The ICC Website is changing. As this transition is made, our new format
can be found at www.pesicc.org/ICCWP.
Please send any comments or questions to
Latest ICC News & Announcements
- December 8, 1999 - Draft 1.0 of IEEE P1539 Posted.
- Working Group C8 Chairman Torben Aabo has posted draft 1.0 of IEEE P1539,
Draft Guide for Testing Testing Transmission Cable Systems with Extruded Insulation,
Part 1, 69 kV through 150 kV, on the ICC Download page. He'd
like to get comments from Working Group members and interested parties.
- December 8, 1999 - For all those attending the Spring ICC meeting - A note from the Chairman.
- To all ICC meeting attendees. Please note that the Spring 2000 meeting in Albuquerque,
NM begins on Sunday, May 14. This year that happens to be Mother's Day. I have heard
from many of you about this conflict. Believe me, if I had known that was Mother's Day I
would not have scheduled the meeting to start on that day. When planning an ICC meeting,
the officers and administrative committee of the ICC work to avoid conflicts with other
technical conferences and religious holidays. Unfortunately we did not notice that May 14
was Mother's Day. Since the hotel is booked the weeks before and after our meeting, we
cannot change the meeting dates. I know this will be an inconvenience for some of you - it
certainly is for me. Marjorie and I always host a Mother's day celebration for our
families. We have done this annually since the year we were married - that makes a total
of 15 years. This year we will celebrate Mother's day a week early. I know my mother would
just as well get her present a week early so for her it works out well. I hope each of you
can work through the conflict and look forward to seeing you in Albuquerque.
- December 8, 1999 - Fall 2002 Meeting Change
- ICC Meeting attendees - please take note. The Fall 2002 meeting will be
held at the Don CeSar in St. Petersburg, FL instead of the Hilton Hotel in Clearwater, FL.
After visiting the Hilton, Chairman Rick Hartlein decided ICC members would be more
satisfied staying at the Don. He was also able to negotiate a room rate at the Don that
includes only a modest increase over the rate for Fall 2000. Please check the Future Meeting Schedule for all future
meetings and locations.
- December 6, 1999 - File One of These with Your Expense
- Many of you attended the Halloween Party at the Fall 99 meeting in St
Pete. Thanks to Jim Medek, we now have proof that some of you don't
know the meaning of the word, "inhibition". If you have pictures from the
party that you'd like to share, send them to k.w.brown@ieee.org
and he'll post them. The sight of Ted Balaska dressed as an angel scared children and
small dogs as never before. Check it out.
- November 23, 1999 - ICC Member Ed Rogers Dies in Auto
- Longtime ICC member, Ed Rogers, died Saturday November 20th as a result
of injuries sustained in an automobile accident. Ed, an employee of Memphis Light
Gas and Water, was 61. He was an active member of ICC for many years. He made many
presentations on cable failure rates at his company and he chaired the group on accessory
failure analysis. He was planning to retire within a year. Ed is survived by his wife,
Barbara, two daughters, a son, and four grandchildren. The family requested that any
memorials be sent to Church Health Center in Memphis.
- November 15, 1999 - Chairman Hartlein's PER Article
- ICC Chairman Rick Hartlein recently wrote an article for the IEEE Power Engineering
Society's magazine, the Power Engineering Review. The article provides some great
insight into the changes that we are making in the ICC to get ready for the next century.
This is one you'll not want to miss.
- November 12, 1999 - Fall 99 Keynote Presentation
Available on the Web
- ICC Vice-Chairman Elect, Ken Bow, addressed attendees regarding the future of the ICC
during the Opening Session of the Fall 99 meeting. Many of you requested that his
presentation be made available. The files are in Powerpoint 97.
- November 4, 1999 - Fall 99 Meeting Sets Attendance Mark
- The Fall 1999 Insulated Conductors Committee meeting in St. Petersburg,
FL has just come to a close. Over 450 engineers and scientists from around the world
attended this four day event. We'll be adding minutes and key presentations from this
event in the days to come. So check back often.
- November 4, 1999 - Attention Working Group Officers!!
- ICC Chairman Rick Hartlein had a number of tips and challenges for WG
Officers as he addressed that group during the All Chairs Meeting held Monday morning,
Nov. 1, at the Don CeSar. Rick's address included remarks which were to have been given by
Susan Tatiner of IEEE (Susan came down with the flu and was unable to attend). We've posted Rick's presentation
for your reference.
- October 27, 1999 - Discussion Group Presentation on
- Discussion Group C1 (Ampacity Tables) Chairman Tony Ernst announced today
that there will be a presentation by Dr. Steven Boggs (University of
Connecticut) and J. Kuang (University of Toronto) during their meeting,
Monday, November 1st at 2:00 pm on Finite Element Magnetic Pipe Calculations.
Everyone is invited.
- October 21, 1999 - Additional ICC Input Sought for
ICC/CIGRE Colloquim
- The ICC co-chairs for the three joint colloquim sessions could use
additional input/presentations from ICC members. Interested parties should review the list of topics and contact one of the
chairmen listed at the bottom of the Colloquim
agenda. Even if you're not a potential presenter, take a look at both documents.
