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Latest ICC News & Announcements
- December 15, 1997 - New Subcommitee Chairmen Announced
- Vice Chairman Rick Hartlein announced changes in the leadership of
several Subcommittee. In Subcommittee 2,
Shantanu Nandi will be taking over for Gary Polhill, in SC-3,
John Cooper will be taking over for Larry
Kelly, in SC-7, Shayne Wright will replace
Fred Koch and in SC-13,
Harry Orton will take over from Ralph Samm. The changes are necessary as the result of
pending retirements or changing job commitments. Each of these new Chairmen have very
large shoes to fill. They'll need your continued support to be successful.
- December 5, 1997 - Refund Checks to Go Out Soon
- Vice Chairman Rick Hartlein announced that those who requested a refund
for Gala Tickets, should expect to receive a check shortly. These will be mailed out
within the next week.
- December 5, 1997 - Have You Stopped Laughing Yet?
- If you weren't at St. Pete for the Fall 1997 meeting then you missed a
great address by Dr. Lowell Catlett. He made us think about the role that cable engineers
play in shaping the future. The main ballroom reverberated with laughter throughout his
talk. Several have asked about contacting Dr. Catlett to speak at other meetings. He can
be reached through Convention Connection at (310) 459-0159.
- December 1, 1997 - Its Almost 1998. ICC Officers Will
Change on January 1st
- On January 1st, when we begin our second 50 years, we'll also welcome our
new officers, Rick Hartlein, who moves
up from Vice-Chairman/Secretary to Chairman, and Mike Walker, who will now assume the
duties of Vice-Chairman/Secretary. Our thanks go to Matt Mashikian for his leadership during
these past two years.
- November 14, 1997 - Changes Coming to the IEEE Standards
Balloting Process
- Don't forget, due to changes in the IEEE Standards Balloting Process, if
you want to vote on standards and guides you have to join the IEEE Standards
Association. If you are concerned about this change and wish to express your
opinion, please contact IEEE headquarters. The ICC does not establish these policies.
- November 5, 1997 - 480 Cable Engineers Attend Fall 1997
ICC Meeting
- Vice Chairman Rick Hartlein announced the final registration figures from
the Fall 1997 ICC Meeting. Four hundred eighty engineers from all over the world met
for three and a half days. Slightly over 400 attended the ICC's 50th Anniversary
Celebration of Tuesday evening. Thanks to all who helped make this one of the best ICC
meetings ever.
- November 3, 1997 - Charlie Von Hermann Named Recipient of
the ICC Distinguished Service Award
- Past ICC Chairman Ted Balaska announced that Charlie Von Hermann had been
named the recipient of the ICC's Distinguished
Service Award in recognition of his many years of meritorious service to the ICC and
to the cable industry. Our congratulations go out to Charlie!
- October 30, 1997 - ICC Website Relocates - New URL
- We've moved! The ICC Website is still on the IEEE server but is now located
in the Power Engineering Society directory. If you used your old bookmark to get here, you
should update our address so that you will load faster in the future. Our new URL is
- October 21, 1997 - Some Last Minute Remiders for the Fall
1997 Meeting
- ICC Vice Chairman Rick Hartlein has some last minute reminders for your trip to
St. Pete:
- 1. There is a $5 daily parking charge at the Don CeSar for
people who are not staying at the Don CeSar. Also, parking at the Don CeSar is limited,
and there is no place to park near the Don CeSar. Therefore, a shuttle bus will be run
between the Don CeSar and the Tradewinds early in the morning and in the late afternoon as
- 2. The meeting is business casual except for the Tuesday evening
50th Anniversary dinner which is 'coat-and-tie' (tux is optional).
- 3. The GALA reception at the Don Cesar is now planned for the
5th floor instead of the pool area.
- 4. In a change to the schedule for the Kickoff and
Plenary Session on Monday morning, Bruce Bernsein will speak on behalf of Clive Reed,
Chairman of CIGRE Study Committee 15
- October 20, 1997 - WG 10-43 Agenda for Fall 1997 Meeting
- WG Chairman Tom Black announced the agenda for the 10-43 (Investigation of Power
Cable, Joint and Termination Failures) meeting on Nov. 4th in St. Pete.
- October 16, 1997 - WG 5-25 Agenda for Fall 1997 Meeting
- WG Chairman John Densley announced the agenda for the 5-25 (Performance of Extruded
Dielectrics) meeting on Nov. 3rd in St. Pete. Several special presentations are
featured. You won't want to miss this one.
