The ICC Website is changing. As this transition is made, our new format
can be found at www.pesicc.org/ICCWP.
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Latest ICC News & Announcements
- December 7, 2000 - First Spring 2001 Details Released
- Though the official invitation won't go out for some time yet, Chairman
Walker has released preliminary details of his plans for the upcoming meeting. While the
rest of us are cold and thinking of heading south, the Chairman (warm and snug in Houston)
is thinking of spring in Dearborn. Check out the updated Spring 2001 page to get
all the latest.
- December 4, 2000 - ICC Grievance Procedure Posted
- Got a gripe? Since dueling is against the law and we don't want to turn
the ICC into an imitation of the WWF, the Chairman has posted some guidelines to follow when we get into
disputes (whoever said engineers aren't passionate, never attended some of our
- December 4, 2000 - Application Form Posted for the Spring
2001 ICC Mini-Expo
- The Spring 2001 meeting will feature a Mini-Expo which provides vendors
an opportunity to display their wares before the entire ICC. Chairman Walker has posted
the guidelines and an application form. Space is
limited, so get make your reservation soon.
- November 17, 2000 - Pictures from the Fall 2000 Meeting
- Thanks to Joe Dudas and his trusty digital camera, we can look back and
see some of the highlights
of the Fall 2000 meeting.
- November 8, 2000 - Tom Black Named as Vice
Chairman/Treasurer Elect
- Chairman Mike Walker announced that Tom Black of Colorado Springs
Utilities has accepted the position of ICC Vice Chairman/Treasurer Elect. He will formally
take over the position on January 1, 2001. Walker said, "I am sure all of you will
join me in welcoming Tom into the leadership of the ICC and supporting him in this
- October 26, 2000 - Fall WG Schedule Change
- WG D6, Installation of Fiber Optics Cable Power Generating Stations
and Industrial Facilities has canceled its Tuesday afternoon meeting for Fall 2000.
Both Chairman White and Vice Chairman Brown have been detained due to unexpected problems
at their respective plants. They apologize for this last minute change. The WG will meet
in the Spring.
- October 26, 2000 - Review Document for C19 WG Posted
- The C19 WG, Partial Discharge Testing in the Field IEEE
400.3, will be meeting on Wednesday afternoon to discuss comments received on their most
recent draft. They have posted a copy of those comments and
are requesting that attendees reveiw them prior to the meeting.
- October 25, 2000 - IEC Test Comparison Posted for Joint
B1/B2 WG Meeting
- Bill Taylor, Chairman of WG B1, and Glenn Luzzi, Chairman of WG B2, have
announced a joint meeting for Tuesday, October 31st in St Pete. To help you prepare, they
have posted several documents for your review. The latest is a comparison of IEC standards
60502 and 60840. See the announcement
on the Fall Meeting page for details.
- October 12, 2000 - New Draft of IEEE P82 Posted
- Vern Buchholz, Chairman of WG C14, has posted draft 0.1 of IEEE P82, Draft
Test Procedure for Impulse Voltage Tests on Insulated Conductors on the ICC Download
page. The draft is available in MS-Word and Adobe Acrobat format.
- September 28, 2000 - Working Group C19 Agenda Announced
- Dr. Matt Mashikian, Chairman of C19, Partial Discharge Testing in the
Field IEEE 400.3, has posted a special agenda for the
Fall 2000 meeting.
- September 28, 2000 - New Draft of IEEE P1539 Posted
- Working Group C8 Chairman Torben Aabo has posted draft 2 of IEEE P1539, IEEE
Guide for Testing Transmission Cable Systems with Extruded Insulation Part 1, 69 kV
through 150 kV on the ICC Download
page. The guide is available as a MS-Word document and in PDF format.
- September 20, 2000 - Spring Minutes
- ICC Secretary, Jim Medek, has advised us that minutes from the
Albuquerque meeting will be mailed this week. He noted that there had some delay as the
result of changes that we've made in the way we prepare the files for printing. The good
news is that those changes have resulted in crisper, clearer print.
- September 2, 2000 - Standards Presentation Posted from
Spring AEIC/ICEA Meeting
- At the Albuquerque meeting of the AEIC and ICEA, Lauri Hiivala gave a
presentation on pending
changes to some of our most important cable standards. We've posted his presentation
as an Adobe (*.pdf) file.