- October 18, 1999 - The List of Presentations Continues to
Grow for Fall 1999
- The list of Technical
Presentations for the St. Pete meeting continues to grow. Be sure and check for
frequent updates. We've also updated the daily schedules, so be sure to check each day's
agenda as you plan your trip (Saturday/Sunday,
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday).
- October 14, 1999 - Agendas Posted for Task Groups C18 and
- Hans Gnerlich has posted Task Group agendas for both C18 and C20 for the Fall 1999 meeting.
- October 14, 1999 - ICC Webmaster on the Mend and Fall
1999 Meeting Updates
- Those of you who frequently check the ICC web will have noticed that news
and updates have not come as rapidly as usual. Your webmaster has been out of commission
for several weeks but is back on the job now. Updates for the Fall 1999 ICC meeting in St Petersburg
Beach, FL are now being made on a regular basis, so check there often.
- September 16, 1999 - Special Speaker at the All Chairs
Meeting at Fall 99
- Chairman Rick Hartlein has announced that there will be a special speaker
at the All Chairs meeting. In a note to all Working Group Chairmen Rick said, "Please
be sure and attend the Monday Morning All Chairs Meeting at 7:00 am. (A continental
breakfast will be provided so you won't have to go hungry.) Susan Tatiner,
IEEE Director of Standards Publishing Programs will talk to us about hints and tools for
effectively leading a working group. She will help all of us better understand techniques
for keeping a working group on track and she will review the tools available from IEEE to
facilitate the process. This should be a great, informative meeting."
- September 16, 1999 - New Draft Documents Posted on the
Download Site
- Hans Gnerlich has posted two documents on the ICC Download page, the
first is draft 2 of the IEEE Guide for Field Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems
Using Very Low Frequency (VLF). This document was prepared by Working Group C-17 (old
12-51). The second document is draft 10 of the IEEE Guide for Fault Locating on
Shielded Power Cable Systems and was prepared by WG C-20 (old 12-48). Working
Group Members need to download and review the documents and provide commnets back to Hans
at h.r.gnerlich@ieee.org
- September 3, 1999 - Fall 1999 Meeting Details Released
- Chairman Rick Hartlein has released details of the upcoming Fall 1999 ICC meeting in St Petersburg
Beach, FL (October 31-November 3rd). He's included info on registration, hotels,
transportation, spouse activities and a daily meeting agenda.
- September 1, 1999 - More Minutes Posted from Spring 1999
- Minutes from the Spring 1999 meeting of Subcommittee B, Subcommitttee C and their
Working Groups have now been posted.
- August 24, 1999 - Minutes Posted from Spring 1999 Meeting
- Subcommitttee A (Cable
Construction and Design) and D (Station, Control and Utilization
Cables) Chairmen have posted the minutes from their SCs and Working Groups from
the Spring 1999 ICC meeting in Charlotte NC. We'll be posting the minutes from the B (Accessories)
and C (Cable Systems) Subcommittees shortly.
- August 19,1999 - Cable Construction and Design
Subcommittee Working Groups Renumbered
- Subcommitttee A Chairman Bogden also posted a listing of the new designations for his Working/Discussion
Groups as a result of the ICC reorganization.
- August 18,1999 - SC A Chairman Announces First Technical
Presentations for Fall 1999 Meeting
- Subcommittee A (Cable Construction and Design) Chairman, David Brogden,
posted the first Technical
Presentations for the Fall 1999 meeting in St Petersburg. We'll be adding abstracts
and many more presentations as the meeting approaches.
- August 4,1999 - Draft 7 of IEEE P-1428 Posted
- Working Group D6 Chairman John White of Texas Utilities has posted draft 7 of
IEEE P-1428, Installation of Fiber Optic Cables in Generating Stations and
Industrial Facilities, on the ICC Download page. The group is making steady progress
on this new Guide and would appreciate your review and comments. Send them to Chairman
White at j.l.white@ieee.org
- August 3,1999 - Special PES Publication Announced
- Chairman Hartlein announced today that the PES is seeking your input as it prepares
a special publication entitled, Twentieth Century Papers that Defined the Electric
Power Industry
- August 3,1999 - Fall 1999 Reception Not for the Faint at
- The Sunday evening reception at the Fall 99 conference will take place on
October 31st (Halloween here in the US), so ICC Chairman Rick Hartlein has announced that
it will be a costume party. See his
invitation for all of the details. There will be prizes for the best costumes (we
should have done that all along).
- July 14,1999 - Meet Accessories Subcommittee Vice
Chairman Allen MacPhail
- Back on June 7th, we announced that Allen MacPhail of BC Hydro had
accepted the assignment as Vice Chairman of the Accessories Subcommittee.
We've posted a short biographical sketch
so you can get to know one of your newest officers.
- July 14,1999 - Accessories Subcommittee Working Groups
- As reported in the news item from July 9th, ICC Working groups are being
renumbered. Chairman Bob Gear, has posted the new designations for the new Subcommittee B, Accessories.