- October 15, 1997 - Detailed Agenda Announced for the Kickoff
and Plenary Session
- ICC Vice-Chairman released a detailed agenda for the Monday
morning Kickoff and Plenary Session. The Session will feature some business, the
announcement of awards, remarks by invited guests and an address by our keynote speaker.
The Kickoff and Plenary Session is part of the new look of ICC. Don't miss it!
- October 7, 1997 - Fall 1997 Didactic Panelists Announced
- Subcommittee 12 Chairman, Nagu Srinivas, announced the names of the panelists for
the Fall 1997 Didactic on Utility
Practices of Field Testing of Medium and High Voltage Cables.
- September 19, 1997 - Volunteers Needed in St. Pete
- The ICC is looking for volunteers to help with on-site
registration at St. Pete. We need help for Sunday afternoon and Monday and Tuesday
mornings. Even if you only have an hour or two to spare, you can be of great assistance.
- September 18, 1997 - What's New on the ICC Web?
- It can be difficult to know what has changed on the ICC Web without a lot of
surfing, so we've added a What's New on the ICC Web page where
we post links to major additions and changes.
- September 15, 1997 - Spring 1997 ICC Awards Posted
- At the Spring 1997 ICC meeting in Scottsdale, AZ, several members were recognized
for their contributions to Standards and Guides, John Tanaka was recognized for his
distinguished service and John Cooper was recognized for having been made a Fellow of the
IEEE. See the Awards
and Recognition page for details. Congratulations to each recipient!.
- September 11, 1997 - Abstracts of ICC Sponsored Technical
- The ICC sponsors numerous papers which are subsequently printed in one of the
three PES Transactions. Thanks to the PES, you can view the abstracts of these papers on-line.
- September 9, 1997 - ICC Surveys are On-Line
- Thanks to the IEEE Electronic Communications Staff, your responses to ICC Surveys can be submitted over the Internet. Be
sure to visit this area from often and voice your opinion.
- September 3, 1997 - Chairman Mashikian Announces Fall
Meeting Details
- ICC Chairman Matthew Mashikian recently extended an invitation to ICC members and
friends to attend our 50th Anniversary Meeting November 2-5th. Check out the Fall 1997 Page to see the
- August 27, 1997 - Subcommittee 11 Meetings in St Pete
- Subcommittee 11 Chairman David Bogden announced today that SC-11 will jointly
meet with WG 11-23 and WG 11-28 at the Fall 1997 ICC meeting in St. Petersburg, FL. A
special presentation will be given on the removal of cables which are stuck in ducts.
Check the SC 11 Homepage for details.
- August 26, 1997 - The ICC in Berlin
- ICC Vice-Chair Rick Hartlein recently attended the 1997 IEEE Summer PES Meeting
in Berlin, Germany. The ICC sponsored five panel sessions at that meeting. See his preliminary report on the panel sessions for more details.
- August 18, 1997 - The Don is On-Line
- The ICC returns to the Don Cesar in St Petersburg Beach, FL for its 50th
Anniversary Celebration. Visit the Don
on-line as you plan your trip.
- July 24, 1997 - Fall Didactic
- Greg Mastoras announced that the Didactic session at the Fall 1997 ICC meeting
will be on Cable Testing in the Field - Utility Practices. Starting with
this meeting, the Didactic will be held on Wednesday afternoon. Make plans now to attend.
Check back here for more details as they become available.
- July 22, 1997 - ICC Orientation
- Past ICC Chairman Lauri Hiivala has been conducting orientation sessions at
recent ICC meetings to help our guests and new members get a solid understanding of how
our organization works. We've posted a
copy of the Orientation Session overheads to introduce you to the ICC.
- July 22, 1997 - Preliminary Agenda for the Fall 1997
- Chairman Matt Mashikian released a preliminary agenda for the Fall
1997 ICC Meeting/Celebration.
- July 21, 1997 - On-to-100 Committee
- As we approach our 50th anniversary, some of your fellow ICC members are already
thinking about the next 50 years. Vice-Chairman Rick Hartlein recently released the minutes of the
inaugural On-to-100 Committee meeting which was held in Scottsdale, AZ. Visit this
page for a glimpse of our future.
- July 7, 1997 - ICC Celebration Sponsors Update
- Lauri Hiivala released an updated list of companies who have signed on as
sponsors of the ICC's 50th Anniversary Celebration set for November 2-5, 1997. To find
out how you can join this growing list, check out the Sponsorship page.
- July 1, 1997 - Take the Survey!!
- Don't forget to periodically check the to see the latest ICC Surveys. Right now Subcommittee 11 is
looking for your feedback on the need for a manhole guide.