- August 31, 2000 - WG A7W Chairman Announces Posting
- Ken Bow, Chairman of WG A7W (old 6-3) has posted a copy of IEEE 532-1993, Guide for Selecting and Testing Jackets for
Underground Cables, on the ICC Download
page for group members use as they begin the work of revising that document.
- August 29, 2000 - Joint B1/B2 Working Group Meeting
- Bill Taylor, Chairman of WG B1, and Glenn Luzzi, Chairman of WG B2, have
announced a joint meeting for Tuesday, October 31st in St Pete. To help you prepare, they
have posted two documents for your review: a Comparison of IEEE 48 and
IEEE 404 Test Values and a Comparison of
Splice and Termination Test Requirements. Both documents are in MS-Word format.
- August 26, 2000 - Fall 2000 Educational Program Announced
- Educational Program Chairman Steve Szaniszlo has assembled a great
program for the fall meeting. The topic will be Fundamentals of Partial
Discharge in the Context of Field Cable Testing.
Please take note, the Educational Program will be held on
Monday afternoon this year from 1:00 pm - 5:30 pm.
- August 21, 2000 - Fall 2000 Meeting Details Posted
- Chairman Mike Walker has been hard at work. He has just released his invitation to the Fall meeting,
the info on the Spouses Tours,
the meeting agenda, hotel and discount travel info and
the all-important meeting
registration form. Make your plans and get your sun-screen ready.
- August 14, 2000 - New Draft of IEEE 400-2 Posted
- Working Group C-18 Chairman, Hans Gnerlich, revision 5 of guideline
400-2, "Guide for Field Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems Using Very Low
Frequency (VLF)", has been posted on the ICC Download
page. The guide is available as a MS-Word document and in PDF format.
- August 5, 2000 - Spring 2000 Minutes from Subcommittee C
- Subcommittee C's Chairman, John Cooper, has posted the minutes of his SC C and its various
Working Groups from the Albuquerque meeting.
- August 4, 2000 - Special Travel Discounts and Room Rates
Announced for Fall 2000
- Chairman Mike Walker has announced special travel and hotel rates for the
Fall meeting. Get the latest details on the Fall 2000 page.
- July 20, 2000 - Spring 2000 Minutes from Subcommittee B
- Subcommittee B's Chairman, Bob Gear, has posted the minutes of his SC B and its
various Working Groups from the Albuquerque meeting.
- July 10, 2000 - New Draft of IEEE P1186 Posted
- Working Group D7 has posted draft 10 of IEEE P1186, Evaluation of
Installed Cable Systems, on the ICC Download page. Chairman Ken Hancock, would like your review and
feedback of the draft. Click the Download button on the menu panel to transfer to the
- July 5, 2000 - Norm Burns Named IEEE Fellow
- Our own Norm Burns was
recently named a Fellow of the IEEE in recognition of his work on the development of
semiconducting shields for power cables. Congratulations Norm! There are many other ICC
members who have been selected as a Fellow. You'll want to check the ICC IEEE Fellows
page to see who they are. If you know of someone who has been selected but does not
appear on the list, drop Kent Brown a note.
- July 3, 2000 - Subcommittee D Minutes from Spring 2000
- Subcommittee D Chairman, Kent Brown, has posted his Spring 2000 minutes.
- June 24, 2000 - Presentations Announced for Fall 2000
- Subcommittee B's Chairman, Bob Gear, has posted the first of many presentation abstracts for the Fall
2000 meeting. Not to be outdone, Subcommittee D has also posted six tentative titles
and presenters for the meeting.
- June 9, 2000 - New Draft of IEEE 634 Posted
- Working Group D8 has posted draft 5 of IEEE 634, Cable Penetration
Fire Stop Qualification Test, on the ICC Download page. Chairman John White j.l.white@ieee.org would like your review and
feedback of the draft. Click the Download button on the menu panel to transfer to the
- June 9, 2000 - More Minutes from Subcommittee D Posted
- Scott Groesbeck and Kent Brown have posted minutes from the D8 and D6 meetings in Albuquerque.