- July 9,1999 - ICC Working Groups Being Renumbered
- As a result of 1998 reorganization of the ICC, Working Group designations
(based on the old 14 subcommittee structure) no longer reflect our current aliignment. At
the Spring meeting in Charlotte, the AdHoc committee devised a new numering scheme. The new subcommittees will be designated A
thru E. WG/DGs have been renumered, starting wih a letter prefix (A, B, C, D or E) which
indicates their associated subcommittee. The next character is a number, sequentially
assigned within the subcommittee. Finally, a suffix (D or W) indicates whether a Group is
a Discussion Group or a Working Group. Confused? Don't despair. we will continue to show
the old numbers in parenthesis for some time. Faced with these changes, your webmaster may
resign. But for the moment, he has started making changes with the D Subcommittee. Others will
follow over the next few weeks.
- July 8,1999 - IEEE P-1235 Prelimainary Ballot Results
- WG 6-24 Chairman Steve Szaniszlo reported today that preliminary
balloting of IEEE P-1235, Guide for the Properties of Identifiable Jackets for
Underground Power Cables and Ducts, has been very favorable with 96% of those
participating (not counting abstentions) voting to affirm.
- July 7,1999 - ICC to Sponsor Panel Sessions at Singapore
- Past ICC Chairman Roland Watkins is working hard to put together ICC
sponsored panels sessions at the IEEE PES Winter Meeting - Singapore 2000. One session will be
on Aircraft Wiring Problems. Roland is looking for knowledgeable individuals to
serve on the Panel. If you can help, contact Roland at rwcable@aol.com
- July 2,1999 - Mashikian Seeks Feedback on IEEE 400-3
- Matt Mashikian, Chairman of the Working Group developing the a Guide
for Partial Discharge Testing in the Field (IEEE 400-3) reminds those interested in
contributing to the document that your comments are due to him as soon as
possible. The latest draft was distributed and discussed at the Charlotte
meeting. Can't find your copy? Visit the ICC Download page.
Send your comments to Dr Mashikian at MASHIKIAN@aol.com
- June 24,1999 - Give Us Your Feedback on Spring 99
- The Spring 99 meeting is history, but before the details get too fuzzy,
take a few minutes and tell us what worked and what didn't work. The new format has
continued to be well received, but we are open for improvements. We've got some changes
planned to make the computer based presentations got smoother and we hope to be able to
provide you with a more detailed 'program' when you register (something like the list of
technical presentations that we currently post on the web). Have you got some ideas?
Chairman Rick Hartlein r.hartlein@ieee.org would
love to hear from you.
- June 7,1999 - Subcommittee Leadership Changes
- At the Spring 99 meeting in Charlotte, Chairman Rick Hartlein announced
changes in the leadership of ICC's Technical Subcommittees. After many years at the helm
of the old SC-5 and the new Cable
Construction and Design Subcommittee,
Tanaka (UCONN) has asked for a well deserved break. David Bogden (Detroit Edison) and John Densley (Ontario Hydro) have large
shoes to fill as they take over for John. Nagu Srinivas (Detroit Edison), who had served
as Co-Chairman with Tanaka, has moved to the same role on the Cable Systems Subcommittee under
Chairman John Cooper (Power Delivery
Consultants). Nagu takes over for Austin Tingley, who headed up SC-4 for many years prior
to our reorganization. Like, Tanaka, Tingley's years of service as a Subcommittee Chairman
and Co-Chairman have earned him a well deserved break. To fill the vacancy created by
David Bogden's move, Hartlein announced that Allen MacPhail (BC Hydro) will serve as Bob
Gear's Co-Chair on the Cable
Accessories Subcommittee. Finally, to fill the vacancy which will be created by Ken Bow's move up to Vice Chair (Elect) of the
ICC, Hartlein announced that Kent W. Brown (TVA) will work with Arthur Fitzpatrick (SWEC) on the Station, Control and Utilization
- June 2,1999 - Revised Draft of IEEE P1235 Posted
- Working Group 6-24 Chairman Steve Szaniszlo has posted the latest draft
of IEEE P-1235, Guide for the Properties of Identifiable Jackets for Underground Power
Cables and Ducts, on the ICC Download
Site. the WG is currently balloting this document and would like your comments. You'll
need the Username and Password as announced at the ICC meetings to retrieve the document.
Send your comments to WG Chairman Szaniszlo at szaniszlo@ieee.org
- June 2,1999 - Steve Szaniszlo Appointed as Education
- At the Spring meeting in Charlotte, Chairman Rick Hartlein announced that
Steve Szaniszlo from Union Carbide
Canada had been appointed as ICC Education Chairman. The Educational Program, now a
regular feature of Wednesday afternoons at ICC, has become one of our most important
activities. Steve takes over from Mike Walker who had been doing double duty as Vice
Chairman and Educational Chairman.