- June 30, 1997 - Fall Meeting Agendas Are Due
- The 1997 Fall ICC Meeting is fast approaching. Subcommittee and Working Group
Chairmen need to finalize their agendas and get them to Kent Brown at k.w.brown@ieee.org for posting here on the ICC Web.
- May 15, 1997 - Improve communications with an IEEE e-mail
- If your e-mail address has more letters than an EPR formula, then you need an IEEE alias. Its free,
easy, and only takes about 5 minutes to request.
- May 9, 1997 - First group of sponsors announced
- Vice-Chairman Rick Hartlein released the first list of companies who have signed on as
sponsors of the ICC's 50th Anniversary Celebration set for November 2-5, 1997. To find
out how you can join this growing list, check out the Sponsorship page.
- April 23, 1997 - 101st ICC Meeting
- The Spring 1997 meeting in Scottsdale, AZ ended today. A total of 324 cable
engineers from all over the world attended the four day event.
- April 22, 1997 - New Meeting Format
- Chairman Mashikian announced in the Spring 1997 Business meeting in Scottsdale,
AZ that the format of ICC meeting will change. The new format will first appear at the
Fall 1997 meeting in St. Petersberg, FL. The Adcomm meeting will move to Sunday afternoon.
Monday morning will feature New Member Orientation and Working Group Chairmen meetings at
7 am, followed by a Kickoff and Preview session from 8-9 am. The Awards and Recognition
meeting will be held from 9-10:30 and will include an address by Dr. Lowell Catlett.
Dr. Catlett, a noted futurist from the University of New Mexico, has tentatively entitled
his presentation, Future Worlds, Future Minds. Working Group meetings will begin at
10:30 and and continue through 3:30 pm on Tuesday. Subcommittee meetings will start at
3:45 pm on Tuesday and wrap-up at noon on Wednesday. Wednesday afternoon will be reserved
for an expanded educational program, which takes the place of the old Sunday afternoon
Didactic. This schedule is TENTATIVE, so check back here for more news and be sure to
visit the Fall 1997 page.
- April 22, 1997 - ICC 50th Anniversary Meeting Sponsorships
- Lauri Hiivala announced that sponsorship opportunities still exist for companies
wishing to help the ICC celebrate its 50th
anniversary November 2-5, 1997 at the Don CeSar Beach Resort in St. Petersburg, FL. To
learn more about how your company can help support of this special celebration, visit the Sponsorship page.
- April 22, 1997 - New ICC Officers
- Chairman Mashikian announced that Mike Walker is the ICC Vice Chair/Treasurer
elect. Mashikian also noted that ICC now has two Assistant Secretary positions. The first
is responsible for Membership. It has been filled by Wes Spencer. The second, will be
known as the Recording Secretary. It has been filled by Jim Medek.
Website - What's New 1997
ICC Web Update No. 27
- Updated the ICC News page
- Added a Bibliography for WG 6-7
- Flame-Retardant and Arc-Resistant Blankets, Coatings and Tapes
ICC Web Update No. 26
ICC Web Update No. 25
- Added a
detailed schedule of the Plenary Session of the Fall 1997 ICC Meeting in St. Pete.
- Added the Fall 1997 meeting
agenda for WG 5-25
- Added minutes from previous ICC meetings for the following SC's and WG's:
ICC Web Update No. 24
- Added biographical sketches of the panelists for the Fall 1997 Didactic on Utility
Practices of Field Testing of Medium and High Voltage Cables.
- Added minutes from the Spring 1997 meeting for numerous SC's and WG's:
ICC Web Update No. 23
- Updated the ICC News page.
- Added info on the Fall
1997 Didactic session sponsored by SC 12.
- Added minutes from the Spring 1997 meeting for the following SC's and
ICC Web Update No. 22
- Added a biographical sketch of
John H. Cooper, one of our ICC family who was recently elected as a Fellow of the
- WG
2-14 announced its agenda for the fall 1997 meeting.
- Added minutes from the Spring 1997 meeting for the following SC's and
- SC 3 - Cable
- WG
3-1 - Ampacity
- WG
3-51 - Sheath Bonding
- WG 3-56
- Cable Designs Resistant to Moisture
3-57 - Magnetic Field of Underground Cables
- WG
3-58 - Remaining Life of Paper/Oil Cables
- SC 4 - Conductors
- SC 5 - Insulations
- WG 5-25
- Performance of Extruded Dielectrics
- WG 5-28 -
Gas in Fluids Analysis
- SC 13 -
- WG
14-2 - Fiber Optic Cable Installation
- WG
14-4 - Evaluating Installed Station Cable
- WG
14-6 - Firestop Qualification
- WG
14-7 - Ampacity Derating Factors
ICC Web Update No. 21
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