- June 7, 2000 - Pictures from the Albuquerque Meeting
- Thanks to Joe Dudas, we've got some great pictures from the Spring 2000
meeting in Albuquerque, NM.
- June 1, 2000 - Early Minutes from Albuquerque
- BICCGeneral's Chris Durland is on the ball. He's already posted minutes
for WG D4 and WG D5 from the Spring 2000
- May 19, 2000 - A New Button on Your Menu
- Look to the left of your screen, there's a new button: Education. Beginning with the Spring 2000 meeting,
we'll be posting slides from our Educational Programs.
- May 19, 2000 - Spring 2000 Educational Program a Smash
Hit !
- The Spring meeting in Albuquerque featured an Educational Program on Basic Power
Cable Design given by Carl Landinger and Bruce Bernstein. Many thanks to
their efforts in preparing this great program and many more thanks for releasing their
slides to be posted on the ICC web.
- May 17, 2000 - ICC Member Claus Doench Remembered at the
Spring Meeting
- ICC member Claus Doench, who passed away suddenly in January, was
remembered at the Spring 2000 meeting with a eulogy
by friend and collegue at Pirelli Cables, Carroll Lindler. A moment of silence was
observed in his honor.
- May 17, 2000 - Albuquerque Meeting Comes to an End
- Three hundred and seven engineers from around the country and the world
converged on beautiful Albuquerque, NM for the Spring ICC meeting. New Working
Groups met, technical battles were won and lost, and mass quantities of Tex-Mex food was
consumed. Check back, we'll be adding details soon.
- May 17, 2000 - Fall 2000 Educational Program Announced
- Educational Program Chairman Steve Szanislo announced today that the Fall
2000 Educational Program will cover the topic of Partial Discharge Testing.
This is a subject of wide interest and one you'll not want to miss.
- May 9, 2000 - Meeting Agenda Updates
- Your webmaster has been busy incorporating last minute up to the Spring
meeting pages. You'll want to check out the Presentation Page. Not only
will you find titles and abstracts for all of the presentations to be made in each
subcommittee, you'll find special announcements about Working Group activities, a bio on
our Keynote Speaker and the course outline for the Educational Program.
- May 5, 2000 - Draft 8 of IEEE P-1428 Posted
- Working Group D6 Chairman John White of Texas Utilities has posted draft 8 of
IEEE P-1428, Installation of Fiber Optic Cables in Generating Stations and
Industrial Facilities, on the ICC Download
page. The group would appreciate your review and comments. Send them to Chairman White
at j.l.white@ieee.org
- May 5, 2000 - Draft 3 of IEEE 400-3 Posted
- Matt Mashikian, Chairman of the Working Group developing the a Guide
for Partial Discharge Testing in the Field (IEEE 400-3) has posted draft 3 of the
Guide on the ICC
Download page and solicits your comments as soon as possible.
Send your comments to Dr Mashikian at MASHIKIAN@aol.com
- May 3, 2000 - Mini-Expo Exhibitors Announced
- Vice Chairman Ken Bow has released the names of the companies who will have
displays at the Spring 2000 Mini-Expo. Its not too late if you'd like to showcase your
products and services. See the Expo
info page for all the details.
- May 3, 2000 - Pre-load Sessions in Albuquerque
- Chairman Mike Walker reminds all speakers that presentation pre-load
sessions will be held Sunday afternoon from 2-4 p.m. and Monday through Wednesday from 7
to 8 a.m.
- May 2, 2000 - New AdHoc Group to Meet in Albuquerque
- Subcommittee C Chairman John Cooper has announced that a new AdHoc
working group on Real Time Rating with Distributed Temperature Monitoring will
meet on Tuesday, May 16th. Mohamed Chaaban of IREQ will lead the group.
- April 21, 2000 - Spring Agenda Grows
- The
Presentation page continues to rapidly change. There are new postings from almost
every Subcommittee. You'll want to check back often.