- June 2,1999 - Wes Spencer Honored at Spring 99 Meeting
- At the Spring meeting in Charlotte, Past ICC Chairman Ted Balaska
announced that Wes Spencer had been named as the recipient of the ICC's Distinguished
Service Award. If you've been to an ICC meeting, you've seen Wes. He's the guy who has
worked tirelessly to make the registration process quick and painless. It's a job that has
taken him out of many technical meetings and left him working long after we've headed to
the restaurant or the beach. It's an award that was well deserved. Congratulations Wes!
- May 28,1999 - Input Sought for Colloquium Topics
- As previously announced, a joint ICC/CIGRE Colloquium will be held
just before the Fall 99 ICC meeting. The ICC members who are helping to organize the
program would like your input
to ensure that the discussions focus on the topics of greatest interest to the group.
Don't delay, they need your feedback by June 21st.
- May 27,1999 - Spring 99 is Comes to a Close
- With the sound of Stock Cars rumbling in the background, the 105th ICC
meeting has come to a close. Thanks go to Duke Energy for hosting almost 300 attendees for
three and a half days in Charlotte.
- May 20,1999 - Final Presentations Listing
- We've updated the list of Technical
Presentations scheduled for next week in Charlotte, adding several for the Cable
Construction and Design Subcommittee. There may be other last minutes changes, so
check the bulletin board next the meeting registration desk.
- May 20,1999 - WG 14-6 Meeting Canceled
- Working Group 14-6 Chairman John White announced today that the IEEE 634 meeting
originally scheduled for 10:30 Wednesday morning in Charlotte will not be held.
- May 18,1999 - Draft 1 of IEEE Guide for Partial Discharge
Testing Posted
- Working Group 12-51 Chairman Matt Mashikian announced today that draft 1 of IEEE 400-3, Guide
for Partial Discharge Testing of Power Cable Systems in a Field Environment, has been
posted on the ICC Download Site. This revision will be discussed in detail at the
Spring meeting next week. You'll need the Username and Password announced at the last two
ICC meetings to access the file. Contact Dr Mashikian
if you can't find that scrap of paper you wrote them on.
- May 15,1999 - The Presentations List Continues to Grow
- With the start of the Charlotte meeting only a week away, most details are set but a few
last minute Subcommittee Technical
Presentations continue to trickle in. Check back daily to get the latest.
- May 14,1999 - Working Group 14-2 Posts Draft 6 of IEEE P1428
- WG Chairman John White has posted revision 6 of the draft Guide for Installation of
Fiber Optic Cables in Power Generating Stations and Industrial Facilities on the ICC Download
website. Chairman White solicits your review and comments. The WG will review
the draft and your comments at the Charlotte meeting.
- May 13,1999 - Working Group 3-1 to Meet in Charlotte
- Several weeks ago, WG Chairman Tony Ernst had canceled that group's Charlotte meeting.
This has now been changed and a meeting will be held. The topic of
discussion will be Ampacity Calculation Methods. The date and time of the
rescheduled meeting may differ from that originally planned. Check back
for for latest details or check the registration desk in Charlotte for the time slot and
room location.
- May 13,1999 - ICC Mini-Expo Expands
- Vice Chairman Mike Walker announced today that HDW Electronics and Cooper Power Systems
will have displays at the ICC
Mini-Expo in Charlotte. Stop by and learn about their lines of diagnostics equipment
and cable accesories.
- May 11,1999 - Making a Presentation at The Spring ICC
- On Sunday the 23rd, the computer and projector which will be used for Technical
Presentations during Subcommittee meetings will be set up in the North Carolina Hall at
the Hilton. Speakers are strongly encouraged to pre-load their Powerpoint presentations
from 2:00 to 5:00 pm in this room. This will greatly improve the flow of our Subcommittee
- May 11,1999 - The Presentations List Grows
- As the Charlotte meeting approaches, the list of Subcommittee Technical Presentations
continues to grow. Several have been added over the weekend. Check it out to get the
- May 11,1999 - Meeting Cancellations
- Several WGs will not be meeting in Charlotte. These are marked on the on-line agenda. Be sure to check
periodically to get the latest. At this point, those include: WG 11-28, Directional
Drilling Applications For Cables, WG 3-1, Ampacity Tables,
WG 6-7, Guide for Application of Flame Retardant Blankets & Tapes,
12-48, Guide for Fault Location on Shielded Power Cables, WG
12-51, Very Low Frequency Testing in the Field IEEE 400.2 ,
9-39, Liaison w/ IAS/PCIC - Guide for Cables for Petrochemical Plants.
- May 3,1999 - Three More ICC Mini-Expo Participants Named
- Vice Chairman Mike Walker added CYME International to the growing list of participants
who will display products or services at the ICC Mini-Expo to be held
during the Charlotte meeting. It's not to late for your company to sign up and be a part
of the exhibition. See the fact
sheet for more details.
- May 3, 1999 - ICC to Use Web Page as Forum for Technology Exchange.
