means of the
Power from Shore concept and the use of a world record long HVAC
submarine cable where extreme mechanical loadings are met by abandoning
lead and introducing welded copper as a sheath.
5:00 - 5:30 PM : Hop Scotching Biscayne Bay with Horizontal
Directional Drilling for Florida Power and Light's 138 kV High Pressure
Gas Filled Pipe-Type Cable Circuit, by Earle C. (Rusty) Bascom, III,
PDC, and Joseph Rezutko, Florida Power and Light
Abstract: Florida power and Light contracted the construction of a 138kV
high-pressure gas-filled pipe-type cable circuit between Miami and Miami
Beach to reinforce the reliability of power in the area. Design and
construction of the project presented many technical challenges. This
presentation summarizes considerations for cable system selection and
design, route selection, civil construction methods, weather,
installation contingency management, and commissioning.
- 5:30 - 5:35 PM : Closing Remarks
Subcommittee D - Generating
Station Cables - Tuesday, March 23, 2010, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- 8:00 - 8:15: Subcommittee D Business/Announcements
- 8:15 – 8:55:
Update on P1682, Fiber Optic Seismic Qualification
and New Fiber Optic Designs, by Jan Pirrong/CableLAN Products, Inc.
Abstract: The current status of P1682 (Qualification of Fiber Optic
Cable) will be presented, followed by a review of recent seismic
qualification of fiber optic assemblies for Class 1E applications and
finally an update on new fiber optic cable designs for nuclear power
plants, particularly a completely gel-free loose tube cable.
- 8:55 - 9:40:
Medium Voltage Cable Condition Monitoring and
Qualification Considerations, by Bob Minadeo/Kinectrics
Abstract: US Installed nuclear cable (Class 1E) has received
considerable regulatory and operational attention. This attention has
been largely attributable to failures of installed cable and commitments
by nuclear utilities in their license renewal applications to implement
cable aging management programs. Considerable attention has been given
to wet, underground cable and the issue of submergence. In response to
these issues, a revision to IEEE 383 is planned to address condition
monitoring and the issue of submergence. Testing techniques will be
presented that assess underground MV cable and identify degraded areas.
Testing results from actual field cable will be used to illustrate the
techniques. Additionally, qualification considerations to address long
term submergence for 1E cable will be presented and discussed.
- 9:40 - 10:05:
Modeling the Thermal Response of Power Cables in a
Fire Exposure, by Marshall Sharp/Southwest Research Institute
Abstract: A different approach to the design process for fire resistant
power cables, often referred to as performance based design, will be
presented. This process utilizes modeling of cable systems for code
compliance, rather than using standardized test results. A 2-D thermal
model is developed based on the cross-sectional geometry of the cable.
Material properties can be measured by means of thermo-gravimetric
analysis and differential scanning calorimetry or may be determined
using a parameter estimation technique. The standard time-temperature
relationship from ASTM E119 or UL 2196 can be used as a boundary
condition. The method can be used to determine if the melting point of
the conductor is exceeded, or if ignition of insulation materials will
- 10:05 – 10:25: Break
- 10:25 - 11:05:
Assuring Critical Cable System Reliability with
Effective Diagnostics, by Ben Lanz/IMCORP
Abstract: Through the use of off-line 50/60Hz partial discharge (PD)
diagnostics (a Defect Specific Diagnostic -DSD- technology), critical
facility owners have been able to repeat the manufacturers’ PD test in
the field and use cable system profile information to dramatically
improve the reliability and availability of their power cable system
assets. Data and test comparison case studies collected over the last
decade demonstrate this dramatic improvement in cable system
- 11:05 – 11:35:
Low Smoke Zero Halogen Cable Technology, by
Bob Gehm/Rockbestos Surprenant
Abstract: With today’s heightened awareness of security and life safety
issues; there is a rapidly growing trend toward LSZH technology in the
domestic wire and cable industry. This paper will explain and contrast
the base fire suppression mechanisms involved in both traditional
halogenated and the new wave of zero halogen systems. It will explore
the deficiencies of early versions of non-halogenated flame retardants
which effectively block their acceptance in North America and delineate
the advances of state of the art materials that will lead to their
acceptance into our markets.
Subcommittee F - Field Testing and Diagnostics - Wednesday,
March 24, 2010, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
0800 - 0810 : Subcommittee & Working Group Business
F01W Status Report (IEEE 400), Yingli Wen
F03W Status Report (IEEE 400.2), John Densley
0810 - 0840 : The use of Pulse Shape in PD testing of Transmission
and Distribution Cable Systems, by Luigi Testa, Techimp
0840 - 0910 :
Practical Smart Withstand Programs by Craig
Goodwin, HV Diagnostics
0910 - 0940 :
“Influence of Performing VLF Withstand Tests on Degraded Joints
(Preliminary. Results)” J.F. Drapeau, IREQ, and Jacques Côté,
Hydro-Québec Distribution
0940 - 1010 :
Investigation of VLF Test Parameters Josh Perkel
1010 - 1030 : Break
1030 - 1100 :
Applicability of Factory Test Criteria to Diagnostics
in the Field by Bill Temple, General Cable, Bill Taylor, 3M
1100 - 1130 :
Can PD Measurements bring Clarity to HV Commissioning
Tests? by Mark Fenger, KINECTRICS
1130 – 1200 :
The development of an Asset Management discussion model
for 50 kV SCFF cable circuits, by Aloys Bun (Liander Asset
Management), Kelvin Hooft van Huisduijnen (Delft University), Frank de
Vries (Liandon)
Transnational Luncheon
- Tuesday, March 23, 2010, 12:15 - 2:00 PM
Opening by Wim Boone
International calendar of events, Wim Boone
Connecting a 400 MW offshore wind farm cluster to the net by
HVDC light, Marc Jeroense ABB
Type testing of a new 220 kV cable system from South East Asia,
Thailand by Churdpong Maneesin, Phelps Dodge International Corporation
An overview of 500 kV XLPE cable projects and completion of 500kV
PQ test in China, Shoji Mashio, Sumitomo Electric USA, Inc
AC, DC and superconductive technologies for power transmission
under high voltage and high current, Pierre Mirebeau, Nexans
Last CIGRE B1 Publications: TB 398 (Third Party Damage) and TB 403
(shared structures)
8. Next CIGRE session (2010 ) in Paris, Pierre Argaut
- Educational Program
- High Voltage DC Land and Submarine Cable Systems - Wednesday,
March 24, 2010, 1:00 - 5:00 PM
Fundamentals of High Voltage DC Land and Submarine Cable Systems:
by Mark Jeroense, ABB Cables, Sweden
Practical Considerations for High Voltage DC Land and Submarine
Cable Systems: by Ernesto Zaccone, Prysmian Cables, retired
Utility Experience with HVDC Submarine Cables Operation: by
Sudhakar Cherukupalli, BC Hydro and Allen MacPhail, Cabletricity, Canada
NEW! 0.4 CEUs will be offered for
this session. You must register in order to receive CEUs. (Please
note, in order to receive these credits towards a Florida PE License,
you MUST provide Thomas Arnold with your FL PE License number prior to the
Return to the Spring 2010 page
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