- April 20, 2000 - Working Group Chairman Posts Draft of
IEEE P1511
- Tom Black, Chairman of WG B12, has posted draft 5 of IEEE P1511 on the ICC Download
page. The document, Draft Guide for Investigating and Analyzing Power Cable,
Joint, and Termination Failures on Systems Rated 5kV through 46 kV, is available in
both MS-Word 97 and Adobe pdf formats. Chairman Black would appreciate your review and
comments at tblack@csu.org
- April 14, 2000 - Working Group on Network Manhole Fires
to be Revamped
- Subcommittee C Chairman John Cooper has announced that Sunil Pancholi of
Potomac Electric Power Company has agreed to take over as chairman of discussion group C10
(Network Manhole Fires, formerly 7-40) and will hold his first meeting, Tuesday
afternooon, May 16th, in Albuquerque. The first item of business will be to get
reorganized since there have been no meetings of this group for over a year. Mr. Pancholi
will make a presentation at the C10 meeting. He's submitted the following abstract: Pepco
provides electrical service to Washington DC and 2 Counties in the State of Maryland.
Pepco has 640 square miles service area and it serves 700,000 customers. Pepco has
significant underground distribution infrastructure, including 92,000 subsurface
structures such as manholes, tapholes, equipment holes and transformer vaults. In the 1st
Quarter of 2000, we experienced a few "manhole cover popping" phenomenon. A
couple of manhole fires were also experienced. The presentation will include Pepco's
efforts of conducting proactive inspections of underground distribution infrastructures.
Pepco's efforts to determine the potential causes leading to primary and/or secondary
fires will also discussed. Mr. Pancholi invites all discussion group members and
interested parties to attend.
- March 29, 2000 - More Presentations Posted on the Spring
2000 Page
- As the Spring meeting approaches, the Presentation page will
rapidly change. Subcommittee C chairman, John Cooper, has posted two items for their
Tuesday session. You'll want to check back often.
- March 17, 2000 - Spring 2000 Agenda Now Available
- Chairman Mike Walker has posted the preliminary agenda for the Spring
2000 meeting and an invitation
letter which includes many details to assist you as you plan your trip. The agenda
files are in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format. You'll need the Acrobat reader to view the
file. Its free from the Adobe website.
We've broken the agenda down, day-by-day: Saturday/Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Check the Spring 2000 Meeting page for
full details.
- March 16, 2000 - The Future of ICC
- At the Fall 1999 ICC meeting in St. Petersburg, Vice Chairman Ken Bow
gave the Keynote address on the Future of the ICC. We've previously posted his
presentation slides in both PowerPoint (ppt) and
Acrobat (pdf) format. We're now
pleased to make an abbreviated version of the text of his remarks
available here on the web. Our thanks to Ken for his insights.
- March 13, 2000 - Vice Chairman Recognizes Major ICC
Contributions to IEEE Standards
- Vice Chairman Ken Bow has recognized two recently published, ICC
generated, IEEE Standards as significant contributions to the field of cable engineering
and application. The first, IEEE 1242, Guide for Specifying and Selecting Power,
Control, and Special Purpose Cable for Petroleum and Chemical Plants, was published
August 31, 1999. The second, IEEE 1143, Guide on Shielding Practice for Low Voltage
Cables, was reaffirmed by the Board. Congratulations to those Working Groups. In
addition to those actions, the PAR for revision of P532, Guide for Selecting and
Testing Jackets for Underground Cables, was approved by the Board at their January
2000 meeting. The PAR for reaffirmation of P635, Guide for Selection and Design of
Aluminum Sheaths for Power Cables, was also approved by the Board at that meeting.
- March 9, 2000 - Spouse Tour Details Released for Spring
- Chairman Walker released details of the Spring 2000 Spouse
Tours. Great activities are scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, check it out!
- March 8, 2000 - Discount Travel Info Announced for Spring
- Chairman Mike Walker has announced discount travel arrangements
with Delta Air Lines and Avis.
- March 7, 2000 - More Details on the Educational Program
- Steve Szanislo has released an abstract for the materials
portion of the Spring 2000 Educational Program.
- March 3, 2000 - Meet Our Keynote Speaker
- The Keynote Speaker for Spring 2000, Manuel Lujan Jr., has been serving the
people of his region and his country for almost half a century. He brings this legacy of
service on a variety of energy and technology committees to his present position on the
Board of Directors of PNM. He'll share his insights with us on Monday May 15th in the
Opening Session.
- March 3, 2000 - First Details of the Spring 2000
Educational Program Released
- Steve Szanislo, ICC's Educational Program Chairman, has released partial details on the program
for Spring 2000. This year's session will focus on basic power cable design,
characteristics and materials.