- Chairman Rick Hartlein announced that the ICC intends to expand the value of the WEB
page by posting technical info which can be useful in solving daily problems. "We
will begin by creating bibliographies of cable-related papers written by members",
says Hartlein. "Our members have published extensively over the years. The
information contained in these documents can be a valuable resource for new and vetran
members and members alike". Members who have authored cable-related papers are
encouraged to provide a bibliography to our webmaster, Kent Brown, k.w.brown@ieee.org,. Initially, the bibliographies
will be sorted by author. If we are successful, and the database grows, we will work to
sort the listing by keyword. Got an idea how to make the ICC Web more useful? Contact
- May 3, 1999 - Presentations, Panel Sessions and
Agenda Updates
- With the Spring 99 meeting fast approaching, several items have been updated. Cable
Construction and Design Subcommittee Co-Chairman, John Tanaka, released details on several presentations and one
very interesting panel session. Harry Orton also posted the titles of several talks to
be made during the Transnational
Luncheon. ICC Chairman Rick Hartlein has also posted a revision to the Meeting Agenda. Be sure to
check these out as you make your final plans.
- April 27,1999 - ICC Participation at the T&D Show a
- The ICC sponsored eleven panel sessions, four paper sessions and manned a booth at the
T&D show in New Orleans. Vice Chairman Mike Walker reports that all of these efforts
were successful. The booth was staffed throughout the show to introduce attendees to the
ICC. A special thanks to Jean Hiivala (wife of Lauri Hiivala, past Chairman of the ICC)
who spent a few hours manning (womaning?) the booth. We know that there are many people
who attend the T&D show who could contribute to the ICC but are unaware of our
activities. So, prior to the show we prepared a brouchure describing the activities of the
ICC. These were handed out to all who stopped by. If you didn't get one in New Orleans, we
will be distributing them at the ICC Spring Meeting. Share them with your boss, your
co-workers or your understudy; all who could benefit by joining and contributing to the
- April 27,1999 - Three More ICC Mini-Expo Participants Named
- Vice Chairman Mike Walker announced today that three more vendors have signed up to
display products or services at the ICC Mini-Expo to be held
during the Charlotte meeting. It's not to late for your company to sign up and be a part
of the exhibition. See the fact
sheet for more details.
- April 26,1999 - New Draft Added to ICC Download Site
- Working Group 14-2 Chairman John White posted draft 5 of the proposed Guide for
Installation of Fiber Optic Cables in Power Generating Stations and Other Industrial
Facilities on the ICC Download Site. The Working Group would appreciate your feedback.
Check it out and send your comments to Chairman White at j.l.white@ieee.org
- April 23,1999 - Revised Agenda Posted for the Spring 99
- Chairman Rick Hartlein has posted a revised agenda for the Spring
99 meetings. This is the place to find out the latest on additions, cancellations and
- April 23,1999 - Cable Systems Presentations Announced
- Cable Systems Co-Chair John Cooper announced three more presentations for
that Subcommittee's meetings at Spring 99. Now that the T&D Conference is behind us,
expect the list to grow rapidly.
- April 16,1999 - ICC at the T&D Show
- Early reports indicate that the ICC's activities (booth, paper sessions and panel
sessions) at the T&D Show and Conference were a success. Congratulations go to the
many individuals who were involved in organizing the sessions and manning the booth. A
special note of congratulations goes to the ICC's own Ken Bow, who served as the T&D
Executive Committee Chairman. As reported in news items on January 25th and 29th, Ken is
also just starting his tenure as a general Officer of the ICC.
- April 9,1999 - Problems with the Hilton's 800 Reservation
- Chairman Rick Hartlein reports that several ICC members have called the Hilton's
national reservation service using the 800 number given in his Invitation letter and have
been told that there are no more rooms available during our meeting. This seems to be a
problem with the staff at the 800 center. We've reported this, but just to be sure, if you
haven't yet made your reservations, call the hotel in Charlotte on their direct
line at (704) 377-1500. Don't delay, the cut-off is the 23rd and the city is
filling fast because of NASCAR activities.
- April 7,1999 - First ICC Mini-Expo Participants Named
- Vice Chairman Mike Walker announced today that four vendors have signed up
so far to display products or services at the ICC Mini-Expo to be held during the
Charlotte meeting. It's not to late for your company to sign up and be a part of the
exhibition. See the fact sheet for
more details.
- April 6,1999 - Presentations Continue to be Added for Spring
- Subcommittee Chairmen continue to add to the list of Technical Presentations for
the Spring meeting. With less than two months to go, the list will be growing quickly. Be
sure to check back frequently.
- April 2,1999 - Don't Miss the ICC Booth at the T&D Show
- Going to the T&D Conference in New Orleans? Be sure to stop by the ICC booth. Past
ICC Chairman Matt Mashikian has assembled a small team to staff the booth for the five day
show. They'll be introducing attendees to the ICC and promoting our Spring meeting. Stop
by and introduce yourself if you are new to the ICC. If you're an ICC veteran, stay a
while and spread the word.
- March 26,1999 - Draft 3 of IEEE 404 Added to ICC Download
- Working Group 10-27 Chairman Glenn Luzzi has posted a copy of draft 3 of IEEE 404, IEEE
Standard for Cable Joints for Use With Extruded Dielectric Cable Rated 5000-138 000 V and
Cable Joints for Use With Laminated Dielectric Cable Rated 2500-500 000 V on the ICC Download
Site. He's looking for comments from WG members and those with an interest in the
document. Remember, you'll need the Username and Password given out at the last meeting to
access the site. If you can't remember it, contact WG Chairman Luzzi at g.luzzi@ieee.org
- March 18,1999 - Biographical Sketch Posted for Keynote
- Chairman Hartlein has posted a short biographical sketch of E. O.
Ferrell, III, Senior Vice President, Duke Power for Distribution Wires. Mr. Ferrell
will be the Keynote Speaker at the Spring '99 meeting in Charlotte. We look forward to
hearing from Mr. Ferrell.
- March 18,1999 - Mississippi State University Acknowledges
Bahder Award Scholarship
- Chairman Hartlein has posted a letter which
he received from Dr. Stan Grzybowski, the Director of the High Voltage Laboratory at
MSU. MSU was designated by the Bahder family (recipients of the 1997 award) as host
institution for scholarship funds from that first award. Dr. Grzybowski reports that the
announcement of the scholarship was well received by students and faculty.
- March 17,1999 - There's Still Time to Complete the Survey
- Chairman Hartlein would like to get some more feedback about the possible locations for
the Fall 2001 meeting. He'll have to commit in a few days. There is still time to register
your opinion. So take a minute, complete the Survey.
- March 15,1999 - New presentation Announced by Cable Systems
Subcommittee Co-Chair
- John Cooper, Co-Chair of the Cable Systems Subcommittee released the details of another Technical Presentation for Spring
99, this one on Feeder Cable Explosion Investigations. The list continues to
grow. If you haven't contacted a Co-Chair about securing a slot on the program, do so
soon. See the Presentations
Page for details. John also announced that there will be no Working Group meetings in
Charlotte for WG 12-48, Guide for Fault Locating On Shielded Power Cable Systems and
WG12-51 Guide for Field Testing of Shielded Power Cables With Very Low Frequency.
- March 15,1999 - More Details of ICC Sponsored Panel and Paper
Sessions at IEEE T&D Conference Released
- As most of us prepare for the Spring
'99 ICC Meeting, many of our members are putting the final touches on their
presentations at the 1999 IEEE T&D Conference. The ICC will be
sponsoring/co-sponsoring 12 Panel
Sessions and 4 Paper Sessions at that Conference. You'll want to be sure and check out
the various topics. You'll not want to miss one.
- March 11,1999 - Feedback Needed for Fall 2001 Venue
- Though the Spring '99 meeting is just around the corner, Chairman Hartlein is busy
finalizing arrangements for Fall 2001. He's trying to hold the line on room rates and
needs your feedback ASAP. It will only take a minute to complete the Survey.
- March 1,1999 - First Technical Presentations Announced for
Spring '99
- The first Technical
Presentations for Spring '99 were posted today. There will be many more
to come as the meeting approaches, so check back frequently. If you'd like to report on
the results of your work, see the Call for Presentations.
- February 18,1999 - Chairman Hartlein Releases Spring '99
Meeting Details
- ICC Chairman Rick Hartlein released an invitation to the Spring 1999 meeting
in Charlotte. The letter and it's attachments contain a wealth of information regarding
the agenda of the technical
meetings, spouses tours,
discount travel, registration
and the Table Top Expo.
- February 3,1999 - IEEE Power Engineering Society Approves ICC
Request to Reorganize
- On February 2, 1999, the PES Technical Council formally approved ICC's request to
condense the number of technical Subcommittees from 13 to 4. ICC Chairman Rick Hartlein
presented the request to the Technical Council, indicating the group tried the new
organization at the Fall 1998 meeting and the response from ICC members was overwhelmingly
positive. Meeting attendees can now see most presentations with very few conflicts. It
also allows Working Groups more time to develop standards and guides. For more details on
the reorganization, see Chairman
Hartlein's fall 1998 letter regarding the new structure.
- February 1,1999 - Application Forms for Spring 99 Mini-Expo
- Vice Chairman Mike Walker has posted application forms for vendors who'd like to
participate in the Spring 99 ICC
Mini-Expo. The Expo is a unique opportunity for cable related vendors to display their
products and services to the decision makers in the cable industry. Space is limited, so
make your reservation now.
- January 31,1999 - Bahder Family Selects Mississippi State
- At the Fall 1997 ICC meeting, the family of the late Dr. George Bahder accepted the
inaugural award bearing his name. Along with that award, the Bahder family was asked to
select a university where a scholarship in power engineering could be funded in Dr.
Bahder's honor. They have selected Mississippi State University. For more details, see Chairman
Hartlein's letter which conveyed the scholarship funds to MSU.
- January 29,1999 - Biographical Sketch of Ken Bow
- Earlier this week, Chairman Hartlein announced that Ken Bow had accepted the nomination
to serve as an officer of the ICC. As promised, we have posted a short biographical sketch of Ken to introduce him to
new ICC members.