- February 24, 2000 - Latest Draft of IEEE 400.2 Posted
- Working Group C18 Chairman, Hans Gnerlich, has posted draft 3 of the Guide
for Field Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems Using Very Low Frequency (VLF). The
Working Group is soliciting feedback from ICC members on this latest draft. Its available
for your review on the on the ICC Download
- February 23, 2000 - Keynote Speaker Named for Spring 99
ICC Meeting
- Sal Rodriquez, our local host for the Spring 99 meeting announced today
that the Keynote Speaker for the meeting will be Manuel Lujan Jr., a member of the Public
Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) board
of directors. Mr. Lujan was a U.S. Congressman representing the State of New Mexico for 22
years and was the Secretary of the Interior under the Bush Administration for 8 years. Our
thanks to Sal for his work in setting this up. We look forward to hearing from Mr Lujan.
We'll be posting more info regarding Mr Lujan as the meeting approaches.
- February 22, 2000 - Latest Draft of IEEE P1234 Posted
- Working Group C21 Chairman, Hans Gnerlich, has posted draft 11 of the Guide
for Fault Locating on Shielded Power Cables. The Working Group is soliciting feedback
from ICC members on this latest draft. Its available for your review on the on the ICC Download
- February 18, 2000 - The ICC Return to Colorado Springs
- Chairman Mike Walker recently announced that the ICC will return to
Colorado Springs, CO for its Spring 2002 meeting. We'll meet at the Antlers Adams Mark Hotel, April 28th -
May 1st. Rumors of the pending return to this senic location have been well received, but
most hope the weather is a bit better than 1995.
- February 16, 2000 - Meet Our Host Utility
- The Spring 2000
meeting in Albuquerque will be hosted by Public Service Company of New Mexico. The
2,800 PNM employees provide electricity to over 400,000 customers from their fossil and
nuclear facilities. PNM employee and ICC member Sal Rodriguez has been working to make our
stay an enjoyable one. Sal recommends the InAlbuquerque.com website as a great way to explore the city. Visit the PNM website to learn more about our meeting
- February 14, 2000 - Mini-Expo at the Albuquerque ICC
- Vice Chairman Ken Bow has posted the registration form for the ICC
Mini-Expo to be held at the Spring 2000 meeting. The Mini-Expo was a hit with
attendees at Spring 99, so vendors should sign up early while space is still available.
We'll be posting a list of attendees as the meeting approaches.
- February 7, 2000 - Accessories Subcommittee (SC B)
Minutes on the Web
- Subcommittee B Chairman, Bob Gear, has posted the minutes from Sub B and its various Working
Groups from the Fall 1999 meeting in St. Petersburg Beach, FL. See Bob's minutes to
catch up with the latest in the Accessories area.
- February 2, 2000 - Subcommittee A Minutes from the St.
Pete Meeting Posted
- Subcommittee A Chairman, Dave Bogden, has posted the minutes from Sub A and its various Working Groups
from the Fall 1999 meeting in St. Petersburg Beach, FL. Check out Dave's minutes to learn
about the latest in the Cable Construction and Design Subcommittee.
- January 27, 2000 - Subcommittee C Minutes from the St.
Pete Meeting Posted
- Subcommittee C Chairman, John Cooper, has posted the minutes from Sub C and its various Working Groups
from the Fall 1999 meeting in St. Petersburg Beach, FL. Be sure to check out John's
minutes to learn about the latest developments in the Cable Systems Subcommittee.
- January 20, 2000 - Subcommittee D Minutes from the St.
Pete Meeting Posted
- Subcommittee D Chairman, Arthur Fitzpatrick, has posted the minutes from Sub D and its various Working Groups
from the Fall 1999 meeting in St. Petersburg Beach, FL. While you'll have to wait for the
printed minutes to see the slides from the various presentations, Art's minutes will bring
you up to date on the latest activities in the Station, Control, and Utilization Cable
- January 14, 2000 - A Message from the ICC Chairman
- As one of his first official acts as our new Chairman, Mike Walker has
issued a brief letter of greetings
and a call to meet the challenges of the next two years with renewed commitment.
- January 5, 2000 - ICC Sponsors Sessions at the IEEE-PES Winter Meeting
- Going to the winter meeting in Singapore (January 23-27)? Be sure to
catch the ICC sponsored sessions. At this time two are planned. One is a panel session on
400-500 kV underground systems and the second is a poster session covering a variety of
topics. For the latest, check the PES website at http://www.ieee.org/organizations/society/power/
- January 5, 2000 - Mike Walker Assumes Position as ICC Chairman
- Mike Walker of Houston
Lighting and Power assumed the reigns of the ICC on January 1st, moving up from his former
position as Vice-Chairman. Mike will need the active participation of all ICC members to
continue the growth and progress that we have experienced over the last few years. Mike is
joined at the top by Ken Bow of Dow
Chemical, who starts his term as the Vice-Chairman. Rick Hartlein, will continue to serve as
an active officer in his new role of "immediate past chairman", advising Mike
and Ken where possible. Matt Mashikian,
after about six years in harness, will officially get a bit of a rest. Knowing Matt, he'll
be as busy as ever.
- January 4, 2000 - Thanks Rick !
- With the closing of 1999, the tenure of Rick Hartlein as ICC Chairman
comes to an end. It has been an incredibly busy and progressive couple of years. Rick
tackled the mammoth task of restructuring the ICC, reformatting its meetings and starting
the task of "computerizing" the organization. Many thanks to Rick for the hard
work and foresight (and for making the journey fun).
Website - What's New 2000
- December - Posted new ICC
Grievance Guidelines and details of the Spring 2001 Mini-Expo. Added a link
to the
of Ethics. Added minutes for
Sub D
and its Working Groups. Updated the Spring
2001 page.
- November - Posted pictures from the Fall 2000 meeting.
- October - Made numerous changes to the Fall 2000 Meeting page and the list of Technical Presentations.
- September - Posted a copy of Lauri Hiivala's Spring
2000 presentation on pending changes to cable standards. Made numerous changes to the Fall 2000 Meeting page and the list of Technical Presentations. Posted draft
2 of IEEE P1539 on the ICC Download site.
- August - Posted a copy of IEEE 532-1993 on the ICC Download
site. Announced special travel and room rates for Fall 2000, the meeting agenda, registration form, spouses tours and invitation letter. Posted minutes for Subcommittee C from the Spring Meeting.
Posted revision 5 of IEEE 400-2 on the ICC Download
page. Posted details of the
Fall 2000
Educational Program. Posted the Comparison of IEEE 48 and IEEE
404 Test Values and the Comparison of Splice and
Termination Test Requirements for the B1 and B2 WG meetings.
- July - Posted a biographical sketch of new IEEE Fellow, Norm Burns. Posted
Spring 2000 minutes from Subcommittee D.
Posted draft 10 of IEEE P1186 on the Download site.
Posted Spring 2000 minutes from
Subcommittee B.
- June - Posted minutes for Working Groups D4,
D5, D6W,
D8W and D10W from Spring 2000. Posted a
series of pictures from Spring 2000.
Posted draft 5 of IEEE 634 on the Download site.
Posted the first of many presentations
for the Fall 2000 meeting.
- May 2000 - Updated the Spring
2000 page. Added to the Spring
2000 Presentations page including a special announcement regarding the AdHoc Working
Group on Real Time Rating with Distributed Temperature Monitoring. Posted the list of companies who will
display at the Spring Mini-Expo. Added a menu pick for the ICC Education programs.
- April 2000 - Updated the Spring 2000 page: posting an Agenda and
a special announcement regarding the Network Manhole Fires Working Group (C10).
Added to the Spring 2000
Presentations page.
- March - Updated the Spring
2000 page, adding info on the Chairman's Invitation, Agenda, Educational Program,
Spouse Tours, Vendor Hospitality and Discount Travel. Added to the Spring 2000 Presentations page.
Updated the Accomplishments page.
- February 7 - Posted minutes from the Fall 99 meeting for Subcommittee B
- February 2 - Posted minutes from the Fall 99 meeting for Subcommittee A
- January 27 - Posted minutes from the Fall 99 meeting for Subcommittee C
- January 20 - Posted minutes from the Fall 99 meeting for Subcommittee D
Return to the Main Announcements page
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