- January 29,1999 - Call for Presentations for the Charlotte
- Chairman Rick Hartlein issued a Call for Presentations
for the Spring 99 meeting in Charlotte. Though the deadline is May 7th, you'll want to
make sure that you submit your abstract early and ensure that you get on the program.
- January 29,1999 - Computer-Based Presentations in Charlotte
- Chairman Rick Hartlein announced today that ICC will once again provide a computer, Zip
Drive, PowerPoint 97 and projection equipment to facilitate Presentations at the Spring 99
meeting in Charlotte. This year the equipment will be available to speakers on Sunday from
2-5 to preload their presentations and enable a final preview of
their slides. If you plan to make a computer based presentation, be sure and see the
Presentation page.
- January 25,1999 - 1999 Vice Chair Elect Announced
- Chairman Rick Hartlein announced today that Ken Bow of the Dow
Chemical Company has accepted the nomination to serve as an officer of the ICC. He will
serve as Vice Chair Elect in 1999, Vice Chair/Treasurer in 2000/2001 and Chair in
2002/2003. Ken presently serves as Co-Chair of the Station, Control and Utilization Cables
Subcommittee, was the immediate past Chair of the old Subcommittee 6 on Sheaths and
Coverings and is the Executive Chairman of the 1999 IEEE T&D Conference. Our
congratulations to Ken. We'll add a biographical sketch soon to introduce you to Ken.
- January 14,1999 - Activities in Charlotte
- Chris Fletcher of Duke-Energy (our host for the Spring 99 meeting) has put together a
list of things to do and see in
the Charlotte area. You'll definitely want to check out his recommendations. Because
of the NASCAR activities going on, Chris recommended that you, "make your hotel
reservations VERY early (as in right now)".
- January 12,1999 - IEEE 400-3 Input Due
- WG 12-51 Chairman
Matthew Mashikian and Vice Chairman Willem Boone will soon be compiling feedback received
on draft sections of IEEE 400-3. You need to get your input in quickly, so that this first
draft is as comprehensive as possible. Dr Mashikian has posted the outline of the document as
presented at the St Pete meeting to help you get started.
- January 11, 1999 - IEEE Senior Member Status
- The beginning of the new year is a good time to review your IEEE Membership status. We
all start out as Members and we've known those who have been elevated to Fellow,
but there is another category: Senior Member. Its the highest grade for which
application may be made and reflects a certain degree of professional maturity and
contribution to the discipline. Application is easier than ever. Just visit the IEEE
Membership page at http://www.ieee.org/ra/md/.
There you'll find online
application forms, online
referrence forms and printable
application and reference forms. Take a few minutes and get upgraded.
- January 4, 1999 - Happy New Year from the ICC
- Hope your holidays were pleasant (and warm). Hopefully, you didn't forget the ICC when
you made your New Year's resolutions. Its not too late to consider things like: 1) Making
your reservations early for the Charlotte
meeting, 2) Getting your minutes from the St Pete meeting turned in on time, 3) Making
sure your Working Group webpage is
up to date and 4) Getting an IEEE
Website - What's New 1999
- December 6 - Posted pictures from the Fall 99 Halloween
Party at the Don CeSar.
- Updated info on the Fall 99 Technical Presentations and posted
an updated info for the Joint ICC/CIGRE Colloquim.
co-chairs for the three joint colloquim sessions could use additional input/presentations
from ICC members. Interested parties should review the
list of topics and
contact one of the chairmen listed at the bottom of the
Colloquim agenda.
- October 18 - Posted several new Technical Presentations for the Fall
1999 St Petersburg meeting. We've also updated the daily schedules, so be sure to
check each day's agenda as you plan your trip (Saturday/Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday).
- October 14 - Posted several new Technical Presentations for the Fall
1999 St Petersburg meeting. Additionally, Hans Gnerlich has posted Task Group agendas
for both C18 and C20 for the meeting.
- September 16 - Posted a biographical skech of Ted Balaska, former ICC Chairmen.
- September 16 - Added two new drafts on the ICC Download Site and
announced details of the All Chairs Meeting
for Fall 99
- September 3 - Posted details regarding the Fall 1999 meeting.
- September 1 - Posted minutes from Subcommittee B, Subcommittee C (and their Working
Groups) from the Spring 1999 ICC meeting.
- August 24 - Posted minutes from Spring 1999 for Subcommittee A and Subcommittee D and their respective
Working Groups.
- August 20 - Added a page to feature Past ICC Chairmen.
- August 19 - Updated the Working Groups numbers for Subcommittee A, Cable Construction and Design.
- August 18 - Posted the first of many Technical Presentations for the Fall
1999 St Petersburg meeting.
- August 4 - Posted draft 7 of
IEEE P1428, Installation of Fiber Optic Cables in Generating Stations and
Industrial Facilities, on the ICC Download page.
- August 3 - Announced Halloween
Party for the Fall 1999 meeting and posted info on the specila PES publication Twentieth Century Papers that Defined the
Electric Power Industry.
- July 21 - Updated the
Minutes page to reflect that a CD is being prepared to replace the old Minutes Manager
- July 14 - Revised the Subcommittee B WG/DG designations
and posted a biographical sketch of Allen
MacPhail, Vice Chairman of the Accessories Subcommittee.
- July 9 - Revised the D
Subcommittee WG/DG numbers and updated the Subcommittee page.
- June 8 - Because the News Page gets revised so frequently, I am going to
stop listing it on the What's New Page to cut down on my web maintenance time.
- June 7 - Updated the News Page.
- June 2 - Added Wes Spencer to the list of recipients of the ICC's
Distinguished Service Award, added a biographical sketch of the new ICC Educational
Chairman, Steve Szaniszlo, posted a
revised copy of P1235 on the Download Page
and updated the News Page.
- May 28 - Solicited input for ICC/CIGRE Colloquium topics and updated the News Page.
- May 27 - Updated the Homepage,
the Meeting page and the News Page.
- May 20 - Revised the Wednesday
schedule for the Charlotte meeting, updated the list of Technical Presentations and updated
the News Page.
- May 18 - Posted draft 1 of IEEE 400-3 on the ICC Download
Site and updated the News Page.
- May 15 - Updated the News Page and added
one Technical Presentation for Spring
- May 14 - Updated the News Page.
- May 13 - Updated Monday's
Agenda, added two vendors to the ICC Mini-Expo and updated the News Page.
- May 11 - Updated the Agenda
for Spring 99, added Technical
Presentations for Spring 99, and updated the News Page.
- May 3 - Added a biographical sketch of one of the Spring 99 Educational Program
participants, Bill Taylor, updated the Mini-Expo page to add CYME,
updated the Agenda for Spring 99,
added Technical Presentations for
Spring 99, and updated the News Page.
- April 30 - Added a presentation
for Spring 1999 for the Station, Control and Utilization Cables Subcommittee.
- April 29 - Posted the minutes from the Fall 1998 meeting for the Cable Systems SC and its Working Groups.
and the Cable Construction Design SC
and its Working Groups.
- April 28 - Updated the News Page.
- April 27 - Added three vendors to the ICC Mini-Expo and updated the News Page.
- April 26 - Announced the posted of draft 5 of IEEE P1428 on the ICC Download
Site on the News Page.
- April 23 - Updated the News Page, updated
the meeting agenda for Spring 99
and added new presentations for
Spring 99.
- April 9 - Updated the News Page.
- April 7 - Released names of the first four participants in the
Mini-Expo for Spring 99, updated the Homepage,
added to the list of Presentations
for Spring 99 and updated the News Page.
- March 30 - Added a biographical sketch of Glenn Luzzi, the third
presenter during the Spring 1999
Educational Program on Cable Accessories.
- March 26 - Posted a copy of draft 3 of IEEE 404 on the ICC Download
Site, reformatted the Download Site to correspond with the revised ICC structure and
updated the News Page.
- March 18 - Added more abstracts for the Spring 1999 meeting,
added a letter
from MSU on the Bahder Award Scholarship, posted a biographical sketch of our Keynote Speaker and updated the News Page.
- March 15 - Added details of the ICC sponsored Panel and Paper Sessions at
the 1999 IEEE T&D Show, added a Cable Systems Subcommittee presentation for Spring 99 and
updated the News Page.
- March 11 - Added a Technical
Presentation to the Spring 99 pages, added a Survey
regarding the location of the Fall 2001 meeting and updated the News Page.
- March 1 - Added the first of many Technical Presentations to the
Spring 99 pages. Added biographical
sketches of the presenters at the Spring '99 Educational Program.
- February 23 - Added minutes for the various Working Groups in the Station, Control and Utilization Cables
- February 18 - Added numerous details on the Spring 99 meeting: an invitation from the Chairman, Agendas for each day, Spouse Activity info, and a registration form. Also updated the News Page
- February 12 - Added a Scope and Mission Statement to
the WG 12-35 Homepage.
- February 10 - Posted minutes from Fall 1998 for the Accessories Subcommittee and its
Working Groups.
- February 8 - Added a Guideline for presentation
material to be included in the ICC Minutes and updated the Presentations page for the
Spring 99 meeting.
- February 3 - Updated the News Page and
updated the Presentations page
for the Spring 99 meeting
- February 1 - Updated the News Page,
updated the Bahder
Award page, added a page regarding the recipient
of the 1997 Bahder Scholarship, updated the Spring 1999 page and added an
application for ICC's Mini-Expo at the
Spring 99 meeting.
- January 29 - Changed the status of WG 3-1 to inactive, updated the News Page, added a biographical
sketch on Vice Chair Elect, Ken Bow, added hotel info for Spring 99, added a link
to the January 1999 Power Engineering Review
cable related abstracts and added
a Presentations page for the Spring 99 meeting.
- January 25 - Updated the News Page.
- January 14 - Added Chris
Fletcher's list of recommended activities in Charlotte for the Spring 1999 meeting and
updated the News Page.
- January 12 - Updated the News Page.
- January 4 - Updated the News Page.
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